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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    OR did Sidious' trainning produce the skilled sith warrior that we saw on screen. We never saw maul previously to those appearances and it was pretty apparent he was atleast in an advance stage of combat trainning by that point.

    The release says that we are going to see for the first time the processes that go into training a sith. Nothing indicates that Maul wasnt originally just as brutish as this dude was.

    Darth Maul was a Zabrak born on Iridonia, the home planet of his species. His master, Darth Sidious, took him from his family at a very early age, to begin his training to the dark side of the force.
    A younger Darth Maul training under Darth Sidious.

    Maul began training with Sidious at an early age, who indoctrinated in him the ways of the dark side of the Force. During his training, any show of fear was severely punished by Sidious, and any hint of mercy rewarded with cruelty.

    By the time Maul was an adolescent, his master had already forged him into a weapon of pure hatred. Marked by Sith tattoos that covered his entire muscular body, the young Zabrak warrior was now the ultimate tool of the dark side. He had a sense of honor, however, respecting those he deemed worthy opponents and granting them quick deaths. Despite a traumatic childhood, Maul had filial feelings toward his master, and never once contemplated killing him— until his final test


    We'll see how much of that gets retconned for the Clone Wars tv show. But for right now that is Darth Maul's history.

    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
    Infact i would guess that would be part of the reason a sith would pick someone would be based on sheer strenght and ruthlessness even before being trained to harness it for the dark side.
    I have no problems with Dooku picking someone as his apprentice that relies on sheer strength. Every Sith Lord has their own personal preferences and reasons for picking their apprentice.

    My problem lies in the fact that the whole basis of this character being created is because they are trying to make a Darth Maul II (with a terrrrrible name), rather than creating something different or just using a character that's already been established. In the trailers they even say "Hey, you remember Darth Maul? I'm gonna get you one of the people from his race (who might even be related to him) to be your official apprentice." But we'll just paint his face yellow instead of red, that way he'll be exactly like Maul... but different (with a terrrrrible name).
  2. Talia_Rayvyn


    And sadly because of its 10million dollar budget and them pushing all the 'good' parts of the movie in the trailer, it'll still turn a profit due to uninformed people thinking it might be half-decent.
  3. Found another video with this Savage Opress guy:

    Still not a fan of the Savage-guy but at least my Apprentice question is answered and I get to see my favorite group of Sith Witches.

    **Possible Spoilers**
    Mother Talzin was a Nightsister witch active during the Clone Wars. During the war, "Mother" Talzin took in Asajj Ventress after she landed on Dathomir to escape Count Dooku. Talzin also seemed to be an associate of the Count. She provided a yellow and black-skinned male Zabrak called Savage Opress to be his new apprentice after Darth Sidious ordered him to kill Ventress.

  4. After watching that one thing came to mind

    "....Or Dooku could've taken Ventress as his apprentice?"

    Having Dooku pick a double-lightsaber wielding, Zabrak apprentice seems more like a Lucas cash-in attempt than anything. It's also an insulting one to Darth Maul. While i think he's the most overhyped Sith, it's pretty sad that they are trying to say a guy being described as a 'reckless, impulsive animal' is the next Darth Maul. Maul looked fearsome but he wasn't a brainless brute, in order to survive Palpatine's training he'd have to have brains, brawn and a strong force affinity.

    It's like they dont even pay attention to their own canon.

  5. This made me like the Thunderbolts a whoooooooooooole lot more.
  6. I really like it.

    It's a nice mixture of the movie-stuff and the comic-stuff.

    And I find the Intro Song to be very catchy.

    Avengers! Assemble!

  7. Hope it's a great one! You only turn 50 once and all.

  8. Grant Morrison's final issue of Batman and Robin came out today. In the comic's final panels, Bruce Wayne revealed a huge secret to the press. io9 spoke with DC Comics editor-in-chief Bob Harras about Batman's new status quo. Spoilers!
    In Batman and Robin 16, Bruce Wayne returns from his time-traveling shenanigans and announces that A.) he's been funding Batman in secret for years; and B.) that the Batman franchise is going global. Harras told us about Bruce's grand confession, what it means for the DC Universe as a whole, and what to anticipate from Morrison's new series — Batman, Inc. — which showcases Batman's adventures across the planet.
    First off, what can we expect from Bruce Wayne now that he's outed himself?
    This is an incredible game-changer for the character. What Grant's been doing for the last five years is taking elements from the Golden and Silver Ages and adding them to modern continuity. You'll see both of Bruce and Batman in play during Batman, Inc. You have this character who changes from a playboy to someone who's socially responsible, and where that leads us is going to be very, very interesting.
    This is one of the Top 10 moments in Batman's history. Grant's been doing this larger story for a while — he's gone from Batman R.I.P. to Batman and Robin to Return of Bruce Wayne to this. It's like a longterm novel that's coming to fruition.

    What sort of reaction can we anticipate from Batman's friends, foes, and the countries Bruce is setting up shop in?

    You'll get a reaction coming from those characters like Superman and Wonder Woman because this change is new territory for them. You will also that this change will be of interest to Batman's villains. Any and all of them will be very interested to find out that Bruce's been funding Batman. Grant's going to have some fun with that — he's mentioned how Bruce's confession is the ultimate deflection. By coming forward, Bruce is protecting his secret identity even further. As for stories about setting up franchises in new nations, that's definitely part of the plan — when Batman comes into a new country, it changes the status quo.
    Batman, Inc. hits stores November 17.

  9. Happy Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary!

    Deep within the womb of time,
    A creature thus be born
    The seed of life is united with
    The egg of tyranny
    Gestates forth from within the womb of life
    For three-quarter and nigh a year
    The creature thus be born!
    The creature thus be formed!
    And ye of years ** bells will chime!
    When the heavens open up
    and drink from the silver cup
    The creature thus be born!
    And blow the magic horn!
    To alert the spirit deep within the cycle of life.
    The creature has begun it's journey deep forlorn,
    Upon this day which he be formed
    In the sea of mucus the spirit rides down from the mountain
    And unites with the creature in the womb
    A holy union, dark mortality, until the dark mortality
    Breaks the chain of life
    The creature thus be born
    And every year raineth down the celebratory tears
    A celebration of the years
    From mere mortal sky

    ** At this point in the song that the birthday boy or girl sings his or her number of years
  10. Him setting it that far in the future works for me. Lucas hopefully realized that he couldn't make direct sequels after Return of the Jedi without completely destroying the novel series that have been written up about post-Endor stuff for the last 20 odd years. I'm also sure that he's set against just translating some of the more prominent events (Thrawn, Kyle Katarn, Yuuzhan Vong, Evil Jacen, etc) that happened in the EU novels into movies as well.

    As for it not focusing on the Skywalker clan, that makes sense to me. Going along the logic of how Lucas portrayed the Jedi Order in the prequels Luke went and restarted the Jedi Order then lived a life like Yoda/Obi-wan without a Mara Jade to make babies with. Leah and Han either didn't have kids or the kids were never trained in the Force so it was never an issue.
  11. What's amazing to me is 30+ years later Star Wars still manages to pull out deleted scenes to the original movies.

    I can see both sides of the arguement, for keeping it in it does add a bit more depth to what Luke was wanting to do when he left and answers the age old question of "Luke sure seems to have some unknown background history with that Biggs guy he ran into in the last act of the movie.. oh wait" But I just wrote it off as unimportant since well Boom. It also shows that Lucas was talking about Galactic politcs even in the originals.

    For against it... Well Lucas likes his movies to be black and white (or blue lightsaber/red lightsaber). Empire is bad, Rebellion is good. Luke wanting to not only join the Empire but initially view the Rebellion as the badguys makes the Empire not seem completely evil and the Rebellion as not completely good.

    Plus there was only one man that could wear the cape in a Star Wars movie

  12. Well… Obviously we have an Invasion in Atlas. Park.

    They flyin' in your War Walls, debtin’ yo people up

    Tryin’ to bomb ‘em dead, so y’all need to
    Hide your jerks, hide your hacks
    Hide your jerks, hide your hacks
    Hide your jerks, hide your hacks
    And hide your dupes
    ‘Cos they’re bombin’ errbody out here.
  13. Talia_Rayvyn

    Hi Justice!

    Ahoy thar!

    While finding an appropriate (or inappropriate) welcome back picture your name reminded me of this.

    So you get a new theme song!... Or possibly old, iunno how you roll.
  14. Awww I got excited when you said Exalted but it's just the 2nd edition core book.
  15. Congrats to the winners!

    Can we expect any forthcoming screenshots?
  16. Good grief every boy band is really the same!

    The Osmonds, the Jackson 5, New Kids on the Block, N Synch, Backstreet Boys and now... 2PM!

    Oh and baibai Flea, we'll keep your tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny chair warm for you.
  17. Oh whoops I am again behind, silly weekends, I'll try to get those links to the front page ASAP.

    Thanks for staying on the ball Tymer!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    I was digging a pit. Want to see it?
    Here's a shovel can you dig it, Pum?
  19. Just make sure to wipe your feet off Pum, don't want you tracking all that...
    What IS that stuff on your shoes!
  20. Video of the Farewell Party

    The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.

    I would also like to say while editing the video Super Ratz had me rolling on the floor with how his MJ dance was almost perfectly synced with Everybody's Free.
  21. Video of the Farewell Party

    YouTube was trying it's hardest to not let me upload that video. I still got a 3rd Party Content error and says it may be blocked in some countries, but I have no idea which. The people I've linked it too so far in the US have been able to play it but if it's not working for anyone please let me know (and which country you are in for reference) and I'll try to re-upload another version.
  22. Despite the name I imagine most of the action is going to take place on Earth again.

    I find it kinda hard to imagine Shia LaBeaouf doing his usual human antics on the moon in a spacesuit, Jmosh Duhamel & Tyrese Gibson doing their NEST army stuff in spacesuits against the robots ooooor coming up with a plausible reason that John Turturro is on the moon living in his mother's basement.