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  1. accident but oh well more exposure is good i say
  2. While reading various posts I found links to petitions to save City of Heroes.

    Please sign these and if there are more please post. I think it would be good to keep them together for easier access and visibility.

    You never know it might work.
  3. While reading various posts I found links to petitions to save City of Heroes.

    Please sign these and if there are more please post. I think it would be good to keep them together for easier access and visibility.
  4. My villains tend to go the mad scientist/dark wizard out seeking knowledge/power through experimentation/dark ritual with absolutely no moral objection for who gets hurt in the process as long as they achieve there sought after goal. They see any gain as good. They don't even care about the mundane classification of good or evil. They are above it.
  5. male
    Face 1
    baron coat

    face 10
    Praetorian boots

    any weapon that has a vanguard version is used
    any weapon that has a rularru version is used
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    This entire incident is so pathetic that really, its not even funny.

    This young person is not going to do well in life. These kids have parents that let them get away with this type of thing, and then when they become of legal age [notice I didn't say "adults" because kids like this never really grow up], other people won't be enabling this behavior and then it gets really ugly - because the kid in question has no idea how to function in society. The acting-out starts up in earnest and then they enter the state mental health sytem, never to truly emerge.

    A child - any child - having a computer in her room is a bad idea. A computer with a webcam: even worse of an idea. In my opinion this child should be in foster-care because her home is completely dysfunctional, her parents have no idea how to handle her and she is not being kept safe by her parents.

    I also pity the fool who p*sses off 4chan, because those people are nothing to fool around with. Good luck poppin' a Glock on all of 4chan, lil Jessie. You're gonna need it. And like a kid that age could handle the recoil from such a weapon.... the best we can hope for is that the Glock would end up bouncing off her forehead, thereby perhaps knocking even a smidgen of sense into her immature little skull. ....Naaaaah! Never gonna happen.
    I heard that her father got arrested recently for abuse. So yeah it has gotten way out of hand.
  7. My first character was a psychic/fire blaster which got to level 10 before I decided to delete and roll a rad/rad defender which got to level 24. Then altitis hit and about a year later I stuck with my Katana/Regen which became my first 50 and is still my main today.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
    I think what we got is fine too. But I expected tentacles.
    You could use the shoulder pieces and Organic armor thorny as tentacles. I am with my character. I would like to see a power set that used tentacles more like whips than what is available with tenebrous tentacles. But I doubt that would happen.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by General_Catfish View Post
    I've never recieved an email that says I was invited to the Closed Beta, but it lets me log into the test server and play with the new stuff. Is there some way for me to make sure I was invited proper, or if it was just an error?
    If you don't see the CB forum links then I would PM a dev.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by theOcho View Post

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

    After finally killing the thread that would not die, the Ocho decided he needed a drink.