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  1. Swissy

    Co-op Comic

    Heh, same here to be honest :P
  2. Swissy

    Co-op Comic

    [ QUOTE ]
    <snip> We'd also need to jointly establish some firm deadlines to keep things moving along and it'd be important for everyone to factor RL commitments and such into the amount of work they can do per deadline phase.<snip>

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    There lies a major problem and this is when it gets real tricky to organize such an event.

    I am not criticising your view of this project but simply underlining that terms like "firm deadlines" instantly kills the idea of fun and fun is what, in my opinion, should drive a project.
    From where I stand, I have enough daily life and work "commitment" to keep me going for a while.
    Now maybe that's just me and maybe I suck at planning my free time. I can dig that.

    Anyway, my point is that imposing deadlines and holding a "schedule" could (and I stress -could-) have a reverse effect.

    my other 2 cents
  3. Viessa, you're very welcome
  4. Woot! Awesome!

    Congrats to MiniNukette and Catz!

    (hi Bridger!)
  5. Swissy

    Co-op Comic

    Started something similar over at the French boards:
    Thread 1 - discussions
    Thread 2 - comic thread

    I was attempting to start a "party thread" (like they have roughly every quarter over at MT A&D) whereas all artists participate on the same story (a free-for-all arena fight with multiple characters).
    Every artist retained full scenaristic and artistic control for 2 to 3 pages before passing it on to the next self-appointed artist.

    It started off great, with lots of interest from the French community. Lots of brainstorming (like character sheets with AT, powersets and character traits descriptions)

    Then after four pages, people got sidetracked by I12 or RL stuff.

    It's not dead yet but if I learned anything, is that people may lose interest or passion for an collaborative idea pretty fast. Make sure that whoever joins is pretty committed.
  6. Swissy

    a doodle

    [ QUOTE ]
    i ground my own red & yellow ochre from dirt & rocks, made a brush from wooly mammoth hair and painted it on a cave wall really. these kids today, with their fancy 'puters. don't know they're born

    [/ QUOTE ]
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    It personally doesn't bother me as respec lost its importance when it became available in the AH's - if someone wants to pay for one.... its money in NC's pocket which helps game development

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I do look back with nostalgia when we were about to start an epic mission with waves after waves of foes to fight and save the Terra Volta reactor to prevent a tragic disaster.

    Damn, haven't done a respect in a very long time.
  8. Swissy

    a doodle

    Nice to see traditional paint!

    Tiles and the hair are amazing.

  9. All these vids are brilliant! More please!
  10. Swissy

    COH and Laptops

    [ QUOTE ]
    I was planning on getting a Laptop for my birthday, and I was wondering whether the one I've found would play City of X.

    Can anybody help with advice or suggestions?

    Hp Pavillion DV6700

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I have a Hp Pavillion DV9000.. Dual core, geForce 8600GS, 2 Gb ram.. all other features are roughly the same (as they come standard on the dv pavillion range).
    It's not the best gaming platform. Really.
    As mentioned, a little loss of frame rate, can't push the graphics at full and as soon as you play (any game - Coh, WoW, NFSU-) the laptop reaches some alarming temperatures.
    Don't get me wrong, you can play COH but don't push the laptop in making full use of its abilities.

    [ QUOTE ]
    It'll run, but don't expect awesome frame rates from it. Laptops aren't generally suitable as gaming platforms.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ^ indeed this.

    Personally, this laptop is great as a Multimedia and entertainment centre but not so much for AAA title games.

    Oh and the max desktop res is 1440x900.
  11. Lots of love for those pics.

    Don't stop please

    (*Anticipates Catz exploding again!*)
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    Possibly even could be vista causing it

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Windows XP users that have rolled back from Vista are still experiencing the nvlddmkm driver issue.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hope a fix from Nvidia or Ncsoft comes about in the not to distant future.

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    Nvidia and Microsoft are both working on a fix (while both companies are accusingly pointing at each other).
    I'm guessing it's not a "top" top priority issue since it's affecting 8800 users only.
    Only thing we can do so far is just wait for new driver releases...
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    I *Really* don't wanna spend a day reinstalling the OS and losing god knows how much data.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No need to reinstall the OS. The problem will still be there.

    If anything, roll back to earlier display drivers or install beta-type drivers. It won't fix the issue but it may help reduce considerably the amounts of crash/failing drivers/BSOD.
  14. Swissy

    opinions please

    [ QUOTE ]
    Second one is better. First one is blurry. Second one has better colours, a better pose and a better defined character.

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    aye and more to that, the second has style, better composition, easier colours and no lettering.
  15. It's the nvlddmkm driver issue, I take it (Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding, but has succesfully recovered.)

    I have had this issue repeatedly and have done researche on this for long. There is no fix at this point.

    Games are randomly affected. Lost Planete, TF2, CoH, WoW, COD4, Assassin's Creed... Sometimes you can play for 3 hours and nothing, sometimes a couple of minutes with a crash... Hell, sometimes even just being on my desktop, this would happen too.

    It happens to Vista and XP users. It's random.
    Some say it's due to an excess of ram. I haven't been bothered running tests by opening my pc, again, to see for myself.

    So far my fix was to do as ilvipa74 said. I downloaded the 169.25 Vista (Ultimate) 64bit drivers.
    I have had extented hours of play without any crash since and had forgotten about the issue.

    Having said that and after writing about it here, I hope I haven't jinxed myself.

    A few links for those who care:

    This thread over at the Nvidia forums has been going on since Jan 2007...

  16. Swissy

    MMO Art?

    [ QUOTE ]

    True, but a database error wouldn't have prevented them from getting in touch with their customers. They had every chance to let anyone know, via the CoH forums and other forums for the games they play. And I sincerely doubt they don't have anyone they can contact to let everyone know what's happening.

    Database error =/= bad customer service.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Very good point.

    However, I want to believe they really are trying to "make amends" and fix this mess.

    Definitely a reason why I don't want to get paid for any pics I draw. I'd dissapoint and infuriate people in the same way...
  17. Swissy

    [Video] Pulse

    can't wait to watch it, as soon as I get home from a drunken b-day weekend in Galway...
  18. Thanks Phantoms

    May I nominate MiniNukette for those Epic Moments?

  19. Yay!

    Well deserved win

  20. We are talking about the ones that made him win the monthly creative contest, right?

    All done in Mspaint? Or am I totally mistaken?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    ... If anybody can break down a PDF to the normal images, PM me, and I'll email them so they can get linked to here.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What, like PrntScrn + ctrl-V in MSpaint/photoshop?

    I'd like to see 'em comics again.
  22. No!!!


    Take care mate. Hope everything goes right and well for ya.

    See you soon.

  23. Edits=kitten fur coat luv. Which is a good thing.

    Nice one. It's smoother, nicer and crisper.

    Excellent! ^^