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  1. Swissy


    [ QUOTE ]
    Wow they look great! at first I thought they where in the game :P I would love to see them there!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh god, and to think I was actually post some of my stuff on here, this'd just overshadow it completely.

    Btw, it's very very cool.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the compliment but I beg to differ.

    Sure we all have our strenght and weaknesses.
    *shakes fist at Gill Bates* "We're not through yet!"
  3. Very very nice.

    There is a good range of style and CG'ing/colouring here.

    July Grooveland is my fav.

    Great work and welcome to the boards! ^^
  4. Swissy

    OT: Jedi pic

    Nice texture look on the boots and face.
    I love that light saber tough.

    2 points in my opinon:
    *The picture resolution: jagged lineart makes kittens cry
    *Character pose a little stiff
    Seriouly good stuff all round.

    Is it me or are you getting much better at this? ^^
    Keep 'em coming...
  5. *cough*Shamelessplug *cough*

    I'm whistling innocently!
  6. (Yup ^^ )

    But that's just plain thread hi-jacking.

    Please comment on Cosmic Avenger's pic
  7. O_O;


    You just can't beat purple FX...
  8. Ola!

    Very nicely done and very colourful!!

    Maybe we'll see one of Phil or Bedrock done from you??

    Fire Retrospective here o/
  9. Swissy

    My Art Thread!




    my way of doing hands...

    NB: not THE way.. my way. Hope this helps a little...
  10. Swissy

    My Art Thread!

    Some stylish stuff here...

    Finish those arms though
  11. Big Gratz matey!

    Looking forward to team with your new mysterious blaster!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Right click and choose 'Save As' to download the entry

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As I mentionned on the FR creative board... Excellent tune!
    So atmospheric... ^^
  13. I love it!

    It's got a comic feel that comes across pretty well.

    My only qualm would be that the colouring still seems a little flat. I mean the light, coming from the hair and eyes, would create shadows that would be casted on her body...

    Still a very lively picture. The pose and that look in her eyes does it for me!

    More please!
  14. ...

    aie.. aie..

    J'ai pas fait le vahzi du tout. Par contre, j'ai l'impression qu'on me donne des coup de pied volants répétitifs et non identifiés sur ma pauvre tete...

    Désolé encore pour le poste in-intéressant mais je place le blame sur mes potos irlandais. Ligoté et baillonné, je n'ai rien pu faire pour les arreter..

    Personne n'a du paracetamol?
  15. Bon.

    Essayons de taper quelquechise d'intelligent pour une fois... Ca va etre dur avec 14000 verres de la tronche!

    Je voulsia dire que la communauté francophone crtonne 10 fois plus que l'anglaise. L'ambiance est vraiment meilleur et beacioup plus bonne enfant..
    C'est vrai auusi qu'il y a des gronchons partout mais ils se plaignent vraiment des masses la haut!

    C'est dommage que vous etes moins noimbreux en nombre et il faudrait plus de francais en ligne sur coh...

    Bon j'arrete d'embeter le monde.. je vais soufrir ma race demain au boulot. Ca va etere la joie .. sacrasme pour ceux qui n'avaient pas compris!

    Vive Joe, FEnrir, Galda et la creme dfe la creme: Midoh.

    ouhlala ca tourne..
  16. En général je ne me pose pas de questions et je tappe dans le tas.

    Mais c'est vrai que Malta couplé avec Carnaval ca peut partir en sucette rapidement...
  17. Swissy

    Sister Kinetics

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yes, chest is OTT, but it's obviously what you were aiming for

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Bingo! You understood me
    I totally went overboard because.. .well, because I can. And so I did.
    God bless artistic licence!

    I was expecting much more boos and hisses though.. ^^
  18. Swissy

    Sister Kinetics

    Sister Kinetics (Union) reached 50 for the third time.

    So I just had to let her know how chuffed I was for her:

    Big Congratz on 50!

    Critique & Comments welcome! Even though I can foresee some of them already ^^
  19. If there weren't no construction lines, that's pretty impressive. Very well done!

    Just as a nitpick: his left eye needs to be adjusted. He looks slightly cross-eyed.

    Suggestion: Background maybe?

    Keep up the very good work.
  20. Well I haven't done anything in a while.. no reason, I just haven't.

    I blame Phil and Rooksie.
  21. Swissy

    Kemble Minx

    AB FAB!

    Love everything about it: anatomy, colouring, style, composition... just all fits together perfectly!

    I'll nitpick and mention that, being a matter of taste, the eyes don't do it for me.

    Great job!