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  1. My theory is that every kid start with the same ability to draw and therefor become artists.

    But obviously not all actually do. I reckon there is a trigger at some point, somewhere along the way, that switches off for most of us but stays on for the others.

    I don't believe in being "gifted with a special" skill. You might have a better eye to interpret things than the next man, but I think it depends of wether you actually kept on drawing from childhood or not.

    Thanks. I will certainly give this book a look. ^^
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    ...had you also been a complete n00b in the artistic sense?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Everyone starts as a n00b. In all senses.
    For some, skills comes more naturally than others, for others it's a matter of reading/learning/practicing.
    Just like music.

    The real question is: Do you still feel the fun and passion for it?

    Scarlette says: I get a buzz from it

    I'm guessing that's a yes [img]/uk/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
  3. Great news indeed!

    Don't go off that learning curve you're on!
  4. Swissy

    L'episode 8

    [ QUOTE ]
    les proverbes

    [/ QUOTE ]
    N'y en a t-il pas un qui traite sur le sarcasme? xD

    Comme pour chaque épisode, je vais lire les infos, continuer a faire l'andouille sur Paragon et attendre gentillement I8.
    Meme si cet épisode débarque l'année prochaine.. il y a encore beaucoup de choses a voir sur Heroes et Villains que je ne suis pas pressé =P
  5. Swissy

    L'episode 8

    [ QUOTE ]
    Et comme dit l'adage : patience est mere de vertu...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Le probleme réside dans le fait que sur internet, personne n'est patient =P

    Et n'oubliez pas les enfants, chaque fois qu'un nouveau sujet est crée en rapport a I8, un chatton meurt quelque part dans le monde... Alors pensez auz chattons!
  6. Very nice mugs!

    I wish I had any sort of musical aptitude in my hands [img]/uk/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

    Good luck to the winner!
  7. Well it's called Creative Genius Nominations - July 2006 [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
  8. There is some really good movement in those sketches. A good dynamic approach if you will.

    I like them muchly!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Your art does rock! ^^

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Swissy...your a genius i never would have guessed "runs of screaming cabbage"

    Catz (im a psycho, yes)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, you're a bit slow... ^^

    Good thing I pointed it out to you eh?
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I didn't make my point clear enough. You are right that manga isn't a 'lesser' style, and even in manga there is tons of variatons, and yes, there is some crazy **** out there that's truly beautiful.

    I was talking about the fact that kids that want to draw just start with the basic Dragon Ball Z or whatever program is on Fox nowadays and never grow out of it (or it takes a long time for them). Alot of these people I've talked to say that everything that is not manga sucks, which really pisses me off, seeing as they're drawing the most common,hideous and unoriginal style of manga.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No worries mate ^__^

    I went ahead of myself again, it would seem!
  11. Very nice indeed.
    Really nice CG'd sketch!

    Where did the goatie go?
  12. hey.. Hey! HEY!

    Don't write manga off this way! o_O;

    Theoretically, manga styled art could require even more effort and work than comic art. The link between life drawing and manga is much, much far apart than life drawing and comics.
    Therefor, to create a proper manga styled character could use more thought and practice.

    The "study" of Japanese style from life to manga, would, in a nutshell, look like this:

    Real life ---> exagerated ---> reduced back to simple lines

    This is why "cool kids that can draw" tries to head this way first before properly studying art, because it looks simple.

    Side note:
    Sure it's "in" since it boomed in europe through the 80's-90's, then catching on in the States, but it was there way before that and had the same status for Japanese kids as comics had for American kids.
    It goes way way back (1760-1849).

    Even if the current generic manga style has evolved into a commercial "big eyes, big bewbs" status, so has the comics now.

    Overused? possibly. Overrated? ... Ever seen the lineart of Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita). This guy knows how to draw.

    Scarlette: Nice tips!
  13. heh, I got carried away there again, didn't I...

  14. Post away. No harm in doing so ^^

    Side note:
    Probably the best advice one can give: Don't rush into stylised art before knowing, practicing and breathing the fine and classic art.

    Very few autodidactes made it by just learning off comics or manga.
    I garanty you that 90% of artists you have come to love or hate in the comic/manga/european comics world, have gone through lengthy and extensive years of life drawing, painting, visual communication exercise etc...

    Just thought I'd mention that since it's one of the major fondamental mistakes you see all over the net.
  15. How to draw comics the Marvel way IS the reference for comic characters, in my eyes. Not too technical and yet still goes in depth.
    I recommend it as well.

    Construction lines are the basis of your character. And yes, practice is the basis of getting better. Just like learning how to play an musical instrument.
    <ul type="square">
    -A common mistake is to have your face/eyes to close to your sheet of paper. Try to keep your distance relatively wide so you can have a proper "ensemble" view of your creation.
    -Relax your hand when holding the pen/pencil. That way your lines will turn out more dynamic and loose.
    -Think of your character as a whole when sketching him/her out. Don't build the head then the torso etc.. you'll end up with disproportions and lack of space. Use the basic stick figure lines then add your head/limbs/muscles/clothes over it.
    -Women and men have different physiology. Learn the difference between the male and female pelvis for example.
    -Try to preview the full drawing in your head before actually starting to draw. Will everything fit in? Will the limbs and background fit on the canvas/sheet of paper? [/list]All I can think of, from the top of my head...

    Also, it would have been nice for the OP to post something for us to see... easier to give pointers then.

    I'm at work so I can only use previously done draw-overs and sketches but maybe these can help:

    basic construction lines
    See how the shoulders and pelvis are in opposite directions
    Here as well
    Here too

    Now I don't pretend being an expert therefor these are not to be taken as gospel.
    Read more about it.
    Practice more on it.

    Hope this helps at all... ^^

    PS: Lol @ retarded colour blind baboon xD
  16. +1 for sketches done at work!!

    That's totally my thing but don't tell my boss.. ^^'

    Some nice one there Cap.
    Kara Solaris &amp; Earth is my favorite simply because of the foreshortening on both characters.

    [ QUOTE ]
    so would love to see other people's sketches done at work also!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Fire Retrospective was the latest one I did at work.

    Before that was Milla Joyce and Sister Kinetic (which, if anyone is interested in, I tried to create a tutorial here.)

    A couple more here...
  17. Swissy


    Ventrilo, c'est Teamspeak en moins joli mais en meilleur qualité sonore.

    Apprové et recommendé...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    you have the two industry leaders for web-design software working together, can only mean good things.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It also means monopoly...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Do u use inks at all mate??? or just photoshop?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sketched at work using a ballpen.
    Imported and coloured in Photoshop at home.

    [ QUOTE ]
    nice one hun....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Elli, you read the forums?

    I know what you're gonna ask me next though. And I'm gonna whistle innocently again...

  20. Eh ben.. Ca chauffe coté francophone.

    Moi je dis: Je petitionne les abrutis pendant que je me fait peter une 8.6 pépere, en rigolant....

  21. I end up staring at it too.. &gt;_&lt;;

    Quick sketch done at work and coloured in Photoshop while waiting for mates to continue Synapse's TF.

    It's a Rad/Fire Controller. I'm amazed at how much fun he is to play in a team and baffled by the possibilities one can do with these 2 sets combined.

    Fire Retrospective