This is a story i wrote about my character and my guild, its long, and I hope you like it. Alot of the names are of people who are high ranking memebers of my guild, who play many games from AC 1 to WoW. Also Im the only one left who plays, but al my former SG mates are all great people and its cool to recall their names.
NAME: Sumigo
POWERS: Stone/Stone
STORY:The stone mallet crushed the Underboss with an overhand blow on the shoulder. One last stone fist was all it took to render the thug helpless, I waited til sirens and flashing lights indicated that the authorities were on the way. As the policemen surrounded them and gave me the thumbs up that they had the mobsters in hand I nodded, threw the Underboss to them and launched myself into the night sky.
It is usually on nights like this when the eerie glow from the cities force fields reflect off of the clouds and combine with the starlight, that I am reminded of the past. How I came to be on this strange alien world and what drives me to continue my quest.
It seems so long ago now that I Sumigo came to the fortress of Juxtaposition the headquarters of the mysterious members of Cairdeas. I remember being nervous at the thought of being sent to a mighty fortress that sat on the intersection of the dimensional threads.
But the memory of the majesty of the place still strikes pangs of pride in my heart, pride at being considered a member of such a mighty organization. The energy crystals that the fortress was made from reflected the rolling vortexes and energies from the universe and made the entire fortress look as if it were made from the light of a swirling rainbow.
But it was my turn for reassignment and I would show no fear. So I sat in the waiting hall eager for my turn to meet with the council, fresh with excitement, hungry to move on and forget the failures of my previous assignment.
"Well, if it isnt young Sumigo," a familiar elderly voice rang out from down the hall. I turned to see the elderly mage Asmoth striding toward me with a step that belied his ancient countenace. This was nothing new, everyone knew that Asmoth was more virile than he let on sometimes, anger him and enemies would disappear with a wave of his staff.
"You too?" I asked him carefully. He looked at me sadly and replied,"its not by choice, but as you well know there is very little left in Hibernia for us. Its not a problem you and I can fix," he continued, "so think nothing further of it. There will be others there who will make sure things dont degrade any further, and besides Cairdeas has something big in store for us Im thinking, why else would you and I both be called up at the same time?"
I shrugged, not having an answer. "Where do you think theyll send us?" I asked.
Im not sure my boy, he shrugged back. But I trust the councils decision, whatever it may be.
He sat down on the crystal bench next to me and leaned his staff against the wall next to him. His old body looking spry and healthy despite his best efforts to look old and feeble. Looking around he quickly added, quite the place they have here, in all my studies in all my years Ive never heard of such a thing, building a fortress on the very threads of time and space itself. Gives you an idea of the importance of the work they have in mind for us to bring us here, if they felt we were a security risk wed never know such a place as this even existed.
I nodded feeling a small swell of pride, but still not knowing was agonizing, and we both fell into an uncomfortable silence. Several minutes went by before the council door opened and Asmoth and I were summoned in to meet with the council.
The council room was well decorated but not overly so, as if the occupants wished to display their power but not arrogantly. Their were items that were obviously from many worlds on the walls, a few comfortable looking rugs strategically placed on the floor and 4 well cushioned chairs placed in the middle of the floor facing the far wall. Against the far wall was the council, all facing us and seated next to each other along a very long table that was made of the same crystal as the rest of the fortress.
Presiding over the council was the founder himself, the mighty Eventin, to his right was Aura mistress of the Hibernian faction of Cairdeas. Many others were there, most who Id only heard about through whispered rumor and wild legend, but there they were larger than life, the stalwart Deor, the energetic Silencio, the renowned jester Quolo resplendent with fez on head and a goldfish bowl hovering just above him and many others.
Have a seat gentlemen, began Eventin with little ceremony, relax, he continued, you are among friends. Asmoth and I both did as we were bid.
It seems that there is much work for us to do these days, Eventin went on, much for agents such as yourselves who have proven your worth on the fields of battle.
We both nodded to him in thanks for the praise.
First we need to know how you feel about returning to Hibernia? he asked, would this be something you would consider?
Asmoth and I both looked at each other for a second before I said, Not at this time master, there is little left there for us, perhaps someday, but I feel I could be of more use elsewhere.
Asmoth nodded in agreement.
There was murmuring from the council at this, Aura seemed a little dismayed at our comment but said nothing to us.
It was Silencio who spoke next, his deep voice echoing through the chamber, that is good, for the assignment we have in mind for you will require your dedication, we cannot afford to have homesick agents looking for his next ride home every chance he gets. Is this understood.?
We both nodded to him in agreement.
Very well then, this time it was Quolo who spoke, the tassle from his fez dangling across his forehead, you have been chosen to scout a new world that we have only just recently come into contact with. We were sent a message from the people of this world who it appears have recently developed the technology to visit other dimensions.
Asmoth and I both glanced at each other quickly at this news, but said nothing.
They attained this technology from an invading force of creatures known as the Rikti, continued Eventin, who have invaded this world from their own dimension. We however know little of this Rikti nor do we know much of the humans who have contacted us. We believe it would be prudent to send agents to investigate this matter, and if necessary send a full contingent to deal with any perceived threats.
Is this acceptable to you? it was the mighty mistress Aura who asked.
Yes, we both agreed together, our excitement building.
Good, answered Deorc, I was told you were both brave by Aura, I see she was correct. You will both be briefed by Succor, who has also been assigned to this new universe. You will be sent at different times depending on the level of preparation needed for each of you. Once there you will establish contact with the natives and help them in anyway you can, also try to reestablish contact with each other, and enlist any help you deem necessary. Once the situation has been properly evaluated report back to us and we will determine if a more serious presence is required by us. Is this understood?
We both agreed and went to our respective briefings, the time spent preparing was a blur of combat training, tutoring of magic and technology, lessons on what little was known of our destination and much more.
The final lesson was designed us to prepare our bodies and minds for the transformation that the trip through the multi-verse would do to us. We were trained to visualize what form we wanted to be and to attune our bodies to the right kinds of energies, thus effectively we could control what type of powers that would govern us. My beginnings as a magical servant of nature influenced my thought patterns, I became attuned to the powers of earth and stone, while Asmoth attuned himself to the energies of the stars and the cosmos itself, enabling him to control energy.
But all the training couldnt fully prepare us for what would become of us when we finally stepped through the portal the council had prepared. Massive waves of energy and power flowed through us changing us, aging us and renewing us at the same time, transforming our bodies into something alien yet familiar. Bizarre yet normal, we became something else.
As predicted we did not arrive at the same time, though our arrival times were not too far apart. But here I was Sumigo on an alien world with no friends. My training took over, first after realizing that I was weak from the journey I set about regaining my strength, then I noticed my appearance, I had changed noticeably. My skin had turned had a rough stone like feel to it, I had large spikes protruding from my forehead and shoulders and I had an incredible super human strength. I quickly learned to speak the language of my new home and learned I was in a region called California and that I was suppose to go to a place called Paragon City, which is where the Rikti had first invaded. I immediately set out.
It didnt take long after reaching this place to understand why we were needed, the damage these Rikti had caused these people was extensive to say the least. Massive sections of the city were unlivable or destroyed outright, huge force fields had been erected to help protect the citizens from future attack and quarantine areas that were out of control. But it was not just the Rkti who were a blight to these people, there were many other menaces that were terrorizing people. Many gangs and factions were now running rampant after the Rikti war, these factions had long been held in check by a vast resource of Heroes who vigilantly fought them. Tragically many of these heroes had been lost in the war with the Rikti. Now these people needed new heroes, they needed us.
So I began the long process of understanding my new surroundings and building my strength, I was in control of incredible powers but had a feeling much of my potential was still untapped.
It wasnt long before Asmoth found me, he had changed dramatically in fact he had taken on a completely different form, he looked human, no vestige of his former elven heritage was apparent only the eyes hinted at the wisdom he represented and he had changed his name to Manipulater.
Then the others from Cairdeas found us as well, Tiji, Brathna and Succor who was now under the mantle Icy One set up a communication link for us in case we got ourselves into trouble. Before long we became organized and were able to report our findings to the council far away in the fortress of Juxtaposition. We started recruiting some of the native Heroes and began to swell our ranks. Great heroes came under the badge of Cairdeas in Paragon City, such heroes as Doc Eon, Dr. Vector, Tank Inferno and many others.
The severity of the situation became evident however when the mighty Yuumai was also sent to Paragon City by the council and joined us in our labors. The great Jadin also joined us and assumed the mantle of Vic Morrow. Spctr and Veras joined soon thereafter and with their additions to our ranks, we would soon be ready to put a stop to the menace on this world.