591 -
Quote:I wasn't necessarily implying that it was due to server load as a whole, for many the same reasons you're stating. What I was implying was that it was due to the load on the specific mapserver (or perhaps the networking equipment attached to said mapserver, but I digress) and that if you were to merge the multiple servers, you would have to have servers capable of handling even more instances of these troublesome mapservers in particular (I'm moving under the assumption that the mapservers are some form of virtual servers that spawn as needed with their own resource pools). However...That's not necessarily true. Those two events lag for different reasons. The Mapserver you are on has a problem processing all that info in real-time, yes, but that's not dependent solely on the server load as a whole. If it was a strain on the server load as a whole, then the whole server would be lagging, not just the people within the event.
The lag during Rikti events is largely because of several AoEs affecting so many foes at once and all that data being sent to the multiple people in the area at the same time. That's localized to the people involved, not a problem with the server load as a whole. This would happen on the smallest of servers just a much as the busiest of servers (assuming the number of people attending the event is the same).
The lag during ITF, while sometimes due to AoEs affecting multiple foes at once (and enemy AoE buffs affecting each other), has also been shown to be caused by pathing errors from the multiple patrols and ambushes on that map. This causes the server to be "confused" as foes can't find their way and get stuck on weeds, staircases and corners of objects, which causes your mission to lag (not the whole server, and not due to server load). This is also why people have come up with particular ways of doing the missions that lessen the chance that mobs will get "stuck", thus reducing the "lag" on those missions.
Quote:On a side note, the servers were already physically merged to one facility last year and have been sharing resources since then. Based on some of the errors and artifacts people experienced immediately after the move, some people speculate that a few of them even run off the same units now. That might be why you pretty much always see Freedom and Virtue showing the same load, and the rest of the servers also showing the same load as each other. The shared resources could also explain why we've seen the almost constant yellow and red status since the move as well. It's not necessarily because of a population increase, but because of an overall resource decrease that we've already had.
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to cry "d00m!", but simply explaining how things might actually be working behind the scenes. I love this game and hope/expect it will still go on for many years.
tl;dr: Touché
That being said, there are still a ton of other problems related to server mergers, not the least of which being the man-hours needed to merge databases, naming complications (two people on different servers with the same name), etc etc. -
Just to throw my two cents in, you know the lag you get on the ITF missions 3 and 4 and the lag you get from raids? Those are there because of server load. In otherwords, those happen when the server is getting hit with too much info to process everything in "real time". If they merge the servers, that would either a) become worse or b) force them to invest in new server technology that can handle the higher load. While (b) isn't a bad idea from the player's perspective, server hardware is in no way cheap (Don't believe me? See what kind of hardware you have to have to handle 500 simultaneous users, not even counting all the math that these servers have to do because of the server generated physics and drop tables) meaning that business wise, it would require them to sink an untold sum of money into this proposed merger, thus meaning less money to pay the developers, thus meaning less new content, *insert other dominoes that this would cause to fall*.
Quote:Spoken like the true elitist. Lets just ignore the fact that the CU channels moderators are some of the most experienced veteran players in the game. Cherry, CritikalCat, Myrmadon, Marut,Steel Dominator, Bud et.al. are just as knowing about the game as the mods at BMT....the difference is, CU mods are not so self-important as to silence their own members for discussing "unapproved" aspects of the game.
Both channels are at max capacity for a reason; your supposition that the members at BMT know how to "really" play the game and the members at CU are just mindless rabble just shows you to be the elitist Thought Policeman I always knew you were. Period. -
Admittedly, I could be wrong on this one, but just in case:
Another piece of advice, defense buffs. I've been on three runs where we got the badge without necessarily trying because the mines didn't hit us thanks to the colds/bubblers on the team.
Quote:You know better than to think any of us can read.You know if you people read the "news and accouncements" sections of the forum, you'd have your answer
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...8&postcount=94 -
I've gotten this error a few times when changing characters, but typically I can go right back in.
Quote:While I like this idea in theory, in practice I don't think this would work the way it should. At the very least, you need someone to maintain this list, or it would end up just being a giant cluster ****.That's where we differ. I don't think a group needs to be created, I don't think there needs to be any kind of leadership structure. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I think what would be best would be if it was just a resource.
In its simplest form, a dang ol list. People can sign up for whatever help they're willing to offer, people looking for help can contact those people.
Joe Moneybags wants to fund events but doesn't care to run them, he can sign up as a potential source of funds. Exciteypants McGiddy loves running events but is poor, he can talk to Joe. Creative John (parents not quite so creative) is broke and too shy to run events, he can approach McGiddy for help running it and Joe for cash.
No committees, no leadership, just a resource for the server. That's all it needs to be, given your stated goal in the OP. Whether what you want it to be something else is another matter.
Personally, what I would like to see is a collection of resources, taken care of by a committee (I'm using a very loose definition of committee here) so that rather than there being a gigantic list of "people you can possibly contact" you have a group of volunteers you can contact who help you run it, find people to help run it, help fund it from a "community chest" of sorts, help advertise it, etc. I included this in the survey, but I personally don't care if I see a "such and such committee presents" event every month, but that they're there to help people find the resources they need.
To use an analogy, when you need to do research and go to a library, you can search the card catalog yourself and come up with somethings, but you can also go to the reference librarian who can possibly help you find resources you never would've found on your own. Behind the scenes, the same librarians are the ones maintaining the card catalog so that the most current resources are available, and they're also checking to make sure that no two people want the same resource at the same time.
tl;dr: Silas' idea works, but it would probably get messy if there was no one actively maintaining it. -
I only lack IP, so I hate to take a spot just for one of them, but if you have room I'll be online around that time.
While I agree that what the group is called isn't as important as the structure, it does help if it has some sort of catchy name. That way, the name is easily recognizable and it doesn't require that you contact one particular person so long as the group has ways of contacting them as a whole (thus allowing for people to step down and others take their place with minimal hassle as time goes along).
I'm sorry, but I fail to see how this has helped or could help in anyway. Not only that, you could pretty easily get someone killed with it, and if we were short on bubblers or emps/therms and that just happened to be what you got killed...
Nice job trying to mix it up, but I see 50 people running around with team TP as a disaster. -
Quote:Zoom in to last 30 days, bacon is back in the lead now.
Quote:If you read his post exactly as written, then you would see its simply a polite suggestion based on what he's seeing out of the team make-up having run this several times before. If you want to ignore it, that's fine, but don't berate him for trying to give advice.Call me a troll if you will, but the fact is you're starting a MoRSF run with very little support.
Looking at your roster, you've got one, maybe two people playing characters with buffs/debuffs. A Mind Dom sleeper is all well and good, but a single +3 Hero can still wreak bloody mayhem on a barely-buffed team.
My opinion is that you'd be better off trying to get a more structured team together and doing several runs so that everyone can get the badge rather than saying everyone bring whatever you want. Now, when I say structured I don't mean HURR MUST HAVE 2 THERMS 2 COLDS 1 KIN 1 STONE BRUTE or whatever perfect team, I just mean that the team has you know, a little more support. Buffs and debuffs are important on a RSF, let alone a MoRSF.
GL with your run just the same. -
I can fill a spot if you're short people. Run this successfully several times and have a widow, therm, or mind dom to bring (as far as typically useful toons go). That being said, since I already have the badge, I'm not going to commit until you're sure you won't fill, but I'll make sure to be in game around this time. Global is in the sig, so you know how to reach me.
(Thanks to Fanged Knight tracking down this URL for me)
If anyone wants to add this Google Calendar as an overlay on to their personal one, you'll need the following URL:
1) Click the "Add" link under "Other calendars" and click "Add by URL"
2) Copy the URL above and paste it into the textbox that pops-up. Make sure there are no extra spaces around or in the URL, this will keep it from working.
3) Click the "Add Calendar" button
4) In a few seconds, the calendar should appear under the "Other calendars" heading and you can customize it same as you would any calendars you already have. -
Quote:If you're looking for complete transparency, you could always do the accounting as a public google docs spreadsheet. They of course allow you to set for public viewing with as few or as many contributors (people who can actually edit) as you want.Silas... I do get what you are saying... I probably could've done monthly... BUT rest assured (and I have witnesses) I was always keeping VERY accurate (borderling obsurd) record keeping of what all was happening with the auctions. Mind you this was before the auctions even hit! You should see the Excel Spreadsheet I have. To my own fault, I do not think we were prepared for the amount we received. At the end of that night many spectators from other servers were baffled by the amount of money being spoken of. To this day... people still ask how we got that much money. It really is shocking and probably factored into the lack of prepardness. However, I did always have track from the beginning but I lacked the idea of how to best communicate. However, you did your part and helped show the way. Thanks for not letting us fail!
THANKS! I'd never make it very far... contrary to popular belief... I do have a heart! I care too much for humans so I'd fail in the political arena! I appreciate the compliment though! BTW... don't ever feel the need to be silenced! This thread would be nothing without both sides to the scale. I know I'm not perfect (I'm a Politician) but with everyone's help we can be strong!
I just like throwing ideas out, I've had a lot of experience trying to get people to collaborate within a small group, so I have a fairly good idea of various tools that can be used if you need any help finding something. Feel free to ignore or use any suggestions I have, won't bother me either way. -
Quote:All none of them, right?You play non-Scrappers all the time now, you've come a long way
Besides, you're one of the all-too-few people who don't make me frownyface bringing melee to a team
Edit: Straaaaay I hope you are planning a super kawaii catgirl event. My multitude of catgirls have gone unappreciated for too long