199 -
Yesterday was posted at 11am eastern. Hopefully another 30 min?
'Come back tomorrow'?
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Hmmmm. That just got me thinking, is there any way to get some of this done client-side only?
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Actually, yes there is. That is all I'm saying about it though.
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If I'm not mistaken, Gravity Control>Propel is already like this. The random junk you see thrown on your screen isn't always the random junk your teammates see on their screen.
Right? -
Leandro 1, Recluse 0. Game over, man, game over.
I bet the devs are just taking two days off for March Madness.
This whole i12 thing is a cover. -
Hey Monkey King. OTOH, bigger teams mean more people share kill credits, leading to faster badging.
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Yep. That's the best reason for teams. -
If the Human Threat is greater than 6 times the Invader Threat and there are already some Invaders in the area, the Rikti will send in Heavy Assault suits. They will send one suit if the Invader Threat is less than 1 suit, otherwise, they will send 2 suits.
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Well there you go. Thanks for that. Should help with the EB spawning. -
Ya know they probably could do Illusion Control primary as a modified Mastermind primary. Phantom Army as the first 3 pets, Phantasm as the final. And some type of buff/support phantom for the middle. Maybe spectral terror model but different powers. Could just leave in spectral wounds as the attack. Drop a couple of the holds for the upgrade powers... Maybe even keep Sup Invis for the player and only have 2 attacks instead of 3. Really just grab one or two of the Psy blast attacks and modify the pets, and the thing would work out beautifully.
At least the models and animations are mostly done. Have to be some power rework as they copy the pets and make PA allowed to be damaged and healed.... but at least it'd be possible.
Maybe something for the next round of proliferation? -
So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!
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Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.
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And Psychic Blast was confirmed by Posi. And Storm Corruptors was confirmed in this thread. So no Trick Arrow for Corr... but maybe Archery still, hm.... -
this sounds great but It brings up 1 large problem, my "home" server is full, 8 heros 4 villians, don't really want to move to another server(due to friends and sg mates)and dont really want to delete chars to make room for new ATs,I have 2 lvl 50 villians and 2 lvl 50 heros.
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Yeah the only thing that could make this issue better is 4 more character slots. I mean the servers DID just get an upgrade.
Hoping that the transfer feature didn't kill all future possibility of getting more slots.
Luckily I left one spot open on Guardian specifically for a Villain epic. But now... with elec armor tanks or plant controllers or thermal defenders... and TWO villain epics that sound much more varied than pb/ws... crap! -
About bloody time. Did it once when it came out. Have avoided it ever since. My least favorite hero zone... yes, I'd rather street hunt Boomtown or Crey's with 0 content than spend time in the currnet Hollows.
Here's to improvement. Looking forward to giving it another go around. -
Contact list has desparately needed that since the addition of safeguards. Yay! Good job.
Very nice post, BAB. But, I hope nobody minds if I mention a few other problems that would have to be sorted out?
First, there are a couple of power sets that have a power that doesn't match the color of the rest of the set. /Thermal for corruptors is one, as is the fire defensive set. Both of these have a shield power that is more blueish-white than the normal color of the flames, to make it stand out. If PC went in, these powers would either have to start to match the colors of the set or they would require a second choice for colors.
The second problem comes when you start to stack powers. Let's look at Force Field for an example: You're on a team with three FF users. One has red bubbles, one has yellow, and one's still at classic blue. Now, how do you handle it when they start to put shields on their allies? Will a red shield and a yellow shield make an orange shield? What if Yellow has both personal shields, but Red only has one? Yellow-Orange shields? And then blue starts adding shields in, and... yuck. There's also the eyesore you'd get when they all fire up their big AoE shields and start moving around each other. It might look neat from a distance, but I'm sure anyone caught in such a mess would quickly discover it to be as headache inducing as the old Sonic effects.
Finally, there are powers that create other power effects. MM Robots cast their own Force Fields. The /Traps FF Generator does the same. MM Robots shoot red lasers, and MM Zombies hurl green "stuff". /Devices Trip Mines and Time Bombs create explosions of orange flame. And Trick Arrow is full of secondary effects after the arrow hits, including (Castle's favorate power) Oil Slick. And who's power customization would determine what color Oil Slick burns, anyway? When you have a team up of The Purple Archer and The Green Flame, having it burn orange just doesn't seem like an option...
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I think that goes back to what BAB said about the powers could inherit from the player costume, but how they interacted with enemies (and I assume allies) could not be changed. And the bubbles that are on players are one of those continuing effects that he mentioned I think. So, even if you could change the color of your Force Field attacks, the two bubbles you put on an ally will always be the way they are.
That's where I'm thinking if you make blue fire attacks, when it hits the enemy and burns, it's still going to be some of those red flames burning on them.
And that gets back to why it really shouldn't be done.
There's just no way to intercept hit or continuing effects, so every powerset would have some sort of disjointed half customized, half standard look. That's just not acceptable for us
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And it wouldn't be acceptable to all of the people clamoring for PC. They would be the first ones back in here complaining about how half-arsed a job the devs did on PC and how they were leaving for Champions, yadda yadda. *rolleyes smiley*
Spend the code and animation time on more new powersets, some villain SFs, and whatever else you guys have up your sleeve for the rest of the year. -
YAY! Got some new i11 toons that are dying for badges.
Witha big chunk of the forum dwelling player base backing it, I wonder how long it will be before the devs release the Clickey-Clack badge.
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Let's here it for the Clickey-Clack badge
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Make it the reward for defeating the (already built and walking around) Clockwork Paladin in KR, and I'm so there.
Another vote for "awesome thread."
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Perfect suggestion! -
You know what would make little heroes like Flame really happy?
The Big Red Ball.
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For the children! -
4 Hero TF with 3-4
4 Villan SF with 4
11 Hero TF with 6 or more (6 with 8)
2 Villan SF with 6 or more (2 with 8)
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This is like the 5th person to post the numbers for Lighthouse. Apparently the devs documentation isn't so good.
But then again that's obvious, with the reoccurring missing patch notes. -
If fewer people run he tf's, there will be fewer dops. Fewer drops = higher prices. Higher prices encourages people to buy inf. RMT's win.
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Yep. The RMTs don't need to use this mechanic to their advantage. They can laugh all the way to the bank as pool c prices skyrocket. -
Positron's TF shouldn't be affected much.
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Other than I know that I won't ever plan to do Posi's TF ever again, since that is a TF I would much rather solo than try to take a team along on for a ride against the three most annoying villain groups of the first 15 levels of the game.
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They could give Posi the long-awaited redo before this as well. Even with a good team it's way too long. Letting one person solo and come back for badge was the most reasonable way to finish. -
Please can the minimum team size of the Shard TF's in particular be examined.
An adjustment to 6 should be at least seriously considered.
Manticore should also be tweaked down from 7 to 6.
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Yeah this needed to be done along with the patch, not after the fact. Everything but LRSF, LGTF and STF should be 6. -
I work in the Technology Department for a school district...
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They have schools in Texas? I thought it was just shopping malls and jails.
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And gun stores. -
Well all I have to say is maybe they should have the veil graphics thing fixed before they make it available for sale. Generally people pay money for something that is finished, not for something that is to be finished soon.
But I guess that's the way of all PC games nowadays. Push it out the door, get the money, fix it later. -
Awesome work pohsyb!
Looking forward to the individual power thing that is the "more to come" you hinted at. -
Wow (
) what a bunch of whiners. There's some games out there where lockouts are daily. Or wow (
) there's a queue to login to the game where you could sit for 30 min just waiting to play. And server transfers are only one way and only to clear off those high population servers. I mean wow (
) we're talking about ONE weekend here, maybe two out of a whole year, where we get anything as bad as some other games offer EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
Perspective people... get some. Go try some other games and see how good this one really is in comparison. -
That said, I have no problem doing this if you guys don't. Just let me know what missions you want on Ouroboros and I will do my best to get them there.
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Safeguards and Mayhem missions please kind sir.
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Yeah I think this has to be priority one to get in there. Hope it's slated for i12.