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  1. Thanks for coming everyone below is a link to my Photobucket albums, feel free to look around. I not only have the Server pics but also my COX Albums and Lords of War pics I took as well. Also the pics from RWZ1 and 3.

    Links to my photo Bucket.

    Server Pics 2012.

  2. I'll move to Rwz2 once i get pics for 1, if zone is capped for Rwz 2 Someone will have to take the pic if I cant get in. I'm sure someone will be happy to continue.
  3. Dont' fret just doing some tests, Server pic will be 8 Pm EST still....

  4. Link is to Adult Swim please Rate so it can be seen on Adult Swim for airing to save COH.
  5. Link is to Adult Swim please Rate so it can be seen on Adult Swim for airing to save COH.
  6. Hey more media coverage on CNN. I recommend registering on this site and click on ADD to CNN so they can air our story.[]
  7. Hey more media coverage on CNN. I recommend registering on this site and click on ADD to CNN so they can air our story.[]
  8. Hey more media coverage on CNN. I recommend registering on this site and click on ADD to CNN so they can air our story.
  9. Hey more media coverage on CNN. I recommend registering on this site and click on ADD to CNN so they can air our story.[]
  10. Not deleting them just logging them off in SG base and moving all money to my main toon.
  11. EBIL!! lol ty I needed that Doc. :P
  12. I'm at Champions Online running with my orignal namesake SteelDominator, my global is @SteelDefiant. There's already a channel there for us COHers called, "COX Refugees". Yes they have Global channels there and yes you can recreate your SG.
  13. Bump, just as a reminder and people can see what we have planned.
  14. SteelDominator

    COH updates

    Combined links to what is on the works nw including the petitions. Good info here
  15. Wow thank you for sharing, perhaps NCsoft will see this as a domino affect and reconsider.
  16. Anyone contact Kevin Smith? He's a big comic book guy?
  17. SteelDominator

    Some Ideas...

    Some peeps are involved in this as we speak.

    Anyone know how to conatct Kevin Smith, he's a big comic book guy?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
    Bump. Because I can.
  19. Defuser use to be on Champion server a few years back, Defuser was from this reality T.V show.
  20. SteelDominator

    COH updates

    Hey cross posting this thread justin case others don't see it, TonyV from TitanNetwork has a plan. It's still in its infancy and maybe nothing will come of it who knows. I applaud him for trying ad maybe something will come of it either from him or someone. He will update the thread by posting there keeping folks informed.
  21. SteelDominator

    Thank you.

    Thank you Hitstreak and all the other Devs..even the janitor guy!