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  1. SteelDominator

    Thank you

    Special thanks to Mr. Mike Rooth for putting this peice of art together for us, he is the same artist that made images for Gender Poison and Bud. Thanks GP for referring us to him as well he really did an awesome job. So if your looking for an artist for your toons give this gentleman a look.
  2. SteelDominator

    Master Of ITF

    I'll be there bringing my Ice/storm troller again, looking forward to it.
  3. SteelDominator

    Beat this.....

    Awesome license plate 4shes!
  4. Awesome good to know GP and special thanks for Mr. Rooth, I already know what I have in mind with those prices.
  5. Awesome pic for Bud there GP! I added a the link to my favorites, I plan on giving this gentleman my business upon my return very soon. You sure it's cool to use you as a reference?
  6. SteelDominator

    Do You Want Me?

    Originally Posted by GuessWhosBack View Post
    Lol if he was a mod the forums would have a sign stating OVER 1 BILLION BANNED!
  7. Woooohooo looking forward to seeing the changes to the base, always an awesome looking base
  8. HAPPY RL DING!! Now what power are you going to choose?
  9. Man I cant wait to get back, I recently made a villan toon just for PVP purposes.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post
    You down with XPP (Yeah you know me)
    Who's down with XPP (Every last homie)
    You down with XPP (Yeah you know me)
    Who's down with XPP (All the homies)

    welcome back, whoever you are.

    1st cupcakes free, after that... we'll discuss it
    LOL!! I think you just showed your age woman!
  11. SteelDominator

    BMT Redside

    Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
    You sir are not a reason I would want to come to your server, which is odd because I remember you used to be friendly, lately at times quite frankly you act like a real tool to your fellow players, not always, but in the past you were not like that as I recall.

    I remember you and the people supporting your view who are in your bmt channel, being generally inviting and friendly, at times that's been replaced with snarky and overbearing corrections to players.

    And yet you all tell every new visitor to join your channel, lol.

    Maybe you should stop recommending your channel to newcomers, in the event they ask about a set bonus, or some other random act of game fun.

    If you can't have friendly game chatter sometimes on supposedly your main channel, I guarantee you'll get better treatment on Virtue and Freedom's main global channels from my experience.

    Your servers population's been shrinking, so maybe others already figured that out.

    Someone from the outside looking in giving an opinion of what he observed......just saying.
  12. Made amends with Felecia before she left....glad I did hope she is doing well.
  13. SteelDominator

    BMT Redside

    Not adding fuel to the fire, but just wanted to add a few things #1 Not my Channel, just promoting something for folks on the redside. So yes it could have been "BMS". #2 Since everyone likes drama, i'll just say this since some people like to make assumptions and have already made their opinions based on "What they heard", this channel was created way before I joined it and has nothing to do with any situation or event that may have happened. #3 I just want to have fun and play the game with no drama.

    If you have any questions or concerns send me a tell or email and not on the boards. Thanks for your opinions.
  14. SteelDominator

    BMT Redside

    Hey guys just wanted to send a shout out promoting BMT Redside. Just like Champions United its free speech there, No one will tell you what you can or can't say based on that person's opinion and most of all its another way for awesome teamage especially on the Redside. In addition also very important means of communication with the arrival of Going Rogue coming fast. It started out to be a small channel with maybe 12-15 people on at a time but it's growing with the last count at 70 last night. Looking forward to seeing you guys there, thanks!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beetle_King View Post
    If i may quote Wu-Tang investments, "Diversify your bonds, *******"

    and we all know Wu-Tang clan aint nuthin to **** with...

    Another Dave chappele fan awesome!!!
  16. Freind of mine made it on only been playing for 3 months now and didnt make any of the pre-reqs, (thought Hero-Con was a reformed convict turned hero!) so I don't know whats going on. (shrugs shoulders)
  17. Yarrrrrrrrrrrr me thinks im making a pirate costume for the event!!!
  18. SteelDominator

    Dear Champion II

    Awesome ideal, would love to participate but have issues here with voice. Would love to hear everyone on Champion on this song though
  19. yup staying here also Cryptic seems to be doing some shady @#$% over there with CO and STO not too far behind, 1 MMO is enough for me also, besides Skippy is over there doing the same ol same ol.