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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    Really? I would love to see your numbers on this. Almost like saying they had a strong PvP playerbase pre-I13. I wonder which was more?
    There are no numbers. But I've known far more RPers (even in passing) than I've met PvPers in zones or around arenas, even pre i13 PvP. Anectdotal evidence (I.E. not evidence at all) but that's all either of us has. However, with the collapse of the PvP Playerbase I think it's a safe bet that there are more casual, medium, heavy, and so forth RPers than casual or heavy PvPers. Agree to disagree?

    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    And emotes do what again? Nothing to the content of the game. Don't recall seeing you get a drop or a badge doing emotes.
    Base stuff - how is that RP? Enlighten me. The players I see with bases use the bins and TPers. Not a lot of RP there.
    PC for RP? I am sure players that RP like using it. I use it to match colors, not to RP. My fire/rad corr has green fire because /rad is green. My emp def has red colors to match PD colors, not to RP.
    Why does there have to be content built around the RP? IOs are not content. Badges are not content. Though if they built an RP event system it'd just be gamed by players who don't care about RP, while adding things that many players use benefits RPers as well.

    Bases. Sure. Some people who don't RP build bases which contain only TPers or Bins or vaults or storage. They won't bother to use the pool tables, cabinets, doors, or whatever else is put in. RPers will, instead. However some people just build bases to build bases. The additional pieces could interest them, as well.

    Sure, players who don't RP use Power Customization. But the ones who do use it as well, and with more options to choose from, will try more set combinations for more interesting concepts.

    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    Not sure where you are going with that. I don't RP so pretty meaningless.
    New tilesets and items for the devs to make maps with, including little "One room" maps inside businesses to further enhance player immersion? I get that you don't care, but it also means more tilesets for future maps. and missions.

    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    They haven't removed any of the PvP stuff yet. Just reading what the other posters has said and with my PvP experience, there is tons of potential here with their thoughts/opinions/experience in PvP. A focused dev could help bring the players and devs back to the same page. An RP dev is a complete waste of time, money, and resources IMO.
    There -is- tons of potential, there. But unless you're daft you've -probably- noticed (by this point) that I'm basically suggesting a ton of stuff that isn't used EXCLUSIVELY by RPers, but instead can be used by a wide variety of players, even if it's initially aimed at RPers.

    PvP tools are used by PvPers and maybe badgers or power-players...

    RP tools are used by almost -everyone-

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
    Technology would be like the PPD Hardsuits as compared to normal SWAT, highly advanced technology and not stuff that's contemporary and available to the common soldier.
    You mean like sleeping gas, Glue grenades, EMP, and acidic toxin grenades..?

    It's not so much the method of delivery that makes me think "Tech" as the Gimmicky nature of the payloads. It's just like "Trick Arrow" That's not a "Natural" set, it's a tech set delivered with accuracy and precision of a natural person.

    It's a complicated bass-ackward and sidewise situation where Natural overlaps with so many things. Tech, Magic, Science... they all can overlap with natural, Y'know? Even mutant, technically.

  3. Radiation melee/defense

    Poison for corruptors along with Toxic Blast.

    Rainbow Blast for Blasters and Defenders.

    Force Fields for Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes/Stalkers

    Pistol and Sword Assault and potentially control for Dominators.

    AT-Based buff set Power Alteration

    Power over Time buff/debuff set

    Force Field Blast/Melee

    Psychic melee

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
    I disagree. The resources have been put in for PvP - either in zones, arena, base raids, etc. For RP, apart from creative use of emotes or BAB doing walk in his spare time if I understand correctly, it doesn't add to the contect of the game - like PvP mayhems could or the changes from I13 PvP players want. I loved base raids and would love to see them come back. So PvP has a lot of potential IMO whereas adding more RP stuff doesn't.
    PvP Zones, PvP IOs, Arena, PvP Revamps, Base Raids. All of these things have been added to the game in the interest of sparking more PVP interest. They've failed fairly miserably, with very little if any change in the net number of PvPers in the game, save for the i13 changes which turned the zones into ghost towns.

    They've already got a strong Roleplaying playerbase they could create stuff for, instead.

    More emotes, interactive emotes (hugs, and such) new costume pieces, a Secret identity system, personal apartment/bases, Base design revamp, more base items, more base textures, personal nemesis systems, new travel powers and power pool customization, more power customization in general...

    More chest emblems and cape styles, costume pieces galore! new RP areas and hangouts. How about a few buildings scattered around the map with ACTUAL insides? I'd love to head down to a 1950's style diner in Steel canyon and hang out with friends while waitresses in white blouses and red poodle skirts take the orders of other patrons. Or head down into a laboratory environment near Orion labs for RP and fun. How about leaving the tops of "Green Fluid Filled Tanks" open so players can jump in for cloning RP?

    They've tried and Failed to get a strong PvP presence, and have thrown money at the problem for long enough. I'd rather they moved on to another subset of the players and handed out some new toys.

    There's a point where you have to cut your losses and move on to something else, rather than throwing good money after bad.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Incorrect. We've made three passes on that to alleviate the lag. While server side lag is still significant in that location, it is an order of magnitude better than it was at launch. At this point, there is nothing we can do without a massive redesign of that Task Force.
    Am I right in presuming it's a combination of draw distance complexity and the sheer overwhelming number of computer-controlled entities in the area which causes the lag?

  6. Wouldn't a Gun Set be, technically, Technology, rather than Natural?

    Just saying.

    Allow me to expound. A Sword set or Archery Blast set is all about skill. Same thing with aiming and firing a gun.

    But once you get into the idea of lobbing grenades (Sticky, flashbang, etc) it's less about the skill and more about the tech. I'd much rather see a Sword and Pistol secondary for dominators, with a primary of "Sword and Pistol" control... Using psychological tricks and trick-shots (rather than gimmick weapons like Trick Arrows) you control groups. Lots of Fear effects and PBAoE Knockdown and the like... maybe "Covering fire" or "Suppressive Fire" which actually functions as a sleep effect cone with the enemy animation of the batsmashreact emote. Ducking bullets.

  7. /unsigned

    Unless they create a Roleplaying Developer position, first, I think it's a waste of resources. There are far more RPers in CoH than PVPers, and they still haven't had almost a full issue spent on them.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
    So you're saying I can have Elude on...
    Nope! Supa Trolls don't exist at high enough level to have Elude -and- be +4 to you.

  9. I was wandering about the internets, this morning. I was enjoying the smell of the memes, and the sights of old favories... Dramatic gophers, literal music videos, demotivational posters, and rule 34 popped up a time or two in protest of my general avoidance of it...

    And in my wandering rambling path I did find the secret to both the Resistance and Golden Cole's understanding of dictatorships, monarchies, and frankly -any- nondemocratic governmental organization.

    Beware, for the following image, culled directly from the blasted beating heart of the internet will also show you why so many people upon the internet mirror Golden Cole's thoughts of world domination...

    Behold! The truth laid bare!

    And Despair. Weep for the citizens of Praetoria.

  10. Wow... nevermind. just found it!

    /bind space "+up$$powexec_toggleon Ninja Run$$powexec_toggleon Super Speed"

    VERY Useful!

  11. Okay... I've got a character named Velocitrix. She's a Superspeed Elec/Elec Dominator.

    I'm trying to work out a keybind that will toggle on Ninja run and jump when I press the spacebar, and toggle superspeed back on when I release the spacebar.

    I really haven't done a lot of tinkering with keybinds and it seems most of the old Keybind forum guides were cut (the ones I knew about and used whenever I needed a bind)

    Can anyone help me?

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
    Attention, Duelists! I really don't think Marcus Cole could pull off the skirt half as well as she does!
    Of course he could....

    ... He's got superstrength, remember? Badum-tsh!

  13. Something occurred to me as I made this little tag in Gimp...

    She's wearing Cole's outfit, but with a skirt instead of slacks...

    The mind boggles!

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Why on earth would I want to nerf myself like that? My primary is Troll-Rage for fark's sake!
    'Cause you can toggle and detoggle instantly. It's got no recharge time or minimum up-time.

    Wake up in the morning, toggle on and off... BAM! You're ready to start your day. Screaming at the shower head, mercilessly scrambling the eggs at breakfast, and squeezing the oranges -extra- hard for juice.

    And if you ever start getting sleepy, Troll Rage is a better and quicker "Pick me up" than 5-Hour Energy!

    Hours of Rage, Now. AND hours of Rage later!

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    As much as I'd like to see new content as often as possible for this game I could accept the idea that the Devs might want to consider NOT giving us any new Halloween content this year in favor of them working solid on I19 and I20.

    Besides what else "new" for Halloween could they really throw at us this year?
    Sadly it might involve "sparkling vampires" and that would truly be horrific.
    I dunno, Lothy. I think using "Headsplitter" on a Sparklepire would make my Halloween!

  16. Steampunkette

    Almost gone?

    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    I wang one of tbose Loyalist/Resistance sig banners, only for Golden Girl.

    Close enough?

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    If you're a Loyalist, and whether or not you choose Paragon or the Isles, there are both little bits of information that say that, when the time comes, you can join up with Cole when he does decide to invade. One is in the Rogue Isles choice description, and the other is when you meet Cole on the other side of the Paragon portal.
    While that -is- true, I fear I'm going to have to disagree on several counts...

    I highly doubt the Devs are going to make 4 TFs all with slightly different paths (Power, responsible, Crusader, Warden) in the first place. To expect them to make eight, instead, is just ridiculous. I say Eight because it seems, at best, unlikely that they'd make 4 for the Loyalists and 2 for the Wardens.

    As for siding with the Resistance... That's patently false.

    A Responsible Loyalist who maintains his allegiance until he heads to Paragon hides the evidence of Cole's wrongdoing, fights against the super-army himself, and goes to Paragon to get help to stop Cole.

    But that doesn't mean, at all, that he's Siding with the Resistance. Such a character -SHOULD- still be deeply opposed to a group of terrorists who bomb hospitals and try to nuke cities, regardless of what some ridiculous people assert.

    If any of the attempts on Hitler's Life had succeeded the world as we know it would be vastly different. Up to and Including "German". Not all of the people who wanted him dead wanted it for the same reasons. And some intended to put a more capable military leader in charge, which could have won World War 2 for the Germans, rather than the horrific death tolls on the Eastern front.

    A Responsible Loyalist will kill Cole, because he threatens the people of Praetoria. And then continue killing the Terrorists, or at least seeking justice on them (which probably involves killing or banishment outside the walls which is as good as death) They may share a similar -goal- with the Resistance, but their motivations for it and plans after it do not align with the Resistance's interests at all.

    Contrary to what movies tell you, people who have the same short-term goal are not allies. They are still enemies, even if they utilize each other to accomplish a goal they both seek. A REAL "Comic Book" hero would have the Villain help him save the world, then arrest him for all the crime's he's committed. There might be leniency in the court, but otherwise he's loosing a villain on the streets to keep committing crimes.

    What's Heroic about that?

    So yes. There probably won't be multiple storylines simply because of the work involved. And the Loyalists do not "Side" with the Resistance.

  18. And based on the "Big Rip" theory 1 micrometer could equal 2 micrometers, given enough time for the space to reproduce...

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    7 and 31 can be the same number, citizen - just like 2 + 2 can be 5 and 3.
    Yes! Seven and Thirty One can be the same so long as one uses Fifty posts per page and another uses Ten.

    And 1 + 1 = 10 Golden Cole.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    Edit - ahh, this thread is now much shorter.

    Much better.
    It got shorter? Still seven pages long, to me...

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
    Why does your family have three daddies and one mommy? =O

    Holy crap, are you dividing your children!?
    ... That explains -sooooooooooo- much...

  22. The Wardens and Responsible Loyalists are both equally evil and Good. Golden Cole cannot accept that because she perceives -herself- as a Warden, and cannot believe she is Evil.

    During the beta thread on this topic she said that any Loyalist, no matter what they do or believe, is evil because they support the Government. That you cannot do any good because all the evil of the government stains every act you take.

    But if that's true, then no Warden can ever do any good, because they are part of the resistance and the Crusaders. They are just as evil as their compatriots, and can never do any good because they are allied with evil.

    She will continually refute that, holding up her Hypocrisy with winking smiley faces.

    The truth is that Wardens and Responsible Loyalists both try to save people while trying to distance themselves of the atrocities the greater portion of their group performs. The Good Loyalists are outnumbered by Corrupt and Sadistic ones. The Good Resistance members are outnumbered by the Vindictive and Evil ones.

    Does that mean neither side is Heroic? Yes. Does that mean neither side do any good or aspire to heroism? No, it does not.

    But she'll never admit that. because the moment she realizes not every Loyalist is a stiff-armed Cole supporter her tiny brain will implode from the shock. And just before she dies of brain-splosion two brain cells that are currently next to each of her ears will meet in the middle of her skull and she'll realize that individuals in an opposing organization might be good and decent people.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Where did I say I wanted to kill him?
    In almost any other post involving Kang you've stated he should die and burn and no father would ever do that and yadda yadda yadda.

    But now you want us to let him live because he'll help your cause? Either the man is evil incarnate or he isn't. But pick one and stick with it, Hypocrite.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's not really any point in making an emotional appeal to people who have no souls.
    So stop making Emotional Appeals to Resistance Sympathizers, Idiot.

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Also, there aren't any loyalists denials of their crimes - and the power path focuses on manipulating the truth, while the responsibility one ends with you having the choice to blow Interrogator Kang's brains out to stop him getting the truth out to the people.
    Jesus H Cripes, Golden Cole. PICK ONE!~ Either you hate and want to kill the man for what he did to his daughter or you want him to live. I can't kill him -and- let him live.
