1544 -
Une note personnelle :
La traduction ci-haut est, au meilleur de mes connaissances, adéquate et aussi précise que possible.
Par contre, mon expérience de joueur de CoH a été exclusivement en anglais depuis 2004, donc la terminologie des pouvoirs et autres détails m'échappe toujours. Veillez me pardonner pour toute confusion, et n'hésitez pas à me faire part de toute suggestion.
Merci d'avance pour votre compréhension, et au plaisir de vous voir participer en grand nombre ! -
Nous vous présentons : Le 5e concours annuel de concept de personnage M. & Mme Paragon Universe!
Le Player Event Resource Committee présente:
M. & Mme Paragon Universe
À partir du samedi 5 Novembre 2011, à Pocket D
Lancez la musique et les projecteurs, il est temps de briller sous les feux de la rampe!
Le Player Event Resource Committee est très heureux de célébrer le 5e anniversaire de cet événement incroyablement populaire, qui débute cette année le samedi, 5 Novembre 2011, à Pocket D.
Héros, Vilains et Prétoriens seront en compétition pour la chance d'être couronnés M. ou Mme Paragon Universe ! Deux semi-finalistes par serveur seront sélectionnés (1 masculin et 1 féminin) afin de représenter leurs serveurs dans la finale le 3 Décembre 2011.
Nous tenons à vous remercier tous pour votre participation ces quatre (4) dernières années et nous espérons que vous célébrerez avec nous encore cette fois-ci!
Merci à tous pour votre participation et votre soutien. Nous nous reverrons sur le podium!
Dates et heures
*Toutes heures sont à l'heure de l'est, États-Unis
Samedi 5 novembre 2011:
16h00 - Defiant (conversion horaire)
20h00 - Triumph (conversion horaire)
22:00 - Freedom (conversion horaire)
Dimanche, 6 novembre 2011:
16h00 - Vigilance (conversion horaire)
20h00 - Guardian (conversion horaire)
22h00 - Protector (conversion horaire)
Samedi, 12 novembre 2011:
16h00 - Union (conversion horaire)
20h00 - Victory (conversion horaire)
22h00 - Virtue (conversion horaire)
Dimanche, 12 novembre 2011:
16h00 - Zukunft (conversion horaire)
20h00 - Pinnacle (conversion horaire)
22h00 - Champion (conversion horaire)
Samedi, 19 novembre 2011:
20h00 - Infinity (conversion horaire)
22h00 - Justice (conversion horaire)
Dimanche, 20 novembre 2011:
20h00 - Liberty (conversion horaire)
22h00 - Exalted (conversion horaire)
Samedi, 3 décembre 2011:
Finales - Serveur Test - 17h00 EST / 14h00 PST / 22h00 GMT (conversion horaire)
Chaque semi-finaliste, par serveur (1 masculin et 1 féminin) recevra :
- 2 Codes de costumes
- 1 Milliard en influence
- Titre Or, dans le jeu : M. ou Mme (Nom du serveur) 2011
- Titre dans le forum: M. or Mme (Nom du serveur) 2011
Les grands gagnants recevront en plus :
- 2 Codes de costume (donc 4 au total)
- 1 Milliard d'influence (2 milliards au total)
- 1 Choix de pack (Cyborg, Magie, Science, Arts martiaux, Mutant, Nuptial, Item pack pour Mac, Bon vs Mal ou le jetpack de 30 jours)
- 1 copie de CoH, boîte signée par l'équipe de développement CoH
- Titre Or, dans le jeu : M. ou Mme Paragon Universe 2011
- Titre de forum: M. ou Mme. Paragon Universe 2011
*Note: Pour être éligible à remporter le grand titre et les grands prix, chaque semi-finaliste DOIT pouvoir se présenter aux finales le 3 décembre.
Première ronde de la compétition - Serveurs individuels
Réglements de base :
- Tout Héro, Vilain, ou Prétorien est éligible à participer.
- Seule une participation par compte, par serveur est permise. Vous pouvez participer sur plus d'un serveur (tant que vous n'êtes pas finaliste d'un serveur particulier).
- Les personnages doievent être au moins niveau douze pour participer.
- Une fois les évaluations débutées, aucune participation tardive ne pourra être acceptée.
- Aucun représentant de P.E.R.C. ne peut participer (étant donné qu'ils seront juges de cet événement).
- Les personnages masculins et féminins compétitionneront séparément.
Réglements pour costumes:
- Les armes personnalisées sont autorisées.*Ceci inclut les boucliers, les lames, pistolets, etc. Les joueurs sont priés de ne pas effectuer d'attaques avec leurs pouvoirs, mais de seulement les activer au besoin.
- L'utilisation des pouvoirs est limitée.*Nous comprenons qu'il ya une variété d'options de personnalisation des pouvoirs, cependant les pouvoirs peuvent affecter d'autres joueurs sans le vouloir et peuvent aussi attirer l'attention loin des autres participants.*Les joueurs devraient limiter leur utilisation de pouvoirs et de les utiliser à des fins d'effet.*Par exemple : bouclier de feu, armures, champ de force personnel, et invincibilité.
- Soyez très prudent dans vos choix de pouvoirs et évitez l'utilisation excessive de multiples pouvoirs.*Les pouvoirs ne doivent pas cacher votre costume.
- Les pouvoirs qui affectent d'autres joueurs ou ont un grand rayon d'action peuvent entraîner la disqualification.*Comme exemples : effets de brume, champs électriques, effets au sol, etc.
- S'il vous plaît communiquez avec un représentant P.E.R.C.*pour toute question concernant un pouvoir spécifique.
Réglements d'évaluation :
- Un panel composé de représentants P.E.R.C. provenant d'autres serveurs jugera cet événement.
- Il est recommandé aux participants de bien considérer leurs options de costumes, les personnalisations de pouvoirs, les animations et auras utilisés dans l'élaboration de leur présentation.
- Les évaluations de ce concours seront basées sur les concepts, les costumes et la créativité.
- Les juges choisiront un total de 16 participants (8 masculins / 8 féminins) à la fin de la première ronde qui procéderont aux semi-finales.
Deuxième ronde de compétition (tous serveurs)
- Les semi-finales prendront place dans l'arène de Pocket D.
- Chaque groupe de semi-finalistes sera accompagné dans l'arène séparément. Premièrement les personnages masculins, suivis des personnages féminins.
- Un représentant P.E.R.C. amorcera un match dans l'arène et établira les équipes de juges et de semi-finalistes.
- Chaque participant aura 1 minute afin de démontrer ses pouvoirs! Les pouvoirs temporaires ne seront pas pris en considération. Seuls les pouvoirs personnalisés seront considérée dans leur manière de s'intégrer au concept général du personnage. Nous nous attendons à ce que vous fassiez un spectacle !
- Un personnage "cible" sera annoncé pour être utilisé par les participants.
- Durant cette ronde il est PRIMORDIAL de porter attention aux représentants P.E.R.C. pour toute directive additionnelle.
- Quiconque nuit intentionnellement à la présentation d'un autre participant, ou qui tue un autre personnage dans l'arène, sere éliminé.
- Tous les participants, qui ne seront retenus aux semi-finales, pourront observer les semi-finales.
Ronde finale de la compétition (globale)
Finales :
- La finale sera basée à la fois sur le concept / conception de costumes (les mêmes règles que ci-dessus) et, en outre, les participants seront invités à partager aux juges leur concept de personnage.
- Les finales auront lieu sur le serveur de test, les joueurs doivent être présents pour gagner.
- Le pointage pour les costumes sera calculé de la même manière que lors des premières rondes individuelles sur les serveurs.
- Les personnalisations de pouvoir et les mises en scène seront également prises en considération.
Le Player Event Resource Committee tient à remercier Paragon Studios et l'Équipe communautaire pour leur soutien et leur générosité. Si vous avez des questions au sujet de ce concours, s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec Madame Pistacio ou Arkyaeon par message privé ou envoyez un courriel à PERC.COH@gmail.com. -
Turns out I'm busy all day tomorrow, so please take some extra bites out of Union for me.
Quote:You know there's a perfectly good Ventrilo server open to all Protectorites, right?I think I'm going to ask that the Shadow Shard TF marathon folks who sign up have Skype so we can natter at each other while we play...I already know my SG will probably be keeping me company on it, as much as they're able. But anyway!
Four spots left for the themed Synpase. -
Quote:I paid my daughter to craft up some cards and paper characters, but the postage was killer.... Of course it's always nice to hear about Stalemate's wife aggro from the cost of mailing to the U.S. and elsewhere.
I managed to sneak out of the doghouse at some point. Just don't remind her.
Still, this is a Protector tradition I'm looking forward too yearly. -
Quote:What a sneaky way to catch some sleep!...And I did it on an emp/rad defender. I spent SO MUCH TIME dead...
It was quite a blast, and there were even some folks who simply stood by the sidelines with me the entire time just to cheer the team onward and keep the chatter going. -
Quote:Nice try.Stale, for your thing-
[/LIST]What's the deal with the villain Ouro TF's? Allowed or disallowed?
Also, if we solo them, do we get our times automatically divided by two?
After careful analysis and consultation, and by careful analysis and consultation I mean guesstimating, villains and heroes will be valued separately - unless there aren't enough participants.
So "yes".
Still trying to figure out what to do for prizes for this, but it'll come to me. -
Announcing the Fifth Annual Mr. & Ms. Paragon Universe Character Concept Contest!
The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
Mr. & Ms. Paragon Universe
Beginning Saturday, November 5, 2011 in Pocket D
Start the music and cue the lights; it’s time to strike a pose!
The Player Event Resource Committee (P.E.R.C.) is very excited to be celebrating the 5th anniversary of this incredibly popular event, starting this year on Saturday, November 5th, 2011 in Pocket D.
Heroes, Villains, and Praetorians will compete for the chance to be crowned the City of Heroes Mr. or Ms. Paragon Universe! Two winners will be selected per server (1 male and 1 female) to represent that server in the finale on December 3rd, 2011.
We’d like to thank you all for four (4) great years of participation in the past and hope you will celebrate it with us again!
Thank you again for all your participation and support. We’ll see you all on the catwalk!
Dates and Times
Saturday, November 5th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
4:00PM - Defiant (time zone conversion)
8:00PM - Triumph (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Freedom (time zone conversion)
Sunday, November 6th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
4:00PM - Vigilance (time zone conversion)
8:00PM - Guardian (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Protector (time zone conversion)
Saturday, November 12th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
4:00PM - Union (time zone conversion)
8:00PM - Victory (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Virtue (time zone conversion)
Sunday, November 13th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
4:00PM - Zukunft (time zone conversion)
8:00PM - Pinnacle (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Champion (time zone conversion)
Saturday, November 19th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
8:00PM - Infinity (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Justice (time zone conversion)
Sunday, November 20th, 2011: (times in eastern US time)
8:00PM - Liberty (time zone conversion)
10:00PM - Exalted (time zone conversion)
Saturday, December 3rd, 2011:
The Finals - Test Server - 5:00pm EST / 2:00pm PST / 10:00pm GMT (time zone conversion)
Each server winner (1 male and 1 female) will receive the following:
- 2 Costume Codes
- 1 Billion Influence
- In-Game Gold Title: Mr. or Ms. (Server Name) 2011
- Forum Title: Mr. or Ms. (Server Name) 2011
Overall winners will additionally receive the following:
- 2 Costume Codes (4 Total)
- 1 Billion Influence (2 Billion Total)
- 1 Choice of In-Game Item Pack (Cyborg, Magic, Science, Martial Arts, Mutant, Wedding, Mac Item pack, Good vs Evil or the 30 day Jetpack)
- 1 CoH Boxed Edition signed by the CoH Development Team
- In-Game Gold Title: Mr. or Ms. Paragon Universe 2011
- Forum Title: Mr. or Ms. Paragon Universe 2011
*Note: In order to receive the server winner title and prizes each server winner MUST attend the finals on December 3rd.
First Round of Server Wide Competition
Contest Basics:
- Any Hero, Villain, or Praetorian may enter.
- Only one entry per account per server is allowed. You may compete on multiple servers (if you are not chosen as a server winner).
- Characters must be at least level twelve (12) to participate.
- Once judging has started, no late entries will be accepted.
- No member of P.E.R.C. may enter (since P.E.R.C. Representatives will be judging).
- Male and Female characters will compete separately. Huge body types will considered male.
Costume Rules:
- Customized Weapons are allowed. This includes shields, blades, guns, etc. Players are asked to only draw weapons however and not utilize power animations.
- Powers Usage is limited. We understand that there are a variety of power customization options, however powers can affect other players unintentionally and can also diffuse attention away from other character components. Players should limit their use of powers and utilize them for Aura purposes. Examples include, but are not limited to Fire Shield, Rock Armor, Personal Force Field, and Invincibility.
- Be very careful in your power choices and avoid overusing multiple powers. Powers should not hide your costume.
- Powers that affect other players or have a large radius may result in disqualification from the event. Examples include, but are not limited to Steamy Mist, Lightning Field, Hot feet, and Shadowfall.
- Please contact a P.E.R.C. Representative if you have any questions about a specific power.
Judging Rules:
- A panel of P.E.R.C. Representatives from other servers will be compiled to judge this event.
- Players are urged to utilize costume choices, weapons customizations, emotes, and auras in building their concept for display.
- Judging for the contest will be scored based on concept, costume, and creativity.
- Judges will pick a total of 16 contestants (8 Male / 8 Female) at the end of the Server Judging Round to move on to the Semi-Finals Round
Second Round of Server Wide Competition
- Semi-Finals will take place in the Pocket D Arena.
- Each Semi-Finalist group will be taken into the Arena separately. Males first, followed by females.
- A P.E.R.C. Rep will start the Arena Event and set up the teams so that it is Judges vs. Semi-Finalists.
- Each contestant will have 1 minute to show off their powers! Temporary powers will not be considered, only how well customized powers work with the overall concept. We are looking for you to put on a show!
- A "dummy" or "test subject" will be announced for the person to target.
- During this round it is IMPORTANT to listen to all P.E.R.C. Representatives for any additional rules & details.
- Anybody who griefs and / or kills another contestant inside the Arena will be disqualified.
- All attendees, who do not make it to the Semi-Finalists, are invited to observe the Semi-Finals event once it starts.
Final Round of Competition (Overall)
- The finals will be based both on concept / costume design (same rules as above) and additionally, contestants will be asked to tell the judges about their character concept.
- The finals will occur on the Test server, players must be present to win.
- Costume scores will be formulated the same way as they were in the individual server contest rounds.
- Power customization and showmanship will be factored in as well.
The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank Paragon Studios and the Community Team for their support and generosity. If you have any questions for this contest, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com. -
How many years has this been running now Vyx?
Also, signed. -
I like player events.
But I love player events that are done for a good cause.
If you'd like to get editing rights on the calendar, to facilitate your event planning (even if temporarily) let me know! -
Check your email - sent you an invite to edit the server calendar.
You'll be able to add / modify the events as you see fit.
Also, sign me up for MoKeyes. -
Great - then here it is:
It Takes Two to Tango
Ouroboros Task Forces Duo Run
- Mender Lazarus
- Twilight's Son (Heroes Only)
- Mender Tesseract (Villains Only)
- Mender Silos
Screencaps preferred to show fastest times for each TF / SF run. Fastest overall time for running the 3 Task Forces or Strike Forces wins.
PRIZES (could be expanded before the event) - For each side:
- Winning duo: 200M inf each (400M per team, 800M total)
- Runners up: 50M inf each (100M per team, 200M total)
1 billion inf total -
This is now added to the calendar, since Stone apparently forgot he can edit it himself.
Also, I did have an idea in mind for an event, but there is nowhere to really fit it in without competing with anyone and matching my personal schedule, so I would be available most of Saturday to help out with anything that needs it. I'll save the other idea for a later date. -
So, to recap what I'm adding to the calendar:
Union Zombie Invasion - Oct. 29. 2PM EST.
Costumes are deceased British personalities.
All good?
Also, which zone will be the regrouping are? -
The Player Event Resource Committee would like to thank all of the players who submitted an entry to compete in Design Challenge - Bases on a Budget! We were extremely pleased to receive 42 entries. Rather than eliminating two players, we felt it best to extend twoof the categories to eleven for maximum competition. It was extremely enjoyable to read the short essays on why people wanted to enter and view the gorgeous base screen shots that many players submitted. There are many passionate Base Builders and it will be amazing to see what can be done on a small budget!
Contestants were asked to rank their preference of category they would like to compete it, PERC is very pleased to say that every contestant will be given their first choice to build!
@1st Son
@Blue Turbo
@force majeure
@LaLoca Mocha
@Tax E
@Her fixr
@Needle Fingers
@Bru' Tal
@Chaos Bunny
@Counterfeit Monk
@Dark Bladed
@Elizabeth Shirako
@Ulysses Dare
Freestyle/Player's Choice
@Kay Nova
@Layla Rei
@Love Goddess 2
@Mister Magical
@Obs inc
@War Base
Contestants will be sent an email with further details on the competition! If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via PM or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com.
Good find!
Added to calendar.
If you're subscribed, or follow on Twitter, you'll receive the usual notice. -
Looks like Layla is going to be our only contestant from Protector?
Only 2 days left. -
Congrats to the participants!
Cool to see a few Protector names I recognize here. -
So, who thinks they got them all?
Ellectra, if you ever need assistance while ingame, feel free to join the " N P C " channel and ask. The Mentor Project volunteers are there to help out for just this type of situation.
The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
Design Challenge - Bases on a Budget
This is a contest to test your creativity, skill, and talent at base design! We want to see what you can do on a limited time and prestige budget. Forty designers will be chosen to compete, ten per category.
Are you ready to prove that you are a great base designer?
There are four categories in which contestants will be selected to compete.
- Arcane/Magic (examples: Enchanted Tiki Room or Magic Rainforest)
- Technology/Science (examples: Mad Scientists Lab or Spaceship)
- Modern/Livable (examples: High Rise Apartment or Dorm Room)
- Freestyle/Player Choice (examples: Farm, Jungle, or Candy Factory)
- Anyone who wishes to compete may enter by filling out a short form linked at the bottom of the post.
- Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
- Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
- Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
- You will be asked to rank (1 least to 5 most) the categories in which you would like to compete in. We will attempt to accommodate each players first choice as much as possible. Players will only compete in 1 category.
- Entries will be accepted until October 14th. Contestants will be selected by October 21st and will be invited into bases that week.
- Contestants will be posted on the forums and will be notified individually via email.
- Each contestant will be given a base to design. Each base will have exactly 300k prestige.
- Contestants may not do anything to earn or buy more prestige for the super group. Part of the challenge of this contest is designing on a tight budget.
- Peacebringers are recommended to use as the base designer for the use of fly. If you do not have that option, please request influence for a jet pack.
- Any player who does not have access to Paragon Rewards base items may request that a PERC Rep drop them off in the base.
- Contestants may design up to three rooms.
- Design/Building time will end on November 15th.
- Judges will tour bases between November 15th and 22nd.
- Contestants may choose to be present for the tour to explain details of the base design.
- Each category will be judged independently.
- Bases will be judged on: creativity, theme, difficulty, flow/cohesion, and overall aesthetics. Bases will not be judged on functionality (power, control, etc.)
- One winner and up to two honorable mentions will be selected per category.
Per Category- 1st place - 2 billion influence, a Gold title for the character of choice, and a special Costume Code
- Honorable Mentions - 500 Million influence
>> Enter Contest <<
If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to PERC.COH@gmail.com
Just emailed my contribution to the "purse holder".