
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. I just got 2 for my account (359T-G98H-3Q7W-6MPS-RDJD) and my wife's (359T-NYQ5-WLZU-SGN5-Q4K5)

    Third random try did it, then I used the next code in the sequence successfully as well.

    Chances are good the ones immediately below those are still available.
  2. Was absent for most of it, but that's my usual fare with COH these past months.

    Got 1 level on a troller, 3 on a blaster.
  3. Well Blackleviathan, the main considerations would be to be a Protector player, for starters.

    Some experience in coordinating events is useful but not mandatory, but an eager willingness to get involved will truly help you in the long run.

    We can talk further about this via PMs, or I can point you to the ideal person who could answer all your questions.
  4. I would love to get in on this - practice runs and badge attempts, but quite often will miss out because I learn of it too late.

    Now that I know this is actually happening weeknights (yeah, I've been out long enough to not be aware of this) I will definitely try to get in on the action when I can.

    My badger (inv/em tanker) still needs pretty much all the recent iTrial badges, plus a couple from the Keyes.

    I can be available whenever the majority is by rescheduling non-COH stuff (except Tuesday and Wednesday of this week - PERC activity on those nights).

    Thanks for running these T.
  5. Just got 8 years... feeling old now.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Well, this still leaves my badger tank out.

    Good luck with your runs.

  7. Very sorry to hear that, but glad that you are focusing on your well-being first.

    There will be songs, and libations celebrating your accomplishments as you enter this quasi-retirement.
  8. Biscuits is correct.

    You will need a 64 bit CPU / system to go past the 4Gb limitation, regardless of your version of Windows.

    That said, Win7 is worth upgrading to regardless.
  9. Hey folks,

    I had started recruiting for a DiB, redside, yesterday afternoon in the Protector Vigilance channel but had to drop everything due to some Real Life butting in.

    So I'll run it tonight instead, villain side, and I intend on going for all 3 badges that are available from this trial.

    If you are interested, post below.
  10. The Player Event Resource Committee Presents:
    Design Challenge - Disaster Base!

    Oh no, something terrible has happened to your base! Was it a natural disaster? A gang of looting Skulls? A Rikti bombing? A jealous Hellion's girlfriend? Whatever the cause, a total disaster has hit your base leaving you with nothing but wreckage! How creative can you be at turning a mess into a beautiful base? Thirty Designers will be selected to see who can best salvage their "Disaster Base"!

    • Anyone who wishes to compete may enter by filling out a short form linked at the bottom of the post.
    • Contestants will be chosen based on creativity of their answers, passion for designing, and skill level.
    • Entrants may choose to link up to 3 screen shots of previous base work.
    • Having previous base building experience is not a requirement; a variety of contestants will be chosen.
    • Entries will be accepted until June 24th. Contestants will be selected by June 28th and will be invited into bases from June 28th to July 1st.
    • Contestants will be posted on the forums and will be notified individually via email.
    • Non-VIP players may enter, but must realize that the prizes they win may be limited by their Paragon Tier level.

    • Each contestant will be given a "disaster" base to resurrect and design. Each base will have exactly the same number of items (wreckage) and an additional 50k prestige (disaster relief funds).
    • Contestants may not do anything to earn or buy more prestige for the super group. Part of the challenge of this contest is designing with only the materials provided and a small amount of prestige.
    • Contestants may not delete any of the preexisting wreckage. You may move it or reposition it, but you may not delete it. You must use the wreckage in a creative way.
    • Any player who does not have access to Paragon Rewards base items may request that a PERC Rep drop them off in the base.
    • Contestants may design only the given "Disaster Base" room, the base entrance will NOT be judged.
    • Design/Building time will end on July 20th.
    • Judges will tour bases between July 21st and 25th.
    • Bases will be judged without the contestants present. Contestants may email a summary/description of their base to be considered during judging.
    • Bases will be judged on: creativity, difficulty, use of wreckage in design, overall aesthetics, and cohesion.
    • There will be 3 overall winners selected and up to 10 Honorable Mentions.

    • Overall Winners (3)- 2 Billion influence, a set of ATOs (player's choice), and an Olympian Guard costume code!
    • Honorable Mentions - 250 Million influence
    • Each contestant who completes their base will be awarded a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% rech

    >> Enter Contest <<

    If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact Madame Pistacio or Arkyaeon via private message or send an email to
  11. This is downright awesome.
  12. Stalemate

    Mentor Project

    Now that the game has brought changes which make it difficult to justify its existence, I will be abandoning the Mentor Project.

    The idea worked well before the Help channel was introduced, and before the game was opened up to free players, but the attention it would require to make it compete with an already working ingame system isn't worth it, IMHO.

    If someone else would like to pick it up and try their hand at it, please let me know and we'll work out how best to do this.

    Thanks to everyone who partook in this project with me, seeing the need for a more practical, personal approach to helping the new players.

    It's because of players like you that this game stands out in the MMO worlds.
  13. Given the lackluster success of this project, I will be abandoning it.

    If someone else would like to pick it up and try their hand at it, please let me know and we'll work out how best to do this.
  14. Stalemate

    Issue 22

    In my case: Just... play.

    I haven't been on more than half a dozen times or so since 2012 started.
  15. Nope - I'm not dead yet.

    I've updated the Protector Calendar with the March 2012 Weekly Strike Targets.

    The event details might contain important information, so be sure to look them over, just in case.
  16. I missed it!

    Is there any cake left?

    ... I mean, "Happy Birthday!"
  17. My wife refuses to roll a toon with the name "Beaverine" I proposed.
  18. I'm in. Pretty sure Cass will be along as well.
    The Provincial

    Disorder Prevention Unit ML4702's first sentient realization was that a life was ebbing in his hands. Behavioural programming was replaced with the knowledge that dying woman had given him perhaps the worst of gifts a cyborg could receive: self-awareness - and with it: morality. He felt.

    Knowing that he could no longer abide by his makers' repressive laws, nor ever consider further enforcing the fascist stranglehold of the Canadian Concordat his world was under, the DPU used a quantum jumper to find solace in our world. He renamed himself The Provincial, as a reminder of his past duties and his future intentions.

    Until the time comes to return home, he savours every instant that life experiences can offer. Using his free will to ensure justice prevails he enjoys the fact that he can provoke mirth and smiles here, instead of deathly fear, when he states he's a member of the Maple Leaves.

  19. Stalemate

    This is goodbye

    I laughed until I stopped.
  20. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    OK, I'm getting way too behind with these, so those who still have not received their artwork I will propose an alternative.

    A one-shot comic book cover instead of the Christmas themed poster / card. Pick the first option if you prefer, or stick with the Christmas poster - your call.

    I'm offering this "upgraded" artwork instead, since the holiday season has come and passed. I'm very sorry to have had to delay submitting these, but my schedule has been soooooo weird, I've managed to log in to Paragon City only once in the last 2 weeks.

    Scroll down to the Comics section on this page for some samples.
  21. Stalemate

    Hello folks

    @Rhylin is around?!
  22. I love the Skyrim themed ITF.

    Looking good there.