219 -
We wouldn't *have* to up the teams. You would just have to choose.
You could do: 2 emp, 2 blaster, 1 therm
or 2 emp, 2 veat, 1 blast
dUmb could do 1 emp, 1 blast, maybe 3 storm corrs.
I dunno, I'd have to try it -
A good point Syn. I think many just feel limited as to what they can feild. I mean, I have the same love of stalkers as you but right now you HAVE to bring them. Without that extra res you could still bring stalkers, but you could also bring blasters, or a sonic for the sheilds! Even a veat for MindLink would be viable again.
Okay plz think about this carefully before you decide if you like it or not. Your initial reaction will be "no, that's stupid." heck it was from my own team then after thinking about it they said "I still don't like it, but it could work."
I propose that we simulate a no gobal res scenario. Temporarily(until we get a no global res button) ban the +res sheilds from the epic powersets. OMG ban powers! I know it's not ideal BUT the res you would then have would be as if you did have the sheild. Instead you would just take another power in it's place. So just think about that for a min...
How would we enforce this? Well we would have to look at each others builds before a match starts.
Discuss... -
So I think we can all agree that we DESPERATELY need a no global resists button. Question is, how do we get this? Devs, any word on if this is coming???
We all heard from Posi himself that he listens to complainers the most. Eg. They went after AE farms why? Because lots of people complained. So why don't we try it? I ask all of you to PM Posi and complain to him that we need this button. If the ladder is to continue, and begin to thrive, then this is a MUST not a simple want. Plz take 5 mins and send that PM. -
I like that. I think only one reset per team is all that is nessesary though.
First of all, Sorrows steal moar IOs plz.
Yea Syn I see your point about the KB thing. However, I didn't make this post to say hey guys prac with me. I just meant with each other/internals. I know in the past wen closed beta was on so we didn't prac at all ppl would lose interest. Also, for the record, the toon I'm currently playing doesn't have all it's accoladesI know what you mean about getting burnt out too. I personally just don't have the time to prac 4 times a week. Though I miss the days where I used to log in on a non prac night and hear, hey spec get on test we're prac'ing. Anyway, let me know if you need help duping.
So now that the ladder is up and going again I've been trying to watch and see how groups are doing. So far I've only really seen PE and dUmb practicing on test and Rpvp doing some matches on live. Maybe the rest of you are doin pracs and I just haven't seen them and hey that's great keep it up. I know alot of you guys are busy working on accolades and getting IO's and builds, and those things are important, but don't sacrafice practice to get those done. I would rather my guys prac with gimp builds than not at all. To keep people interested and be competitive you should be looking at at LEAST one prac per week. The top teams in the old days used to prac sometimes 4 times a week! That may be exsessive but the results don't lie. The other thing is, if you do a prac with an unfinished toon, it will teach you to adapt to shortcomings in what you have and make you better at dealing with unforseen circumstances. Plus if you do good on a gimp build how much better will you be when it's done
Anyway I'm no Sing or Ajax but just thought I'd share some friendly advice. GL/HF guys! -
@Spec -Leader
@Raz -Leader
@Dark Master-
@Blister paq
@Fire Hazard- eligible forplay May 19th
[/ QUOTE ] -
Yea Empire that is the normal hit for AS. A super buffed AS can hit for 1200 before procs etc.
AS is not bugged and is not 100% unresisted however there is an unresisted portion just like there was before. Do some testing and watch your damage logs.
*Updated ladder rankings*
PE enters the ladder and moves over dUmb with a win over dUmb. GGs guys.
Easy Breezy
dUmb -
If you die after the buzzer when you zone out you are still dead. This is rather annoying.
We really need a button for "No global resists" This is the ONE option us arena pvpers have been constantly asking for. Can you at least let us know if this is coming or not? -
Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )
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i doubt it, last i heard she isn't attracted to old pasty white dudes who name their babies after characters in a movie.
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Hey! I'm not old! -
@Spec -Leader
@Raz -Leader
@Dark Master-
@Blister paq
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added @Twixt
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uhh no thx. -
Are you kidding? That's the great Xhiggy son. btw Xhig, does your sister still ask about me? )
I'll fight your emp on test monkey. You on right now?
My suggestion would be this. Do your next practice with DR on. Just see what happens. See what's effective and what isn't and if it even works at all. Don't compare it to zones because you know that it will be nothing like that. I plan on doing this our next prac.
your storm team should consider getting epics with res shields btw.
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I thought about that as well, and it's something to consider, but it doesn't matter what epic shield you're running if the crit on AS ignores your resistances. I only really have Ice for Hibernate, but if I can figure out how to fit in Phase and go Primal I would consider that as well.
I think the problem with the Storm team we ran last night was that we weren't turtling enough.
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Even if we are criting with AS the res sheild matters because the resisted part will hit harder. The bigger factor is if we see all your storms running Ice we could just load blasters and walk through them. -
you are going to join VORI?
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I lol'd