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  1. It seems to me that the game is getting better as there's less of the 'we need X archtype with X power set or we aren't going to even start the Task Force'. There are now things to do at level 50, that take advantage of all those expensive sets we've been buying. There are new powers that layer on top of what we've already built while removing our reliance on other classes to be on their top game.

    Saying 'the game is too easy' is simply saying you've been playing long enough to know better. Yet we still have lots of people passing over the Keyes Trial because it's 'too hard' despite the fact that it's actually quite simple by most MMO standards. What makes it hard? The other players in your trial not listening, not paying attention, or just plain not caring. It would help if anyone had ventrillo, but most of the CoH player base doesn't seem to have that little program. Or maybe it's a lack of vent servers. Either way, like everything that's come before it, eventually it will be simple and old-hat. The incarnate system will keep things fresh for perhaps another year. We'll see if CoH is out of gas when the Incarnate system is finished, but until then (and until SW:TOR) I plan to enjoy it.
  2. SpaceJew

    F2P Doom!

    MFW my single-core pentium 4 runs ultra-mode at 30 FPS
    Congrats? I don't see what that has to do with anything. If you must know, I suppose I didn't buy it just to play ultra mode but rather to also play new release video games that require a lot more than a single core anything. Also, it hardly cost $2000, building it myself it ran me $650.

    If that seriously happened, I would stop giving NCsoft and Paragon Studios all my 2k monies right then and there.

    I don't wanna play a game where a free player gets the boot every time a member of the VIP Master Race decides to log on and shoot the breeze. I'm just saying, that's all.
    Sooo, you would rather be locked out of the game you pay a monthly fee for rather than have some freeloader that's contributing nothing be kicked off the server? I dunno, I pay 15$ a month for the 'privilege' of playing City of Heroes. I've done so for four years. I'd like to think I'm worth more than some freebooter. And without F2P people Virtue currently hits the red-bar of doom pretty often, such as almost every evening. It doesn't take a huge stretch of the imagination to think that lock-outs will be a daily occurance without some serious upgrades. I'm really hoping voodoo was right about those upgrades...anyone know something specific? I didn't get anything from a forum search...
  3. SpaceJew

    F2P Doom!

    Originally Posted by Magpie_Mouse View Post
    I was around to see Champs go F2P and it wasn't that bad. Just wait a month for all the WoW tourists to get bored and leave. Those that like what CoH offers will stay.

    It'll just take some patience and a thick skin (Okay, that last one might be hard, this is Virtue after all.)
    Fair enough, a good attitude will go far I imagine ^_^

    The only real concern's I have are latency related in the immediate future, hopefully Voodoo was right about the server upgrades. Even if I have priority over F2P I could still get locked out, unless of course a F2P gets booted every time a VIP wants on ^_-
  4. SpaceJew

    F2P Doom!

    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    As VIP every month you get a free server transfer. Just one. The VIP server is mostly for the elitist players who can't handle dealing with new players.
    I was also already aware of this, I was simply hoping they might do a bit more since they're completely changing the game. If there was a 'paying customers only' server when I started, perhaps I'd have put all my characters there. If I get *one* character a month moved onto that server, that's as good a time as any to put this game behind me because I've got dozens of level 50 characters that I would just as soon not re-level to 50 or pay over a 100 dollars to transfer to get away from the deluge of people that don't know the first thing about a seven year old game. Call me elitist, but you'll come over to VIP as well after the 6000th character that day asks you how to turn off the pop-up hints. I don't hate new players, I just want those new players to stick around for longer than the five minutes it will take them to realize this isn't WoW. We're sheltered here in CoH from the WoW kiddies, more than you realize. That's about to change forever.
  5. SpaceJew

    F2P Doom!

    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    City of Heroes population isn't dying. Perhaps the intelligence of the people playing it, but not the numbers. CoH has a ridiculously high retention rate.
    No, you're right. This is what makes me wonder why a change over to a F2P system is necessary or desirable at this point. What do we stand to gain? Added income to NCSoft to make more content? Maybe. Blatant money grab? Perhaps. Only time will tell.

    I suppose it is the same bottom of the internet that gave us you?
    I suppose this is all the proof I need that you're simply trolling, eh?

    People need to learn the difference between where it is their computer that can handle the trial and when it's the actual servers. I never experience any lag bursts that freeze me. And my computer is outdated.
    Lets see what my system spec's are then:
    AMD 3.2ghz x4
    NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
    4 Gigs RAM
    Terrabyte of harddisk

    It's not top of the line I suppose, but it doesn't have even a hiccup running the game on ultra mode. Additionally, since I get zero lag and the game runs like glass on Pinnacle than I suppose it *must* therefore be my computer, and not the subpar servers, that are causing the problem. Especially since *everyone* I've played with on Virtue complains about the lag *nonstop*. I suppose that's my computer too. Additionally, I know the difference between server lag and computer lag. It's not obvious in every situation, but when but I mapserve and log back in and hear twelve people asking if everyone else just mapserved it's not rocket science. Now imagine the same situation, only with a hundred more instances of the same running. It's going to be redline city without some major upgrades. I really *hope* they upgrade, because even as it stands now it is unplayable at peak hours. I refer to unplayable as around the 3 fps range, which is where it's at for me. Last note on this issue, I've tried setting my settings to the lowest possible quality and the game still lags my power tray, and there should be no argument that it should run like a gazelle from a lion at those settings.

    The hardware is being upgraded from what we know, based on the stress test last month during the Praetorian Invasion. As VIP every month you get a free server transfer. Just one. The VIP server is mostly for the elitist players who can't handle dealing with new players.
    Is it? Is it really being upgraded? I hope you're right, can't say I've been super active on the forums of late since I've been playing other games so maybe I just haven't heard. I'm not saying this F2P is going to be a horrible, horrible failure. I'm just saying that it's probably going to bring a lot of bad along with it, seeing as how every game I've played that's gone F2P has changed for the worse. Maybe they'll get it right, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Remember how awesome the AE was going to be? And while I'm sure there are good maps under all the farming maps, there's also a thousand farming maps.
  6. SpaceJew

    F2P Doom!

    So I took a break from City of Heroes a while back, about a two year break with occasional relapses. In that time I played a few other MMO's that were, at the time, pay-per-month games. Below is a short list.

    Dungeons & Dragons Online
    Lord of the Rings Online

    Notice, perhaps, what each has in common? Each of them is, currently, a game with a 'free to play' option. Each one was dying from lack of population and a down-turn in subscription fee's when I started playing them. Perhaps I was on a kick for games that were doing badly, or perhaps I just wanted a fantasy MMO. Either way, I was there for the F2P merge on each of these games. There isn't a whole lot in common between each of the merges, but there were a few things that stood out to me.

    Firstly, the player base increased over night. These 'new' people had a lot in common. Namely that they were apparently the bottom of the internet. This doesn't apply to all of them, of course. Nothing can stand up to that absolute, but it was mighty close.

    Additionally, since I obviously have many of my characters on virtue this concerns me for another reason. Specifically, the trials as they stand now on one of the most populated servers in the game are almost unplayable. Lag bursts that freeze everything, escaping resistance members in the BAF, and crappy response time on grenades in the Lambda. Sure, you can still complete them but try playing one on, say, Pinnacle at 2am. The difference is amazing. What's going to happen now that the servers are going to be redlined from dawn until dusk? I honestly don't believe the servers can take the strain, and I'll be damned if I'm going to play a turn-based MMO. This isn't because my computer is a relic either, it's a brand new quad core that I bought specifically for ultra mode.

    I don't want to move all my characters to some backwater server to run from the lag either. Perhaps it's time to consider a server merge, or to upgrade the server backend, or something in that vein because I don't see this going well. I'm also curious if the VIP server will have the standard number of starting slots, or if I can move ALL of my three servers worth of characters to the VIP server. I'd rather not pick and choose twelve characters, but will if I have to. Also, are these moves to the VIP server free, or are we creating new characters there, or what? How's that mechanic going to work?
  7. ^ What he said =P

    As a parting comment, we both had some crossed wires Hyper =P I only used 4 pieces in five powers for kinetic combat. I should have been clearer. I think I should look into Smashing Haymaker myself now...
  8. SS/Fire/Elec is nice and all, but I'm still rather fond of my underdog Dark/Fire/Energy. Soul Drain gives you your own fulcrum shift for burn, while negative damage is fairly unresisted as a norm. As long as you have lots of recharge, it's deadly to groups. (Doesn't have one big awesome damage power like KoB, but with Firey Embrace it stacks fire ticks on top of your two single target punches for better sustained damage and fury generation.) Plus, no worries about any crashes at all, and two endurance recovery powers that can be slotted for damage with perfect body and two performance shifters.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Guardien View Post

    I don't have anything with Invulnerability, so I can't comment directly on Unstoppable. I do play several things with a clone of it though: Power Surge (x1), Lightform (x3). I can't say I'm a big fan of the crash, but it's not the WORST tier9 downside out there...even taking into account its situational use, there's a powerset worse off for when it can use its tier9: dark armour. You gotta be dead to even use it, talk about downside! At least you're alive still with Unstoppable (and its clones). MoG used to be worse as well, and it got changed, so maybe there is hope...for you.
    Personally, I don't mind the risk the crash poses.
    Me either, I still use it. I must admit dark does have a pretty bad one, requires an enemy to be in range to even use it right? Electric has a run for the money on crappy as well, and I guess fire too although at least it does damage and requires no target...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Its rare my WP Brute dies, and even my SD Brutes rarely die after getting incarnate powers.
    Too bad we aren't talking about your willpower brute, huh? Did you even read the topic description?

    I can't imagine a well built Invuln tanker with incarnate powers being anything but an unkillable juggernaut, unless they do something really stupid or get caught with their pants down.
    Such as, perhaps, having no psy resistance or defense whatsoever to the add mobs, even while under T9? Specifically though, what I was talking about was the T9 crash. Otherwise yes, it is very durable. Again, read the topic description.

    In Lambda the only times Marauder kills my WP Brute* is if I get caught in an animation when he uses Nova fist (rare, the warning is really generous) or if I goof up in my SoW - Barrier - Demonic Aura - T3 Orange Inspiration - Void Final Radial Judgement juggling (also rare, there's a lot of overlap in there)
    Again, good thing we aren't talking about your willpower brute. Or the overall durability of the set. However it doesn't mitigate the fact that Marauder can and does hit directly through the T9 making it even less useful than usual.

    An Invuln Tanker should be several orders magnitude tougher than my WP Brute - so again, unless you simply do something silly, I can't imagine dying on an Invuln Tanker with unstop running (after it crashes, yeah that's another story).
    That's the exact story we're talking about. I've been killed by Marauder through my T9 unstoppable several times when I'm on a team that allows the mobs to pile up on top of him before finishing the acid grenade cycle, or when doing a master run. Again, the psy hole will ruin your day since there is zero mitigation to that damage type other than HP and regen. (Which is what my invul is built for.) Again, making unstoppable next to useless.

    *This character is the focus of Marauder's full attention on nearly every Lambda I run. Its exceedingly rare for me to not have main aggro.
    Congrats I guess, it's not hard to keep his aggro in the slightest. Especially on an invul/energy as my ET hits for about 1600+ damage with an average fulcrum.

    This part I agree with, although not completely, - but I do think Invuln with Rebirth is an exceptionally strong and amazing combination.
    What would you take instead that would out-perform rebirth on an invul? Barrier's 5%? Clarior's mez protection? The only other realistic option is the +end +debuff protection, which is arguable but you never even made that point. Did you even actually read my post? I only ask because you made the same points, only you claimed that you disagreed with me. If your only point, which reading your post seems to indicate, is that you really like your Willpower brute that's fine. I have one too, Elec/WP/Elec built at level 50. That's how I know the things I know, because I've played both for quite some time at level 50. You, however, seem to have never played invul at all. Interesting you'd make comments about it.
  11. It affects you and everyone around you.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    1. Rage is +ToHit. I've edited my brain-fart about it out of my original post.
    2. 3/4th of that +Acc goes away at level 46.
    3. Invuln does NOT suffer from durability issues if built properly. Sure, it's non-S/L resists aren't great. But the fact that you can cap yourself to all typed defenses but Psi more than makes up for that.
    Yeah, rage is +Tohit I had a brain fart there myself. He still doesn't have that power however given that he's invul/fire.

    Most bonuses are going to go away at level 44-45 anyway.

    You're right about invul being durable, if built correctly, which is the topic of conversation.

    Invincibility still buffs his ToHit per enemy, so again I dont think it's an issue. However, the energy/elemental resists and defense are lacking. 3 or 4 slotting those powers and putting in a reactive armor would help on that front. He's definately closer to soft-cap than I thought, thanks for the mids shot.

    As to multi-strike, it does have defense buff's at around the five slot mark and I tend to five slot AoE powers if not 6 slotting them as AoE powers generally do more 'dps' given that they hit multiple targets at once thereby getting more 'bang for my buck' so to speak.

    The 4-5 slotting inherent resists, and the kinetic combat comments, were both meant to illustrate other options to look into. They aren't neccessarily economical, sane, or recommended simply something to consider. As to what you mean by kinetic combat not working with natural bonuses, I'm not sure what you mean. I was simply stating that's what I had done on an invul/energy to achieve soft cap defenses to typed damage. It's obviously impossible here with kinetic combat since he doesn't have the single target melee attacks to put them in.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    The main problem I see is that your base accuracy sucks.
    Yes, you've got a 24% boost from set bonuses, but most of that at level 50.

    Anything lower than 47 and your base accuracy lands you in the toilet. Yes, you've got range and Invincibility and rage bumping your ToHit, but still. Big fan of High +ToHit AND High Acc here.

    Also, you may want to look at shoring up your non-S/L resists just a little. They're not terrible, but they could be a bit higher. Otherwise any of those damages types getting through your defenses will wreck you.
    He doesn't have rage, therefore he doesn't get the base acc. bonus from rage. I don't think that he'll have any problems with accuracy what-so-ever with a 24% boost. Invul suffers the most from durability issues, invincibility buff's his to-hit's so it should be a non-issue. (Which I'm guessing is what you meant...)
  14. It's a matter of stacking what you have to work with. What does invul have? Well, lets see.

    A: High S/L Resistance

    B: Moderate typed defense

    C: Moderate typed resistance

    D: Low/Moderate regen

    Depending on how you slotted your invul, there are different options. However, the 'best' option imo is to go for the T4 +regen buff. And here's why...

    My Invul sits at 25 hp/sec before DP is popped and has roughly 2330 HP. After I pop DP, my regen sits at roughly 35-40 hp/sec and has 3440 HP. The +regen destiny up's it to cap for a few seconds, then slowly degrades to around 50-60 hp/sec at bottom tier regen. This stacks better than the, what, 5% bonus to resistance/defense even if you're about that close to soft cap defense. It also gives you a better ability to mitigate unstoppable crashes, but even if you opted out of unstoppable it's a second heal which is more likely to save your butt than barrier imho.

    EDIT: The +regen destiny basically turns you into a WP or Regen toon, i'd actually argue that barrier is better for WP/Regen since they already have plenty of HP regen. Think of your shields as a three-legged stool. Defense/Resistance/Regen. You want all three, and you want them all to be as high as they can be.
  15. Agreed on PvP IO's =P

    To be fair, I've never slotted an invul/fire tank but my main is an invul/energy. I think I used something like 5 kinetic combat sets, 2 multi-strike sets, and 5 reactive armor sets to get to soft cap. I don't have mids in front of me, but you CAN get to soft-cap on invul defenses with one mob nearby. If you want to farm, that's probably what you'll need unless you don't mind doing it three minutes at a time. ^_-

    I'd also think about 4 or 5 slotting all your inherents for reactive armors, but that's just me.
  16. SpaceJew

    Tank Problem

    There's no way one mez guy in a +0 map is doing anything to you, and no I haven't noticed this on my Invul tank, my shield tank, my fire tank, my dark tank, or my willpower brute.

    Either you're getting detoggled, don't have your toggle on, or are fighting massed carnival or malta baddies. Either that, or there's an AV/EB somewhere that you didn't notice.

    If it's a tip mission, I suppose it's also possible that you're fighting PPD which do a lot of odd things. I haven't noticed detoggling, but they do debuff pretty much everything.
  17. I think your defense numbers are nowhere near high enough for this invul build to be a tanker build. Multi-strike instead of your obliterations and posi-blasts would be a start to fix that, but if you're trying to turn invul into a tank set it's damn expensive.
  18. I should have paid a little more attention to the actual topic of the post, which supposedly is the question of how useful the invul Tier 9 is in the incarnate trials. My answer, to that specific question, is not at all. My reasons are many, and I will hereby catalog them.

    A: Both in the BAF, and in the Lambda, the fights last far longer than 3 minutes. Yes, you can 'take a knee' somewhere to the side but the fights don't last -that- long.

    B: You will probably die without fancy footwork, and even with the fancy footwork you will probably die after 3 minutes. See point A.

    C: Hitting the Tier 9 doesn't improve survivability enough to put yourself on deathclock. In the Lambda the AV can and will kill you directly through your Tier 9 without much effort, even if you're using placate grenades.

    D: The incarnate destiny +regen Rebirth combined with Dull Pain is literally far better than your T9.

    Basically, the truth of the matter is with the new incarnate system your T9 is a waste. Yes, it helps mitigate the crash and might even make it useful again. But at the same time it renders it completely moot. Other sets, such as WP and shield, rely on their T9 just to stay alive sometimes. This is not the case with Invul as it has all the durability of both sets in one. (The same could be said of WP and shield, just with different destiny T4's)

    With my T4 +regen destiny and DP going (which is perma btw), I regen around 50 hp/sec at the lowest tier bonus of +regen while still being soft-capped on defense and with 90% resistance to S/L. Yeah there's a psy hole in the set still, but you'll live through it with the regen alone. Even the energy protection isn't bad, with 35% resistance and 40% defense with one enemy nearby.

    My $0.02 cents.

    P.S. All numbers are probably 1-5% off due to me not having mids in front of me.
  19. SpaceJew

    Tanker EM vs. SS

    This thread:

    Good debate on the effectiveness of Energy Melee as things currently stand.
  20. It's obviously a matter of taste for a lot of people. Yes, you can adapt and only use your two worthwhile attacks on AV's and you will in fact be doing a lot of damage to those AV's. Probably about as much as other sets. How much of the game, would you say, consist of AV's? I've been playing my Invul/Energy tank for about four years, and yes I still play her because it's still a 'fun' set. However, Energy Barrage, Energy Punch, and Bone Smasher are going to be the only powers you use if your team has any clue what they're doing, and if they don't know what they're doing you're probably going to die since Energy Melee lacks ANY kind of AoE damage outside of Whirling Hands. (And yes, Whirling Hands is a joke and everyone knows it.)

    Yes, Incarnate abilities, vet rewards, and even temp powers might be able to fill that hole. It's also true that no other melee set needs to turn to outside sources from their primary/secondary to achieve parity with other melee sets. (Which is a stated goal of why the Dev's 'nerfed' energy transfer in the first place.) Ok, so the single target damage of Energy Melee was, in fact, the highest of any set. It had no AoE outside of a joke, barely worth taking for the taunt component on a tank and skippable on any other set, power. Seemed like a good trade-off, yes? Only now, it does sub-par damage for most of the game compared to any other set I can think of (again, melee sets) while doing close, if not exactly the same single target damage when using every power. All this, while still not having any AoE damage worth mentioning. If it's going to be the single-target beast, make it the single-target beast. As it stands, I would not create another energy melee toon unless it gets ported to scrappers (which I doubt it will.)

    There are other sets that completely destroy mobs, and completely destroy AV's. I suppose the Dev's will get around to nerfing those as well, eventually.

    Right now, the only worthwhile combination with energy is /shield. Makes up for the lack of AoE, and gives a nice damage bonus to those hard hitting attacks.

    Final thought? Having one big, slow animating attack is about right for a set. Having two big, slow animating attacks for a set is redunant and ineffective. Either ET, or TF, needs to have the animation time decreased. Do what you need to about the damage, secondary effects, or whatever to make this happen.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Other powersets than EM have long activating attacks. Very few of them have the lion's share of their DPS contribution tied up in such animating attacks, and none of them have both that situation and an almost entirely single-target focus.

    That is the problem.
    This is the exact problem, and the Dev's should pay attention.
  21. SpaceJew

    Tanker EM vs. SS

    It's hard to say for sure since I don't have one of each at level 50, and even then shield is a lot different from invul in a lot of ways. However, now that you mention it the double-stack of rage is a far larger damage bonus that what I'm getting from shield, it's just a force multiplier. I guess I'm still pissed about the EM nerf, but this gives me a pretty good reason to BE angry about it. Not that rage hasn't been the subject of un-ending nerfs (I also have a SS/Invul Brute at 50) but it chaps my *** that SS is the best of both worlds whereas energy has to suffer through absolutely zero AoE. Again, perhaps a shield/em would help mitigate that but it seems very likely to me that the numbers won't add up. I'll do a bit more investigation when I get home and have access to MiD's, but as it stands I'm leaning towards the EM nerf was simply because of PvP issues. However, breaking a set for PvE to make it 'balanced' in the current broken-as-hell PvP arena makes me reroll yet another level 50. I just want to play the set I rolled, and I didn't roll it for PvP.
  22. SpaceJew

    Tanker EM vs. SS

    So, all the nerf's to the energy set were to bring it to parity with the other assault sets for tankers right? Wasn't the 'brusing' effect sold as a way to keep energy's single target damage at roughly what it was at?

    I'm just curious because I've got a level 50 invul/em tank, and I'm now leveling up a shield/ss tank and the damage on SS with the shield seems fairly uber. Of course, I'm sure this is mostly because of the AoE damage increase ability from shield, so it's very possible that a shield/em tank would pump out even more damage single target than I'd think. However, with rage it's not hard to keep my damage boost at roughly 160% and more commonly on large teams I travel at damage cap 300% almost constantly. This translates into knockout blow doing ~500 damage and shield charge doing ~300 damage with one acc and two dmg SO's at level 30. I'm curious if someone can compare and tell me how much damage your ET and TF do on average while surrounded. The reason I ask is because energy transfer on my 50 Invul/em tank, with damage cap in place, does ~1300-1500 damage total. However, that's at level 50 vs. level 30 and with complete sets 5 slotted into EM and TF.

    It just doesn't seem worth doing EM anymore if knockout blow can seriously compete with it as a single-target damage machine when SS also has a big AoE that makes whirling hands look girly in damage output.
  23. Good job! Of course, you had your incarnate powers so I'm not as impressed as I would have been before but it's still a damn nice job.
  24. Here's how I mitigate the Unstoppable crash:

    A: Pop unstoppable when needed

    B: When unstoppable has 10 seconds remaining (or so) I pop Geas of the Kind Ones, my end discount epic, and Eye of the Magus.

    C: Watch my health and endurance disappear.

    D: Pop Dull Pain

    I also must admit that I have two performance shifters. One in Stamina, and one in Perfect Body. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes performance shifter will hit right in the middle of the -end portion of the crash and save my toggles from turning off. I also admit that this method requires a lot of time and badges, but it saves my tank from dying pretty often. It requires timing, but on my build if I pop DP right before unstoppable starts it's up again just before it crashes. It also helps to have green/blue/purple inspirations, but with this method I use unstoppable almost every time it's up without dying overly much. (Of course, this method can't be used immediately after it's been used due to the cooldown of Geas and Eye, but it does work.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Heh, which part is patently untrue? That buff/debuff characters rule in a teaming environment? Castle himself would support me there.
    It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're selective. Buff/debuff is awesome, but a buff/debuff defender is not a blaster and it's the best when paired with a DPS class. (Such as the Blaster.) There are always outliers, but most of the ones I can think of are, shockingly, corruptors such as a fire/dark for instance. You even say as much here...

    Yes, a buffed Blaster will deal more damage than a buffed Defender. That's true. The problem is that there comes a point after which the Blaster is superfluous. A buff/debuff that increases the whole team's damage output tends to trivialize any advantage Blaster's have over the next highest damage dealer within that team. And on the subject of Scrappers, they're usually in a better position to receive the best damage buff in the game (Fulcrum Shift) because they live in melee range.
    Yes, scrappers sure are easier to get that buff with and debuffing makes defender damage almost ok as opposed to terrible or awful. (outside of archery/dual pistols/AR, which starts at ok.) I'm not talking about ease of play though since Blaster is an advanced class as most glass cannons are. Saying a buff/debuff team doesn't need blasters is stupid. What they don't need are scrappers. I'm talking about effectiveness when you know what you're doing. (Especially since I think we all agree that City of Heroes is, by definition, easy mode.) Also, saying that the increase causes blasters to become superfluous isn't true either. As you point out, buff/debuff increases the output of the whole team, including the top end damage dealer. That being the blaster. Yeah, anyone can wipe a load of minions off the map. They're friggin' minions. A blaster can wipe the mob period.

    The point isn't that Blasters suck on teams. The point is that they're not very good at soloing or teaming. Most ATs/builds are at least very good at one or the other. Some excel at both. (Edit -- Bottom Line: Blasters have the same if not more team-reliance that buff/debuff ATs do, but without the enormous upside on teams. They need support to perform at their peak, but support doesn't need them.)
    Blasters are superb for teaming, and I completely disagree with you on this point. In a team situation they are ideal as ALL their holes are plugged by a team (or should be) while still maintaining their higher damage limits. A scrapper just gets more of the same junk they already have. So they may start off as being more durable than a blaster but in a team situation that concern is removed, put on a shelf, and forgotten unless you are consistantly playing with terrible teams. If anything the scrapper is more of a head scratcher as to why they keep getting invited to teams. I'm guessing it's a lack of bubble/sonics, but either of those sets turns a blaster into a better version of a scrapper.

    *shakes head* Dude, I don't even know where to start. If you honestly believe that melee damage is intrinsically less impressive than ranged damage, then you're even less well-acquainted with how the game works than I thought. Hell, Blasters themselves do much more damage in melee than they do at range.
    It's not that it's less impressive, it's that it doesn't matter either way. It's a non-issue to me. Getting up close and personal on a blaster is modus operandi for me. So is juking either up, down, or side-to-side and switching to build up+aim and throwing some AoE death. Or staying in the middle and doing the same. I won't argue that blasters can solo, you're right there. I'm sure there are some outlier blaster sets that I haven't played yet that can kind of solo but I wouldn't expect them to be scrapper-good at solo play.

    I think the disagreement comes from the fact that there isn't anything HARD enough in the game to warrant taking a Blaster, who has better damage, over a scrapper. That and every mouth-breathing retard has a regen scrapper. If anything I'd take a blaster because there's at least a chance they know how to play. I just assume a scrapper is an AE n00b unless they have a laundry list of sets in their description. Either way, it's going to be dead in under two minutes.