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  1. Let me say this, I have been playing this game (And all my others since 97) since beta in 2004, on dial-up...
    I got disconnected and or game freeze at least 30 times on the red side yesterday, but I still managed to get 12 badges I needed.
    I couldn't even play the blue side because of the overwhelming lag for me on a land line.
    But guess what, I still loved the event! and I cant say a bad thing about it.
  2. That was the most fun I have had in years, and I caught up on 12 badges to boot.
  3. I know the titans are giving out the "Same" badge, not sure on the rest.
  4. Ok Im lost, wasnt the 5 yr badge suppose to get awarded today?
  5. Thank you Geveo for a very well written, and "Answered" question. It now makes a good deal more sense to me then before.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't speak for everyone, but I will speak for myself. I'm not looking for stars as much as I am looking for players to play my arcs and give feedback. In my personal opinion, plays with feedback help me improve my arcs. Goodness knows I appreciate any help. =)

    So far, I've played all the arcs on the first three pages and a handful past that. I've honestly enjoyed what I've played so far and am looking forward to the rest. Personally, if I don't have fun playing one they aren't going to just get 5 stars because it was on this thread. That'd just be silly. =)

    I do know what you mean about crappy missions having 5 stars. Before this thread I'd randomly be trying 5 starred arcs that sounded neat only to enter mission and be greeted with 'mission complete'. *shrugs* Suppose others may like that, but not my thing. I'd like to think my arcs are at least better than that, so I posted them here instead of letting them get buried to gather dust.

    Hmmm, maybe a better title for this thread would have been 'I'll play your arc, you play mine' since that seems to be how it's been working out in my experience.

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    Agreed 100%
  7. I have 3 arcs ( 9,6,and 3 people have tried them), and all of them stand at 4 stars. Everyone that has left me feedback has told me, they gave me 5 stars.
    What does it take to get and keep a 5 star rating, and Im getting so many 5 star feedback but they all stand at 4?
  8. I can attest that this thread is working well, anyone that has rated mine and left feedback, I have returned the favor.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Was the 1st Rikti invasion anything to shout about? I missed that event and also missed the 5th/Council war.

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    Events tend to grow in importance as time goes by because the participants remember it fondly as their "sovereign experience".

    Truthfully, the Rikti invasions we have today would not be so different than the end of beta invasion, except that the rikti leaders were controlled by devs (hence, playing intelligently and nigh invulnerable). Even if the general chaos level rose to the level that the old beta testers remember (or think they remember) the power sets and slotting today is nothing like what players had back then. We are both stronger and weaker, though mostly stronger.

    I suspect there would be a lot of people saying "Wait, this is what we've been envying all this time? We get this every weekend..."

    Honestly, if you go do a mothership raid, it's a reasonable approximation of what the end of beta invasion was like.

    Similarly, the Fifth Column/Council War was great because it was new. There had been NPC's in the streets and NPC's threatening each other, but never NPC's actually battling and destroying each other.

    Nowadays, that's ho-hum. We can make a whole roomful of battles in the architect if we want.

    So, I guess I'm saying "You had to have been there." I think it will be great to experience it again if that's what happens, but I suspect a lot of people will be scratching their heads and saying "What was so great about that?" because they won't be getting the "wow, never seen that before!" rush from it that the original participants got.

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    As 1 of those having been there, I agree 100% with the above.
  10. Well here goes...
    I have made two seasonal quite funny arcs (Or so I have been told) and one serious one. Here in the order I made them,

    The Fight For Halloween #59692
    The Clown group known as "LoL" wants to show the world that they can be scary, and they want a holiday all their own.But the best one is taken, so the fight is on...

    Saving Santa #80005
    Jingle's the elf wants Santa outta the way, he has designs for Mrs. Claus, and he'll stop at nothing to get her....

    Save The Kingdom #97952
    A evil Warlord has captured the king of the 3rd Kingdom, and he is guarded by the 4 elements. Can you rescue him and save the kingdom?

    If anyone stars me and leaves me feedback along with their arc #, I will gladly do the same for them.
  11. Saving Santa arc 80005 (Funny)
    The Fight For Halloween arc 59692 (Funny)
    Save The Kingdom arc 97952 (Serious)
    All custom mobs for every arc.
  12. Holiday
    Arc Name:The Fight for Halloween
    Arc ID:59692
    Length: Long
    Alignment: Neutral
    Arc Description: The Clown Group "LoL" ran by Giggle's, wants to show the world that Clowns are scary! So he wants a holiday of his own, and the best one is taken! The Halloween Creatures will not go down without a fight.
    All Custom Mobs, and meant to be humorous and fun to play through, the mobs are abit difficult, but fun. I welcome feedback =)

    Arc Name: Saving Santa
    Arc ID:80005
    Length: Long
    Alignment: Neutral
    Arc Description: (This is my second seasonal.) Jingle's the Elf, has decided he wants Mrs. Claus all to himself. So convinced a few elves to help him out, no more Christmas means no more work.
    All Custom Mobs, and meant to be humorous and fun to play through, the mobs are abit difficult, but fun. I welcome feedback =)
  13. How about a mad doctor MM with nurses who use scalpels and chain saws?
    Or a Pimp MM with hookers who use switchblades?
  14. I do know for a fact lag is present with this event, and I do know "For a fact" it is not "My Computer".
    It ran just fine till the first day I played the event. But Im not having lag with the zombies whatsoever, just the ToTing part. Horrible lag spikes when I ToT, and no one around me.
    Im not sure what is causing this, but I suspect maybe more npcs waiting behind doors could be the culprit.
    Either way I do love the event, so I can live with the lag for the lil time we have the event up.
  15. We stayed in BG mode, but the werewolves were hitting us soon as they came out with rocks, well before they died.
  16. I love this event, and the zombie hordes are a blast. But one thing I do not care for is door aggro for the clicker no matter what.
    I duo with another mastermind, so when I click a door, x2 enemies come out pissed off at me, and no amount of his or my pets attacking them changes their minds in the least.
    Its not to bad, unless 2 or werewolves come out, 2 rocks in the face hurt abit to a squishy like me, and the others with them dont help much LoL.
    I really wish mine and his pets would pull the aggro from the door clicker.
  17. Smoke_Ring

    Issue 13 Update

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    Ok look. I'm not sure what people are expecting with this mission editor thing. But what I strongly suspect we are getting is a way to GENERATE missions that are very similar in scope to what we get in-game now. Yes we can edit the text, yes we can probably import major NPCs and determine what type of mission objectives there are. Unfortunately, from the last things we've heard about the editor, major customization is going to be impossible. Has that changed since the last info we got? Who knows...but I'm thinking not.

    The other thing I want to say about this missions editor feature is that I'm finding it hard to get excited over players creating the same kinds of missions that the devs have been creating for over 4 years. I don't have any doubts that our community can produce some great story ideas and fiction for their missions. My problem is that those missions will still boil down to: Enter through front door, defeat a truckload of improbably placed enemies, click on glowy(s)/and or escort NPC to door.

    If the Devs had first brought out an issue that added new types of things to do in missions like avoid or disable traps, investigative puzzles, security espionage and alternate missions paths and arcs to name a few, and THEN had announced this mission editor with more customizable options along with everything else I mentioned above, I'd be doing backflips.

    As it stands now, if I'm going to be doing the same types of things I do in regular missions now but with a lesser reward, what exactly am I getting out of them aside from a potentially well written piece of player fiction?

    What I'm trying to get at is that the basic mission system in the game needs to be evolved first before player created missions using that same structure become exciting.

    This is an MMO. Its not a game like Neverwinter Nights, for example. You won't be able to import your own art assets, create new tilesets from scratch or change the way powers work even.

    I usually try to look at things from all sides, but I'm having a hard time seeing how this feature is the only major thing coming with Issue 13. That's not me crying DOOM! I'm gonna keep on playing because I love this game, I just hope something else big is on the issue 13 list that has yet to be made public.

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    Couldn't Agree More.
  18. Smoke_Ring

    Issue 13 Update

    I would always prefer news like this over a early buggy release.
  19. Smoke_Ring

    Nice people

    Ok i said i wouldnt do the list because it would take forever and if i forget 1 ill never be forgivin, so here goes in no order
    Alystria (aly)
    Alys brother and his many alts
    Bad One and her sister
    Kimi hasakawa
    Sweet Sarah
    Imp Accelerator
    Healing Goddess
    Thorned One
    Kittie Lamour
    Point Star
    Kokopelli Joe
    Monkey Butt
    Thin Ice
    Dark Lady
    Kinitic Force
    Project Nova
    American Woman
    Camo King
    Darkness Bliss
    Misty Mistic
    Dr Cozy
    Flyer Yugi
    Tax E
    Mr West
    Silver Chimera
    Infinate pain
    Project 18
    N fugeo
    And so many more jeez. If i forgot anyone im sorry dont mean your not a friend just means this Southern Gentleman has to many friends lol. I think ill run for the Mayor Of Atlas

  20. Smoke_Ring

    Nice people

    If i listed all my friends, people i admire, and or respect id be here all night, but you all know who you are