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  1. If you ever make your own, send me a tell, I'd like to join a nice SG that has some RP. There are a few RP groups around here, but I'm not a fan of wearing uniforms and all that. I spend hours painstakingly designing my own to match my carefully tailored back stories. I'd make my own SG or VG, but I'm not a fan of base designing.

    Send me a tell in-game @Gray Hero.
  2. Sounds cool, but not really my bag.

    On another note, I'm totally fanboying because you're THE IMPERIAL!!!!!

    I read your VV some time ago and I've got to say, you're simply the coolest. I love that you based him after Liam Neeson in Batman Begins. As I said before. Huge fan, and I wouldn't mind joining a few teams with the Legendary Imperial, if you bring him back that is...

    Best of luck either way!!!
  3. Silas_Gray


    Hello fellow Virtuites. So, I've been busy lately and I've created 3 RP toons I'd like to play with.

    One is a sword swinging fascist named Morgan Chase from an alternate universe where Stephen Richter seized control of the Earth. He turned it into a utopia forged in his own image. Arachnos rules in force there across an interplanetary empire. The toon is a natural Broadsword/Willpower character. He's an Imperial Knight sent by Emperor Richter to scout the new universes revealed by Portal Corp scouts. He has scouted Praetoria and has now moved on to Primal Earth. With the news of Emperor Cole's invasion plans, Morgan has gone to the Rogue Isles to shore up a power base to stop Cole. Because he knows that Cole will not stop at Primal Earth, and that Cole is a threat to every universe.

    I'm looking for like minded Arachnos allied mercenarys or soldiers, preferably Natural, Technology, or Science origin villains to RP with, alternate Universes a plus. I won't turn down an SG invite, but I'm not looking to get drawn into someone else's story.

    The other two are a pet project I've been working on. They are both Praetorians with very unique, yet familiar powers.

    The Story: In the final days of the Kheldian/Nictus war, the last of the Kheldians banded together in a desperate plan to save themselves, they poured all their power into a large crystal. Knowing that they would not survive, they knew their power would. In doing so they created the Great Beacon, a power source for an intergalactic group of soldiers. A new generation of heroes to battle the Nictus threat. These soldiers have converged on Praetorian Earth for the final confrontation with the Nictus and their dark allies. Some are alien, some are human, but all are powered by the great beacon.

    On the other side of the cosmos, the Nictus saw through the Kheldian's plan. They knew without Kheldian power, they would surely die. So a conclave of their most powerful poured their essences into a large crystal and created the Dark Beacon, a shadowy mirror of what the Kheldians created. Using the crystal as a focus, the dark energy would fill every thing it came into contact with. A dark group of warriors would rise the fight the Kheldians. The battle ground has been chosen, Praetorian Earth, it's humans will serve as vessels for the Dark Beacon. These dark warriors would meet the soldiers of the light for an epic confrontation.

    Well, that's the back story. It's basically a Green Lantern inspired story, but using the yet untapped Praetorian Kheldian/Nictus story. I'm looking for some people to RP with. I'm creating two toons, one light and one dark, both will start as Praetorians, but one will go red side, and the other blueside.

    I've chosen a Energy/Energy Blaster and a Dark/Dark Blaster to represent the Kheldian and the Nictus forces respectively. If you want to join feel free, but you aren't limited to those powersets, use any power set you like.

    The Great Beacon power will be a white or off-white color, and my toons outfit will match, just like the Green Lantern's

    The Dark Beacon power will be black, or something similarly dark, and my toon's outfit will match as well.

    Well, if you're interested in RPing, give me a shout out in game @Gray Hero.
  4. Just reached 20 and went redside.

    Reach me in game @Gray Hero.
  5. I'd love to join. I have a fascist sword swinging character from another universe. He's a Praetorian right now, but when he goes redside can I get an invite?
  6. Silas_Gray

    American Legion

    I'm looking for American Templar, or Praetorian Templar, can't quite remember his name.

    My sister Valhallan Valkyrie and I played in your SG American Legion for a bit.

    I was just wondering if you were in the famous "Leeroy Jenkins" video? My sis pointed out that the guy giving orders sounds a lot like you...especially when you give orders.... PST me back, thanks.
  7. Silas_Gray

    Dear Protector.

    Thanks Grey, I won't bring it up again. I wouldn't have this time, but I've been feeling guilty for a while, and I know there was some bad blood between me and at least 1 other person, I won't name names of course. But thanks Grey I do appreciate it, more than you know.
  8. Silas_Gray

    Blades of Apollo

    The uniform is something I'd like to work on after I'd get some people together. I've never been a fan of Autocratically running an SG. The best model for an SG I've seen yet was Project Checkmate, and they had 8 SG leaders. That's kinda what I'm looking for.
  9. Silas_Gray

    Dear Protector.

    Dear Protector,

    I'm sorry, you know why. I love all you guys and miss you much. Stay cool.
    Love, Silas.
  10. Silas_Gray

    Blades of Apollo


    The inevitable answer to "Knives of Artemis" All "Natural" origin heroes with weapon based abilities.

    Sound like fun?
    Anyone else want to do it?
    Is it worth making an SG for some decent RP?

    All questions I need answers for.

    Please discuss.
  11. I'm reluctant to sign up again, in case I forget.
  12. Silas_Gray

    SG question

    Originally Posted by MissKyo View Post
    This is a lie, not that I can blame Silas. He hasn't been back ingame long.
    I knew I was risking cramming both my feet into my mouth.... At least they taste good.

    Anyway, thank you for correcting me Kyo! You should consider giving me a shout in game too, I miss you and Charlie!
  13. Silas_Gray

    SG question

    Can't wait to see you in game!
  14. Silas_Gray

    SG question

    Depending on what you mean specifically, yes and no.

    There are a collection of people on the server, myself included, who play in character. They can be found throughout the server.

    Is there a large roleplaying presence akin to Virtue? No. If you are looking to RP with large groups, I suggest you go there.

    If you want to RP a bit, send me a tell in game. I'm @Gray_Hero. I'd be happy to run some arcs with you in character.
  15. As I'm a fan of quotes, here are some inspiring ones;

    This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

    Do you know what a soldier is, young man? He's the chap who makes it possible for civilised folk to despise war.
    Allan Massie

    On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.
    Dan Lipinski

    The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable.
    Benito Mussolini

    When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen.
    George Washington
  16. OMG! I spaced! Sorry Kyo! My wife and I got into it, and I totally spaced about the TF, sorry all!
  17. Anything I can do to help P.E.R.C?
  18. Silas_Gray

    Forum Stuff.

    Back in the day before VBulletin, there was a thread in the PvP section of the forums that was called bragging rights, or something similar. It was basically troll heaven, and the forum rules were excused in this thread because it was enter at own risk. I loved it, it was a hilarious read and kept me in stitches constantly. I would like to see a similar thread called "Rants" introduced. You don't have to take it seriously, but it would help people vent, and let the trolls play. Obviously it would be enter at own risk.
  19. An older version of the Bible attests that magic is God's medium, and he doesn't like people sippin on his Kool-aid. This left the occult practitioners a lot of wiggle room, leading church officials to an all out ban under the idea that magic is "The Devil's work." This effectively severed faith in the pagan religions.

    In my mind, God is magic, and it's as simple as that.

    Hope this helps.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MissKyo View Post
    That sucks, Needle!

    New roster as of today:

    1.) @MissKyo - Ryat22, Dual Pistols/Devices Blaster
    2.) @Stalemate - ???, ???/??? ???
    3.) @Silas_Gray - ???, ???/??? ???
    4.) @Archiviste - Kreetch, Invuln/SS Tanker
    5.) @Septipheran - ???, Warshade
    My new global is @Gray_Hero
    I'll be bringing Silas the Longshot; Archery/Elec Blaster.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlonnEtna View Post
    Beware my unrelated posts!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    add battle mode to all no weapon attacks ... there could be a battle mode "like combat auras" where the hands dissappear when attacking. Leaves a glowing hole in the wrist band.
    Why even bother with the hand at that rate?

    But I do like the idea, ever since I saw this.
  23. Remove Costume change from Trainers, switch it with respec option.