Lonely Heroes and Villains Need Groups!

Alicia Jewel



I am having a VERY hard time finding a supergroup/villaingroup for my characters. The game has no real search function for "Guild" finding and application that a lot of other MMOs have right now and it makes me sad.

This is a great game but I do not want to play it by myself. the LFG tab is nice for getting groups but I want to do more than a single mission and everyone leave. I want community even when I'm playing by myself. Just talking to friends makes it worth logging on.

Here is a list of my current characters. If you have a group that these lonely fighters can join please contact me on here or in-game. I do have a lot of catgirls I know :3
My handle is @Kitleena.

Purrdiciun: Magic Scrapper vigilante. Ex-Skulls member catgirl. Level 28
Kitleena: Magic Blaster. Pyro-treasure hunter catgirl. Level 26
Twinkle Tail: Peacebringer catgirl. Level 22
Ivesu: Technology Blaster. Space pilot/smuggler. Level 10

Fatal Furry: Natural Stalker. Video game catgirl character come to life. Level 18
Demi Glow: Science Corruptor. Child experiment. Level 14
Milk Chop: Science Brute. Potion addicted catgirl. Level 14
Brushcrawler: Mutation Dominator. Feral catgirl. Level 12
Malori: Magic Tanker. Witchborn catgirl. Level 11

Catgirls make better superheroes than dogs.
Have you hugged a catgirl today?



Are you a roleplayer? If you are, I've got a couple of groups you might be interested in checking out. If not... sorry. If all else fails, you can check out the SG and VG listings stickied on this board.

Also, catgirls ftw. :3



Originally Posted by Alicia Jewel View Post
Are you a roleplayer? If you are, I've got a couple of groups you might be interested in checking out. If not... sorry. If all else fails, you can check out the SG and VG listings stickied on this board.

Also, catgirls ftw. :3
Yes, roleplayer!
And I looked on the listing but they are a forum thread, which means you have to scroll through pages and pages and pages of them because the forums have one of the worst searches I've seen. I put in the word "cat" to search and it said it found NOTHING. I find that unbelievable. Also not even sure how active any of those posts are.

Catgirls make better superheroes than dogs.
Have you hugged a catgirl today?



Catgirls make better superheroes than dogs.
-_- I will agree to disagree on that statement

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
-_- I will agree to disagree on that statement
I'm glad we can agree to agree to disagree. :3

Catgirls make better superheroes than dogs.
Have you hugged a catgirl today?



I'm kinda in the same boat as you I've been looking for an RP sg/vg for a long time now and can't seem to find anything. even when i go looking through the forums and have no clue if some are still active



Originally Posted by Kitleena View Post
Yes, roleplayer!
And I looked on the listing but they are a forum thread, which means you have to scroll through pages and pages and pages of them because the forums have one of the worst searches I've seen. I put in the word "cat" to search and it said it found NOTHING. I find that unbelievable. Also not even sure how active any of those posts are.
You probably got that result because your keyword was too short. That tends to happen on a lot of forums.

Also, both the current SG and VG directories on this board are very recent, having been put up in May of this year. Surely at least one of those is active. Especially Entropy Legion on redside. *totally did not just shamelessly advertise one of her favorite VG's of all time*



Well I know for a fact there are a ton of groups on Virtue and far less represented on the forum.

I'd make my own (i like designing bases :3) but I'm self-conscious about inviting other people.

Catgirls make better superheroes than dogs.
Have you hugged a catgirl today?



If you ever make your own, send me a tell, I'd like to join a nice SG that has some RP. There are a few RP groups around here, but I'm not a fan of wearing uniforms and all that. I spend hours painstakingly designing my own to match my carefully tailored back stories. I'd make my own SG or VG, but I'm not a fan of base designing.

Send me a tell in-game @Gray Hero.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!