935 -
Ok so i know its a given that as a tank you should have taunt, however would you say the same is true of brutes?
Im only asking as the brute cant take as much damage as the tank and would that mean by taunting he would double his chance of a faceplant within a large team?
Any thoughts? -
It should also be noted the taunt does not always work, and from my experiance many blasters, defenders, dont seem to understand that they can and do take the agro away from the tank with aoe then moan when they say so why didnt you taunt them.
I would say that yes if a tank has taunt and does not use it when its safe for him to do so then it can make for a bad tank.
But if your team was as you said made up of new players they may not have picked up how there AT work yet, and lets be fair frosty is one of the first missions where you go omg we are all going to die here -
Read the first post here it will tell you all the information you need, but its in the paragon dance party (PDP) and its 14th feb.
Well from my experiance id have to say no mind you i only got to lvl 17 with my brute before i gave up with it.
Ive moved on now to a ss/fire brute who just makes em/ea look real bad, so until something is done about the draw backs on this power set my poor brute will remain un used.
Oh and your build is the same as mine at that lvl so cant suggest anything wrong there. -
Ive noticed that all 3 of my more powerfull pets, spec ops and commando will offten just stand miles away while my mercs are attacking a more powerfull enemy.
The only way to get them into the fight is to command them to come to me and reissue the attack order.
Also my medic if i use the second upgrade on him all he will do is use clear mind, he seems to forget about healing, also with him i tend to find no matter even i put him on defen he will always rush right in be the first to die.
All of them though dont seem to chain attack by that i mean if i say attack my target they will do so then once i change target they will just stand there waiting for the attack order again, i thought they are ment to follow your first command. -
Very nice guys, although im not happy im not on it
how could you forget meeeeeeeeestill looks good.
Well shocks still got his suit from last time so if you need a bouncer them let me know.
Well i had great fun with my fire /fire tank but this was before they changed burn, saying that i still find even without burn and ED in place my fire tank is still a joy to play, and against some other tanks hes still powerfull.
Well looks like the hospitals will be working over time on sat with all them lvl 1s flooding in
Sounds like a laugh but i dont think any amount of lvl 1s would have a chance against lusca still would be funny to watch 50 lvl 1s brawling the hell out of him -
Im waiting to see if i7 brings some changes to my eng/eng brute as until then i wont be useing her, the acc defence and end use of this AT against other brutes at the same lvl(lvl 17) imo is very poor, if the next update dosnt make any changes to the power set then i will be dropping her.
Phase shift use to be a blasters best friend until they changed it, i dont think i have ever seen a tank with invis/phase shift as its not i dont think what a tank is for or built for, the idea with tanks is to to take as much aggro and damage so the team has the time to take down the enemy with aoe powers etc etc, even if you play solo i dont see the point of invis/phase shift as being a tank you should have no problems taking a solo map.
I agree with PRAF68 you will not be popular in teams if you use phase shift. Still its up to you in the end. -
So i take it its something that guys who only do role play with there toons then (by that i mean have a whole life story for them and stuff), thanks for clearing that up for me i thought i was missing out on wedding TF or some kind of mission i didnt know about
so anyway guess its gratz to the bride and groom and to many super powerd kids in the future
Ive been reading this post and i have to say, a wedding on on coh i just dont get it? am i missing something here i mean what will they do for the honeymoon
im not saying its dum or anything but could someone explain to me whats it for and the reason behind it.
Well after 4 respecs on Waveshock i now feel epic
, however power sets 1-3 did not make me feel epic at all, i think with pb/ws its a case of trial and error until you get it right.
Going out with a bang now thats a great idea, what time you wana do it sunday il bring along nova.
Wb Aerie its nice to have an old face back with us
You think i would leave with out saying bye
i did have a rest for a few weeks but im back now on cov most of the time, not seen you on for abit though add me to your global
@Shockwave so we can make sure im there for khains 50 ding -
Well there you go ive been waiting for you to get your first 50 for almost a year now and you go and do it with out me there
anyway big gratz to you mate its been along time coming but you got there in the end.
Here are 2 from my SG that are not on the list
Sekmet. Claws/Regen/Body Mastery Scrapper
Maximus Prime. Martial arts/Invun/Body Mastery Scrapper. -
Well done for taking over the list, got some updates for you on my epic powers.
Shockwave Electric Mastery
Lord Nova Body Mastery -
Well there you go i just come back to playing full time after my short rest and i notice that one of my Sg is leaving and i hadnt been told
, anyway hope your not gone for long mate had some good teams both on coh and cov, but i would say a rest from the game is good worked for me anyway
C u soon -
Mmmm well it would be fun to find out, but i dont see why not