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  1. I would like to join you with my emp/nrg def please
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Won't be koi about it and get someone else to start the thread...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Something about that is a little fishy.......

  3. Grats, Cry was right, you were very lucky you managed to lvl with him dragging you down

    PS sorry about the delay I havent been on the boards much
  4. Grats Shin on replacing your 50
  5. Shielder

    Vista and CoH

    [ QUOTE ]
    ok i am having some problems with the mouse problem on COH. i am running vista and can't get the mouse to work. i tried using the "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -compatiblecursors 1 thing and it seems to be making me play the american severs, how do i solve this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It should be
    "c:\program files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.EU.exe" -compatiblecursors 1

    I think
  6. Shielder

    Hami Done

    Well done, I would have loved to come but I had work

    Good job all
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    Shielder, is that a Wonderfalls avatar?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes it is
    Have a cookie
  8. Big Grats Carni! although I am wondering if this is an April fools tbh
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    You will need to find someone with missions in order to get the embalmed vahialok and mu guardians. In my experience will need a full team for the latter as we tried with 6 and couldn't find any.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can find embalmed in Cap near the facemaker.
  10. Was a good job by all, had a good run, thanks all specially the Doms
  11. Shielder

    A few sketches

    Found the creative board then
  12. If you are doing it Sunday afternoon and you have room I would be up for getting this on my empath.
  13. Shielder

    Fire Chief

    When I was going for the badge I would leave my char in Steel and log into that char first every day, have a looksie put out any fires then log onto another char, I would also do the same before I logged off. It took me far longer to get the raving trolls this way than the fires.
  14. Shielder

    Carni go bye bye

    Bye Bye Carni

    I shall miss you're scary chars and company, I will actually be on this week so I hope to see you before you go
  15. Shielder

    Venomous Badge

    [ QUOTE ]
    On the subject of Mu Guardians for the Gladiator Badge, there's a spot in RV where they spawn constantly - you can get the badge in about 90 minutes there, if not faster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Best to do it when its quiet though, as its at the entrance to the villain base.
  16. Shielder

    Venomous Badge

    We managed to keep a mostly full team and Dixon and I got the badge, still going on now, if you can get back on. If your nets died how are you posting this?
  17. Shielder

    Grats to Jygsaw

    Big Grats to Jygsaw for finally getting her villain to 50! Took you (us) long enough
  18. Shielder

    Venomous Badge

    I still need a few and I will be around tonight if its OK for me to join you.
  19. Shielder

    Venomous Badge

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Didnt get to do it the other night, but hows tuesday night for everyone say 7pm warburg

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Warburg ones are Rogue Arachnos, and don't count towards the badge.
    The 2 best places I found for TTs were in Recluse's Victory, and the three spawn spots for them in Siren's Call.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The ones in missions are ordinary Arachnos though.
  20. If you put auum into your global ignore it comes up with the players global name, or so I have been told, never bothered trying it myself (obviously remove them before you contact them )
  21. Shielder

    Venomous Badge

    [ QUOTE ]
    Damn missed out again, got back from work late. Is there TT's in Faultline that are easier to farm?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    TTs only spawn 40+ iirc.