90 -
I'd say Beast/Thermal, but I don't want to make my pets be some crazy bad flaming spectacle. I'm terrible with traps, i'm sick of dark powers, shields seems out of canon with beasts, storms seem a bit too grand for a pack of animals, and people will just demand too much focus from pain...
Truth be told though, there's not much in the MM 2ndary that fits too well with beasts, especially when you got four dogs and two cats... personally I'd go for all wolves, easier to RP in virtue when you have a specific animal pack.
Dunno, guess I can go traps... Play with the MM attacks for once. -
And Zipy was winning all the arena matches! ZIPY NOOOO!!!!
>.< Zipy is my new elec/elec blaster and he won 16 kills first place and 2nd only had 5 or 6 in a free for all with 8 people.
Must brag, sorry xD
But srsly, this is the most random server hiccup I have ever seen in my 5 years of this game. -
I love these titan weapons! The momentum mechanic just screams burst damage, the suspenseful long pullback before an attack makes me eager to hear a loud crash of raw power, and the force the sounds and animation entitle are just awesome!
Not sure if this thread belongs here but really, I gotta just say I love these weapons xD The skins are epic, the animations are amazing, the momentum makes me feel like I'm actually fighting and doing damage instead of just zapping people, man! Got a lvl 5 who is now my main xD
Thank you guys!
Oh, thoughts on those who got a glimps of the amazing work they did? -
Lol CoH finally puts voice acting in and you wanna turn it off, that's so cute!
Feminine side away now, the only thing I'm worried about is RP players. You do realize that every player with a time manipulation powerset will try and be an equivalent gawd at lvl one when it comes to role play fighting right? I'm pretty much cracking down on self-inflated time travelers ^_^.
Beside that I have to make two new characters, one is an ice/storm and another time/... time/... I don't know! I just want it! xD -
Sheesh when was the last time I browsed the CoH forums? Meh, oh well. Issue 21 is downloading and the servers have "Unknown" next to their names on the website soo guess I will be sitting around here trying to last minute a TM build now that I know it's not a controller power. I was SO looking forward to TM/Storm, epic huge animations ftw.
For the character concept in mind he needs time manipulation but the pwoers that go with it are all bland and out of character! Uhg! Somebody save me... Oh wait.
Meh, that will do. Blurg... Starting to think he won't use a secondary... All I wanted was a guy with magical wings who's feathers float around the battlefield and manipulate temporal anomalies/rifts and use a sword! Well at least my dream exists in AE. I'm so picky ^_^.
Obviously I'm on pins and needles. -
Creepy... All you were missing was a ghostly little girl holding a doll and smiling at the end.
But in all seriousness that was good. Did not really get the feel for issue 21 to be honest, but was creepy as all hell. -
Hmm, have not been on forums for months now, if not sense last year. Been a bit busy in college and listening to Two Steps From Hell all day. I love those guys, they know how to make epic music. If anybody wants to make an epic music video I would highly suggest looking at some of their work on youtube.
Here's a good one, a bit fast though.
They have slow music also but, when they go slow they REALLY dive into the title. Like this one.
Anyhow, just checking in, seeing what everybody is doing. -
Nice work on the Real World Heroes thing DR. Have not posted lately because I'm now in college, majoring in film. Yes, I'm majoring in movie making, directing to be specific. But anyway, the movies your making are still great and I can't wait for this event to start up.
P.S. Having issues downloading some stuff so I could not see all ya'lls vids yet, sorry. -
Quote:Heh, wow, very nice work on the scenes. I might be oblivious/blind but I don't think I saw ultra mode shadows in there. If I'm right, and I'm often not, then I understand that the shadows + distance details cause an awful amount of lag on top of the already ever-present server lag in Praetoria.
Anyway, great job and interesting choice of song. I'm too young to know Sinata I think, but it's still a neat song nonetheless. -
I honestly don't take that stuff seriously. Never really bothered trying to know a person to much. I just kinda sail through life having fun, so having a girl calling me 50 times a week "Heavily suggesting" that I meet her with her friends that I don't like, is not on my to-do list.
I never played D@D, just have a somewhat basic understanding of it. Not much for the sorcerers and wizards anyhow, so whatever I do know about it, it's not directed towards the magic.
I did however play a Marvel RPG... Not a D20 system but fun none the less. Not to much character development either... Best guy was a mutant who controlled all the elements and often combined them into a tornado of the sorts. (Ya, it's OP, but hey... I was stuck fighting people who control my powers, making me half worthless.)
Anyway... I stand by what I said about natural heroes in D@D, unless you know a lvl 20 Berzerker that swings a hammer that causes magnitude 10 earthquakes. -
D@D characters ARE superheroes by late levels. It's not every day you see a ranger with a god-blessed bow and armor made by kings, for kings, if you know what I mean. They are pretty much natural and magic heroes to the extreme in many cases.
Yes, "Super" heroes are often visualized as people with near limitless potential and power to many, like Superman (from DC Comics) and Jean Gray (from marvel), while D@D characters have a specific limit to how OP they can actually become. But still they can do a lot that normal heroes can deal. Need to dethrone an emperor? NP, you can do that, just like any super-powered guy can, it's just going to be slightly more epic because you can't make a sinkhole under the castle in 5 seconds...
When it comes to stuff like that however, it's mostly how imaginative you are with what you have. A noob with an axe can cut a rope, making a very heavy chandelier fall onto a group of 5 guards, while the experienced psychic is busy mind blasting 1 guy.
P.S. Ya, I did not bother reading any of the other posts, so if you are still looking for an answer, here's my 2 cents. -
I don't know much about the novels myself, not much of one on reading, but I'm pretty sure CoH has some old book somewhere. I just leave the games to the games and anything beyond that is to much in my opinion. (( Not a big fan of the gaming conventions either... the geeky-ness is... scary. ))
Quote:http://beemp3.com/Uhm Sharpshooter, where can I grab TSFH's music? Went on a hunt and am coming up short.
Sorry for not posting sooner.
And I really really probably should post this guy, he helps a lot with epic music, he had about 20 Youtube vids with samples of epic music.
He also is really making me want to start a movie soundtrack collection...
Keep in mind that BeeMP3 does not have all the songs, the 2nd place I go to for a few more is...
http://abmp3.com/ -
Quote:Yes, I play Aion... Well... Until the end of August... College stuff... Going into actual film-making.Definitely a good start! Word of advice on camera work - I have Hover, unslotted (or slotted only for Defense) strictly for filming because it allows for a smoother turn radius. (When on the ground, toggle WALK for the same thing, but much slower.) You've got a good feel for timing, so no comment there.
Also, depending on the software you're using, see if you can zoom in enough to eliminate the FRAPS legend at the top (plus your health bar). You tend to keep your camera a bit far out when it comes to longer-range shots, though your closeups tend to be pretty good.
Don't forget to submit these on the Fan Videos thread (stickied in this section) so Dark Ether can update the list.
PS - You play AION too, Sharpshooter? So do I! I'm working on a couple AION videos of my own, mwahahaha. -
Quote:I have Vegas Movie Studio HD by Sony, and to get in game footage, I use Fraps. If you have Windows Movie Maker, that should work, a lot of people use that. The only thing I have to warn you about is that taking the footage is barely the beginning. The transitions and music number and special effects all have to be added in.Nice work. I have some ideas but no clue where to begin to tackle any sort of machinima. keep up the great work.
It's a lot of work but there is a reason they call it an art. -
Really nice ^_^
It's not easy making movies. I know, I'm in the un-official process of making one. However it's for Aion, not CoH, so I can't show you it =(...
I can tell you however, I'm using this song...
Dam it's a pain... I have to find long and slow vids... And then the quick 1 timers between the drums. Also, it's really short. Extremely epic, but short.
But back to you... Really good job with the editing. You got pretty much every emote down pact and used in a way I would not have imagined to use them. (Which is a good thing). The sad story about that brother thing was well done. But when the thing said, "I miss you", I all the sudden thought you were going to say something a bit more bad-*** like "But I promise you, I won't miss them." and then have the guy throw a firebal or something.
But, that's just how I think. Good luck on the vids! Keep up the good work!! -
I don't know how much I can help, but did you by chance think of making a hero NPC that the villain hates?
My bad, sry X_X . Still something that should be addressed though.
I got mapservered with my toon, Rebel Strike, on the test server and so naturally I tried getting back in. It said that my character was still logging off. So I waited and waited a good 5 minutes or so and it said that he was STILL logging off. So I can't play my pistols guy. Anyone else having this issue?
This video is disturbing on so many levels... but it's worth it watching a rikti chase Lady Grey around like that. It doesn't make me laugh out loud or role on floor cuz I'm oblivious and hard to entertain like that, but I still like it allot.
I blame educational stress and graduation portfolios. -
I stop reading CoH forums for a month and (as expected) DR got a new vid out. Great vid btw, very clear and smooth (minus the media player needing to buffer half way in). It's the CoH history lesson in 5 minutes! (btw, was faultline in there? can't remember -_-).
heh nice =D
The song makes me think of some sonic the hedgehog oldie for some reason... -
Well, I'm no movie maker (until i find out what i like in this world). But I've been testing out the MA for a while now... never published anything yet cuz I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to showing your work to other people.
I know however, that the ability to make your own villain group will make lots of stories. (like how i made an all martial arts villain group, dang they hurt).
You can not create your own maps (last i checked) however. But you can go to the 'special' maps. Like the Freakshow map with all the party stuff. So if you make a small video about a hero busting up some new freakshow boss during his inauguration of some sort, then I'd go ahead and use that map if I were you.
I can make good stories (so I have been told) but I cannot however make CoH movies. Mostly cuz I have a, "Fear of commitment", of the sorts.