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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Osmiridium View Post
    I'm still pretty new to masterminds, but I was under the impression that damage directed to henchmen from BG mode was untyped and thus not mitigated by their resists and such. My understanding is that the MM's personal mitigation is taken into account before the redirect happens, but not the pets. Is this wrong?
    This how I understood it as well. I'm not sure if the damage is untyped, but I'm pretty sure whatever damage they suffer from damage you take in bodyguard mode is not resisted at all. So if you are taunting, the only damage your pets will resist is any AoE damage directed at you that also hits them.
  2. The only problem I have with dark is that in bodyguard mode, you're going to get hit with mez effects. When that happens, darkest night goes bye bye and so do you and your pets. In the early game this isn't an issue, later on it's annoying. Also, thermal has decent av debuffing too, but is a small concern since many people don't solo avs anyway.

    I personally like darks control and debuffs, but as a mastermind, getting mezzed will get your pets killed fast since they like to congregate in melee. Thermal gives the demons an independant feel, which I feel is more appropriate for their playstyle compared to bots or thugs.
  3. SevereCalamity

    Farming Brute

    You could try for +health or +regen set bonuses, or even go for +defense even though it will probably be expensive to hit the defense cap, if it's even possible. Also +recharge is still nice for footstomp and KO blow, and +damage never hurts either.
  4. The problem with demon summoning, aside from the obvious general mm AI bugs, is that 2 of the demons are melee oriented (prince, and gargoyle), 3 are ranged (the demonlings), and the ember demon is better suited for ranged combat, but is better served in melee because of its AoE resistance buff and heal. If you stick the 3 T1 pets in melee, then their cone attacks aren't going to be hitting near as many targets as from range.

    While I agree with Psylenz that demons are more suited for the "melee killing field" strategy, its an awful waste of their cone attacks and like most T1 pets, they go down a lot in melee. If they're going to be in melee, they should lose the cone attacks and give them PBAoEs or even ranged AoEs like fireball, which would still be useful in melee.

    Maybe I'm expecting the set to perform as well as my defense softcapped bots/traps MM with taunt, where I can clear +2/X8 spawns solo quickly and efficiently without problems. I know not all power sets are created equal, but I feel like the set is trying to do too many things at once to be really successful. I'm waiting to see how the AI performs after they fix these stupid bugs before I make up my mind for sure.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    In short this is true.
    Thermal gets two big single target debuffs in heat exhaustion and melt armor, but they come in the mid/late 30s. The thermal shields are very nice on teams coupled with the thermal heals. The thermal mastermind can find himself to be very busy.
    Melt Armor is AoE, isn't it?
  6. Well I've just come back after taking a break for a few months. If you're having the same problem I was, then it was happening way before I17. I haven't played my MM since returning, so I don't know if it's something new.
  7. This has happened to me a few times. Only thing that seems to fix is zoning/logging until they all pop up on your window. It's pretty annoying when it happens.
  8. Here's my system before I try figuring out what's going on:

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 (Oced to 3.6ghz)
    Nvidia GeForce GTX275
    4GB RAM
    Windows 7 64bit

    I've just come back after a few months away, and while I haven't messed around with the settings a bit, I've noticed my performance has been poor compared to when I left. I'm used to running 50-60 FPS outside, and now I see my FPS jumping between 25FPS and 60FPS with all the new ultra mode settings turned off, normally hanging around 30. With all of the settings turned on low besides occlusion, I'm seeing about 15FPS.

    I've read about people running the game better than me with systems that aren't as good. So I'm not sure if it's due to this patch that people here are talking about, or if something else is wrong with my machine that I should look into. Should I start a new thread? I'm pretty good with tech stuff, but I've fallen behind a bit in CoH land.

    Edit: I've discovered that turning off Vsync raises my FPS to around 45-50 with some of the new settings on medium, shadows on lowest and occlusion turned off. I think this directly relates to how much load my GPU is taking. With Vsync on it has about a 65-80% load bouncing all over in between, and with Vsync off it's a steady 92-95%. Interesting.
  9. I think everyone who was able to use more threads would see a small increase, but the ones with the top of the line video cards would see the best performance increase. This is obviously pure speculation, it would definately be a neat feature to test out.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Now the question is, can we get the game to utilize not only the 4 real cores of quadcore procs, but all 8 virtual cores on the I7 proc?
    Says the man with the shiney new overclocked I7

    Seriously though, I remember doing tons of testing on how CPU intensive CoH is back when they first allowed us to use the -renderthread flag. Do you think only using two cores is bottlenecking the system when compared to mainstream video cards? I'm going to assume that the majority of the CoH player base are using Nvidia 6xxx to 8xxx cards, or the ATI equivalents, and making the game run in four threads (or even 8 threads considering the i7s virtual 8 cores) probably wouldn't help them at all with their current graphics cards holding them back, especially with Ultra-mode.

    Now, when considering people with higher end video cards, such has the new ATI 5xxx (I've never been good with ATI models, sue me), then I can see the CPU being the weaker link considering that CoH only runs in two threads.

    I'm not saying I'm against it, especially since I'm all for the possiblity of running CoH as well as possible. I just don't think it would be high on their list of things to do, especially after already giving us enthusiasts Ultra mode.
  11. I really don't have any idea how I can help, but I can tell you that I'm running Windows 7 64bit and just reinstalled CoH and I've had no problems connecting and I didn't do anything special.

    Did you install the game from a disc or did you copy the directory manually?
  12. Everyone's personal recommended system specs will differ greatly. Some people can handle playing with 20-30FPS, others, such as myself, won't settle for anything less than 60FPS.

    For CoH I'd definately shoot for a dual core cpu if possible, and a decent graphics card. If price is an issue, then I'd shoot for these:

    Video card:


    Motherboard, PSU, and RAM is up to personal preference. I wouldn't go less than 2GB of RAM. The video card does recommend at minimum a 400w PSU that has 26 amps on the 12v. The motherboard will also have to be LGA775 socket for that CPU. Obviously if price isn't an issue, than you can go for something a lot better, but with that setup you will see a huge increase in performane over what you have right now.
  13. Looks like I'll be holding onto my GTX 275 for a bit longer. Thanks for the info, Saist.
  14. Yes, RAM timings can be a pain. I actually run mine at a lower frequency after OCing my phenom, but I tightened them up a bit so it wasn't a big loss. Phenom X4s, or maybe even socket AM3 in general, have a bit of a problem running DDR3 RAM at higher frequencies, and I didn't know about that until after I had purchased my gear. I bought DDR 1600, but right now they are at 1333 but I got the timings down to 6-6-6-24 1T and no more locking up or crashing during stress tests.

    I also think 3.6 is a very good goal to shoot for, but I'd wait on your temps before I make a final decision. i7s, and often many newer intel cpus, are OCing beasts, you might get better results than you think. I OCed my old C2D from 2.13ghz to 3.6 ghz with little effort. These AMD cpus are a pain in the butt to get stable at higher OCs. Reminds me of my old opteron.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
    Sounds like I'll be happy with the new system I have in the planning stages - I'm going with a 5870 as well, but I am thinking of an AMD Phenom processor.
    I'm very satisfied with my Phenom II X4 955. The CPU as well as the mobo are cheap alternatives to i7 options, and the peformance is right up there.

    Nice temps on that OC Bill, but I think you need to push it a little harder. I think Mid would agree

    In regards to the 10k RPM hard drive, my raptor died on me after about a year of use. My case is properly cooled, which you probably already assumed with my addiction to OCing, and the hard drive even had its own dedicated cooler. Obviously could have been a fluke, but I lost enough stuff to not trust them again. I don't really mind the slightly slower load times, I generally have to wait for my girlfriends computer to load in anyway before I can start the mission.
  16. Awesome, thank you sir

    I don't think I've been in the channel long enough to be on the naughty list.
  17. Cool, thanks a lot guys. I joined the channels, I tried to say something in PinnBadges but it said that I don't have permission. Any ideas?
  18. My girlfriend and I, as well as a couple real life friends, have all recently started playing CoH again after taking a 6 month break. I was wondering if there were any global channels for grouping and/or TFs here on Pinnacle. We mostly play blue side, but I do have a couple villains I enjoy playing from time to time. Thanks
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
    If he is asking for shield charge to function as an auto-dmg cap power, which is fairly silly, I fully disagree. I don't have a problem reaching damage cap on my brutes. As much as I love killing stuff with a brute, I think it would be plain OP to allow this to hit up for full damage regardless of fury.
    I'm pretty sure he just wants shield charge to be able to utilize the brute damage cap when he is at the brute damage cap, instead of the pet damage cap. He doesn't want it to hit for damage cap level damage even when isn't at the damage cap.

    I believe the pet damage cap is 400%, and brute is 850%. Right now, even if the brute is at the damage cap of 850%, the attack only hits for up to the 400% cap where all other brute attacks would be doing 850% damage.

    100% for Enhancements
    200% for Fury
    65% for fully saturdated AAO
    365% total damage

    That's assuming you can maintain full fury all the time, which is pretty hard. That's not even the pet damage cap, so you have nothing to worry about solo unless you're chugging reds. On teams, however, Shield Charge would get the lower end of the stick in comparison to your other brute attacks. However, with fully saturated AAO you will only be getting part of the 80% damage bonus from build up in regards to your pet damage cap abilities. It still isn't even close to the brute damage cap, though.
  20. It was actually a few different posts. I can't keep track of where exactly, but I'm pretty sure I saw you post about it in at least 3 places. It took a few posts to read, but eventually you had me convinced to give it a shot again.

    My Bots/Traps was actually my first villain when CoV launched, and it got deleted around 33 or 34 because it was so hit or miss with damage vs. survivablity. This was before IOs and bodyguard mode. I made a new one for double XP weekend and got him close to 30. I already have a +5% pet defense IO, and waiting for 41 to slot my steadfast +3% defense.

    After I finish studying for an exam I have tonight, I will be rolling a warshade. Hopefully I'll be able to get around to playing my MM again.
  21. You just convinced me to give my Bots/Traps another shot. Now I want to make a warshade. Someone should hire you to convince people to play their games.

    I've never had a WS before but I leveled a PB into the 30s and I hated it. Anyways, great post.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
    No, but I was evidently sleeping when I wrote that message. I was thinking of Dark Consumption from Dark Melee. Thanks for pointing that out.
    Got me all excited...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
    Inv, shield, and SR all feel a little thirsty in that respect because they don't have build in recovery tools like Dark Armor, Fiery aura, and willpower.

    They gave dark armor a recovery power? Did I miss this while I was sleeping?
  24. SevereCalamity

    serious freezing

    Was the Nvidia message popping up pertaining to shortage of power? I see nothing alarming running on your computer, the only thing that pops up is your audio drivers being a couple years old.

    Also, I looked up your motherboard and it appears it was the first chipset AMD released since the AMD/ATI merger and has onboard ATI video. You may want to make sure that you didn't install an ATI bundle for the chipset and accidentally install an ATI video driver as well. I don't see anything regarding that in your dxdiag, but drivers are a bit crazy sometimes.

    It looks like your windows is on the C drive, which only looks to be 6GB with 7% free space. To me that looks problematic. Your pagefile at 6GB also looks a bit odd, since you'll never actually use that much. I don't know if you manually set your pagefile to be that large and partitioned your hard drives accordingly, but it looks a bit funky to me. To defrag properly, most people recommend to have at least 15% free space on the partition/drive being defragged.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    They're not "higher than what they should be", they're just higher than they were at launch five plus years ago, and higher that what the recommended specs state. For what the game gives us i think the specs are about what they have to be.

    (Okay, you have a point that if everything had been coded in at the start it would probably be more efficient, but that's neither here nor there.)

    I suppose "higher than they should be" is an opinion. You are entitled to yours, of course.

    I obviously have no problem with the requirements, I've been playing the game off and on for the past 5 years and have built specific machines just to play CoH. Because honestly, after all the graphical upgrades 2-3 years ago, if your computer could play CoH at max settings it could probably play anything else on the market.

    The graphics of this game do not warrent the hardware required, in my opinion. Again, this doesn't bother me because I love CoH and the community here so I'll do what I can to keep playing, but the game running better might allow people with lower end machines to play easier.