773 -
All the other AVs were easy with only a couple people dying from one shots or carelessness, they went down bloody fast too. Just the Doc seemed to one shot more than the rest of 'em, and then there's the handful of elite bosses on top of that... Once our Shivans went down everyone went down one by one. We got him to 30% ish I think. Also got the feeling that had we had one or two defenders with us, that it would be the easiest thing ever, though.
I should add that, no others were more suited to this task than the Scrapapocalypse - we even bestowed the 4 extra members the rites of wearing the the sacred Scrapapocalypse uniform, which, of course, allowed them to keep up with us. Even allowing Knight Stalker to keep up with Chives, the wearer of the sacred Scrapapocalpyse Golden Witches hat, in number of AVs killed. It was as if he was actually the fifth Horseman. -
3 Spines/Regen Scrappers
2 DM/Regen Scrappers
1 Spines/SR Scrapper
1 MA/SR Scrapper
1 BS/Regen Scrapper
8 Shivans, 1 War Wolf and 1 Amy Wand.
Couldn't quite finish off Dr Aeon - took him really low on the best try, but couldn't manage it. -
I don't like WoW, but I have no idea why as I've never tried it
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Sorry, but, lol. -
It's all k doods. I totally might turn up every now and again to liven stuff up. Rly tho I might come off like a tool but you just gotta give me a chance.
A free trial code just renewed my account for 2 weeks.
Guys, could we perhaps try some less confrontational humour, please? If only to avoid any possible confusion...
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Hahahahaha! Read the thread sillypants. -
Of course, wasn't there a large chunk of the thread that went missing recently?
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Yeah but he could have just deleted them cause they got marked. I mean all they said was 'Spamspamspamspam', very Edge-esque (See: Stupid). -
I wish Bridger would post in this thread and banter with us.
Anybody think he reads it? -
Let's not forget the matches are played at 10 minutes long. Chilli can't even beat a Regen scrapper in ten minutes, so everyone and their doggy should have an easy time.
Nah, you're all hiding how happy you are.
I can see right through it all! I am pretty good afterall huh. -
Who is the ultimate solo pvper?
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Teehee, what a silly question! -
I heard they reactivated everyone's account for the weekend...
Way to read, Jobo.
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Oh come on! Look at the time of my post! I'd only just woken up!!!
Though I'd still favour Spine Burst over Barb Swipe for this build in the early levels (to be respeced out of), I'd rather risk being great than live is a gimp! -
You've made your first mistake already, Barb Swipe instead of Lunge. It's a minor mistake, you probably wont use it either way, but it's a mistake anyway.
I personally dislike these posts; nothing good or helpful comes out of them. Just a lot of big headed player claiming their build is Infallible.
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I'm not posting in big headed mode at the moment, I'm posting in advice mode. xD
I never said Chives was the best Scrapper, I said Spines is the best set. We can all have our personal preferences but there is a definate answer to the OP's question and I'm giving it. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] -
Well, that's my opinion, but I don't want to make Spines/Regen the new FoTM! Oh, <bleep>
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Opinions don't come into things, there is no contender. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
And pfft, I'm one of the old skool Spineys who did it before it was cool. *pose* -
Why would you want to kill one thing very fast when you can kill many things at once fast?
Spines is best. -
Nobody neuters Regen Scrappers more than some Corrupters.
Dots don't work so well. And by better I was talking that it heals for more with a shorter cooldown.
In the heat of combat, i would much rather have Reconstruction than Aid Self, since the interupt might make me loose a lot of endurance just trying to get it off.
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Well, getting it off in the midst of combat isn't really a problem when slotted good, but it's the fact Recon can be used in movement which makes it more desireable. -
Actually, I'm pretty sure it has to be a fact that Spines is the best Scrapper set. Perhaps even, overpowered.
[/ QUOTE ]Damn right it is, Spines/Regen is THE ultimate PvE scrapper....Unless you're teaming with few empaths/kins, in which case spines/DA wins.
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Happens to be the ultimate PvP Scrapper too, wonder when it's getting nerfed. -
I'm always running, specially around Blasters so that I can outdamage them and they can't smash my bones or focus totally on me. :>
I call it kiting, helps my Regen cope with damage too when the damage isn't coming in as thick and at once. Sometimes I take kiting to the extremes and run around entire buildings - but that's really to split opponents up so they can die one at a time.
If I run into the safe zone I consider myself beaten, but I never run into the safe zone! *flex* -
I think it's actually the best self heal there is? Heals for alot with a Short Recharge - think it's better than Reconstruction, and I'm positive it's better than Healing Flames. Also, it is extremely difficult to interupt when slotted for Interupt duration decrease.
A proper blaster is a ranger, and nothing more
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Sorry to correct you, but a proper Blaster can be in any SG, it's just the BEST proper blasters in the Rangers.
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You guys crack me up, this thread is funnier than our old one!