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  1. I know plenty of Matrix lovers on Union, so I thought I'd make an 800x600 Wallpaper, since my game has been having trouble lately. Shown Here.
    It's my first try so be nice!

    EDIT: I've got a really nice edited screenshot too, here .
  2. Satan_Spawn

    Regen question?

    I saw yonks ago (before ED or anything, I4 I think) that QR was a 35% end recovery, and Stamina was 25%, but together they were only 45%, and if I remember correct this was when they were 6-slotted. I find I don't run out of end, when running Integration, Tough, and using my dark melee powers, without end reduction enhancers in them.

    @Kraver - The Leadership pool isn't worth it for Scrappers, the bonus is minimal, 5% I think. As for Defenders, I think it's 20%. Both unenhanced. Then again, you can't enhance the damage of Assault.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    did anyone read my post???

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes, it was very detailed.
  4. Got ya, Flashing Steel at that is a spot missing something to fit in(I was gonna get Hurdle but at the moment I cannot lose endurance even if I go against clocks... And I haven't SK'ed for Sappers yet ). I'm gonna get hurdle sometime, and 3 slot it, just for the fun!
    Super Jumpy Jumpiness!
    EDIT: Nearly forgot the swordiness too!
  5. Very brief. Love it.

    Never had it, but seen Blaze and WOW. The blaster saved my Scrappery [censored] more times than I can remember with that move.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    It's a melee cone, doesn't cost that much and recharges pretty quickly. You can use it like single target attack, only it hits the mobs beside your target as well. I wouldn't leave it out, Lotus Drops is a lot more situational.

    Edit: also your damage on levels 1-25 will be extremely lacking

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My eyes...opened! Simple and effective! I thank you for that vague woohooness!
  7. I'm not all that much into Cone attacks and AoEs, I usually feel more comfortable with single target and PBAoE attacks, so I don't think I'll be getting Flashing Steel.
  8. So many AoEs that I don't think a Stalker would look at me twice...
  9. I was thinking SR, as I've done the Regen before, but rather liked it so stuck with it. At the moment I'm more into accuracy than damage, and quick little attacks, so I'm thinking Katana goes well for me.
    Shame I can't play at this point in time as (I'm assuming) my new RAM upgrade isn't compatible with my older one, and therefore I keep crashing.
  10. Mk..pretty pointless post here, but...I'm going back to my Scrappery self after many attempts at other ATs, and pretty much drastically failing.
    My original is a Dark Melee/Regeneration. Now I've started a Katana/Regeneration, but I'm unsure if that is the best choice for me. Before I get too far on this, is there anyone with a different view, or any hints on the attacks of the Katana?
  11. Has anyone had any experience with this power?
    I've been anticipating what it would be like and have been desperate to get a Corruptor to 16, and through my blind rage I haven't even looked into what the power I want is like in experiences of other players!
    So, has anyone tried it yet?
  12. Detention Field is handy if you'd like to single out an AV whilst you clear it's bodyguards that could be life threatening, after that staggering Alpha-Strike.
    Also Repulsion Bomb is handy for Blasters who suggest they Tank, or Defenders that suggest they Scrap, and get themselves abit overwhelmed.
    TBH if you want to give extra defense to the team to add to your bubbles, get Grant Invisibility, it would probably then let the Blasters Tank and Defenders Scrap!
    Well, that is what I intend to do on my */Force Field Controller, for maximum survivability for the team.
  13. You can tell I'm not the best at the whole debuffing, blasting, and secondary effects.
    As with my scrapper it was easy, 2 acc 3 dam and a tohitdebuff in most of my Dark Melee attacks. Regen, again, also very easy to slot, a few heals here and a few recharges there.
    Thanks for the busload of help you guys have posted!

    EDIT: I'm not used to using cone and AoE effects that aren't PBAoE, so forgive me.
    I just don't like the concept for some reason, I far more prefer hitting people near me and single targets, this is something new I am trying, tis all.
  14. Taken me a while to eventually come to this, can anyone spot any desperate faults?

    Archetype: Defender
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Dark Miasma
    Secondary Powers - Support : Electrical Blast

    01 : Charged Bolts acc(01) acc(5) acc(9) enddrn(31) enddrn(34)
    01 : Tar Patch slw(01) slw(3) slw(15) recred(50)
    02 : Darkest Night thtdbf(02) thtdbf(3) thtdbf(7)
    04 : Lightning Bolt acc(04) acc(5) acc(11) enddrn(31) enddrn(31)
    06 : Howling Twilight recred(06) recred(7) recred(50)
    08 : Shadow Fall defbuf(08) defbuf(9) defbuf(17)
    10 : Short CIrcuit acc(10) acc(11) acc(13) enddrn(37) enddrn(43)
    12 : Hover fltspd(12) fltspd(13) fltspd(17)
    14 : Fly fltspd(14) fltspd(15) fltspd(23) endred(48)
    16 : Swift runspd(16)
    18 : Petrifying Gaze acc(18) acc(19) acc(19) hlddur(43) hlddur(48)
    20 : Zapp acc(20) acc(21) dam(21) dam(40) dam(43)
    22 : Health hel(22) hel(23)
    24 : Stamina endrec(24) endrec(25) endrec(25)
    26 : Hasten recred(26) recred(27) recred(27)
    28 : Tesla Cage acc(28) acc(29) acc(29) hlddur(46) hlddur(46)
    30 : Recall Friend recred(30)
    32 : Dark Servant acc(32) acc(33) hlddur(33) hlddur(33) immdur(34) immdur(34)
    35 : Voltaic Sentinel acc(35) acc(36) acc(36) dam(36) dam(37) dam(37)
    38 : Thunderous Blast acc(38) acc(39) acc(39) dam(39) dam(40) dam(40)
    41 : Thunder Strike acc(41) acc(42) acc(42) dam(42) dam(45) dam(46)
    44 : Charged Armor damres(44) damres(45) damres(45)
    47 : Twilight Grasp acc(47) acc(48)
    49 : Aim thtbuf(49) thtbuf(50)


    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)
  15. So far this toon is lvl 11, with this build:

    Exported from version 1.5B of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Defender
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Dark Miasma
    Secondary Powers - Support : Electrical Blast

    01 : Charged Bolts acc(01) acc(5) dam(9)
    01 : Tar Patch slw(01) slw(3)
    02 : Darkest Night thtdbf(02) thtdbf(3) thtdbf(7)
    04 : Lightning Bolt acc(04) acc(5) dam(11)
    06 : Howling Twilight recred(06) recred(7)
    08 : Shadow Fall defbuf(08) defbuf(9)
    10 : Short CIrcuit acc(10) acc(11)


    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)

    I'll be changing damage in my electrical attacks for endurance modification. So I'll be a monster in PvP

    EDIT: I forgot to say what I'm too stuck to choose with!
    Well... I want to be as endurance draining as possible, whilst being quite damaging(both pets) and been able to hold foes(Petrifying Gaze and Tesla Cage) quite well.
    Most people would call me an offender if I continued the way I wanted, because I also want Zapp.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [...]Just out of interest, do the people in there for the PvP ever actually do the missions?[...]

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think I've done 1 mission whilst in the PvP areas as my stalker to answer that for you...

    And yes I do see the hatred against Stalkers.. Sort of.
    I find most of it is because we have an extremely powerful frontal attack, but they don't see it is basically the only Archetype-based power we have. Blasters have Snipes, Tankers have valiant Resistance/Defence, Scrappers get their regular criticals, and so forth. Simply, Assassination is a Stalker's main feat.

    EDIT: Not directed at anyone in peticular, but just to point out as alot of whinging PvPers won't take the simple fact in.
  17. Alot of lower levelled new players don't appreciate the power that these debuffs have... I find it at outmost annoyance that they don't recognise them even if I just tell them how it works... Usually no matter what I do they would kill my anchor first, or definately not last, putting the team at a severe disadvantage.
  18. Hm... Always wondered about this celebrity SG, heard an awful lot about it!
    I'll probably make an */Ice Corruptor as I'm looking forward to Frostwork... I have no idea why, but giving people a chilling version of Dull Pain is so god damn appealing!
  19. Wow! If it is true, it means I get criticals that clock double debuff on my DM scrapper!
  20. I was just wondering if any other player is puzzled with this too:
    Scirocco (Supervillain with the glowy sword ) can control lightning and storm as the head of Arachnos Mystics...
    If he can, why can't we get Lightning (scarier than Electrical Blast) as well as Storm Domination?
  21. Satan_Spawn

    Naming minions

    My Ninja are just boring:-




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