122 -
"She'll be fine." Ivory's voice was like an ominous crack of thunder in reply to the question. "Startlingly advanced bio-regenerative properties or some kind of magic, though I'm not sure which."
Unnoticed and unneeded, Ivory had disappeared far before they ever reached the safe house. He sent an acknowledging nod twords the room, many of the faes were ones he had known for no more then 24 hours when he stopped to ask about the small disk of a gem he had found. He sent questioning look twords Sly to which he recieved a small nod of confirmation.
Ivory reached to the breifcase beside him, an accessory that had replaced the rifle he had been seen with up till now. Made of featureless, brushed metal the case looked like something out of a 007 movie. When placed on a small coffee table, the hinges flew up and Ivory began to pull full page photographs and hand them around. Before he spoke he removed his glasses, setting them carefully to the right of the case: his eyes revealed as the misting clouds of grey smoke they really were, trails of light followed with his every movement.
"For those of you who didn't get to see it, there was a small subway station below that building; that's how they got so many reenforcements so quickly." Ivory pointed to a picture, a black and white pile of thin lines in every direction covered in grey spots. "The fifth column didn't build it. Paragon City transportation did."
Ivory saw the confused look in the heros' eyes. Not everyone can read satalite imagery, it took practice and time. Ivory pulled a red pen from the case and began to circle points on the photo he had been pointing to.
"There is a set of abandoned subway tunnels that run astride the old sewers, relics of a time before the new above ground trains were built." Ivory snaked a line accross a dark grey blotted sequence, th line came to meet each o the points he circled. "The city collapsed some of the key tunnels, it looks like the column has managed to dig out and repair some of those passageways."
Ivory, giving no time to questions, pulled another image from the case and set it down. This time it was full of color, a tye dye mess of greens, reds and all the colors inbetween.
"The large yellow blots are large sources of heat, but they aren't any hottr then body heat otherwise they would be red." Ivory pointed at some small blobs of yellow. "If you place this over the last image, you'll notice one of these heat sources sits at a still collapsed section of the underground railway."
Ivory sat back on the couch and streatched his arms. He let the information sink in before continuing. There was a reason he was giving them this kind of info.
"The 5th column came after us only after we showed up. It looked like an ambush because they were already occupying the building. Problem is that now that they spotted you all there, you're a liability to their plans. This time they will be out to get you, this time they will be looking to set a trap."
Ivory placed his glasses back on his head, letting them slide to a perfect rest on his nose before he took a look around the room and smiled.
"I thought you should be warned. But perhqps just as important," Ivory once again resumed a strong serious tone over his typically calm and experienced voice, "If they clear out the wreckage on these railways the column will have lightning fast transportation to almost any portion of the city, completely undetected." Ivory pointed his finger back at the yellow mark he had earlier claimed was the column clearing out a wrecked tunnel. "You went into this looking for a gang war. You've stumbled onto a literal war on Paragon City." -
kernell op error, need the puter for work immediately so I idn't have time to fish in with dos and retrieve lost files T_T
I have to re-write from scratch as a result. -
Adrasteias Aglaias aka Isaac "Ivory" Voramy
Team - Unsigned
Brief Origin:
Ivory is an enigmatic contract employee of the small Cynergetic Enterprise, Inc. Armed with an impossibly rugged, multi-function rifle, a powerful knowledge of the subtler aspects of the universe and the resource backing of a multi-national arms innovator, Ivory is a contracted problem solver on the cutting edge. Coming and going as he pleases, Ivory emits a sound aura of power that prevents him from working well with others.
Jackson Beojackson aka Galactic Jack
Team - Unsigned
Brief Origin:
High profile and high risk, Galactic Jack is as competent as he is capable. An accomplished law guru, he has successfully defended himself through more sexual harassment cases then most heroes have confirmed arrests leading to conviction. -
"There they are" Ivory pointed at the frozen images of the heroes walking twords Kings Row, behind them the tell tale suspended fragments of light as to indicate soeone had been recently rushed off to the hospitol.
The instinct to quicken pace was supressed and the two continued their pace twords the group. Ivory began to notice a couple new bodies with them when he turned to Lyle.
"Where do you people keep pickin these people up?"
Ivory violently struck the air infront of him as though it were a pane of glass. As it shattered into pieces their exit into reality showed through the broken hole which had slowly began to repair itself. When the two men stepped out, Ivory accompanied by the typical burst of blue flame, they matched the pace of the group as though they had been there all along.
Somewhere in boomtown a pair of wolfpack robots were trying to convince a pair of police officers to let them through the gates, claiming that they had changed. -
The twinge of boredom had fallen over Galactic Jack's face a while ago. No longer did he swing impressive arcs with his arms to accompany the brilliant flashes of light that, accompanied by the help of the other heroes, had slowly turned the clockwork into piles of scrap. Instead he sat with his back mostly turned to the battle and listened to the loud crash of the rifle next to him as he merely snapped his fingers to the same, if not less dramatic effect as his large arm movements. The loud ping of the shells falling to the concrete slabs on the roof timed each of his snaps.
Finally, he snapped his giners and turned his head. He snapped a few times before bothering to look over the building's ledge to find the road below a mess of scrap metal. He brushed off his uniform as he stood in one fluid movement and then walked over to the pile of wreckege the other hero had left on the roof. A pile slightly larger the the others gifted Jack a small cylinder similar to the one Frost had destroyed earlier. Giving it a small toss in his hand he finally spoke after all the gunfire and crash of super powers.
"Well, that should do it. Looks mostly the same anyways." -
Things got messy, real messy. No, there weren't any flying entrails or gysers of blood, no severed arms, ears or ankles: only a single broken rib. It took a godo twenty minutes of careful positioning and broken german to get the two heroes back to the surface. On one occassion the two robots had to perform a rather ingenous, yet ultimately emberassing, comedy routine.
Now finally above the secret lair, Ivory and Lyle finally dropped from the backs of the robots that had been hiding them all this time.
"Not too bright for trained soldiers." Lyle muttered, the bleeding of his arm had long since subsided.
"They can't help it, everyone loves David Hasselhoff." Ivory chuckled, being the only one for miles who understood or even laughed at their previous comedy routine: the two had agreed to never speak of it in public. "I'm just suprised the officer at that door believed us when we told him we were going outside to practice being Nazis."
Lyle nodded, almost fully unappreciative of Ivory's humor. The two combat robots stood staring blankly at the two somewhat dazed heroes. Days like this could bring fatigue to even the toughest of muscle heroes.
"Well, ready for a walk?" Ivory slit a hole into limbo and carefully stepped inside. Ivory hated walking, but at times like this he didn't much mind. He grinned as he thought to himself. "Every loves David Hasselhoff." -
Trust me, more is comming, I'm running editorial on Sei's portion of the story, say another week before all three are ready... work and all... speaking of which... bye!
As the heroes made their exit into the City, a flash of light and a trail of smoke followed behind the barely visible image of Galactic Jack. As he faded into the city those who had paid attention caught the barely audible claim of being the ginger bread man and that 'they' would never catch him.
Elsewhere! Below the city, in a dangerous Nazi Stronghold, two intrepid heroes face a daring escape from a DANGEROUS compound of fascist war... spy... pamphlet pushers... but they AREN'T mormons!
The two robots wobbled and sauntered in a clumsy fashion up to the young soldier, laying on the ground after having been blown off his feet by the explosion.
"Hallo ssss-ssss-Sir oder vvvv-vvvv-Frau. Wo das badezimmer ist? Ich muß ihrer unterseite des nazi todes entgehen."
Ivory looked over at Lyle, the two were similarly hiding behind the robots, Ivory attached by his belt was fiddling with wires, some of which had been tied to his glasses. Lyle mouthed to Ivory as if to ask what the robot just said. Ivory mearly shrugged and fiddled with the wires, the robot twitching and buzzing much more like a clockwork then a well oiled machine of war. -
As the train rumbled down the track, Ivory gave a loud whistle. The two robots turned and ran twords the train, jumping onto the roof of the last car where they sat down like obedient children kicking their legs in and out. Ivory leaned against a console and began flipping through a small book he had found in a compartment full of files and instructions: a german to english dictionary in poor, tattered condition.
"Hey, says here th computer told us it is a cat... and that the red button takes us to the nearest secret base."
Ivory quirked an eyebrow to Lyle before leafing through the pages again at a quickening pace, the train likewise picked up speed.
"No... that can't be right..." Ivory mumbled. -
((ooc I thought I should add that I don't speak or understand a lick of german... so if I offend someone with whatever butchering I may have just performed... uh... I have sent you a check in the mail to cove your grievence.))
From the open sliding doors of the train stepped yet another massive robot of cut steal and black armor, chain guns adorned the arms and a red fire glowed behind its lifeless eyes. Turning to Lyle it ran full speed at the man stopping abruptly before Lyle could fire off any ammunition into the golem.
"Izzzzzzzzt really kwiiiiiiyt easy when you get the haaaaa-aaaaang of it." The voice was harsh and electric, faltering on certain sounds. As it turned and rushed once again at full speed twords a column support of the building Lyle could see a rather unsightly knot of exposed wires protruding from the robot's neck and falling over its back, sparks flew dangerously from the mess.
In beffudlement, Lyle watched as the machine pointed its chaingun, at nearly point blank range, to the support column and began to unload its ammo. Concrete and metal flew like ash from the pillar and soon the space was a gaping hole. Lyle noticed a similarly violated Robot at the other end of the makeshift station likewise grinding away at a support column.
"I hope the others are on their way out." Ivory yelled from the train. He was absent of a headset having chosen to not join the group as they first entered the building. "I also hope this train starts cooperating before the building falls in on itself."
As Lyle ran to Ivory he could hear his punching of buttons and broken german being spoken slowly to the train's computer. A massive jumble of wires and a few exposed silicon boards lay on the ground spilling from a panel at the wall. Ivory's rifle was hanging from a coathook: the trigger gaurd serving to keep it on the small hook. Ivory pounded on a console and yelled.
"Vorwärts... gehen um... choo choo?" Ivory turned and shrugged to Lyle as the computer spoke its reply in the calm and somewhat attractive voice of a young female.
"Danke für das reiten der riesigen schaumgummiringschildkröte. Betätigen sie bitte die große rote taste, um das zerbröckelnde gebäude herauszunehmen und zur nächste 5. Spalte geheimen unterseite von betrieben genommen zu werden. Ich sind eine katze, nicht sie streicht mich bitte elfenbein?"
Ivory scratched his head as the building moaned at the loss of its foundation's supports. "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." -
Ivory stood up and brushed the debris from his hair and jacket. He hoisted his rifle over a shoulder an adjusted his tie. As Ivory slowly faded behind a veil of microscopic fibers bending light around him in near perfect symetry he spoke.
"Come to think of it, I do have an idea. Meet me down by that train in 5 minutes."
Footsteps in the dust indicated a casual, slow walk down the hallway and a careful leap through the hole in the ground. As he made his way quietly to the train hidden below the building Ivory thought to himself that had he ever a human childhood, he would have much liked trains. -
Galactic Jack has been rerolled every single time I have logged in over the past month... booyah shahkalaka! I will say it's not because of the short attention span: it is actually because I love teh character so much. I love this character so much that the only power that eh has to have is super speed. I don't care what the rest fo his powers are, I could fit it into his story. The important thing is that his damn costume matches/fits every single one of the powers I take... that he looks good running down the street... and that his hair, skin and tail remain. Yes... I have been rerolling Jack because his outfit didn't match his accessories... yes, I was the creepy kid on the block that played with My Little Pony.
<clicks his tongs at Jack>
Gonna getcha... gonna getcha...
[/ QUOTE ]
Jack suffered a freak tong incident that nearly claimed his life at the age of 1252, it is his super hero weakness... oh wait no, his super hero weakness is earth women in bikinis.
I myself have a single female character... as in one character... not looking to meet people single... single = one... dammit... anyways, yeah, she's dressed up in buckles and leather topped off with sleek glasses and bright pink pigtails... but that's all because everyone from Tri-Sol Major is damn sexy... just look at Jack. -
"Don't suppose you've got any ingenious plan to get us out of here in one piece."
Ivory was sitting casually on the carpeted floor of the hallway, or perhaps the remnants of it. "All that walking around has me a bit tired." Ivory spoke as he leaned against the wall, resting as if it were a calm, summer day in the park. When he noticed the questioning look he was getting from Lyle for his comment he chuckled and patted his left leg in front of him. "Dodgy knee." he joked. -
With ya there! I'm a het male and I find my character Galactic Jack to be damn sexy. Sometimes after logging in I think he's so damn sexy that I find myself wanting to go touch myself... or stab him with a pair of tongs. :P
As the dispersion bubble expanded aroun the heroes the corridor took on an ominous silence noticed even by the broken regiment rushing twords the stunned heroes who came to an uneasy halt because of it.
The entire hallways creeked and moaned as the soldiers slowly advanced upon the group encompassed in green and blue swirling clouds of force. The silence was finally broken by the muffled shout of Ivory's voice.
"Lobe! What is your favorite drink?!" came the muffled shout, a question that made everyone stare at eachother for a moment witha confused look on their face, all but lobe who was all too pleased to answer.
"Oh Jay!"
With those two words, bullets rang from below sending splinters of wood and broken plaster into the air before the group of soldiers who stopped their slow advance. When no more shots came the soldier at lead laughed as he took a step forward.
"You mizzet! You voolz!"
But his taunting laughter was ceased as the floor sank beneath him. Cracking timbers and bending metal were like the groaning of a great beast as the floor bent and finally gave way at the point where the bullets had broken through the already failing foundations of the floor.
With screams of suprise, the front of the regimine slid from their footing and fell to the floor below, then through the hole recently created by Lyle's own doing.
The few soldiers that remained above began firing at the heroes protected by Nathan's shield. -
Ivory counted the explosions in his head while smiling but then a third explosion caught his attention. Seeing nobody around as he glanced from side to side, still out front of the building, he waved his palm throuh the air bringing his rifle quickly through the air to his hand, letting it rest against his shoulder. With a few turns of his wristwatch, Ivory again stepped through a gaping hole in the real world and into the black and white shadows of Limbo.
"Slowly walking along Ivory semed oblivious to Lyle falling ot his side, the frozen images of the 5th column soldiers suspended in midair, a cascade of fire captured in perfect clarity erupting from tanks mounted on the back of a soldier: Ivory walked through it all without so much as a look. As he passed the group of soldiers that had been too far down the hall to suffer from the explosion, Ivory took a canister from his jacket and pulled the pin, when he pushed it through the veil of Limbo it sat suspended above the solders.
Continuing down the hall Ivory came to a drop and to his suprise a small train station, cars and all with 5th column elite still filing out, a duo of robots stood like ominous statues to protect the train at its openings. Ivory stopped where he was and fished a small explosive from his jacket and punched at the keypad on top of it. The bomb set for 15 seconds, he once again thrust it through the veil where it sat frozen on the floor below him.
Ivory continued his little tou of sabotage from th safety of Limbo. A couple of mines placed at the very front of the waves of soldiers exiting the train cars, a timed explosive on the side of the head of one robot, a wb grenade fastened at the waist of the other. Smoke grenades before Lyle and a timed explosive to cover the retreat.
All the time in Limbo was making Ivory sweat from exhertion, but he wasn't ready to cease his nearly instantaneous travel just yet.
Ivory strolled up to Lyle, still frozen in place, inches from the ground after having fired upon the tanks that were causing such an explosion brilliant and grand, but only lifeless and frozen here.
Ivory carefully placed himself behind Lyle before stepping out of Limbo to see the fire burst forward and blow half the hallway to mulch Ivory offered his hand to Lyle and spoke calmly.
"Need a hand?"
At that moment the end of the halway unconsumed by the explosion burst into billowing clouds of grey smoke and a thundering series of explosions could be heard and felt, their force sending dust and light debris from the cieling to rain on top of the two like a fine mist. Ivory smiled to Lyle.
"In about 10 seconds, there will be another one." Ivory pulled Lyle to his feet. "Should even the odds a bit, where are the others?"
Ivory was incorrect. It had been 11 seconds before another explosion rocked the building, finishing off the group that had come for Lyle. -
Jack, still sitting and chewing his gum watched the little constructs pile on top of the opperative before him. He pointed and snapped his fingers at the opperative not 5 feet away. Green and blue force arched from the operative in a bubble that expanded outwards faster then the eye could properly see, with it the clockwork were pushed back and flung to the sides: some were thrown off the top of the building, still others landed on the roof a safe distance away.
Jack's face wore a mask that nearly read aloud "why would you go and do that?"
A heavy sigh and a planted hand were the precursors to Jack taking to his feet again to brush Sullivan off. "Listen kiddo, I understand you're ancy. Next time say something. If you want to get into the fray..." Jack trailed off seeing Frost and Sly below as well as the one neighbor he avoided and another man he was unfamiliar with. "Ok I get it..." Jack once again trailed off before giving an excited motion with both arms, "We save the day! Right!"
Jack waved both arms outward and engulfed the two men in a shield of moving force and energy. Jack turned his attention to the Clockwork still on the roof and shook his hand in a grabbin motion, a handfull of ghostly figures appeared and immediately engaged the clockwork along with the construct.
Satisfied, Jack turned to look back over the edge of the building to the chaos below. "Fire on my targets, just like you did before while I was at Garment Works."
Jack waved his hand violently and the first flash of light engulfed a Cog below. -
As the heroes one by one entered the building, Ivory chuckled to himself and leaned against one of the crumbling columns of cut stone outside the building. With one hand he straightened his tie and with the other he threw his rifle rather carelessly to rest by another column.
He finally spoke to the absence outside as though he were on a phone. "Cynergetic... mission status report... mission complete... I know it was fast... just have the parts in my lab when I get back."
Now all was left was to make sure any of the Rage was destroyed. That could wait till the heroes inside had finished with whatever it was that had caught their attention. -
"Well because, Sullivan, no matter how many of them there are one thing remains." Jack peaked over the heater they had cloaked behind and saw the cylinder he was after being insirted into the body of the slowly forming prince. "Besides, there's at least a half dozen of them, only two of us and about fourty feet to the ground."
The sound of Jack's nearly australian, but vaugely english accent seemed to maintain a level state of arrogance even when admitting to a potential defeat. Jack pointed at the glowing being of light and shadow that had formed before them, pulsing chaotically and twitching erratically the construct seemed a fitting manifestation for Jack to summon. When Jack finally spoke he was the voice of season and experience.
"Risk prevention." Jack's pointing finger came to tap on the side of his head. "Never endanger yourself when identicle results can be obtained with less probobility of loss."
Jack fished a small pocket calculater no larger then his own palm and went punching away as the automoton shambled twords the clockwork who's buzzing and whirring seemed to signal a great deal of suprise and confusion.
"Forty three to one." Jack held up the calculater. "That's the probobility that charles there does just as good a job as we do and without us getting hurt eh chum?"
Jack put the calculator back into his pocket and revealed his palm, replacing the calculator was a half empty pack of Dentyne.
"Want some?" Jack's hand motioned to Sullivan. "They say nothing's colder then Ice." Jack pointed at the package with his other hand before adding matter of factly, "It's right there you know, on the package."
It was at that moment that a Cog came flying over their heads with a flash of blue light, landing feet away from them and skidding to a stop only when it hit the gaurding edge of the roof. It fell over and picked itself up, turning to face Jack and Operative Sullivan before quirking it's head in further confusion as it tried to focus in on the nearly invisible image of the two men sitting in front of its eyes, one more casually then the other.
Jack smiled and gave the bewildered cog an invisible thumbs up. The cog, confused and perhaps a bit upset, took one last look at where the two were sitting before jumping over them and back twords the construct behind them.
Jack chuckled and pushed a piece of gum from the wrapper and placed it in his mouth.
"Nasty chompers, but not so bright." -
Ivory looked up calmly and fished a small canister from his jacket's inner pockets. He pulled the pin at its head and let it fall to the floor where it landed softly and poured impressive amounts of black smoke.
"Up against the building. Sorry I forgot to mention him up there." Ivory was about to speak again when breaking glass and a loud thud inturrupted him.
Ivory kicked away the waste of a smoke grenade and walked over to the body of te 5th Column soldier lying on the ground. Just barely still concious, he looked to be in sever pain.
"Now why would you go and do a thing like that?" Ivory asked inquisitively of the man in the grey and black uniform.
"So... big," the soldier coughed, "big... 'L'.."
The soldier fell unconcious. -
Ivory stepped from behind a pillar at the front of the crumbling structure, suit immaculate and clean, his hair perfectly combed but covered in a thin dusting of ash. Ivory stepped to the boarded doors before the group of heroes and eyed the new arrivals from behind his rectangular glasses.
"You must be very proud, Sly." Ivory began fishing through his jacket for something. "Actually, the 5th column made a move on a Troll Rage stash. Bloody smart move if you ask me, the drug could easily be used for their super soldier syrums."
Ivory finally pulled a folded up photo from his pocket revealing colored blots and blobs over what looked like a twisted tye dye image of a building from above. Several blots of red in a sea of green were circled.
"Cynergetic satalite imagery of 'boomtown', it shows a formation of heatsources entering this building. I'd guess the column by the organization." Ivory pointed at the circles with fingers fromthe same hand he held it with. "Tsoo are selling Rage to the Trolls."
Ivory tossed a vial of red liquid to Sly, the glass container etched with the Cynergetic logo. Rage is a potentially fatal drug in combination with Superdyne, the drug of choice for the trolls.
"Cynergetic manufactures the drug under a medical license." Ivory stuffed the photo back into his pocket. "So I'm being paid to be here this time. The company doesn't want any bad press on their products."
Ivory finally found a bent and abused cigarette in his pocket and placed it between his lips after which he began searching for his lighter.
"Now,what I don't understand is this: why are you all here?" Ivory eyed the heroes. -
((ooc this is not an origon story, but close to it. This is more or less the overview of a much larger story. I hope youenjoy it, it is a bit long... and I admit written for my on pleasure :P
Also, for illustration, here are a few pictures of:
Galactic Jack
Thousands of years ago, in a different time, a place forgotton by mortal minds.
Silken platinum hair, firm breasts, round hips, pouting lips, deep and smokey white eyes and athletic legs that seem to never end. The most perfectly crafted beauty in the universe was gifted to Adrasteias Aglaias, daughter to the union of Cerbetous and Chandria. Her beauty was unmatched by gods and deities, brought tears to angels and cowed the worlds of mortals. But for all her feminine beauty they were the wings of Adrasteias crafted by the skilled hands of sixty seven skilled angels employed in the highest artisan courts of the heavens that brought her higher then the gods.
Crafted of pure silver, each feather lighter then the real thing and meticulously inscribed with the family tree of her spectral heritage, the feathers a gift to her blood ordered by the god Perun. Of all the spectral sons and daughters none has ever been more celebrated then Adrasteias and the mistake would never be made again.
By the age of eight she had the grown body of a woman, had been educated at the finest spectral universities and commanded a court of followers whose loyalty was unmatched. Behind it all the truth apparent to only her parents: the daughter of Chandria had many lovers both male and female, she had a temper that claimed the lives of her followers and lovers almost nightly and she possessed a dark passion for the wars of mortals. Adrasteias was born and raised a demon princess. Upon a throne of oak and platinum, Adrasteias sat with the face of boredom painted over her perfect features; and so began the reign of Adrasteias over men, the dark age of the universe.
She waged her war on gods and men for thousands of years. From the front of her armies she commanded mortals and spectral being alike. Entire worlds fell under her shadow which slew the weak and drew the strong into her legions. For every man that fell from her ranks she would murder thousands of his fellow soldiers and the gates to paradise she would stand before herself, barring their souls rest. It was her little sister who would set in motion the events to bring Adrasteias to justice and bring order to the entire timelines she had conquered. Her name was and remains Sei.
The sounds of heavy boots marching and crisp order being shouted were all that Sei had heard for months. The rumors of the Demon Goddess coming for her world had been confirmed by satellites placed at neighboring stars. All able bodied citizens were called into service to defend their world, Tri-Sol Major, and those unable to serve were used to their full potential crafting weapons, learning to use the most advanced military technology their solar system had to offer. The man training their armies was a strange man, a dark and imposing figure with a kind of heat coming off him. His skin was black like night and his voice was deep and seemed to come from all directions, no man or woman serving beneath him could stare him in the eye and all feared him. When he came near whispers consumed all those around him. Gideon, hunter. They sang.
Sei had volunteered for service knowing it was her sister that came to claim them. Her goddess of a mother had approached her only a hundred years ago (the blink of an eye in the lifespan of her people) and told her the truth of her birth and how her father had tricked the goddess to bed him and bare his child. Sei was born a mortal with fates blood in her. She joined not to train to defend her world, but to prepare to join the triads her mother spoke of. It was from there she would wage her war upon her sister.
The triads came about before time itself. Headed not by gods, demons, spectral or deities, the Triads were overseen by mortals. Their vast libraries of knowledge gave them access to the finest magic and technology that any world had ever created. With it they had developed the laws by which they subtly governed not the universe, but the four timelines. For all their power they could not overcome Adrasteias, perfectly bred to conquer at a whim. They would soon seek out her sister to join the hunt and bring the demon to justice for the crimes she had inflicted upon the worlds of mortals and gods alike.
The suns were blotted with the blood of two armies: those of Tri-Sol Major and the princess own. When the sky glowed red from the weapons of destruction and the seas lost their blue color, only one stood. In a park of green grass and trees, swings and slides and jungle gyms, the ground was barely visible below the bodies of men, women, demons and angels. The air was a sparkle, silver feathers fell from the heavens sending beams of light in every direction, each carefully crafted feather taking endless hours to fall. In a black uniform bearing the symbol of her house, Adrasteias had taken a form fit for commanding an army. For a decade her army had called her not by her name, but simply Ivory. So different, the form would be unrecognizable as her own until eyes and wings revealed themselves.
Her armies had fallen before but always standing the victor, Adrasteias knew not defeat. For the first time, the demon of unending beauty knew humility as her chest was connected to the arm of Gideon by means of his black sword, a relic given to him by the Triads in their commission of his services as a Demon Hunter. Her silver blood poured and her strength disappeared. In the form of Ivory she was captured by the hunter Gideon and brought before the Triads.
Of the genocide that consumed the solar system of Tri-Sol there would be only a handful of survivors. Sei had disappeared from the timeline days before the battle, but her younger brother remained. At only 35, he was an infant in their world. His name would come to rival the Demon Princess in recognition but for now he was only known as Jackson Beojackson.
2986 years in the future. The three timelines touched by the Andrasteias Aglaias have all but forgotten her name, her legacy no longer remembered by people; only individuals.
Blaringly loud music rang from the gold plated hull of the space cruiser Lexington: home to Jackson Beojackson, better known throughout the multiverse as Galactic Jack. In the dark emptiness of space nobody can hear you scream, but you can hear Galactic Jack coming from light years away.
High profile and high risk, Galactic Jack has so far earned a reputation as the most feared Trouble Consultant that had ever stalked crime across space and time. Enjoying incredible commissions and endless fame, its time for a rest. Lounging in an oversized, padded seat in the middle of the bridge, Jack is the only person running the ship: in his boxers and a pair of furry slippers no less. The sound of a young woman comes over the speakers.
We are approaching sol. Inhabitable planets are one. Earth is a non space faring planet unrecognized by the Triads. Climate varies. Please state the nature of you vacation Jack. The voice slowly centered on an emerging image of a young woman perhaps in her early twenties. Wearing a tight one piece outfit and sporting a microphone headset, she appears both attractive and intimidating: her hair a brilliant pink, tied behind her head. Eyes of a single pink color hidden behind a pair of reading glasses.
Pleasure, Jack said in an upbeat tone, and maybe meet someone.
Lonely Jack? asked the woman.
Maybe he replied.
I can keep you company Jack. I love you Jack.
Youre an artificial intelligence Sei. Jack sighed as he punched at buttons on a console to his left. Not to mention modeled after my sister.
My analysis reveals the women of this planet are compatible. Would you like a briefing? the woman asked.
No, I doubt theyre any different from the women anywhere else. Stubborn and unwilling to dig deeper then what you show them. Jack said pessimistically. Even the coldest most unfeeling women in the world have something beautiful inside them; you need but dig, Sei. But not a woman in the galaxy will make the effort to do the same for another man.
Perhaps if you changed your manners around women.
Do you think Im a chauvinist? Jack asked, turning to look at Sei.
Of course not sir. You have an uncommon respect for everything living, most of all women. She continued after a short pause, but you might want to show that respect some times.
I have money, power, influence, near immortality, fame beyond even my own knowledge. If I were a perfect gentleman towards women they would be swarming all over me, few with the best of intentions. Jack stopped punching at buttons as the image of Earth came onto the large screen at the center of the bridge. Ill know her when I see her.
I suspect she will see you for who you really are then, and know you are the man perfect for her as well? the image of his sister asked mockingly.
Thats the idea. Love at first sight they call it. I just dont want someone hollow, the grabbing and shifty tactics reduce the workload of sifting through the shallow and simple minded. Need to find a woman more like my own sister, vile beast of a woman
Im sorry sir, I did not realize I upset you so. The holographic image looked crushed, as though it was about to cry.
Not you, I meant the demon girl. Have to give her credit for one thing, she could see to the soul of a person, find both the good and evil within them. Now if you get rid of the whole genocide thing and the fact that shes technically our sister, thats pretty much what Im looking for.
Psyches, the soul goddess proposed to you four hundred years ago. She was pretty.
Jack turned to look at Sei again, this time making direct eye contact. She had platinum hair.
Yes, to her feet. She was very pretty.
Our sister has platinum hair. He said slowly. Her hair also to her feet. Psyches had female lovers too; you know how much I hate sharing attention.
Shall I prepare a stable orbit around the Earth moon? asked the hologram, writing down a few notes on a clipboard she pulled from nowhere.
Arrange for private living quarters. Send down the last jobs profits too, I might need spending money.
You were paid in gold and platinum bars for arresting Al Jahlid and his forty thieves. My analysis reveals the metals would be enough to purchase most of the nations on the planet. Sei said cautiously, tapping her clipboard.
Jack grabbed his jacket from where it was hanging on his seat. Then send half. Ill only be gone a week.
Take care, love and good luck with the local women. Sei laughed to herself. Jack insisted on being utterly despicable to most women. Either his search for a suitor was brilliant or hopeless, whichever it was Jack was probably aware.
A flash of light and Jack was fully clothed in yellow shorts and a matching aloha shirt. A second flash and he was gone, standing on a sandy beach at mid day. A perfect day for sunbathing. Jacks jaw wanted to drop at the sight of the local women.
They dont make them like this on Tri-Sol.
((ooc to be continued... positive response might hasten things to more detail... but honesty is valued.)) Ivory -
"Son of a..." Jack suddenly let out as a straggling cog caused Jack to trip, tumble and skid accross the pavement. The force of the impact had finished off wha tlooked like an already beaten up minion of the Clockwork King. Jack walked over to have a poke at the thing, his plans stopped abrupt as he saw the side of the building crawling with no fewer then 6 other little machines.
"Wonder what they're up to." Jack had a habit of asking himself questions, so far he hadn't ever heard a reply. He picked up his cell phone from his pockets and dialed into FSS. "Yes I have a small group here at the southwest corner of Lincoln and Oswald... no, nothing I can't handle but it's odd see... really... well maybe you should page him... ok I'll check it out."
Galactic Jack walked to the side of the building and jumped to grab hold of the fire escape, pulling it to the ground. A second later, he was at the top of the building just in time to see a Knight get thrown past him by the impressive force of a FSS operative's slug.
"Hold on, chap. Not so eager like." Jack said as he made an instantaneous sprint to the operative's side. By the look of things it seemed he must have been taken by suprise. As slow mists of light and shadow encompassed the two making them virtually invisible, the other Clockwork began to spill over the sides of the building to the roof.
Some were carrying junk and parts, the others bagn to tear pieces of the roof apart: antennas, air conditioners and satalite dishes. A large pile was formed at the center of the roof top from which the Clockwork began to bend and weld pieces of metal to form the structural form of a Prince. Among the parts piled high Jack became excited to see yet another cylinder.
"See eh? Know your enemy." Jack snapped his fingers, encompassing the operative in a thin field of kinetic force. "Name's Jack, Galactic Jack. Yours?"
Light and shadow began to coalesce behind them, the figure of something almost human pulsed and grew in size. Quickly it caught the attention of the clockwork.