Please leave this thread for people to only report on the actually changes that they've tested...
please discuss these changes in one of the many other threads that are discussing it such as this one or this one .
Tested so far (thanks to Ice_Knight for the first recap and Ex_Libris for format editing):
<ul type="square">[*]Taskforce Name: Positron Task Force (Rule Of Three)
Contact: Positron
Merits Awarded: 64 (+9)
[*]Taskforce Name: Citadel Task Force (Citadels Children)
Contact: Citadel
Merits Awarded: 40 (+10)
[*]Taskforce Name - Mender Lazarus Task Force (Overthrow)
Contact: Mender Lazarus
Merits awarded: 6 (no change)
[*]Taskforce Name: Katie Hannon Task Force
Contact: Katie Hannon
Merits Awarded: 9 Merits (+2)
[*]Taskforce Name: Imperious Task Forece
Contact: Imperious
Merits Awarded: 28 (+3)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Trial: Second Respec Trial
Contact: Captain James Harlan
Merit rewards: 20 (-5)
[*]Trial: Third Respec Trial
Contact: Major Richard Flagg
Merit rewards: 20 (-5)[/list]
Story Arcs
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: The Clockwork Captive
Contact: Athena Currie
Merits Awarded: 9 (+2)
[*]Arc name: The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot
Contact: Jill Pastor
Merits Awarded: 13 (+6)
[*]Arc name: Officer Wincott vs. The Trolls
Contact: Officer Wincott
Merits Awarded: 2 (+0)
[*]Arc name: Flux the Outcast
Contact: Flux
Merits awarded: 7 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Julius the Kind-Hearted Troll
Contact: Julius the Troll
Merits awarded: 4 (+1)
[*]Arc name: The Heart of the Hollows
Contact: Talshak the Mystic
Merits awarded: 11 (+2)
[*]Arc Name: Bonefire
Contact: Wes Schnabel, Willy Starbuck, or Lorenzo DiCosta
Merits Awarded: 9 (+2)
[*]Mission name: Break up the Clockwork and the Skullls (Negotiator badge)
Contact: Maurice Feldon (Ouroboros only)
Merits awarded: 4 (+3)
[*]Rescue the Mystic from the Circle of Thorns (Spelunker badge)
Contact: Dr. Trevor Seaborne (Ouroboros only)
Merits awarded: 1 (+/- 0)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: The Vahzilok Plague
Contact: Dr. Ann Marie Engles, Juliana Nehring, or Pavel Garnier
Merit rewards: 8 (+4)
[*]Arc name: The Mind of a King
Contact: Colleen Saramago
Merits awarded: 10 (+5)
[*]Arc name: Tsoo Shenanigans
Contact: King Bao or Thao Ku
Merit rewards: 12 (+7)
[*]Arc name: Rumblings of the Past
Contact: Jim Temblor
Merits Awarded: 4 (+1)
[*]Arc name: I Lost My Daddy!
Contact: Penelope Yin
Merits awarded: 4 (+1)
[*]Mission name: Vahzilok Wasting Disease (Plague Stopper Badge)
Contact: Dr. Ann Marie Engles, Juliana Nehring, or Pavel Garnier (Ouroboros only)
Merit rewards: 1 (no change)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: The Tsoo Coup
Contact: Amanda Loomis
Merits awarded: 9 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Hand of Iron
Contact: Andrew Fiore
Merits awarded: 8 (+4)
[*]Arc name: Wheel of Destruction
Contact: Andrea Mitchell
Merits awarded: 9 (+5)
[*]Arc name: The Sky Raider Secret
Contact: Barry Gosford
Merits awarded: 9 (+4)
[*]Arc name: A Faultline in the Sands of Time
Contact: Agent G
Merits awarded: 10 (+5)
[*]Arc name: The Buried Past
Contact: Doc Delilah
Merit rewards: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc Name: Hear and Now
Contact: Long Jack
Merits Awarded: 10 merits (+5)
[*]Arc name: The Ring of Peebles
Contact: Stephanie Peebles
Merit Rewards: 10 (+1)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: The Scroll of Tielekku
Contact: Laura Brunetti/Miriam Bloechl
Merits awarded: 9 (+2)
[*]Arc name: The Freaklympics
Contact: Collin Larson
Merits awarded: 20 (+9)
[*]Arc name: An Unnatural Order
Contact: Eliza Thorpe
Merits awarded: 10 (+2)
[*]Arc name: The Mysterious General Z
Contact: Christine Lansdale
Merits awarded: 9 (+2)
[*]Arc name: A Madman's Council
Contact: Lars Hansen
Merits: 5 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Return to Vampyr Mountain
Contact: Tobias Hansen
Merits awarded: 9 (+5)
[*]Arc name: Ubelmann the Unknown
Contact: Ashwin Lannister
Merits awarded: 11 (+2)
[*]Arc name: Crown of Glory
Contact: Mercedes Sheldon
Merits awarded: 9 (+6)
[*]Arc name: Dirge of Chaos
Contact: Mercedes Sheldon
Merits awarded: 7 (+4)
[*]Arc name: The Magic Man
Contact: Mercedes Sheldon
Merits awarded: 7 (+4)
[*]Arc name: Piercing the Veil
Contact: Gordon Bower
Merits awarded: 10 (+2)
[*]Arc name: War of the Fir Bolg
Contact: Skipper LeGrange
Merits awarded: 7 (+2)
[*]Mission name: Find the Pantheon: Rescue the Mystics (Mystic Savior Badge Mission)
Contact: Laura Brunetti or Miriam Bloechl
Merits awarded: 2 (unchanged)
[*]Mission name: The Redemption of Alexander "The Great" (Redeemer Badge)
Contact: Ashwin Lannister/Laurie Pennington
Merits awarded: 5 (+1)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Library of Souls
Contact: Allison King
Merits Awarded: 10 (-1)
[*]Arc name: Unity Plague
Contact: Jenny Firkins
Merits Awarded: 10 merits (-2)
[*]Arc name: Rise of the Vampyri
Contact: Jose Escalante
Merits awarded: 17 (+10)
[*]Arc name: Freakshow War
Contact: Neal Kendrick
Merits awarded: 11 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Corporate Culture
Contact: Phillipa Meraux
Merits awarded: 12 (+3)
[*]Arc name: Hatred's Hungry Heart
Contact : Kelly Nemmers
Merits Awarded 5 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Crossing Over
Contact: Buck Salinger
Merits awarded: 8 (+2)
[*]Mission name: Stop the Pact (Corruptor Badge)
Contact: Neal Kendrick/Tina Chung
Merits awarded: 5 (+2)[*]Mission name: Rescue the Engineers (War Wall Defender Badge)
Contact: Phillipa Meraux
Merits awarded: 1 (unchanged)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: The Envoy Of Shadows
Contact: Cadeo Kestrel
Merits awarded: 9 (+3)
[*]Arc name: Revenant Hero Project
Contact: Gordan Stacy
Merits awarded: 12 (+4)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Division: Line
Contact: Angus McQueen
Merits Awarded: 21 (+3)
[*]Arc name: Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group
Contact: Indigo
Merit Reward: 19 (+1)
[*]Arc name: On the Run (the Evil Countess Crey)
Contact: Janet Kellum
Merits Awarded: 17 (+4)
[*]Arc name: The Praetorian War
Contact: Tina MacIntyre
Merits awarded: 29 (+7)
[*]Arc name: The Nictus Alliance
Contact: Shadowstar or Sunstorm
Merits awarded: 7 (-8)
[*]Arc name: The Nictus Insurrection
Contact: Shadowstar or Sunstorm
Merits awarded: 4 (-25)
<ul type="square">Arc name: Project World Wide Red
Contact: Crimson
Merits awarded: 17 Merits (+6)
[*]Arc name: The Eternal Nemesis
Contact: Maxwell Christopher
Merits Awarded: 19 (+4)
[*]Arc name: To Save A Thousand Worlds
Contact: Unai Kemen
Merits Awarded: 32 merits (+16)
[*]Arc name: Future Threat
Contact: Daedalus
Merits Awarded: 7 (+4)
[*]Arc name: Stolen Power
Contact: Daedalus
Merits Awarded: 2 (-1)
[*]Arc name: Upon the Psychic Plane
Contact: Harvey Maylor
Merits awarded: 27 (+8)
[*]Arc name: Origin of Power
Contact: Percy Winkley
Merits Awarded: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Hero's Hero
Contact: Maria Jenkins
Merits Awarded: 24 (+5)
[*]Arc name: Final Darkness
Contact: Sunstorm/Shadowstar
Merits awarded: 6 (-1)
[*]Mission name: Black Shroud Dimension (Badge Mission)
Contact: Maria Jenkins
Merits Awarded: 1 Merit (+0) [/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Strikeforce Name: Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force (The Beast Beneath The Mountain)
Contact: Virgil Tarikoss
Merits awarded: 12 (+2)
[*]Strikeforce Name: The Spider Weaves His Web SF
Contact: Mender Tesseract
Merits Awarded: You received 4 reward merits. (-1)
[*]Operative Renault Strike Force (The Temple Of The Waters)
Contact: Operative Renault
Merits: 22 (-3)
[*]Strikeforce Name: Ice Mistral Strike Force (The Crystal of Serafina)
Contact: Ice Mistral
Merits: 25 (no change)
[*]Strikeforce Name: The 5th Column Overthrow (SF/TF)
Contact: Mender Lazarus
Merits Awarded: You received 6 reward merits. (no change)
[*]Strikeforce Name: Mender Silos SF
Contact :Mender Silos
Merits Awarded: You received 6 reward merits. (+1) [/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Trial Name: First Respec Trial
Contact: Sparcetriel
Merits Awarded: 15 (+0)
[*]Trial Name: Second Respec Trial
Contact: Trepsarciel
Merits Awarded: 15 (+0) [/list]
Story Arcs
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Family War
Contact: Billy Heck
Merits awarded: 7 (+2)
[*]Arc name: The Vahzilok Conference
Contact: Dmitri Krylov
Merits Awarded: 5 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Spy Hunt (aka After The Wall Fell)
Contact: Dmitri Krylov
Merits Awarded: 10 (+5)
[*]Arc name: Midas Touched
Contact: Dr. Shelly Percy
Merits Awarded: 7 (+4)
[*]Arc name: Earning Arachnos' favor
Contact: Kalinda
Merits awarded: 2 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Snake Uprising
Contact: Mongoose
Merits awarded: 2 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Contact: Peter Themari
Merits Awarded 2 (+0)
[*]Arc name: The Hit List
Contact: The Radio
Merits Awarded: 4 (+2)
[*]Mission name: Steal the Outbreak Virus
Contact: The Radio
Merits Awarded: 1 (+/- 0) (Ouroboros)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Choose Your Own Adventure
Contact : Fortunata Hamilton
Merits Awarded 1 (-6)
[*]Arc Name: Oh Wretched Man!
Contact: Seer Marino
Merits Awarded: 6 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Master of Destruction
Contact: Operative Wellman
Merits Awarded: 5 (+3)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc Name: Origin of Power
Contact: Ashley McKnight
Merits Awarded: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Iron Widow
Contact: Captain Petrovich
Merits awarded: 4(+1)
[*]Arc name: Kings of the Sky
Contact: Lt. Chalmers
Merits Awarded: 4 (+2)
<ul type="square">[*] Arc name: Forging the Blackwand
Contact: Archmage Tarixus
Merits awarded: 8 (+4)
[*]Arc name: Heavy Metal Doctoring
Contact: Doc Buzzsaw
Merits awarded: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Aurora Fades
Contact: Darla Mavis
Merits awarded: 1 (unchanged)
[*]Arc name: Midnight Draws Near
Contact: Darrin Wade
Merits awarded: 5 (unchanged)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Silver Tongued Devil
Contact: Hardcase
Merits Awarded: 3 Merits(+0)
[*]Arc name: Miss Fortune's Wheel
Contact: Slot Machine
Merits Awarded: 2 Merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: High Roller's Last Gamble
Contact: Slot Machine
Merits Awarded: 4 Merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: Psimon Sez
Contact: Psimon Omega
Merits Awarded: 5 Merits (-2)
[*]Arc name: Chaos Unbound
Contact: Vivacious Verandi
Merits Awarded: 5 (+1)
[*]Mission Name: Steal artifact from Taravis, aka The Unlucky Artifact (Bad Luck badge)
Contact: Hard Luck (Ouroboros only)
Merits awarded: 1 (no change)[/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Arc name: Automatic Villainy
Contact: Technician Naylor
Merits awarded: 5 (+1)
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Breaking Knives
Contact: Arbiter Daos
Merits Awarded 4 (-5)
[*] Arc name: Absolute Vengeance
Contact: Arbiter Daos
Merits Awarded: 2 (-1)
[*]Arc name: Project Fury
Contact: Dr. Forrester
Merits Awarded: 2 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Kuhr'Rekt Diplomacy
Contact: Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt
Merits Awarded: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Kuhr'Rekt Revenge
Contact: Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt
Merits awarded: 3 (unchanged)
[*]Arc name: The Circle's Plot
Contact: Mage-Killer Zuhkara
Merits Awarded: 6 (+2)
46 to 50
<ul type="square">[*]Arc name: Video Killed the Radio
Contact : Television
Merits Awarded 2 (Change is +1)
[*]Arc name: Von Grun's Redemption
Contact: Vernon von Grun
Merits Awarded 7 (-5)
[*]Arc name: Von Grun's Science
Contact: Vernon von Grun
Merits awarded: 3 (+1)
[*]Arc name: The Great Grun Gathering
Contact: Vernon von Grun
Merits awarded: 3 (+1)
[*] Arc name: Von Grun's Lament
Contact: Vernon von Grun
Merits awarded: 2 (+1)
[*]Mission name: Video Games Made Me Do It
Contact: Television (Ouroboros only)
Merits Awarded: 1 (no change)
[*]Arc name: Oroborous Initiation
Contact: The Pilgrim
Merits Awarded: 3 Merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: Escaped!
Contact: Operative Grillo
Merits Awarded: 2 merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: Alone In The Darque
Contact: Efficency Expert Pither
Merits Awareded: 3 merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: The Code Merlin
Contact: Tavish Bell
Merits Awarded: 4 (+2)
[*]Arc name: Snake Fist
Contact : Operative Grillo
Merits Awarded 6 (+1)
[*]Arc name: Light and Darkness
Contact: Abyss
Merits Awarded: 2 (+0)
[*]Arc name: Vindication
Contact: Abyss
Merits Awarded: 3 (+0)
[*]Arc name: The Conference of Evil
Contact: Viridian
Merits Awarded: 8 Merits (+1)
[*]Arc name: Politics, Cimerora Style
Contact: Sister Airlia
Merits Awarded: 3 (+0)
[*]Arc name: The Longbow List
Contact: Alan Desslock
Merits awarded: 1 (no change)[/list]
Rikti War Zone
<ul type="square">[*]Taskforce name: Lady Gray Task/Strike Force
Contact: Lady Gray
Merits awarded: 39 (+9)
[*]Arc name: Welcome to Vanguard
Contact: Levantera
Merits Awarded: 5 (+2)
[*]Arc name: The Strange Case of Benjamin Decker
Contact: Leventera
Merits: 2 (No change)
[*]Arc name: Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
Contact: Serpent Drummer
Merits Awarded: 10 (+5)
[*]Arc name: The Horror or War
Contact Dark Watcher
Merits Awarded 8 (+2) [/list]