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  1. Cuppa, can you repoint my da numbers guide to here instead? The link atm runs to the second post in the thread, and the numbers people would be looking for are in the 1st post. Thanks.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Terrorize: Basically the same thing as a perma-hold. Not fun and yet people still insist on using it even after being told of its rediculousness. I started having a rule, if you use terrorize, I use taunt. Then no one will have fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's a serious difference between the Dark Defender Fear and the Ill Controller Fear when compared to the Scrapper DM or DA fear in PvP. The latter two have been tested and shown to allow retaliation strikes, retaliation movement, have a reasonable accuracy, sensible duration, do not perma-fear and overall are balanced. The Defender and Controller versions on the other hand, well I know the Defender one is bugged through testing. And the controller one from observation looks possibly bugged also.

    In short, there's a distinction between the fears atm that people who don't really understand fear need to learn. The scrappers from my testing are fine. Your beef is with the other types of fear.
  3. Prelim testing I'm doing is showing up the numbers you've put up here Screws. Hit Debuffs certainly seem to be multiplicative.

    Even level bosses are not whiffing at a 65% level. It's coming out lower than 60%, but I hate testing % whiffage of villains. It takes so much longer than anything else.
  4. I run triple End redux plus Conserve Power in my S/DAer and that's still not enough at times. Those times mostly being that horrible period where CP is down. I'm thinking I'll have to move more End redux into my build, despite having CP.

    I'm finalising my own build decisions over this week as I've decided I'll actually finish of hitting 50 now instead of levelling my DM/DA. I should be done levelling by tomorrow (6.5 bubs left as I type this.) Then I'll write up the I3 version and I'll probably have to call it a day in S/DA guides, because the lower game will change a lot and I won't be able to comment on how those changes will effect play.

    Plus I'm not convinced I'd want to play S/DA in PvP. It might be quite good fun in the group situations, but you deal so much damage to packed groups of things that people would be best advised killing you quickly or scattering. Hmm is that a place where Soul Transfer might come into it's own?

    Anyway if I've not written something up by the end of next week, I'll need telling off.
  5. Absolutely nothing beyond 'We're looking into it'. It seems that Issue 4 is the priority for them atm. I'm going to wait till the end of this month and then gently ask if we could get a statement regarding the DA costs, rooted animations, sounds and status protection holes. Even if it's a 'We're not changing anything' that's better than not knowing.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    First of all, I want to thank Romance for writing this whole thing up. Now if we could only feed her some obscure and rarely-disturbed corner (you know, the whole "Dust Bunny" thing... the etymology of... the... nevermind), so that she could write up her opinions on Spines/Dark after I3...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm on it! Gathering hard numbers from various sources right now, and then double and triple checking them. But the maths for CoF confuse me still.

    As soon as my coursework is finished I'll redraft this for I3. And it 'should' then stand for I4 because I'm not convinced that /DA will get any significant PvE changes.

    Screws has covered most of the points I'd of put up. I'll just chime in and say I have Quills, DS, CoF and OG with my S/DA. And I switch powers for any given situation depending on my requirements.
  7. I generally plan to take MC at the 38 slot myself. That's often because I can't find the space earlier on. I'm sure if I hadn't gone the Boxing, Tough, Weave route on my toon I'd of taken MC in the 20s.

    I do miss not having MC, but it's survivable.
  8. Yeah, I have plans to update to I3. I've been chatting in PM to Screwloose about his thoughts as a lvl 50 Spines Dust Bunny and I'm still collecting data.

    My intital respec turned out a lot better than I thought it would so I have a build I can post. Right now I'm just looking at the EPPS and trying to weigh up the advantages of each. Again Screws provided a lot of helpful info there.

    There will be a version 2.0 out soon. Probably tagged onto this one so I don't have to re-write all the information from the first guide again (well C&P it anyway)
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Does adding resistance enhancements to Obsidian Shield help in resisting the hold magnitude or is it only for psi resistance? Ol' Winter Lord still held me when I had OS on

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just the psi res gets increased I'm afraid. But the magnitude of OS is of a decent level and had a boost before christmas time. OS is something you don't need to slot till the approach to the 40s. And despite what Invun players would have you believe psi attacks are still not that common.

    [ QUOTE ]

    PS: Seems like when Barb Swipe criticals, it only applies to the last hit aka. "You finish off XX with YY lethal damage from your Barb Swipe." Is this true or is the critical hit an accumulation of all the DoTs ?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The critical hit with barb swipe works like all multiple hit attacks. It's a single extra hit that doubles the amount of damage you deal. I think if you look at it next time it crits and compare that to a normal attack from it that should show up. It's not as noticeable with lower damage multi-hit attacks.
  10. @ James Bonnell

    Glad that TP is working for you. I love Super Jump so much I end up taking it on all my characters. I despise status effects so I like all of my toons to have as much protection from them as possible. And Throw Spines is a lot of fun, with the fixed scaling toxic damage and Spine Burst you can 2 hit even level minion mobs. (sometimes Quills/DS does a little mop up work though.)

    @ de absolutezero

    It's a tricky to fit in pool powers as so many powers are essential to the DA scrapper. You want 9 of your DA powers, 3 Fitness powers and optionally Hasten. The honest truth is I don't know, it would probably be a loss from the spines section. Maybe Lunge or Barb Swipe, it depends on the attack cycle. I can't remember if it's Barb, Ripper, Barb, Impale or Lunge, Ripper, Lunge, Impale that works best. The Barb chain is more likely to have some gaps in it.

    Sorry I'm not as much help here, I find the build so tight now myself that I'm only taking 1 or 2 EPPs. :\
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, i know i took both barb swipe and lunge I just like barb swipe's quick recharge rate and using it together with lunge means that i haev a good damage output in these early levels. If I find that I don't need it later, I'll respec it out and put Superjump and Buildup earlier.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nowt wrong with taking both Barb and Lunge, especially if you're not taking the boxing/tough route (which isn't essential for post Update 3 DAs thank goodness.) They'll keep you entertained while DS/Quills whittle away and you wait for Spine Burst to recharge for the coupe de grace.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Anyway, I took superjump quite late cos i'm hoping that i can depend on hurdle+combat jumping to get around. My SG mate at the same level has tp so i can prob get some teleporting around.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Heh when you take your travel power is up to you, I like mine asap cause I hate travelling from A to B slowly. Someone able to TP you about helps reduce the need for an early travel power a lot.

    [ QUOTE ]

    About the ancillary powers, I know conserve power is great and everyone's raving about it but I just can't explain being able to shoot energy torrents et al. Dark MAstery is more in character for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Flavour first, mechanics second. That's always the way to do it. I advise on a purely mechanical point of view Body Mastery for Conserve Power. But Obviously Dark Mastery is far, far cooler and more thematic. Plus it has some strong powers too. I see no problems in picking it.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Edit: Moved CoD up since I realise that I have no defense at all. Is Dark Regen at lvl 32 viable? I can always stock up on respites till then

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's a bit late, I'd take it at 30 if I can and get Throw Spines at 32. Try pushing Ripper back till after Throw Spines and moving the other powers up/about a bit. You have Impale, Lunge and Barb Swipe so you should be ok for single targets for quite a while.

    Voila, no flames. But then Dust Bunnies aren't very flame retardant so we try to avoid fire. Joking aside there's not a lot wrong with your choices. It's certainly a playable set of power picks. All I'd try and do is squeeze in Dark Regen a bit earlier. It's awfully good.
  12. I'd say get Dark Regen at 28 and CoF at 30. Of the two I find Dark Regen is the most effective out of the gate. I got through the 20s and most of the 30s without CoF and things haven't changed that much. Plus at 31 you can slot CoF up to 4 slots (which is enough to start using it in the face of it's end costs.)

    Now Leaping vs Teleport is a choice between numbers and flavor. From a mechanical point of view Leaping is the only travel pool of choice for Dark Armor scrappers atm. Combat Jumping and Acrobatics cover the holes in your status protection that Obsidian shield has. Some people can live without Immobilisation or knockdown protection. I can't. Even my Defender has Acrobatics and CJ.

    Immoblisation is actually quite dangerous to face as a scrapper. Anything which locks down your ablilty to move in combat has the potential to remove you from a fight or even kill you. Knockdown is irritating but deaths from perma-knockdown do occur and that is frustrating. Plus as a slight bonus the extra Hold resistance Acrobatics provides means that hopefully you'll rarely get held, even when multiple holds are stacked on you.

    And you can live without hasten fine for quite a long while, but you might respec it in at the 40s to try and keep Conserve Power on for as long as possible. I know I have done.

    Edit: oh and if you go with Super Jump, take hurdle over swift. The way it changes the shape and speed of your jumping works out for a lot faster travel speed.
  13. Another brief note just to talk about stacking armors now they've arrived on test.

    I'm currently working on my version of the rebuild for Spines/DA the original build I have listed as my own is still viable and usable but in the 40+ game fast recharging Conserve Power becomes a huge boon to such an end gobbling build.

    So I need to look at and write up about the EPPs. I think Body Mastery (with Conserve Power) is the EPP of choice for the Spines/DA scrapper but I need to get more data and speak to others.
  14. Wanted to add a quick note here just to cover CoF changes in I3.

    Once update 3 hits CoF will become a viable power for use as a DA scrapper again. It will not require the use of provoke to keep the mobs in CoF range as the flee effect has been removed.

    The Debuff from CoF is estimated at -20% base, but the end drain is such on this that the power wants around 2 end redux. Accuracy is not needed so optimal slotting would be end redux *2, accdebuff *4.

    The cowering effect of fear effects minons and lts. It's still debatable if this power is superior to Oppressive Gloom but I'm of the opinion that for Spines/DA it is. This is because S/DA is so effective at killing minions quickly it doesn't need to keep minions disorientated that much.
    On the flip side OG is better when you go after +2 or +3 minions for exp as stunning them is far superior at reducing incoming damage than reducing their accuracy.

    Ulitmately I'd say that you take both CoF and OG to use when the situation warrants it. Flexiblity and adaptable play style in various situations is one of the most enjoyable parts of a DA scrapper.

    We just need stacking armours and we're set. (apart from the gfx/sound issues )
  15. Yeah I kind of open with a claim that looks rather like it is a single target attack. At least right above there is the word Cone so it's not a total error.

    I'll fix that when I rewrite this entire post, but that isn't happening until after EEPs are finalised on live and we have stacking armours.

    Also I'm swinging between Impale and Ripper as the better Single Target attack. I think the knockdown, the cone and the ability to hit 4 mobs at once edges out the range on Impale. Especially now that we have the ability to hit runners and ranged attacks in the EPPs.

    (I really should check this more often but it's such a rare build that people don't post much )
  16. Cloak of darkness provides some stealth effects in itself. I find this is sufficient to get the jump on most mobs. But personally I never turn off DS when playing, the rooted animation irritates me too much.

    With Invis I'd assume this gives you a more effective version of Cloak of Darkness. But I couldn't tell you how much more effective it is as I've not tried it out. For the most part I've found that the range on DS/Quills and Spine Burst is enough to arrest most of the mobs before they close in a lot anyway.

    I've thought about the Stealth line though, but mainly because I'd quite like to use Phase Shift. Depending on what happens to DA in the next update I might respec this pool in.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I understand the reasoning behind slotting tough instead of dark embrace, since at this time de and obs shld are not stackable. But I have faith that they will be someday. When that day comes my question is this: which offers better protection de or tough? My own thought is that de will be better. yes or no?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, DE is a base of 22% resist, while Tough is only 15% for scrappers. IIRC. I wouldn't build around "what the devs might do someday," though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Vhaln is correct here. I finished slotting out DE at lvl 36 in preparation for any changes, but I ran the early game with it 4 slotted. It's worth noting that also DE provides a 15% base negative resist, which helps against CoT and Bone Daddies. DE is the superior power when looked at in a vacum.

    Also it's worth noting that right now, with the changes to Martial Arts you can fight the grunt column (no vamps or mek men) with DE and tough running (yay for fighting 20+ mobs at once ). They have such a pitiful chance to stun that I've only been hit by it once in 6 levels and even then I shook it off so fast that I was able to round a corner, get my toggles back on and finish the combat.

    Thanks for the build update elnino, much appreciated. My build looks very similar but with Leaping instead of Speed. So I don't have the hastened goodness you have. But I got tired of knockdowns
  18. Spines/Dark Armor - The AoE Dust Bunny

    In this thread I shall be looking at the rare build that is Spines/DA. It's one of the small group of player-based damage-over-time attackers, the most prominent of these being the burn tanker. First there's going to be a few general points, then a look at the potential power choices and at the end will be three variations on this build. So if you want builds skip to the end.

    The drawbacks of Spines/DA, what are they?
    Endurance issues are the number one problem of Spines/DA. You use your endurance like there's no tomorrow, entering combat with 2/3s endurance or taking rests has become a common place thing for me.
    You have no way of running your main resistance shields along with your status protection. Currently they are mutually exculsive, but this is being looked at (it just might take a few months to come into play. )
    Do not pick this build if you care what your toon looks like, believe you me it's an ugly mess. But I like it
    You are not indestructable, and never will be. The other three Scrapper secondaries will outshine you in a team situation. But occasionally people will go 'Wow'
    It takes ages to switch your toggles back on, all of them with the exception of Quills and Dark Embrace have uninterruptable animations. This results in the Dark Armour Dance before combat.

    Now we've had the drawbacks what are the advantages?
    Dark Armor has the second strongest PBDoT effect after burn, this is one of the main reasons to bother with DA over the other, currently more superior Scrapper secondaries. When combined with Quills (and Quills slow effect) you get a significant amount of damage and the potential to /em newspaper mobs to death. Which always causes a few chuckles for the people who see it.
    You'll have massive AoE attacks, but pretty much nothing else. You have to live with the fact that you'll be on minion mop up duty in most AV fights and you should avoid Bosses where possible too.
    Psionic Restistance. For a lot of the game this won't factor in much, but in the 40 plus game (which I play due to sidekicking ) psionic resistance comes into its own. I've stood toe to toe with Psychic Babbage and Psychic Clockwork King when Invun and Regen Scrappers have fallen down to overwhelming single strikes. But Psionic enemies are few and far between, and many of them have alternate damage types (like Rikti Bosses) so this is a tiny area in which to be king. Still it's nice to be number one in one area.

    What should I be killing?
    Minions, minions, minions. Those big packs of 10+ white/yellow minions will become your friend. In the earlier game you can farm Blues with little risk at a fair pace and go with quantity rather than quality. This is in fact the creed of the Spines/DA scrapper, at the end of the day all exp is the same. Exp from bosses/AVs isn't more special than exp from minions. The minions I prey on are those without High Lethal or Negative Resistance or stacks of Status effects so Hellions, 5th Column, Freaks (when I can't find anything else), Crey (avoiding the tanks), Sky Raiders, Werewolves etc.
    Bosses and AVs will give you a nightmare, this is where knowing a good single target Scrapper/Blaster pays off dividends, you'll be so specialised in minion farming that even a pair of bosses can be problematic to take down with any pace. Oh and those CoT Behemoths with Invincibility are irritating. Spines Acc sucks anyway without added debuffs.

    Am I soloer?
    Yes you can solo, that's the beauty of this build. But you can't solo every situation and also when soloing you'll have to take a lot of Endurance breaks and spend time switching toggles on and off.
    If you want a decent pair of heroes to team with you can't go wrong with an Ice/Ice (Or Elec/Energy) Blaster and an Empathy/Dark(or Rad/Dark) Defender. The plug they holes in your build nicely.

    When do I get my uber power?
    There is no single power that rules the roost in DA, it's a utility set that adapts to different situations, you'll find yourself switching toggles on and off depending on the situations requirements. The DA set requires a lot of thought to use correctly, you might die a fair amount to using the wrong toggles for a given situation. It really is a case of 'know thy enemy' if you know what you're heading into then you have a fair shot at mopping up quickly.

    Power Choice Breakdown:
    Barb Swipe vs Lunge:

    Both Single Target (Barb = Minor + DoT/Lunge = Moderate+ DoT) attacks with -speed and -recharge effects.
    For most people on the forums this isn't a debate, Lunge is considered to be superior. And for the most part this is infact true. But Barp Swipe can have a home in the S/DA build where it's advantages come into light. We all know the problems with Barb Swipe, low damage, long animation time. But it does have a few advantages that can be effective, especially in this build. Barb's animation time isn't an issue when most of your damage is coming from PBAoEs, Barb/Lunge is infact filler that passes the time while waiting for Spine Burst to get back online. While 'stuck' in the attack animation you'll notice that your PBAoEs are still chipping away at the mobs around you.
    The other advantages to barb are it's low endurance cost, endurance will always be a problem with this build. The only way to solve it permanently is to team up with a defender that has endurance buffs. Barb has a minimal End cost and as a consequence it can be cycled several more times than Lunge could be without causing the risk of your toggles dropping.
    The second advantage is the slow effect, Barb cycles back into the attack cycle faster than any other Spines attack. This means it's the only power other than Quills that allows reasonable stacking of the Spines slow effect. Last of all Barb + Kick (and maybe boxing I've not tested that cycle) is a continous chain of barb, kick, barb, kick, barb, kick. With no breaks in the cycle at all. You can spam these two over and over at Lts/Bosses while waiting for Burst to come back online.
    The advantages of Lunge over Barb have been well documented, it has superior damage and a faster animation time. But it looks a lot less cool.
    Slotting: Acc. If you want more single target damage go with Lunge and add more Dam slots to it

    Spine Burst:
    Melee AoE, Moderate + DoT, -speed -recharge
    This is your number 1 attack for most of the game, combined with build up it's the opener of most combats and quite often the finisher. It's a superb attack with one drawback, the Endurance cost on it is huge (22) which makes it prohibitive to use more than twice a fight. The good news? Twice is all you'll need vs Lts and minions.
    Slotting: Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, EndRedux

    Build Up:
    Self +Acc +Dam
    I think just about everyone in the game knows how Build Up works. It increases the damage of your attacks for a short period. It is worth noting that both Quills and Death Shroud also benefit from this boost. So popping Build Up at the last possible moment is quite the art form.
    Slotting: With Hasten:- Recharge. Without - Recharge, Recharge, Recharge.

    Ranged, Moderate + DoT, Foe Immobilise -recharge.
    Impale is a great single target attack, many scrappers love having a power to lock down runners I don't feel it's essential to the Spines/DA build. Unslotted it's not a very impressive power damage wise. I'm not fond of it but most Spines Scrappers would tell you otherwise. I feel it's an optional extra in the S/DA build
    Slotting: Acc - if used to stop runners, Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam if you want the single target damage.

    Ranged - Foe Taunt
    There's not much to say about taunt, it has some uses in stopping runners, but Impale or Provoke do the job better. It's only worth considering if you can't find room for Provoke's Power Pool and you want some way of pulling agro away from other team members. Even then it's a bit of a sad power. In all honesty I'd advise skipping this, there's better choices out there.
    Slotting: How about slotting Provoke instead?

    Toggle, PBAoE, Minor DoT, -Speed -Recharge.
    This is one of your three main attack powers, by itself it can seem a little underwhelming when you first get it. The damage seems a little low considering the endurance cost. But persevere with it, the power shines whine slotted up and stacked with Death Shroud. It also has another advantage, it's the got the strongest slowing effect in the Spines line due to the speed at which it pulses. Whe mobs run away you'll notice the amount with which they have been slowed. For the direction I'm taking this build this is a must take power.
    Slots: Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, EndRedux

    Cone, Heavy + DoT, Foe Immoblise, Knockdown, -Recharge, -Speed
    This is the single target attack of choice, if you want to put the hurt on bosses and AVs this will be one of your primary ways of doing so. The power is awesome fun but it does have a lengthy animation time of several seconds. Be aware of your End and HPs when you activate this, don't get caught out in the middle of it when you should be running away. There are several tricks to using the cone correctly. It's a generous sized cone (when compared to Shadow Maul anyway) if a little short in length. If you wish to maximise the damage dealt by Ripper I'd advise practicing luring mobs over fences, they tend to jump over and land at similar points. Which provides you with a tight pack of targets to knock over onto their bums.
    Slotting: Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, Maybe an EndRedux if you plan to use this a lot.

    Throw Spines:
    Huge Cone, Moderate + DoT, Foe, Knockback, -Recharge, -Speed
    What's not to like about this power? It's not the most damaging AoE in the game, it doesn't have the largest radius but it deals reasonable damage at short range to a large cone, the cone is more like a 180 corridor infront of you. Jumping just before releasing this power allows the spines to travel a little further before impact, which widens the cone slighty. It's an ace power that is a lot of fun to use.
    Slotting:Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam

    Dark Armor:
    A lot of additional information on DA can be found here in this guide by elnino79 so I'm only going to touch on a couple of Spines/DA specific points here:

    Dark Embrace:
    Toggle +Res Smashing, Lethal, Negative
    Smashing/Lethal Shield, doesn't stack with Obsidian shield.
    Slotting: Right now without stacking? Res. When we get stacking 6 Slot this with Res.

    Death Shroud:
    Toggle PBAoE Minor Negative Damage
    The third power that provides the heartbeat of Spines/DA combined with Quills this is around 40-70 damage per pulses (varying with mob type and Build up.) Also it is Negative damage and as a consequence is rarely resisted by mobs. This means it will often deal max or close to max damage.
    Slotting: Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Dam, EndRedux

    Murky Cloud:
    Toggle +Res Energy, Cold, Fire, Negative
    Right now this is a totally situational shield. Worth considering very early in the game and very late on in the game. But without status protection you can't consider using this except in very narrow situations.
    Slotting: 5-6 * Res for those few situations where it's useful.

    Obsidian Shield:
    Toggle +Res to Psionic, Sleep, Hold, Disorientate
    The shield of choice for the post 30 game. Combine it with Tough to try and make up for your lack of stacking resistance shields.
    Slotting: For most of the game: Endredux. Late game (40+): Endredux, Res, Res, Res, Res, Res

    Dark Regeneration:
    PBAoE Minor Damage -> Self Heal
    For most of the game you'll be trying to keep your Endurance up high enough to use this when things go wrong. The Endurance cost on this is monsterous. But it is the best single heal in the game, I've healed myself of 2 - 3K HPs with a click of this. It does have some problems though, there is a gap between the damage being dealt and you getting the HPs also atm it bugs and looks fully recharged when there's approx 5 seconds left. During this period if you activate it you'll get the animation but no benefits of the heal.
    Slotting: EndRedux, EndRedux, EndRedux, EndRedux, Recharge, Recharge or Acc, EndReux * 3, Recharge *2

    Cloak of Darkness:
    Toggle +Stealth + Def
    Providing a stealth effect combined with a 7.5% (maybe 10% not confirmed) defense bonus makes Cloak a neat little package. But it has one huge bonus. It makes your toon dissapear. Not turn transparant like most Invis powers but actually vanish leaving behind only the effects. What is so great about this? Well when you hit lvl 30 and have Auras you'll see. (or you can look about on the scrapper forums and see if someone will post you a link to a picture )
    Slotting:Endredux, or 5 * Defbuff + Endredux.

    Cloak of Fear:
    Toggle PBAoE Fear
    Elnino knows more about the CoF + 'Voke thing than I do I point you in his direction for the details on that.

    Opressive Gloom:
    Toggle PBAoE Disorientate
    Having gotten this I'm of the opinion you can skip it for the moment, CoF + Voke does the job better. It's like a win more power, it helps you take on the groups of minions that you could take on before. But it does have some practical applications against +2 or higher minions (and the health loss is lower vs. them too.) But I've yet to stun a Lt with this power.
    Slotting: Acc

    Note: I'm not even going to look at Soul transfer other than to say avoid it.

    Pool Powers:
    There are 5 pools that provide the largest benefit to a Spines/DA scrapper. 2 of them are essential, another I consider to be very helpful and the last two optional.
    Fitness - For Stamina. Take Hurdle, Health/Swift, Stamina.
    Slotting: Stamina: 6 * EndRecov. Rest of them leave single slotted
    Fighting - For Tough. You'll want it 6 slotted with Res by the 30s.
    Kick/Boxing will be the second attack you cycle while waiting on Spine Burst. Keep them Single slotted with an Acc.
    Weave is an optional power, but you have so many toggles it might not be practical. You can just use CoD if you so desire.

    Leaping: - Combat Jumping covers the lack of Immobilisation protection DA has, and Acrobatics covers the knockdown. Plus Super Jump is so much fun. All of those powers are fine with the initial slot, nothing more than that is required.

    Speed: - Hasten is totally optional in this build, you don't need it to kill faster. Yes, I said that. Most of your damage comes from Quills + Death Shroud, Hasten doesn't help with these. The other problems are Hasten just amplifies your massive endurance issues and the Endurance drop from Hasten running out can be fatal, you have to know exactly when it'll happen inorder to avoid your toggles dropping off in combat.
    Super Speed adds additional stealth to stack with Cloak of Darkness for near Invisibility.
    Slotting: Hasten: 5 or 6 Recharge, Super Speed: As is with an EndRedux.

    Presence: Optional if you don't want to Cloak of Fear + Provoke mobs to kill them. You'd only want this pool for Provoke, it's a bit of a pain having to take an entire pool choice for one power but if you group with blasters a lot you may well need this to keep the agro from switching to them.
    Slotting: With Hasten: Acc, Without: Acc, Taunt, Taunt

    Without further ado here are the builds:

    elnino79's Hasted Build.
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers - Melee : Spines
    Secondary Powers - Defense : Dark Armor
    Slot[01] Level 1 (Starting Primary) : Lunge /Acc
    Slot[02] Level 1 (Starting Secondary) : Dark Embrace /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[03] Level 2 : Spine Burst /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[04] Level 4 : Death Shroud /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[05] Level 6 : Build Up /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[06] Level 8 : Impale /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[07] Level 10 : Hasten /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[08] Level 12 : Obsidian Shield /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[09] Level 14 : Super Speed /Run
    Slot[10] Level 16 : Hurdle /Jump
    Slot[11] Level 18 : Health /Heal
    Slot[12] Level 20 : Stamina /EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec
    Slot[13] Level 22 : Quills /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[14] Level 24 : Dark Regeneration /Acc,EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[15] Level 26 : Boxing /Acc
    Slot[16] Level 28 : Tough /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[17] Level 30 : Weave /DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf
    Slot[18] Level 32 : Throw Spines /Acc,EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[19] Level 35 : Cloak Of Darkness /DefBuf
    Slot[20] Level 38 : Murky Cloud /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[21] Level 41 : Combat Jumping /DefBuf
    Slot[22] Level 44 : Super Jump /Jump
    Slot[23] Level 47 : Acrobatics /Rchg
    Slot[24] Level 49 : Soul Transfer /Heal

    Note this build was created before CoF + 'Voke was discovered. I'm not sure exactly what would be switched about to fit those in. Elnino79 can chime in if he wants to post what he'd change now.

    rrhal's non-Hasten build.
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers - Melee : Spines
    Secondary Powers - Defense : Dark Armor
    Slot[01] Level 1 (Starting Primary) : Lunge /Dmg
    Slot[02] Level 1 (Starting Secondary) : Dark Embrace /EndRdx
    Slot[03] Level 2 : Death Shroud /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[04] Level 4 : Spine Burst /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[05] Level 6 : Build Up /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[06] Level 8 : Combat Jumping /EndRdx
    Slot[07] Level 10 : Boxing /Acc
    Slot[08] Level 12 : Swift /Run
    Slot[09] Level 14 : Tough /EndRdx,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[10] Level 16 : Super Jump /Jump
    Slot[11] Level 18 : Quills /EndRdx,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[12] Level 20 : Hurdle /Jump
    Slot[13] Level 22 : Stamina /EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec
    Slot[14] Level 24 : Dark Regeneration /EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,Rchg,Rchg,Acc
    Slot[15] Level 26 : Provoke /Acc,Acc,Taunt,Rchg,Taunt
    Slot[16] Level 28 : Cloak Of Fear /Acc,EndRdx,HitDeb,HitDeb,HitDeb,EndRdx
    Slot[17] Level 30 : Obsidian Shield /EndRdx,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[18] Level 32 : Throw Spines /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[19] Level 35 : Oppressive Gloom /EndRdx,Acc,Acc,Dsrnt
    Slot[20] Level 38 : Weave /EndRdx,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf
    Slot[21] Level 41 : Murky Cloud /EndRdx,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[22] Level 44 : Impale /Acc
    Slot[23] Level 47 : Cloak Of Darkness /EndRdx,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf
    Slot[24] Level 49 : Acrobatics /EndRdx

    rrhal designed this to work as a duo with an exact copy of it as his partner in crime fighting. It's similar to the build I use, but he came up with it independantly from me.

    My own variant:
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary Powers - Melee : Spines
    Secondary Powers - Defense : Dark Armor
    Slot[01] Level 1 (Starting Primary) : Barb Swipe /Acc
    Slot[02] Level 1 (Starting Secondary) : Dark Embrace /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[03] Level 2 : Spine Burst /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,EndRdx
    Slot[04] Level 4 : Death Shroud /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,EndRdx
    Slot[05] Level 6 : Build Up /Rchg,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[06] Level 8 : Kick (Fight) /Acc
    Slot[07] Level 10 : Hurdle /Jump
    Slot[08] Level 12 : Combat Jumping /DefBuf
    Slot[09] Level 14 : Super Jump /Jump
    Slot[10] Level 16 : Health /Heal
    Slot[11] Level 18 : Quills /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,EndRdx
    Slot[12] Level 20 : Stamina /EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec,EndRec
    Slot[13] Level 22 : Dark Regeneration /EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,EndRdx,Rchg,Rchg
    Slot[14] Level 24 : Tough /DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[15] Level 26 : Obsidian Shield /EndRdx,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes
    Slot[16] Level 28 : Cloak Of Darkness /EndRdx,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf,DefBuf
    Slot[17] Level 30 : Acrobatics /EndRdx
    Slot[18] Level 32 : Throw Spines /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[19] Level 35 : Oppressive Gloom /Acc
    Slot[20] Level 38 : Ripper /Acc,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Dmg
    Slot[21] Level 41 : Murky Cloud /EndRdx,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes,DamRes

    Yes I don't CoF + 'Voke. Though I consider it almost daily (and do have it on test.)

    But with those three different builds to consider you can see the powers that are considered essential and the themes in slotting them up. I hope this is enough information for you to start if you consider treading the path of the Dust Bunny.

    PS. if you want to respond to this to ask me questions I'd advise asking here, this link is inside the scrapper forum and I'm more likely to read it there. I don't venture outside the scrapper forum often these days. Also if there's anything else you feel I've missed feel free to ask about it or add it below here.
  19. You noticed the Nemesis grunts?

    Occasionally they chime 'None Shall Pass!'

    That tickles me.