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  1. I loved Golden Heroes.

    I loved Champions much more though.
  2. I never managed to log on last night.

    You'll be very welcome tonight though.
  3. I have the train mission that gives the "Frontline" badge.
    Levels 38-40 I would guess, but I haven't entered the mission to test it.

    I'd like to do this tomorrow at about 21:00hrs GMT.
    All are welcome.

    Global Cat is @Roentgen Storm
  4. Morning all.

    Cheers to everyon I teamed with last night. I finaly got the Croatoa Accolade. Thanks for the heads up when Eochai was spotted.

    I'm gonna be away for the weekend, see you all Monday.
  5. You already know that if I'm up at that godforsaken hour, you company's always welcome mate.
  6. RoentgenStorm

    The Terra Story

    Nice! Keep it coming.
  7. What level are you now?
    You racing back up the levels mate!

    I'd just like to get Steel to 40.
  8. Hmm, the old thread seems to be getting more action than this one, not to mention the "unofficial" "we're not dead" thread.

    Aren't we going with the 1AT thread idea after all?
  9. GRATS! to all of you.

    Gutted I'm stuck in the CoH free wasteland for the weekend.
    Hope to congratulate you all in person soon!
  10. It seemed to be a great success.
    Quite a lot of people arrived early and many stayed until gone eleven when the party turned into a bit of a roleplay fest.

    I took 290 screenshots.
    Since I'm going away tomorrow until Monday, I'll sort out some then. Sorry for the delay, but I'm too partied out to do it now.

    Besides, I've got sand in my speedos and I need to sort them out. Hope everyone had a great time.

    Many, many thanks to Star Jewel for putting on a great event.
  11. Green Jet's one of us old geezers of the forum and Game from waaaay back.

    *Edit; notices post count. *cough, cough*, er, Aeronaut.
  12. Had much fun.

    Let me know when you do the next bits as I'd love to come along.
  13. My very first time in a PvP zone, had a fun time in Siren's call tonight.

    Highlight of the experience was the drawn out 1 on 1 I had with Dr Infernus. It was a very close run thing and great fun.

    It's such a shame things move so fast that there is no time to chat.

    Again, cheers.
  14. Save me one of those Blaster slots please Halo!
  15. Curse you all and your being able to play-ness!

    I'm stuck at work until midnight, damnit!

    Hope you all have a great time though.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Word from Evo.
    They'll be providing the party music for the evening.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It doesn't seem to be listed on their calendar.
  17. RoentgenStorm

    Positron TF x2

    Yet again it looks like I'm going to be stuck at work late.
    I'll try to be there with Ginger Tom, but don't worry about waiting, chances are, I'm gonna miss it.
  18. RoentgenStorm

    Positron TF x2

    Slight sort of set back for me.
    Mrs Steel has rented the Corpse Bride for us tonight. I'm hoping that I'll get finished before ten. (It's just not worth the marital strife to reschedule this).

    I'll post here if it looks like I'll have to let you down, but I'd appreciate a little leeway on the start time. I may not be there for the stroke of ten, but I'll do my damnedest.
  19. RoentgenStorm

    Positron TF x2

    We could split it.
    If everyone involved were in agreement, we could do the first half tonight, then finish things off first thing in the morning.

    Depends largely if everyone was willing/able to log on tomorrow morning though.
  20. RoentgenStorm

    Positron TF x2

    It makes a huge difference if at least one member of the team has a travel power. A lot of time is wasted by to-ing and fro-ing between Posi and the missions.

    I've done it in seven hours and about five and a half. If we're on for a 10pm start tonight, prepare for no sleep.
  21. RoentgenStorm

    Claws changes

    And here's me just used my free respec to remove Swipe because of the long cast time.

    Oh, well. Only a few levels to go to pay a visit to the reactor.
  22. RoentgenStorm

    Positron TF x2

    Count me in for Tue/Weds.

    Shame I couldn't make it tonight, need the badge for so many toons.
  23. Final time and date depending, Stainless Steel will be there. I'll be happy to act as photographer or beach patrol.
  24. Had a lot of fun with my Scrapper Ginger Tom last night. I'm beginning to think he might be worthy of a little more air time. Got hime to level 17 and realised I need a respec.

    Any low level TF fun would be nice too.

    Aaaahhh! Must. Level. A. Hero. To. 50.