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  1. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    "And you Master Anthony Marceau."

    Faceless sat motionless waitng pationatly, he dared not mediate through fear of his power activating and destroying this beautiful place. He simply waited listening to the echo's of the cathedral.
  2. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    Faceless was confused, did he say some-thing to make the man laugh? Master was a term he called every-one, a problem he had since his rebirth. He ignored the confusion,

    "Well Master Anthony Marceau, I shall remembered you kidness towards me. It has been...a long time since i have been spoken to as if i was human again."

    There was a long silence,

    "Please, do not let me keep you from your duties Master Anthony Marceau. I shall wait patiently for Master Saint Micheal, Master Priest, i shall not trouble with my sad tale further..."
  3. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    Faceless was silent a long moment, he slowly returned the glove to his hand as he spoke.

    "Maybe you are right father! Maybe i have been sent here by some-thing or some-one. Thank you for thinking of me as a man still, i was not so fortunate with others. Capes, as Master Sebastian called them, do not understand. They hunt me were ever I go. The storm casts shadows and the heroes around here can loose sight. I will speak with this Master Priest, maybe he can see things that i cannot."

    He bows his head to the priest,

    "Tell me father, what is your name?"
  4. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    Faceless, shut his palm effectivally stopping his power

    "...i will meet him. He may be the person i need for some resolve. In the mean time father, i do not know if i was a religious man, and if so whether i still am...I have doubt that he even exisits and..."

    Faceless slowly removed one of his gloves revleaing the burnt hidious form, bone showing through the knuckles, scars at blackened flesh showing the damage of the Rikti bombardments, he flexed his hand,

    "...would he listen to a monster like me?"
  5. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    Faceless looked about and sighed,

    "...father, can you help me find at least a shred of who i was! Tell me if i a monster or if i have a shred of a soul left? If science has failed me, magic cannot come up with the answer then maybe, just maybe some faith will!"

    Faceless let his palm glow slightly,

    "Because i cannot see how this is part of a plan, a force of desructive energy that day by day i am loosing control of!"
  6. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    Faceless followed the priest to the pew and removed his trench coat before he sat down. His white costume was dazling as the candles flicked. He looked at the priest with his featureless mask, the red scars being the only visable feature. He 'stared' at him for a second,

    "Father, i am dead!" lightning filled the sky as he spoke, "I awoke after the Rikti attacks as a ruined form, mindless and feral. I have worked hard to regain some of my mind, but my memories do not return. I want to know why i have been cused with this undeath. If it is one of his plan..." He pointed an angry finger at the cross "...and if so, why must i be tortured? What AM I?"
  7. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    The energy around Faceless' fists faded quickly and he rose to his feet. He shock his head,

    "Nay father, I am here for answers to long lost questions. The church seemed to be a good place to come,"

    He looked up at the cross,

    "I apologise about my anger father, i seemed to be filled with it..."
  8. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    ((Actually it's my Alt Faceless :P Some-one didn't read the post >_&lt)
  9. Riled

    Moth Cathedral

    The Faceless Angel

    Friday 7th

    The rain poured down and covered the streets in a watery shine. The steps of the Cathedral were like a waterfall, each step flowing the water forward until it gathered in the 'river' at the bottom and then washed down into the drain.

    He had managed to get to Paragon the night before and had slowly worked his way here through the dark alleyways and side roads as to avoid hero attention. He looked up at the impressive building as the lightning filled the sky illuminating the structure. He looked about for a moment and slowly climbed the waterfall, breaking the water with each step. He reaches the large doors and swung them open and entered the large gothic building.

    As he strode down the main hall he gazed at the few people gathered inside, praying to their god. They looked around at him and gazed at the white costume he wore, to hide his fractured form, the red scars across his otherwise featureless mask, his long black trench coat and heavy metal boots, whispers made him aware he was not one of them. He ignored the whispers and continued onward, his footfalls echoing around, bouncing off the pillars sending the sounds off into the distant corners of the Cathedral. He eventually stood before the alter and he knelt down onto one knee. His British accent cut through the quiet as he looked up at the cross,

    "I will be blunt. I do not believe in you. But that does not mean you cannot exist. My name is Faceless and I am cursed. Weather it be by your hand I do not know, but if it is I only ask you why? What have I done to warrant this undeath? What did I do to have my memories, my identity, stripped away? What are these dreams I am forced to see?" his voice raised "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!"

    His hands fell onto his lap in desperation, he did not know why he was here, why was he bothering…

    Then his hands began to glow. Some-thing had worried the power inside,

    He turned…
  10. Headbreaker watches Lunk enter. As soon as Zorielle is done talking he speaks up,

    "Some-one get a med-kit, looks like Lunk's had a hard day in the office..."

    He walks over to check if he's okay...
  11. Headbreaker pointed his cigar at Erik

    "The real question is can we use the Rouge element to our advantage?"
  12. Riled

    War Stories

    (editing as i go along, it'll improve as i read it and change bits :P)

    Headbreaker sat silently on a rock out to sea. He sat drinking from a bottle of whiskey as sea spray splashed around him as small waves his the rocks. His eyes red with tears.

    Earlier he had recived news he hoped he would never have to hear.
    His family where dead. His Ex wife, Sarah and his 14 year old daughter, Julia, had died in the initial wave of attacks. Their bodies had only just been found during a clean up operation. He looked down at his hands, they were covered in blood, both human and Rikti.

    After his inital rage has begun to die down, the hunger for pain kicked in and he took to the streets. For about 2 hour s he had started killing Arachnos agents and Scrapyarders, for no reason other than to cause some-one else the pain he felt. Any-one who looked at him in a way that displeased him also fell to his rage.

    Then came the warning

    Rikti spotted in Port Oaks

    Anger, Hate, Pain all burst out of him as he rampaged his way to Oaks. The horrible feeling of pure, unhindered HATE filled him, he wanted every last Rikti dead.

    He showed them no mercy, no resolve, no chance at defending them selves. It was a terrible sight to behold; many villains who were fighting began to step back and just watch as Headbreaker rampaged. It was almsot hypnotic. Eventually the Rikti fled leaving Headbreaker in a pile of Rikti bodies. He looked about as other villains meerly glared at him, even they could not handel the pure hate that flowed inside Headbreaker


    The villains remained quiet as with a leap, he soared into the air, to decend to the ground some distance away.

    That has been almost 6 hours ago, he had sat on the rock for six long hours occasionall sipping at the bottle.

    He knew he couldn't kill every last Rikti, he couldn't make a whole race pay for the lives of his Ex-Wife and his young daughter. Then came the moneyshot, he don't know why he thought of it but he did. He knew who was to blame for the war, for the death, for the death of a 14 year old girl and her mother, for all the lives lost in paragon and the isles the day the Rikti came back...


    He promised they where deafeated, he promised they would not come back, he promised he would hunt down every last one, he promised...

    well he made a lot of promises that day...

    yet they came back...

    didn't they...

    they came back and tehy knew what to expect...

    they came back didn't they...Statesman!!!


    Headbreaker drained the rest of the bottle and stood up. He was no-where near ready to go after Statesman, at least not yet. He pushed all hurt and anger inside where it belonged, it would only cause him to get killed. He began to grin as he placed a cigar in his mouth. One day he would finally face Statesman, then all that anger, hate and burning desire for revenge would come bubbling back...he'd hate to be Statesman on that day...
  13. The smell of cigar smoke wafts around the room, then a deep, huskey voice bellows out from the corner of the room. Standing there is the large intimidating form of Headbreaker, a rising villain in the isles. He stood wearing his long leather jacket, black shirt with a bright red tie, he raised his hand to his mouth and removed the smoldering cigar, he held the smoke in his mouth for a second before he finally spoke, thick black smoke escaped his mouth as he did,

    "The Rikti are getting desperate. If any of you where in Sharkshead recently i think we can safely say they where pulling out all the stoppers. I think we counted 6 ships circling the hospital dropping a constant payload into the scrapyarders slums, the fighters and their own men.
    I think some of the actions recently have been in desperation and fear rather than well thought out tatics. We've got them on the ropes and we gotta keep them that way.
    That being said though they have been clever this time. It sounds like they have been dropping weapons caches where they are going to be hitting heavily...according to Zortel, she found some-thing like that in the sewer's in Steel. We'd probably find some-thing similar in Sharkshead and St Marital where peronsally they've been rather dedicated to fighting at. The argument is...has all this mass fighint been to diguse secret weapon drops ready for some big end game?"

    Headbreaker took another long draw on the cigar and waited to see if any-one replied.
  14. Riled

    Acting Avatars

    Thanks man! Looks good
  15. Riled

    Acting Avatars

    Ron Perlman is a uncanny resembelence to my character, Although he's missing the long hair and the goatee and a cigar

    Please can you do

    Headbreaker: Science Brute?
  16. Riled

    IC rumours

    Headbreaker sat on the roof of the Sharkhead hospital, his legs hanging over the side. The wind picked up and suddenly the front page of a newspaper blew past him. He grabbed from the air and looked at the news article.To his amazingment he read the article about Echo, then he started to laugh.

    "Now that's going to get the capes blood boiling!"

    He tossed the paper back into the wind, laughing at an image in his head of Echo receiving a medal, while the capes watch, eyes filled with hate moaning about how they work to the bone and don't get recognised for their work...
  17. Riled

    War Stories

    Cap Au Diable, Day One

    Headbreaker leapt from the first roof to the next. The building had become unstable from a resent blast and his heavy body caused it to sway. Looking towards Aeon city he watched the fire's rage against the darkened sky and wondered how it came to this, how did the capes mess up so badly? How did no-one see this coming?

    The Rikti where not happy with the failed attack at Port Oaks and had decided to go after Aeon City, in there eyes, a better, more vulnerable target.

    Goldbrickers fled the burning city through the sky, only to be shot down moments later by Rikti fire. Headbreaker had never liked the Goldbrickers, but even they didn't deserve to die like that. Bodies fell out of the sky and splattered against the ground below, their armour stripped to be sold later.

    He leapt again causing the building to crumble behind him. He landed on the next building, then, through reflex, threw his head backwards narrowly avoiding a Rikti blade. It was badly wounded and sounded as if it was short of breath. Headbreaker swore at the Rikti as it rose it's blade for another attack. Headbreaker landed a knockout blow against the Rikti causing it to fall from the roof, down to its death on the cobbles below.

    He grunted as the streets where filled with Arachnos desperately fighting for life...and losing. Another leap brought him closer to Aeon. The red glow of the fires grew brighter, with flashes of green periodically lighting up the sky.
    He had not stopped since Port Oaks, he had leapt aboard a ferry and almost killed the pilot when he refused to sail. Eventually, after much argument, he had arrived in Cap just at the right time.
    Although this time the battle had turned in the Rikti's favour.
    The fliers where already dead, swatted out of the sky like bugs, many superspeeders had been shot in the legs to keep them down and then finished with a shot to the head, the teleporters had disappeared quickly enough and the leapers had barely escaped.
    Rumour had it that Recluse was already sending out reinforcements to protect Dr Aeon and the PTS, his prized possessions in the area.
    Headbreaker went to leap up into the city when a bomb landed behind him, catapulting him into the watery moat around Aeon.

    He swam back to the shore of Haven and looked up as Arachnos Fliers suddenly burst from the skies and pounded on the Rikti ships. As he watched the display above him, one ship was caught on the engine and began to drop like a stone, and suddenly to Headbreaker's realisation, he fell right towards him.
    Throwing himself to his feet he leapt forward between two buildings and the ship crashed into the ground, exploding in a ball of green fire, destroying the buildings he was leaping through. The blast sent him flying further and he landed with a thump some-where in Haven.

    He looked towards Aeon as the Rikti ships sped away, several falling from the sky to land in the buildings in Haven, causing more unnecessary damage.

    The sounds of lasers charging made Headbreaker slowly rise. From out of the dust came an Arachnos soldier who pointed his rifle at him, after a second or two he spoke
    "Headbreaker correct?" he nodded "You are to leave this area immediately. The Arachnos and The Destined Ones will clean up here..." Headbreaker went to object when more Arachnos appeared from the dust "I'm sorry Mr Breaker, I must insist you leave..."

    Defeated and tired Headbreaker reached into his pockets to get a cigar, only to find a hole where they once sat, he cursed as the Arachnos pointed towards the docks.
    "Please leave Mr Breaker!"
    Headbreaker spat a glob of blood at the soldiers foot and started to walk away, Swearing under his breathe as the Arachnos rifles where trained on him.

    He reached into his other pocket and got out his Emergency Teleportation devise and he pressed the button. His world flashed in a ball of white and suddenly he was back in the Corporation’s base of operations hospital. He moved towards one of the beds where he began to collapse, he grabbed the edge of the bed and tried to pull himself up and before he knew it he was on the floor unconscious...
  18. Riled

    War Stories

    Port Oaks, Day One, Second wave

    Headbreaker placed a cigar in his mouth and held it there as he watched the skies turn dark.
    Standing of the rooftops of Port Oaks he watched as the Rikti ships appeared through the clouds and descended on the city below. He closed his eyes for only a second before the sound of Rikti weapons filled the air. His eyes snapped open to witness the destruction of several buildings and watched them fall into dust. Rage filled within him as memories of the first war flooded back to him, the screams, the destruction, the blood, tears and sweat...he shook off the anger and concentrated on building up his power.

    Looking into the street bellow, citizens ran for cover as the sirens bleated out warnings far too late as green light flooded the streets, followed by the thunderous explosions they brought. For second Headbreakers heart sank as he watched more buildings fall. Then skies then filled with some-thing else...

    ...villains of the Isles flew out of the darkened clouds and speed towards the Rikti. Taunts and screams of sheer hate echoed into the air as they headed towards their enemy. No sight like this would be seen in Paragon City, the capes battle cries where of hope, freedom and justice. Here in the Isles they where promises of pain to come!
    The Rikti made one mistake today. This was Rogue Isles, things where going to get nasty and Headbreaker wanted to be a part of it!

    Within minutes the Villains who could fly approached the ships and then they where attacking in full force. Headbreaker laughed as the ships exploded left and right, he chanced his glance to the street and saw more villains enter the fray. The super speeders hurtling between buildings, their feet blurs as they moved towards the drop zone. Soon the rooftops where filled with those who could leap and the teleporter's appeared in the battle zone!
    Soon they whole area of Port Oaks was ablaze with battle.

    Headbreaker took out a wooden match and stuck it on a wall, placed the flame to his cigar and took several long puffs to get it going. He savoured the taste and then wastefully threw it to the ground. Then with a leap and a bound, he headed towards the action.

    Instantly Headbreaker was blinded by flashing colours. He could make out some faces of people he knew yet some villains he did not know or had net yet met.
    Fire, ice, radiation, bullets, sonic and rock where all flying at the Rikti ships, Headbreaker had never seen a bigger display of power.

    Without warning, portals opened and closed on the ground, flooding the streets with Rikti foot soldiers. Now the battle had really begun.

    One of the creatures charged him, but quickly Headbreaker trusted his fist foward into the Rikti face. The explosion of blood caused other Rikti to move away from Headbreaker. He turned and aggressively planted a Haymaker onto another’s shoulders causing him to crumple to the floor. Searing heat suddenly washed over him causing him to fall to one knee. He shock off any pain he felt and then turned his head to see the Rikti that shot him. If charged towards him ready to shoot again, but it had gotten to close. Headbreaker raised his fist clean into the Rikti's chin. Bone broke and blood splattered any-one standing near by. He got up and threw himself back into the battle. He had killed two more Rikti before another blast hit him throwing him onto his back. He shook off the pain again and threw his feet up into a Rikti's chest cracking its armour and breaking its chest. He rose to his feet and killed the nearest one to him. Again a blast hit him, but he kept his balance...

    The battle felt like forever...

    Soon Rikti where lying dead every-where. Headbreakers jacket was torn and burnt and his body was covered in Rikti blood. Every-time he was shot by the Rikti he would kill 3 to 5 of their solider, then he would get hit again.

    Soon the battle began to fall into the Villains favour and the Rikti ran for their portals. There was a cheer as the last few soldiers vanished in the blink of an eye. Nothing was going to stop the villa-

    Headbreakers whole world exploded around him. In a desperate bid to kill as many villains as they could, one of the Rikti ships flew over head and dropped a bomb right in the midst of all the Villains.
    Headbreaker flew backwards from the blast into a wall causing the building to shake and half crumple behind him.

    His vision swam and his body hurt but he quickly dulled the pain and shock of any disorientation, he looked up and suddenly shouted in rage. Several villains lay dead in the street, their bodies burnt and broken. Headbreaker fought to get out of the wall as the Rikti ships moved away taking the darkening clouds with them. Headbreaker screamed for them to finish it, to come back and fight, but they where gone. The Villains had won this battle, but at a price.

    Headbreaker finally pulled himself out of the wall with help from a large villain who was badly cut and bruised. Headbreaker looked at the bodies and felt his heart sink. Headbreaker ran towards a younger villain who lay on the ground barely alive, he screamed towards the survivors,
    The villain looked upwards as the sky and weakly said
    "D-Did we get them?"
    Headbreaker nodded; as he tried to stop the younger mans bleeding,
    "We got them good!"
    The villain laughed out loud, a death rattle then sounded in his throat...his body went limp. Headbreaker let his body down gently then screamed in rage. He turned towards a Rikti body and started pounding at it until he was finally pulled off by 5 large villains...

    The war had started again...

    (edited cause i knew i could write that a hell of a lot better!)
  19. The Corperation is one that rearly is mentioned but their members are rather good at RP.
    A Member my self and having a blast with them.
    I know we are always looking for people. If you see Headbreaker on-line give him a shout OOC and i'll try and RP a meeting and set you up a meeting with the boss...
  20. You become a veteran when people start to recognise you :P
  21. Riled

    IC rumours

    The Longbow officer looked at the stamped out cigar by the vault door which stood dented, but not destroyed.
    "I am assuming they caught him?" said the officer, the PPD shock his head
    "No sir, he got away..."
    "Unfortunate...Headbreaker is making a name for himself. Luckily we've prevented him from robbing this bank twice!"
    The PPD looked about at the damage
    "Begging your pardon sir but each attack has been more sever, do you think we could stop him a third time?"
    The longbow laughed
    "He's a villain, of course we'll stop him..."

    Not too far away, in a dark alley, the slow burning of a cigar fills the air with a pungent smell as clouds of thick black smoke pour from the mans mouth as he eyes up the bank from a safe distance,

    "No-one makes a fool of me twice then lives to tell the tale...i'm gonna destroy Kings Row...i'll make sure they remember my name!!"

    he takes a last draw of his cigar and throws it to the ground as he escapes down a manhole back to his contact, then back to the Isles...