Rp villian groups
If you want old and established, then you want EVIL.
Although teaming is hard to come by, as our roster is a little top heavy, and we're more concerned with plots and casual RP over missions now days.
Plus, we're harder to get into than a nun's knickers, and we've started witch-hunting bad RPers within our ranks.
If you want regular teams, then you want The Gang.
Although you have to be a thugs MM, and they're not a purely RPSG.
Lots of members, active, and well known.
the Terra Liberation Front is a good middle of the road SG.
Full RP, anarchist/anti-establishment/classic-villain concept. They are relatively new though.
If you want quick rank advancement, and less strict RP guidelines, then i recommend one of the many newer rpsgs
The Corperation is one that rearly is mentioned but their members are rather good at RP.
A Member my self and having a blast with them.
I know we are always looking for people. If you see Headbreaker on-line give him a shout OOC and i'll try and RP a meeting and set you up a meeting with the boss...
Hmmmm I can't remember off hand some of the roleplaying supergroups on CoV but I know the Gang is coming to an end so don't think that is an option now.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Wow, E.V.I.L (the non-rp one :P ) must of really pelted them if they're disbanding XD
too bad about the gand i just sent an email to one of them Im intrested at rp but less strict rp rules sound like fun and a bit of a laugh , in the end a good group of people that team together regulary
Oh snap. I always miss these threads! Ahhhh, honestly I don't know how you do it Max, I really don't. Anyway, for the record the Gang has indeed seized activity. This is because our main body of members have finished the thugs superteam project; we've got our fifties and it was a lot of fun times, very very fun times - missions, plots, pvp pawnage, base raids, the lot. Having said that, the SG is still there and we meet up for the odd event now and then. As for you Lunk, as the l33t gamers would say, s-tfu n00b! XD

Hey , im looking to join a an rp group on cov, im looking for a group that meet and do mishs togeter on a regular basis, preferbly one that is established as i dont want to roll a new alt in a certain concept and have to delet him due to inactivity, any english speaking server