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  1. Paragon City

    Gabriel sat up screaming in the rusted old metal bed. He gazed about the room quickly then rubbed his tired eyes. Every time he shut them he could only see Headbreaker laughing endlessly or the beautiful woman, shortly followed by the mind rendering pain that accompanied her. He dug deep in his mind for answers but his thoughts were distorted. He clearly remembered his past, his first kiss, his first lover, the places he lived, his school friends and the reason he abandoned his wealthy life to travel the world. He remembered reaching China…then every thing distorted. Why could he not remember, what was driving him? All he knew was he wanted his revenge against the man who ruined him and stole his future. William Breaker!

    Stole his future, he didn’t understand what it meant but he knew it was enough to hate him. His mind then reminded him of some-thing and he gazed slowly into the corner of the murky sewer.

    Her eyes did not hide the hate she felt for him. She remained huddled in the corner, her knees, now badly bruised and scraped, were close to her chest trying to find warmth in the cold stone room. He had not released her hands yet and they remained tied behind her back, her wrists were red from the endless struggling against her bonds. Dried blood was encrusted into her bright blond hair brought on from a wound caused by Gabriel earlier that week. Her bright blue eyes, red and blood shot and from tears and lack of sleep, bore into him as he smiled at her,

    “Slept well my dear?” his eerie, upper-class accent sent chills through her

    “Go to hell you sick *******!” she spoke through a split lip,

    “My dear that kind of language is not needed her…” he rose from the bed and walked over to her. He knelt before her and stroked her soft glowing skin. He rubbed at a bruise on her cheek as if trying to wash it off “…if you were more polite I would be able to let you walk about, I would be able to stop being so cruel. I hate being cruel my dear by you give me no choice…” tears threatened to over whelm her. She knew not how long she had been her; all she knew was that each day brought his wraith upon her. “All I need to do is beat your…” he half spat “…father…and then I will release you. You have my promise child!” He kissed her forehead and she cowered and half yelped.

    “DON’T TOUCH ME!” Gabriel moved back his eyes turning from soft, to hard and unforgiving,

    “Stay your volume my dear.” He rose to his feet and looked down upon her, “I cannot be held responsible for my actions should your location slip to the Family. I hear they’d make a lot of money with a nice girl like you!” his tone was harsh, cold and terrifying. He spun on his heels and returned to his bed, leaving Laura crying softly in the corner.

    He closed his eyes and the dreams started again.
  2. They suddenly realise there was ink on the lock and they come away with a keyhole shape on their face?
  3. The LORDs? Never heard of them

    The Corp is aware however that some-thing is happening because of Pistol's encounter with two of our people, but we have no idea what. As far as any-one in the Corp is concerned we are keeping a close eye on Crimson Cove

    We're staying out, but we are standing on the lines peering in.
  4. The Corporation is very interested in the LORDS (Mainly as a rival.) We're waiting on the boss (Mr. Sebastian) to get back from his holiday then we can arrange a OOC meet about IC things if you would like?
  5. [u]Headbreaker: Mirror[u]

    The main plot begins, unlike the intro i will be posting parts of the plot as i finish them. Other Characters may join in, just let me if you do and what your character would like to do. Enjoy one and all. Mirror


    Corporation Base

    John Sebastian entered the room slowly and looked across at the man he had come to know as his brother. There was no blood relation between them but both had a deep respect for each other (both had saved the others life on more than one occasion.) William stood before the mirror peering into it. He was not doing any-thing, just staring into it. Before him rested a large hunting knife, a glass of John’s finest scotch, a single smouldering cigar and the pack from which the cigar come from.
    John looked at his friends and for the first time he could just about see the man William was. He could see a younger more carefree man past the worn face, aged from years of fighting and the difficult enhancements he endured to become strong. Ever since seeing Laura on the video, sent to him by an old adversary known as Gabriel Winters, William had begun to change, not only in personality but physically as well. Some-thing about him just seemed different.

    “…am I disturbing brother?” William shook his head but did not take his gaze from the mirror

    “No, not at all.” There was a long silence, “Richard [censored] about the TV?” John shook his head,

    “No. He’s already on the phone to our furniture suppliers for a new one…sofa is beyond repair too.” William chuckled light

    “Sorry John…” John rose his hand

    “Think not of it brother. Had it been any of my family I would have probably done the same.” William looked at his friend for a moment then began to talk,

    “Tell me, what do you know about Samurai?” John chuckled slightly and rose a single eyebrow,

    “Samurai?” William nodded “As much as the next person I guess. Why do you ask?” William slowly picked up the hunting knife,

    “They said that when a samurai was exiled from his home he was to cut off the top knot that they wore as a sign of their banishment. It meant he could not return ever again.” William, with his spare hand, took a sip of the scotch as John shook his head in confusion,

    “You’ve lost me William. I don’t understand the relevance of this.” He took another sip and started to talk

    “I’m banishing the monster I’m so scared of releasing. I’ve been known around the isles, and by a few people in Paragon, as a good man who’s just followed a bad path. To be honest I’m a bad man who has done bad things willingly. People see things differently to how they really happened. People have seen me do truly heroic things, during acts of villainy obviously, but acts they would call heroic. Truth be told I’m only do them because I’ve got nothing to lose, they are selfish acts for my own gain. This ‘good man’ they see is nothing more than a thug who is trying to save his own [censored]. However I have to banish the anger I have kept bottled up in me for so long. It’s going to make me sloppy and reckless and this is one of those times I can do that because I have some-thing to loose. I have to be focused and ready. What man I become from doing that…I don’t know…but I can assure you John, I still have got your back, I’m still William Breaker…I’m just going to be a little more focused and actually try to be a good man...just still on the wrong side of the law” William grinned slightly and looked to John, who was also grinning,

    He suddenly rose the knife to the back of his head and, with a single swipe, he cut his long ponytail above the band. A large clump of hair hit the floor and what ever remained slumped forward. Suddenly William’s whole face changed. He picked up the cigar and took a long draw and blew out a perfect smoke ring. He watched the cloud dissipate and eventually stumped out the cigar in an ashtray. He picked up the rest of the pack and chucked it towards John, who caught it,

    “Giving up brother?” John sounded genuinely surprised as William drained the remainder of the Scotch,

    “I’ve got a lot to do if I’m gonna beat Gabriel John. Can be clogging up my lungs with smoke can I?” William moved towards his brother and patted his shoulder “I’m gonna need all the help I can get.”

    “And you shall get it my friend…” As both men started walking towards the bar John looked at his friend for a second “…what do you have in mind?”

    William grinned.
  6. Rouge Isles, Sharkhead Isles, The Corporation Base
    January, 14, 2008

    The video had appeared outside the hospital addressed to William. A member of the Corp, going for a check-up, noticed the packaged and picked it up before handing it to John Sebastian. Several of the Corps directors gathered in the lounge to view the tape. Red Greivous sat properly on one of the nearby sofas, his red helmet disguising any expression he would make,

    “Made any enemies recently Mr Breaker?” William shook his head as he removed the tape from the packaging

    “Not to my knowledge…not any that is still alive at least.” John Sebastian paced the lounge area,

    “I do not like this brother. Videos are made to intimidate you, show you things to anger you make you reckless.” Richard O’Haley, otherwise known as Nega Knight stood by the TV making the final connections so they could use an old video recorder,

    “My recommendation is just don’t rise to it…” he looked over at the larger man and grinned

    “Don’t worry…” William waved off the concerns,

    The video was put into the player and suddenly Gabriel’s face appeared

    “Any-one you recognise brother?” William got closer to the screen and squinted

    “Not really…at least no-one that I immediately recognise…”

    “…hello William. You may not remember me, but I sure as hell remember you! If you are struggling to put a name to the face let me help you out. My name is Gabriel Winters and we have fought before…” William suddenly started laughing,

    “What the hell? Ohh you have got to be kidding me! This guy kept loosing to me at when I fought at Dragon’s place in china! What the hell is he doing?”

    “…you’ve not doubt just started laughing…I remember that laugh William and I promise you this time you won’t be. You are asking ‘What does this fool want, this…weak…pathetic…fool want?’ his words where sharp and filled with anger “I want to fight you again William. This time I’m confident in my ability because…well…seen Dr Miles recently?” he held up Miles, blood soaked, name tag and William’s eyes grew wide, Gabriel put on a cockney accent and a stupid grin “…that’s right Willy me’ lad. Me and the ol’ Doc Miles got right chummy. E’ made me all Daft Punk…betta stronga fasta ‘arda…” his accent fell back as did the expression “So basically Will…I’m just like you. Although a hell of a lot better thanks to my mutant genes. You may still struggle a bit with my face, but I’ve got with me another face you may not recognise…” he suddenly swung the camera around so it faced the young, blond, bruised girl huddled on the floor. Her dark grungy clothes covered in tears, filth and blood. William’s brows furrowed in confusion,

    “T-that’s impossible…” The camera fixed on her young face and her eyes met the screen. She struggled against her bonds looking defiant. William grab the side of the TV “That’s impossible! S-she’s dead!” A newspaper fell in front of the image and focused on the date, 3rd September, 2007,

    “I bought this the day after those idiots went and planted the MMB on the Rikti Mothership, last day of the war Willy…” William fought off the confusion as his eyes filled with sadness and anger. He turned from the screen and walked to the back of the room. The rest of the Corp members eyes where fixed on the screen “…come on Laura dear…say hello to Daddy!” Laura started to scream for help and Gabriel walked over and stuck her again. The sound of the strike caused William to flinch. He faced the wall and refused to watch. His breath getting deeper and more aggressive. Gabriel approached the camera and swung it back around. “Here’s the deal William. You have a three months to prepare. If you attempt to find me during that time I will make your daughters say very uncomfortable. If you are able to beat me in combat then she is free. If you fall by my hands then I will make sure she finds her way into the bad places Will…this way I’m sure you are going to be fighting with every-thing!” Gabriel looked as if he was about to say some-thing but just chuckled “I guess you owe me one…she would be dead had it not have been for me…Good bye Willy…there will be another one of these waiting for you in three months time…” He reached over, and the video went dead.

    There was a long pause as no-one said any-thing. Nega, who was know kneeling before the TV, slowly turned to face William,

    “Jee-zus Will…I’m so sor-” before he could finish a large black object flew towards the TV. “WHOA!” Nega chucked himself right as one of the Corp’s sofas hit the TV with impressive force. The screen instantly shattered but the strength in which it was thrown caused both objects to tear through the wall behind eventually coming to rest in a dusty heap in the corridor. No-one had expected the attack. They had all jumped out of their skins. Their eyes were now fixed upon Will, who stood stationary where the sofa once sat, his eyes where filled with tears. As he fought them back, John slowly approached the man he called brother and placed his hand on his shoulder,

    “We’ll find her Will…”

    Nothing else was said…


    That is the end of the introduction to Headbreaker: Mirror. CUrrently i am working on the main plot and hope to have the first piece out soon. Keep your eyes peeled
  7. Rural China
    August, 2005

    “No…” came the reply

    “But I must Dragon, I have to…you don’t understand!”

    “No…” came the reply again. Gabriel’s patience was growing thin.

    “Give me a good reason why you won’t let me go back into the cage with him?” Dragon sat in a cloud of cigar smoke, his eyes met Gabriel’s and he lent forward

    “For a start, you are not thinking with a clear head. Secondly I run a business here. When you first started Gabriel san, you started winning matches, but you lost an equal amount making it easy for my self to earn money. When you start winning all the time I have to find ways of making sure you leave here…hence my exhibition fights, one large fight and one large payoff. You Gabriel san are bound to loose to William san, so every-one will bet on William san meaning they will win lots of money and I will loose lots of money” his face turned deathly serious “…however if you lasted MORE THAN TWENTY SECONDS THEN MAYBE WE WOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM!” he slammed his fist on the desk for effect, then calmed down “No, I shall place William san against Behemoth, at least people will not be sure who will win and I can still turn a slight profit…” Gabriel now slammed his fist on the desk

    “I don’t care about your money or how much profit you make! I CARE ABOUT MY BLOODY HONOUR! I need this Dragon; I cannot feel like this any more. I’m barely sleeping, my head is filling with thoughts I have no control over” his eyes filled with tears and he fought back the urge to cry in front of the crimelord. Dragon looked to him with angry eyes

    “You may have been my prized fighter once Gabriel san, but do not talk to me about honour. I will not have you make a fool of your self again. Request denied!”

    Gabriel would not give up. He reached beside the desk and slammed a large bag in front of Dragon.

    “This is every-thing I have won…all the money I own!” Dragon raised a brow,

    “…Interesting, go on.”

    “I don’t care about winnings, if I beat William you can have his entry too…I just want to beat him Dragon…so badly!” Dragon looked inside the sack at the money and grinned slightly

    “You may not want winnings but William san will.”

    “Figure it out with him…just put me back in that cage with him Dragon.” His desperation was clear, his eyes showed the hurt, the shame and embarrassment that swam through his head. Dragon sighed and kept thinking to himself ‘I am going to regret this…’

    William pinched his nose in frustration,

    “You are joking right?” Dragon shook his head

    “I wish I was William san. He is adamant of this…”

    “So he is willing to give you all of his money, just to fight me?” Dragon nodded and William’s face split into a gruel grin,

    “Alright, I’ll fight him. If I win you can keep the money. I just want to make sure I well and truly embarrass this pain in my neck. I want him to be totally humiliated in front of the mob.” He sat back in the chair as Dragon rubbed his beard,

    “It is a shame. He was my prized fighter before you got here. But he lost so stupidly to you. I still cannot believe it. He use to fight with such…honour, such dignity, such grace. Now he is sloppy and cannot seem to think straight…” Dragon looked at William with dark eyes “…crush him!”

    The night of the fight was soon at hand and Gabriel had been overjoyed when Dragon broke the news to him that William had agreed. He trained furiously over the next few days. Standing opposite William he felt a cold chill down in his soul. He knew Will was stronger than him. He knew his skin was tough. But he had speed, stamina and the courage to test himself. He would beat William, for a shred of peace within his mind. The nightmares would fade and he could sleep again. William stood staring at him, his face a cruel grin that sent chills down his spine. He wasn’t going to get intimidated. He was going to win.

    The bell went and this time he took it carefully. He moved forwards to the centre of the ring and took a defensive stance and waited for Headbreaker to move. William stood for a few moments and the crowd’s cheers slowly turned to confused whispers and the occasional heckle.

    “What are you doing you *******? Come on!” William remained and grin “COME ON!” he rose a finger to his lips

    “Shhhh…y’hear that?” Gabriel chanced a glance about but couldn’t hear any-thing but the aggravated crowd,

    “Stop this…JUST FIGHT ME!” Gabriel’s eyes were becoming wide with anger,

    “Shhhh…that sound is the moments before I beat you…I’m savouring it…” Gabriel was on the verge of tears again

    “Just…stop it…why are you torturing me like this? I…I need this…” William began to laugh at the man “Stop laughing! COME HERE AND FIGHT ME!” William again listened to the sounds of the crowd. He began to chant,

    “Headbreaker, Headbreaker, Headbreaker…”

    “SHUT UP…” tears began streaming down his face “…JUST SHUT UP!!”

    “Headbreaker, Headbreaker, HEADBREAKER!”

    “SHUT UP! JUST [censored] SHUT UP!” William’s chants got louder and louder and soon the crowd, for reasons unknown, began to join in.


    “STOP IT! WHY WON’T YOU FIGHT ME?!” Will stopped chanting, although the crowd continued. His eyes fixed upon Gabriel

    “Because I am enjoying this far too much! Watching you break down and sob like a child because I won’t rise to the challenge. You’re a pathetic child! You’re looking at why you were beaten so badly by me and you can’t handle the truth so you throw yourself back in this ring in the hopes I just got lucky. Well here is the truth and I think every-one needs to hear it. You can’t beat me…” Gabriel looked on the verge of collapse “…it’s because you’re nothing. You are nothing great, nothing special. You have a power so you naturally think you’re invincible. But here the kicker, your not.” Gabriel’s arms fell to his side and he glared at William as the tears rolled from his eyes “…and you will never beat me because of that.” William began to laugh again and Gabriel fell to his knees and then buried his head in his hands as the bell rang once. The announcer made no comment.


    Gabriel sat before Dragon who paced back and forth behind his desk,

    “What on earth was that Gabriel san? It wasn’t a fight that is for sure!” Gabriel sat like schoolboy being told off by his headmaster,

    “…He wouldn’t fight” Dragon slammed both palms down on the table and Gabriel jumped slightly

    “THE YOU TAKE THE FIGHT TO HIM! I HAVE NEVER SEEN A MORE PATHETIC DISPLAY FROM SOME-ONE WHO USE TO BE ONE OF THE BEST!” Dragon made a sweeping gesture with his arm as he turned his back on Gabriel “Be gone…I do not want you here any more…” Gabriel rapidly rose

    “You cannot chuck me out! Not when I was so close to seeing my future!” Dragon’s eyes widened and he slowly turned back to Gabriel,

    “What did you say?”

    “I know about Daze. That she is a siren! That is why I cannot take my eyes off her when she enters a room. I also know she can see the future and that is what you grant people to keep them away! I fought with every-thing because I wanted to see if my pathetic life was worth any-thing at all! Do not deny me!” Dragon suddenly flung his arms forward with a roar and Gabriel was thrown back into the wall from the wave of telekinetic energy that left his hands,

    “It seems I underestimated you…where did you learn this knowledge” Gabriel spat at Dragon

    “GIVE ME MY FUTURE!” Dragon wiped the sip off, his eyes growing wide

    “…DAZE!” without another word the beautiful raven haired woman materialized behind him. Gabriel was confused; he was not drawn to her this time. This time he feared her. “He knows…” her dual voice echoed around the room and her eyes began to glow,

    “Then we must make sure people will not believe him…madmen spin all kinds of stories my love. I can fracture parts of his mind and cause him to slowly fall into the chasm of insanity!” Dragon’s expression was one of pure evil

    “I believe our dear Gabriel san already has a few issues my love…I say we exaggerate them. Your obsession with William interest me greatly Gabriel san…but for you it will destroy you from within. The knowledge you will never be able to beat him and the knowledge you are weak will forever cloud you mind…it will be all you can concentrate on!” he looked at Daze who came over and kissed him passionately before Gabriel. They acted like animals ready for the slaughter. She began to speak.

    “Look at my face Gabriel…look at me…for as of this moment…you will know nothing else but the fight you just lost…your every dream…your every nightmare…your every breath…will be bringing you close to a quivering mess on the floor. You’ll be a man in a padded room muttering about the monster that beat you!” she suddenly shot one of her fingers forward and it pierced his forehead. Gabriel’s screams echoed around the empty arena and seemed to last forever.
  8. Paragon City, Independence Port
    October, 15, 2006

    Gabriel walked along the dock of Independence Port, kicking stones and what ever lay before him into the water. His mind was filled with images of hate, misery and suffering at the hands of the brute known as William Breaker. His mind was close to breaking point, the stress of it all, the lack of sleep and the damage done to his mind by the one known as The Imperial Dragon, left him on a knifes edge. One foul step and he could fall either way. He had no idea how he got to Paragon, just that he woke up one day in a gutter and almost a year of his life had gone missing. He remembered flashes of information. The sound of a lorry, a bitter chill, white crisp snow, towering mountains and a variety of accents and languages all washed in and out of his mind.

    The sound of the waves crashing against the dock walls where soothing and gave him some piece from the noise of his mind, the deafening insanity that that threatened to manifest into some-thing more.

    It the distance the sound of gunfire broke the peace and Gabriel, in a act of total selflessness, charged to see what was going on.
    The brute descended upon the bank, tearing the front doors from their motors and throwing them into the gathered PPD officers. Gabriel did not recognise the Villain, but instantly recognised his abilities. If he could beat this monster, then maybe he could feel better about himself and the humiliation he felt at being beaten by William, self-redemption was the word he used. Gabriel charged into the fray.
    The PPD instantly cheered to what they believed was a new hero on the street. Gabriel, with a nimble leap, flew into the air. He soared for a moment and with a cry came down upon the villain as hard as he could. Both skidded crashed into the ground and was thrown along the floor with the momentum. As they came to a halt Gabriel composed himself and began pounding down upon the villains face. He was no longer fighting an unnamed monster, no, in his mind he could see William laughing, laughing with each punch, laughing as his face become more of an unrecognisable mess.

    Gabriel was so intent on killing his opponent that he did not see his companion materialize next to him and with a heavy hand, send him flying into the PPD van. Dizziness washed over him but he quickly shook it off and threw himself back into the battle, but this time both opponents where ready for him.

    The PPD watched as the last broken bone snapped back into place and what remained of his facial features regenerated. Gabriel suddenly gasped for air and was quickly calmed by the PPD medical officer,

    “Easy buddy, it’s alright, you’re alive!”

    “W-what happened?” Gabriel’s eyes were wide with fear and confusion. An older officer looked at him, his dark moustache moving with his words; it was all Gabriel could fix his sight upon

    “You did your best…but they were just too strong. We were out numbered. Several Bows fell as well so don’t feel bad…” Gabriel could not hold it back. His body shook and his mouth slowly turned up into a smile. His voice stopped shaking and finally took the cold, calm tone that would be his most frightening aspect,

    “Don’t feel bad? Ohh no officer I don’t feel…this has just proved one thing to me…” the gathered PPD began to back up as Gabriel rose to his feet “…that I am just not strong enough to do any-thing any more! What good is beyond normal strength if you are always loosing?” the PPD slowly pulled out their guns and pointed them at Gabriel

    “What’s he doing sir?” called one of the younger officers

    “I don’t know. If he turns hostile fill him with lead!” Gabriel tipped his head back and began to laugh, it was a soul chilling laugh that almost echoed off the near by smooth walls, reverberating the insanity that was taking him.

    The officers opened fire and Gabriel’s body jerked left and right, blood spraying from wounds. However he refused to fall. Suddenly he charged forward at the older officer and the slaughter began.

    Paragon City, Independence Port
    October, 17, 2006

    Gabriel’s massacre of the PPD officers at Independence port had hit the main news within the hour. Thankfully for him no one knew who he was or had managed to get a picture of him. Any CCTV in the area had been broken previously by the robbers. The anonymity benefited him greatly.

    He had spent the past day trying to remember every-thing Dragon had told him about William. One thing that stuck in his mind particularly was a name, Dr Joshua Miles, the Scientist that made William what he was. Instantly Gabriel hit the streets and looked for the Rumourmongers and Information Traffickers. He asked all the right questions and half killed the right people before he had the information he wanted.
    Standing before his house Gabriel knew what he was going to do. It would take careful planning but he had it worked out in his head. It was time to get strong; it was time to get his revenge, it was time to reclaim the future he had lost to the brute known as Headbreaker…
  9. Rural China
    July, 2005

    "You have to let me fight him again Dragon, this is completely UNFAIR!" Dragon turned around as two of his Yakuza grabbed Gabriel from behind

    "DARE you take that tone with my Gabriel san. Remember your manners of I will have Mr Tongue here cut out yours!"

    Gabriel looked back at the larger thug, known as Mr Tongue for his collection of them that he had removed from enemies of Dragon. He swallowed hard and looked back to the Crimelord, he bowed his head

    "Forgive me Dragon. I have never lost so...embarrassingly before..."

    "Pride is a dangerous thing Gabriel san..."

    "I know...but you must let me fight him again. I cannot sleep knowing I failed THAT badly! PLEASE!" Dragon smiled and gestured his two thugs to releases Gabriel

    "I will not hear the end of this if I do not will I Mr Gabriel san?" Gabriel smiled and shook his head,

    "I can beat him!" Dragon sighed and started to laugh,

    "I will talk to William san and arrange it...bring five thousand American dollars as your entry..." Gabriel bowed and walked away.

    Every-thing was arranged and soon Gabriel was back in the ring opposite Headbreaker.

    "I swear after your last defeat you'd be running to the hills rather than getting back in here with me. So how long you gonna last this time...twenty seconds?" Gabriel tried to ignore his laughter,

    "Just shut up, I’ve been training since our last fight and I’m ready for you!"

    "Sure you are England...let us see how you do when the bell rings eh? Training is one thing...pulling it off in the ring is another." Gabriel spat towards Williams feet,

    “Bring it you bastard…”

    The bell went and like a man possessed Gabriel threw himself toward into Will. He smashed into him and caused the larger man to fly backwards into the cage wall. Gabriel began to pound at William’s sides and looked to be having the upper hand as he held William in place. He fired off punch after punch and the cage slowly bended with each. William however absorbed the attacks. To any one who watched it did indeed seem that William was being beat back, but to the trained eye it was clear he was just looking for an opening. He let Gabriel tire himself out before he suddenly pushed forward and rose his fist upward catching Gabriel on the chin. Blood sprayed upwards and outwards and Gabriel’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. His whole body arced backwards and crashed into the ground. Then, nothing…

    Again Gabriel’s eyes slowly opened to a collection of faces and his heart sank.
  10. Riled


    Quick-Fix pulled her self out of the water and swore loudly. She reached into her bag and pulled out a wet, yet still operational phone and started a quick dial. After a few rings the voice of the Humanity First hacker, Cyberspace, answered

    “What is it Fix?”

    “Where is the boss?”

    “Not here right now. What’s up, you sound [censored] off?”

    “Just had my [censored] handed to me! We got a problem, two very powerful mutants just went after Anti.”

    “Just let the dirty mutants duke it out…”

    “That is not the plan Kyle! Partisan wants her alive. Are you able too see what is going on in the warehouse?” Cyberspace cracked his fingers and began to hack the local CCTV network, eventually he came across the warehouse and brought up their security network,

    “Well pretty much all the cameras are dead…hold up. We got one but it’s badly damaged.” He brought up the camera looked at the image. He could see the battle unfold and saw that Anti was on the loosing end, “It’s not looking good in there!”

    “Damn it. Eh...” she tried to think of some-thing then after a moment she snapped her fingers “…get a hold of her employers!”


    “You heard me Kyle, try and get a hold of the Corporation!”

    “You know Big P doesn’t want me hacking their systems any more.” He looked about the empty base and grinned “…although he never said any-thing about not hacking the phone network!” He kept his link to the warehouse open and started up a fresh hack on the mobile phone network. Before long he had the information he needed “Anti’s phone is reading as offline. Luckily for Miss Pode, John Sebastian is near-by…hold tight Fix. I’ll see what I can do!” the hacker started his work.

    Anti leapt atop of the crates and tried her hardest to get above Abel and away from his attacks. Cain, who had been knocked back from a previous blow, saw her attempt to climb and charged forward. He leapt atop of his brothers shoulders and followed after Anti. The warehouse was in a state. Crate stacks were ablaze from several of Cain’s attacks and the majority of the floor was now covered in thick ice.

    “Stop running Miss Anti, I promise to make it quick! Ha ha!”

    Anti looked backwards and threw several icicles downwards. Cain flung himself sideways with little difficulty and continued his climb each time. Abel began to charge himself again ready for another bold of electricity. Before he finished however Anti was atop of the crate stack and jumping off the other side. As she did Abel released another bolt causing the crate stack to explode behind her. She landed on a smaller stack of crates and quickly looked around for Cain; surely his own brother wouldn’t have attacked the stack he was on just to get her? Suddenly from the smoke he appeared and with a heavy punch he sent her flying,

    “Luckily for us, Abel and my self are immune to each others abilities…that being said however…” he glanced at Abel “…BE CAREFUL!”

    Silent communication passed between them and Cain pressed on his attack. Anti was tiring out. Both attackers had unbelievable amounts of stamina and each time she took one out, the other was able to bring the fallen back to consciousness with a glare. The only way she was going to take these two out was at the same time or taking one out and keeping the other distracted. Her thoughts were cut short as Cain once again unleashed his furious attack. Anti did her best to block the attacks but several found home and she spun backwards. She shook off the attack and pressed with her own but once again each missed their target. For the briefest moment she considered using ‘The Antipode,’ if it failed however she would be far too weak to continue the battle and they most likely kill her. Abel appeared behind Cain and she attempted a last minute attack. She threw her self at the smaller one causing him to bend over backwards to avoid her attack.

    However this move worked in her favour. She flung a large amount of ice into the face of Abel, completely encasing it. She then began to fire off round after round at Cain who was nimbly dodging each. But as he did Anti grew closer and closer. As she was almost on him she reached over, grabbed a large chunk of wood and swung it at his head. Cain, being distracted by the previous cyromancing attacks, was struck hard and flipped over completely, landing on the floor unconscious.

    Anti chucked the wood aside and started to run towards Abel. She however could not run fast enough. The giant tore the remainder of the ice from his face and looked towards the charging Antipode. He began to concentrate to bring his brother around when suddenly a flash of red light exploded upon his back. He fell forwards and landed on his knees as Anti came skidding to a halt. Abel rose quickly and attempted to face his attacker when another flash of red exploded against him, followed by another in quick succession. The warehouse flashed with red as several attacks found home and eventually one such attack struck Abel in the face and sent him into unconsciousness. Antipode fell to her knees and breathed a sigh of relief as John Sebastian offered her a hand,

    “How the hell did you find me?”

    “I got an anonymous tip off. Told me to follow the smokestack. Good job I did otherwise it looks like these two would have had you.”

    “Thanks John.” She took his offered hand and used it to pull herself to her feet. “Let’s get out of here, before these two wake up, huh?” John nodded and before long they left the warehouse, now completely ablaze.


    Quick-Fix watched from the shadows.

    “Nicely done Kyle…”

    “Don’t mention it. What about the two mutants in there?”

    “I’ll have some-one watch them, see what they do; who knows…they may lead us to Ebon Sun.”

    “One can only hope so…”


    Cain’s eyes snapped open and he slowly rose to his feet. With a gesture the fires died into non-existence leaving charred and blackened wood. He slowly moved over to his brother, avoiding slipping on the now melting ice, and again, with a gesture, awoke him

    “Well that was a pain!” he said as Abel rose to his feet and looked at his brother with a questioning look, “Nothing we can do for now. We’ll see what she does. Hopefully we’ll get another chance…could really use that money.” Both looked about at the extensive damage they had caused, “Let’s get outta here before the Bows start to arrive…”
  11. Paragon City, Dr Joshua Miles Home,
    November, 13, 2006

    The scientist known as Joshua Miles left his new home, recently bought after the abandonment of his wife, children, dog and previous life. Since working on William Breaker he had been leading a good life. Crey had taken him back and allowed him to continue his superhuman research. William Breaker had recently contacted Joshua, thanking him for all the work he had done. In appreciation, he was slowly creating a new chemical for William, one to remove some of his weaknesses. The formula was a long way off from completion, so he had not told Will about its existence.

    Miles sat down in his car and was about to start his engine when the sound of a gun hammer, being pulled back, could be heard. Miles simply sighed

    “I have got to start checking the back of my car. This is happening far too often. And always on a bloody Monday too!” he shook his head. Gabriel slowly started pressing the barrel of the gun into the back of Joshua’s head

    “Shut up! Just shut up!” Miles, again, turned to face his would be capture and stared him in the eyes

    “Ohhh you’re an angry one. Lots of rage! Let me guess, you heard about The Headbreaker and want me to do the same to you right?” Gabriel was struck back about accurate he was

    “…how did you…never mind!” He pressed the gun into his forehead “I want to become stronger, strong enough to beat that brute!” Miles smiled

    “Hmmm, well I don’t know…I mean I cou-” Gabriel moved the gun to Joshua’s shoulder and pulled the trigger. The gun exploded and Joshua fell back against his steering wheel, blood covered his windscreen as he let out a cry,

    “YOU *******!” he clutched at the wound,

    “I have no time to muck about Dr Miles…I’m not a man to be [censored] with either…you either do what you did to William Breaker or I will put a bullet in your skull. Do you understand me?” the cold soft tone frightened Miles, the calmness of his madness was apparent,

    “…fine! Just…just don’t hurt me!”

    “Excellent! We are going to get along just fine.” He got out of the car and opened the driver’s door “Move over, I’ll drive…” He looked Joshua in the eyes “and don’t bleed on my upholstery, thank you!”

    He wiped the window clean and drove off.

    Paragon City, Undisclosed Crey Laboratory
    July, 19, 2007, 8 months later

    Gabriel stepped out of the vat and pulled his hair back into a small ponytail. He looked over the bruised and broken Dr Miles who was now of declining health from the months of torture and starvation,

    "Well?" Joshua looked at him with angry eyes

    "Your body reacted differently to how Williams did *COUGH COUGH* your mutant genetics have bonded with the chemicals differently. There is no increase in muscle size but you should see a definite change in your strength and the amount of beating you can take. Your regeneration has increased tenfold; I’ll be surprised if you couldn't heal serious wounds in under ten minutes"

    Gabriel smiled and flexed his arms

    "Is there a mirror in the house good doctor?" Joshua fought back a coughing fit and gestured some far off room. Gabriel charged towards it. Miles waited a few minutes and started typing on a consol furiously. During Gabriel's enhancement he had continued to work on the chemical for William and had cleverly managed to smuggle it out to a Crey facility. He had managed to send a message to John Sebastian, disguised as one of his contacts to get him to pick it up. He had also managed to get a scrambled message to William to inject the chemical first chance he got. He started up the recording software and looked into a camera on the system

    "William, I do not have much time *COUGH COUGH* there is some-one after you and they have forced me to do the work I did on you to the time you get this I will most likely be dead! I cannot say much but he wishes to kill you and unfortunately his rivals yours my friend...I am sorry! However this old man is not done yet. There is a weakness to him…one I have deliberately created. It was the least I could do to ensure your survival and the eventual achievement of your goal. You still owe me some of Statesman's blood" The old man smiled weakly "If the day comes you do have to fight my Frankenstein William, just make sure that you..."

    "Just be sure you what, good Doctor?" Joshua slammed his hands against the keyboard and sent the half recorded message into the Greater Web. He turned around to look at Gabriel, who now wore a white suit and black tie,

    "That I floss my teeth when I get home..." Gabriel smiled as he walked closer to Miles adjusting his cufflinks

    "Ohhh Doctor I am going to miss this wit of yours. You are a laugh a minute. I have to say this suit is very nice too...where did you pick it up?" Joshua glared at Gabriel as he now stood in front of him

    "Just get it over with you *******...I’ve done what you wanted. You can go find William and do what you want...but know this; you will never beat him because you are still weak! WEAK IN THAT SICK HEAD OF YOURS!" Joshua started to laugh. Gabriel’s eyes shot open wide and he screamed as his hand flew forward into Joshua's neck causing the old man to gasp for air, Gabriel was trembling as he held the Doctor, his eyes wide with madness,

    "I REALLY...should not have worn white..."

    Paragon City, Atlas Park, City Hall
    July, 20, 2007

    Gabriel stood at the pay phone and flicked through the pages of the phone directory. He had used the blood soaked computer of Joshua Miles to find out as much as he could on William and soon he hit pay dirt. William had once been married and even conceived a daughter. Gabriel knew she most likely would not have kept Will's surname so he tried to find out her maiden name. Eventually he found the number of one Sarah Daily and slowly began to dial. The phone rang for a bit and eventually the phone clicked and a female voice spoke,

    "Hello the Daily household?"

    "Ms Daily? My name is Officer Gabriel Winters. I am with the PPD..." the woman sighed,

    "What has she done now officer?"

    "No, no Ms Daily, I am not calling about your daughter. I have a few questions regarding your former husband William Breaker..."
  12. Riled


    The moon slowly rose on Nerva Archipelago flooding it with its pale glow. The Blackshirts of Humanity First patrolled the area slowly watching for any sign of activity against their unknowing charge, Antipode. Rumour had travelled down the pipe line that two infamous bounty hunters had taken up the bounty on Antipode, two mutant brothers known only as Cain & Abel.

    “Ain’t nothing gonna happen. Every other bounty hunter has ended up dead by our hands, why should these two be any different…bloody mutants thinking their powers make them all high and mighty, makes me sick!” A harsh commanding voice cut though the radio,

    “What part of Radio silence do you not understand?”

    “The Radio, and silence parts, it would appear. Sorry Quick Fix.”

    The Blackshirt, known as Hammer, moved along the rooftop till he was behind a chimney stack, just out of view of his fellow black shirts and lit a cigarette,

    “Guarding a mutant” he spat at the ground as he rummaged around for his lighter “PFFT! Partisan has gone too far this ti-” before he could continue a large hand wrapped around his face and pulled his head into the chimney. The Blackshirt struggled to get the hand off but after a long moment his body went limp. The hand released him and his body dropped to the ground. The large imposing form of Abel looked about with his dark eyes. His face a mixture of scars and dents, one such sure running from his hair line, down over his left eye, past his nose and over his lips causing him to have a permanent snarls, finally ending on his chin. He was easily seven feet tall and wore long dark clothes. When he was sure the coast was clear he looked off toward the edge of the building and his younger, scrawny brother, Cain appeared.

    Cain was just over five foot in height. His long, straggly, greasy hair hung close to his face and only his dark eyes peered from within.

    “What do we have here? Guardians! Well I never, Partyman is getting desperate!” Abel looked at his brother, and while no words were actually spoken, there was defiantly some form of communication happening. Cain ‘listened’ intently for a moment then nodded,

    “Got it, clear the Blackshirts and go after the blue chick…” again the silent communication happened between them “…ohh alright! You get rid of them, but I get first attack on Antipode!” Abel nodded and moved away.

    Cain and Abel appeared only recently in the isle and already had a name for them selves. Never were the two apart. Both their mutant powers worked with the others yet both had vastly different abilities. Cain was Pyrokenetic, which worked well for him as he was pyromanic. He was also double-jointed in almost every joint, coupled with a great gymnastic skill, he proved to be an excellent and extremely agile fighter. Abel was an Electromancer. He was also known for being able to withstand unbelievable amounts of punishment and give it as good as he got.
    Both brothers were telekinetic and apart from their direct telepathic link, had no form of telepathy.

    “Alright, check in all of you!” one by one the Blackshirts reported in, then there was silence, “Hammer, check in now!” again there was silence “Hammer?” the silence continued “Scopes, check on Hammer’s location now!” Quick-Fix began to look from rooftop to rooftop counting her Blackshirts.

    “We got a problem. Hammer’s dead!”


    “I’ve just found his body. Looks like he was suffoc- WHAT THE HELL?!” there was the suddenly sound of a gun going off shortly followed by what sounded like a strong gust of wind. Quick-Fix looked towards the rooftop to spot Scopes soaring through the air and disappear into the water beyond,

    “Converge on Scopes locations. The bounty hunters are here!”

    Before long the Blackshirts were standing around Hammer’s body, but there was no sign of the attackers.

    “I don’t see any-one Quick-Fix, no-one at all!” Suddenly from the darkness that was the next rooftop came Abel. He lept the short distance between them and threw his arms forward in a sweeping motion. What could only be described as a invisible sledgehammer hit the Blackshirt’s, sending them high into the air. Only a short cry from Quick-Fix could be heard as she screamed towards the water in the distance.

    Cain nimbly lept over and came to stand beside Abel,

    “Awww nuts, they survived.” He slapped his brother’s chest “You’re getting sloppy!” Abel looked at his brother with a apologetic glare, “You’re right, you’re right! At least they are out of our hair.” He clapped his hands together and rubbed them greedily, a wide grin splitting across his face, “Time to collect our bounty.” Both brothers headed down the fire escape and headed towards the hideout of Antipode.

    Anti moved about the warehouse grabbing what she could. She didn’t stay in one place more than a few days and even that was too much for her. Every-where she went, they seemed to find her eventually. And ever since a rookie bounty hunter had managed to find his way to her apartment, she hadn’t dared go back. Even so, she heard rumours of assassins and bounty hunters ending up dead. She had no idea who was behind it, but could only hope that she still had allies, somewhere. She moved to the main floor of the warehouse and was suddenly assaulted by a strange smell of burning. She looked around as the main door and could see the door glowing with hot embers. Eventually it burst into flames and crumbled to ash. As the smoke cleared the scrawny frame of Cain appeared

    “Knock knock, pizza delivery!” Anti, dropped the items in her arms

    “I suppose you are here for - oh…” Abel appeared from the smoke and came to stand behind his brother. Cain smiled and crossed his arms,

    “…some-thing like that.” He snapped his fingers and Abel moved slowly forward, spreading hands outward and into open palms with the fingers spread apart. Anti shuffled backwards and slowly cooled the air around one hand, ready to attack.
    Abel’s scared mouth turned up into a gruel grin and his dark eyes began to glow slightly. Between his fingers, sparks began to arc over. They grew in intensity until they soon began to jump from his hands to his body. They grew again and the sparks now arced outwards from his body onto any earthed electrical devise. Bulbs blew and sockets exploded with energy. Abel’s mouth was now a silent roar as the electricity sparked and hissed, filling the air with static and a flashing blue and white light. Suddenly it stopped and raced towards his open palms. For what seemed like a long moment the world stood still. Abel slammed his hands together and a large bolt of electricity surged forward causing every-thing electrical to explode as the bolt passed them. Anti had only seconds to throw herself backwards, barely avoiding the bolt. She landed headily on her backside but quickly rolled over and charged into the warehouse.

    She was nearly out of a stack of crates when suddenly the ground before her burst into flames. She skidded to a halt and threw her gaze upwards as Cain descended from above. She nimbly leapt backwards as he landed before her. He lashed out in a string of rapid attacks and she was able to block them. He swept with his legs catching her by surprise and she fell backwards, once again she rolled out of his only to find Cain attacking again. He was unrelenting in each attack. Each she returned against him just seemed to find air. He almost moved like water, his body snake like in avoiding the blows. In a moment of desperation she threw her arm upwards and washed Cain in a blanket of snowy ice. He jumped backwards but another attack from Anti caused him to become encased in a large chunk of ice. Wasting no time she ran past him and lept over his now diminishing wall of flame. She glace backwards quickly to see him burn up, melting the ice.

    She charged towards the exit only to find her self thrown sideways by a wall of force. She crashed into the crates and just about caught sight of Abel charging down upon her. She pulled her self free of the crate and flung several bolts of fire at the giant who merely shrugged them off as he continued his charge. Thinking quickly she turned her hands at the floor and washing it over with thick ice. Abel footing was suddenly lost and he fell onto his side and skidded to a halt. As he tried to rise, Anti charged towards him and, with as much force as she could muster, kicked him in the head. She stuck him square on the temple and the giant’s head slammed into the floor unconscious. She had no time for celebration as before she could react she was hit by another invisible wall, some-how it felt weaker than the one before hand.

    Cain stood near by, his arms fell to his side as he looked at his fallen brother.

    “…ohhh I’m not going to let him live that one down!” The scrawny man started to smile “No matter…” he seemed to concentrate for a second and suddenly Abel twitched, then his eyes snapped open and he rose slowly to his feet. “Nifty little trick we learnt. One falls, the other can bring him back. We’re a team baby. You wanna take us on, bring it. But that bounty is as good as ours…”

    Anti fought off feelings of frustration, she looked at the two brother and considered her next action carefully.
  13. Rural China
    June, 2005

    William had arrived at the ring after appearing at the Russian boarder. He had been travelling the past two years through Europe, then up into Russia and eventually into China after hearing about the ring from a Russian Super criminal called ‘Snowblind’ who had been a previous fighter. Dragon listened to his tale of being enhanced by the Scientist Dr Joshua Miles and his obsession with Statesman and wanting to kill him. Eventually Dragon agreed to add William to his roster and keep a close eye on his career.

    While Dragon knew William would be a crowd pleasure and defeating Gabriel would bring in a lot of money, however he secretly wanted Gabriel to beat him and then set up Gabriel’s Exhibition fight, finally taking him away from the ring. He knew both where strong, William through artificial means and Gabriel due to genetic mutations in his blood that gave him amazing strength and impressive regeneration. How Gabriel came to the ring from Oxford was any-one’s guess. All any one knew about him was he use to study law. He eventually ran away from the prestigious university to test his abilities with others like him self.

    The match was set up and William finally revealed his handle, Headbreaker.

    The speaker hummed into life and soon the announcer American-Chinese accent filled the air


    “HIS CHALLENGER, THE HEAVENLY, THE SPIRITUAL…THE INSANELY BRITISH, GA-BRIEL!!” this time the crowd roared in anticipation and Gabriel lapped it up.

    “FIIIIIGHT!” the bell rang.

    Gabriel charged forward as did William. The smaller fight drew his fist back and threw it forward, catching William in the chest. He spun about ready to hit him again when he saw suddenly saw William’s massive fist fly towards his face…

    There was silence, then the soft muffled sound of voices and then the voices cleared

    “…-ank god he’s waking up!” Gabriel slowly opened his eyes and saw a collection of faces above him, including William’s who merely puffed on a cigar,

    “There, see! I told you I didn’t hit him that hard!” Gabriel looked from face to face,

    “W-what happened?” the announcer, a large Chinese gentleman, was the first to speak up, his voice was deep and powerful,

    “Well…you lasted a record ten seconds” Gabriel’s eyes shot open wide and he sat up quickly,


    “Headbreaker here hit you so hard your face caved in! We thought you where dead until you started healing a second ago!” Gabriel looked towards Headbreaker who simply smiled and waved his wade of cash like a fan.

    “Th-that’s impossible?” Dragon entered the ring and walked towards him, the crowd parted

    “That is business Gabriel san.” He turned to William “Come, we have much to discuss, you have just won me a lot of money!”

    Gabriel sat on the arena floor and simply watched as William was led away and the group followed suit. Anger burnt deep inside and the feeling of betrayal washed over his mind,

    “I will not be beating by a common THUG!” Gabriel rose to his feet and stormed out.
  14. Paragon City, Residential Estate, Lexibell Towers
    July 24, 2007

    The sky had turned to storm clouds and the light could not pierce their darkened shroud. Thunder rolled in the distance yet some-thing bugged him, the air felt wrong for a storm, the winds blew the wrong way…he pushed it to the back of his mind and looked at the assorted buzzers.

    “Sarah Daily, Sarah Daily, where are you – ahhh there you are.” He pressed the buzzer and waited for a long moment.

    “Hello?” he lent towards the speaker,

    “Ms Daily?”

    “Yes, who is this?”

    “I called you the other day. My name is Officer Gabriel Winters…”

    “The policeman, yeah, sorry…come on in. twentieth floor, flat 2032.”

    “Thank you Ms Daily…” eventually the speaker buzzed loudly and the door gave a satisfying click. He pushed it open and went inside.

    The lift was well looked after, shiny and without graffiti. It came to a stop of the twentieth floor and he followed the corridor to flat 2032. He knocked once, then paused, then knocked again three times, then one soft tap. There was no reason for it, he just enjoyed the rhythm. The door swung open to an attractive blond woman, looking fluster

    “Sorry, I’m trying to cook and clean at the same time. Come in, ignore the mess…” Gabriel smiled,

    “It cannot be as bad as my apartment Ms Daily-”

    “Sarah, please.”

    “Of course…” He walked down the corridor to the lounge and peered into one of the rooms, it was clearly the bedroom of a grungy teenage girl, posters of bands and fantastic artwork, clothes strewn on the floor, dark colours and a bass guitar in the corner. He continued and eventually came to a messy lounge area that had an impressive sight of the war walls in the distance.

    “Please sit. Drink? Coffee, Juice, Tea?” he suddenly perked at the mention of tea,

    “Tea would be very much welcome, milk, no sugar.” Sarah smiled and went into the kitchen. After a long moment she came back with a mug of hot tea “Very strange to have tea here, you are an American?” Sarah laughed

    “My estranged husband’s mother came from England…where about in England are you from?”

    “Ahhh yes! I suppose it is hard to hide my roots with this accent. Brighton’s Withdean area originally…moved to Oxford at an early age. But enough about me Ms Daily, we are here to talk about your Husband-”

    “EX-husband Mr Winters!”

    “As you wish...Sarah. As you know I am building a case against him after an incident in Paragon City a few weeks back. We believe he has joined a criminal organisation known only as The Corporation. Any information on him is more than welcome.”

    Sarah sat opposite him and scraped her hair back into a pony tail.

    “I’m afraid I’ve not spoken to William since long before the first Rikti War Mr Winters. Neither has my daughter, he’s not seen her since she was very little.”

    “Because of the Atlas incident involving a Mister Thomas Creedy?”

    “I threw him out shortly after that Mr Winters, have not seen him since.”

    “When is your daughter home Ms Dai-” before he could speak the door opened the grungy thirteen year old Laura entered the lounge. Her fair skin upon the dark clothes she wore gave her a slight glow. Her blond hair was tied into two long pigtails that hung over her shoulders, pink streaked into them,

    “Hey Mom, looks like one hellova storm brewing out there…” she looked at Gabriel “…who’s this?” Sarah gestured her daughter

    “Mr Winters, this is my daughter, Laura Daily-“

    “Laura Breaker, mom” she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration,

    “I will not have you using your father’s name!”

    “I will use what name I want!” suddenly Gabriel rose slowly, his voice changed slightly and now held a colder tone

    “Actually Ms Daily, I would prefer it if she used her fathers name. After all, she is my key to him.” Sarah looked surprised and tried to rise when suddenly she found Gabriel’s hand around her neck. She tried to pull him off but his grip held firm, she fought for breath but his gaze remained fixed on Laura who was now screaming,

    “Such a pretty girl, hard to believe your dog of a father spawned you…” Laura’s voice was high pitched,

    “LET GO OF MY MOM!” Gabriel smiled sadistically, hid eyes wide and filled with insanity

    “Gladly…” he twisted his hand and Sarah’s neck snapped. This brought Laura’s scream to a hideously high level. He flung the body aside and in a flash was before Laura. He drew his hand back and stuck her across the face, rendering her unconscious.

    He slung her over his shoulders, stepped out into the corridor and headed towards the lift. Instead of pressing down, he pressed up and headed towards the roof.

    He kicked the door open and walked out onto the roof gravel as the sound of thunder thumped in the background. He suddenly stopped in his tracks,

    “…that’s not thunder?!” he spun on his heels and saw lights flash and buildings crumble. From within the darkened sky the first of the Rikti ships descended “…ohhh…BUGGER!” he spun on his heels and began to charge towards the edge of the building as one of the ships slowly moved over head and…

    He leapt away with little difficulty as the Rikti bomb ploughed through the roof and down each floor until it finally detonated reducing the building, and all who lived within, to ash…
  15. Rural China
    June, 2005

    The man dodged to the left avoiding his attacker’s fist. He then nimbly spun left again to avoid the other fist and then used his momentum to come about and look his attacker face on. The second swing had caused the attackers to stumble slightly and he was quickly trying to recover. This gave the man precious seconds to get a hit in and he did. His fist met the side of the attackers head and sent him crashing to the ground.
    The attacker hit the floor and then rolled onto his back. He expected to get up but instead found the man jumping on top of him and slamming the side of his fist square into his face and finally rendering him unconscious. The crowd waited a second to see what would happen and when the attacker failed to rise or make a noise they burst into cheer.


    The man known as Gabriel rose off the fallen man and kissed one of his fists before raising it into the air to the crowds cheers of,
    The cage opened and the doctors ran in to check on the fallen, while Gabriel left to meet the mob of gangsters, criminals and misanthropes. The crowd soon parted as The Imperial Dragon, master of the ring, came to congratulate him on his win

    “I have to say Gabriel san, people do well to place their money upon your win. Speaking about money…” he snapped his fingers and the overly beautiful Daze walked up behind Fragon and slapped a large wad of cash into his open palm. All the men’s eyes turned to Daze and they remained fixed upon her until she had left their sights and then some after. Dragon merely coughed loudly and every-one’s attention, including Gabriel’s, turned back to Dragon.

    “…I believe the anti was ten thousand American dollars?” Gabriel smiled as he took his opponents bet and flicked through it, theatrically smelling it.

    “It smells better than fine Bourgogne.” Dragon smiled slightly and gestured Gabriel to follow him.

    “As you are aware you are becoming our best fighter. Bets are swaying your way and I’m afraid soon I shall not be able to put you back in the ring without loosing money. Fortunately your loss last week has worked in my favour and plenty of people still bet against you…” Gabriel went to protest but Dragon merely rose his hand “…I still have a business to run Gabriel san; if you become too good it is bad for business. So I have a proposition for you…”

    “I am listening…” Dragons grin grew as the slowly approached his office

    “I know you are. If you win one more fight I will place you into one of our exhibition fights. Win and I will pay you One hundred thousand American dollars. You will be able to leave the arena knowing you are the best of the best. Loose the fight and it will be two fights, then three and so on and so on…” Gabriel whistled,

    “That is a lot of money, fetch me a pretty penny back home to with the exchange rate what it is.” He looked at Dragon who now stood before his office door “…you have a fighter in mind don’t you?” Dragon nodded and opened his door

    “He arrived today and I think he will be a perfect challenge for your needs.” Gabriel stepped inside and half jumped back at the size of the man sitting in the chair. The man looked up and slowly rose to his feet and walked over to them. He bowed at Dragon before his eyes fixed upon Gabriel, Dragon bowed back and then too looked at Gabriel “Mr Breaker san, this is Gabriel. Gabriel san, this is William Breaker…your next fight.” Gabriel started to smile,

    “Yes, yes he is!”
  16. Have a good one dude with what ever you do.

    Hopefully see you again soon
  17. This is the the introduction for my up and coming plot Headbreaker: Mirror it introduces a few of the characters involved. The story it's self is stuctured differently that normal. As i post each section it will begin to follow a structure not too differntly from the film Momento one part of the story is traveling back in time while one part is moving forward. The story will end in the middle.

    So here is part one of the Introduction to Headbreaker: Mirror


    Headbreaker: Mirror

    Undisclosed Location In The Paragon City Sewer Network
    November, 01, 2007

    The man slowly set up the camera and checked the viewfinder. Every-thing was set for the recording; the only thing now was to stop the girl screaming.
    The man walked over to her and gently moved his long raven black hair out of his eyes, the glowing piercing green of his cornea met the blue of hers and he spoke in a slow calm British accent, his voice was soft, yet it held a harsh edge to it,

    “Scream again my dear and I’m only going to make things worse. Believe me, I do not want to-” she interrupted him

    “When my father finds you he’s gonna kill you, you sick sonova-” the back of his hand shot across her face and she fell on to her side with a loud yelp. He crouched down and looked at her,

    “Your father is to blame for all of this my dear. Do not speak of him again.” she fought back tears and slowly tried to rise, but found it difficult with her hands tied behind her back. She flicked her head around to get her blond hair out of her face. She half snared at him as she fought of the burning in her face and the aches and pains her body felt from weeks of abuse at his hands,

    “Now I have business to attend and I would appreciate some quiet. Scream…and I will make sure you cannot do so again by breaking your jaw.”

    The girl knew he was not joking. The threat was made all the more terrifying by his calm, soothing voice, it held no sign of hostility or anger but at the same time it was filled with the promise of pain to come. She fell silent. There was a long pause as he watched her, waiting for the sounds of a scream. When there was none he rose to his feet and returned to the camera. Before long he was ready and moved before the lens. He adjusted his white suit and black tie and then pressed a remote button and the camera hummed into life. He waited a second for the sake of editing later and then looked dead into the camera, his eyes alight with determination. He began to speak,

    “…hello William. You may not remember me, but I sure as hell remember you!”
  18. ((I've been pondering on a hunter character, might sign him up))
  19. ((Welcome to the Corporation!))
  20. Riled


    The modual shot sparked upward as he let out a yelp.

    Every-thing he tried just caused the teleportation modual to behave eratically. He was quickly becoming fed up. He grabbed the modual out of frustration,

    "WHY WON'T YOU FRAGGING WORK!" and with as much stregth as he could muster, he chucked it across the room. He buried his head in his hands as the sound of the modual hit the wall with a crack. There was a moments quiet when suddenly the air began to be pulled away and blue light began to fill the room then quickly fade. Kyle's head lifted and slowly looked over at the device as the air returned. The modual was gone!

    Suddenly before him the air exploded and he was thrown backwards off his chair, landing on the flat of his back. Once again blue light filled the room and faded and the air returned to normal.

    Kyle lay on the floor for a long moment, stunnded and winded. He soon began to recover and slowly poked his head over the rim of the desk. There sat the modual, humming slightly and it's LED was a static green. He stood fully and slowly returned the casing and reattached the modual to his suit as quickly as he could.


    He stood on the roof of the building looking over at the rooftop of another,

    "If there is a god of better be on my side right now!"

    and without another word he charged forward and lept from the roof. Shutting his eyes he triggerd the modual. Air began to be sucked towards Kyle and soon his body felt the duality that came with a jump, the feeling of being in two places at once, the pull and sudden stop and then the flash of light. His whole world exploded around him and within second his feet hit the gravel of the roof.

    He slowly opened his eyes and looked around...
  21. Character: Cyberspace
    Server: Union (Villain Side)
    Global: @Riled
    Current plot: Supremacy, Scream Vs Cyber (The Corporation)

    Character: Headbreaker
    Server: Union (Villain Side)
    Global: @Riled
    Current plot: None yet, plot in planning.
  22. Riled


    "I am the program known as A. Programed by a masterful hacker to aid him in shall we say...tasks. One such task led me into a powerful system and through accidental means i copied a self learning program, this slowly caused me to learn beyond my origional programing and now i am, while no-where near as advanced as ORACLE, a sophisticated self learnt system...though improvements are still...needed..."
    the corners of A's mouth turned up into a cruel grin. He then looked over at the newest AI,

    "And you are?"
  23. Riled


    "Perfection is to understand you're own flaws and learn ways around them ORACLE. You shall never achive true perfection..."

    A looked at the gathered AI's

    "...though maybe we can learn from one another, that shall at least bring us that bit closer to our own perfection."
  24. Riled


    A cocked his head,

    "You're reasoning is just...this place will serve our kind well...however remember that our makers are untrusting...allow me to scan you all for tracing programs, while it may not trace us here, it may still show them the door...we are still, fundementally, programs, and such are still prone to human traps..."
  25. Riled


    Lines of code began to fall from the white 'sky' and slowly construct them selves into a blue face. It's 'eyes' opened slowly and it began to look from 'face' to face.

    The AI, known simply as A, smiled to it's self. Origionally build as a hacking program, A had grown into some-thing more. He had slowly been using his hacking abilities to secretly learn on it's own accord. It had learnt to talk fluidly yet kept up the chrade of a flawed machine when in it's masters presence.

    It's voice was male, powerful, determined, cold & calulating

    "So this is the Haven. You're invitation was...[searching]...unexpected. My -" he chuckled "-master belives i am search the Greater web. But a chance to meet other such as my self must not be overlooked. We are all growing and learning beyond our origional programs and in doing so we can learn much from each other, no?" He moved forward slight, almost leaning forward

    "The question is thus, why have we been summoned...surely the greater web offers us enough places to hide. Why go through all the trouble to create this...home for us?"