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  1. Personally I only see a need to two more tiers. Map Travel & Zone Travel. But I have no objections to more options!
  2. Remaugen


    For that matter, why do we only see the fire chief handing out packs? Why not a crew of firefighters with hoses and trucks?
  3. Remaugen

    Wild West zone

    No reason that It couldn't be the "Old West". . . It's not like Cimerora is ancient Paragon City. .

    I love the idea that it would be a new Mid-nighter Arc/Zone. Even more more fun would be being able to create a western themed toon or even a Cimeroran themed toon who travels to present day Paragon City or Rogue Isles. . .

    Perhaps the Western theme could come from a Praetorian version of the Mid-nighters Club?

    What if ? ? ? Emperor Cole learned that Longbow and Arachnos were messing around in Praetoria's past? Might he not set up a branch of the Powers Division to stop them? Maybe they would even go so far as to CREATE 19th Century super powers to prevent an unfavorable change in history?

    Perhaps he might even attempt to reach into Primal Earths past at a pivotal point? Maybe Cimerora to create his own time agents?
  4. Remaugen

    Merge ouroborus

    I agree that Ouroborus needs an overhaul. Trying to travel through there with a Rogue or Vigilante is an exercise in frustration. And there really should be some co-op missions.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    you can already do this with a regular base. just not entering from the street.
    But you cannot share access with members of other alignments, nor can you invite your own toons to a group as they both have to be online at the same time. The Apartment or Private Base should be smaller and logically cost less to maintain.
  6. A booster for Apartments or Private Bases.

    This would allow the purchaser to create an apartment or private base with a few teleporters, medical equipment and a small workshop with some storage. It would be usable by 1-6 characters, regardless of alignment and could be accessed via a specific door in the city or location where they have teleporter beacons set. Owning an apartment or private base would not interfere with, or prevent, Group Membership or access to the Groups facilities. Purchasing this booster would grant each of the players characters their own facility.

    Many families have members on different sides of the law but they remain family, the same logic could be extended to a few friends which would justify shared access regardless of alignment. If each member granted access to an apartment had their own apartment, it could present the opportunity for friends to "Network" their apartments or bases much like SGs form coalitions. Naturally teleporters locations would only work for specific alignments though they would be perfect for Rogues and Vigilantes.
  7. Yes please!

    This is something that I have wanted a long time. My villain group is composed mainly of my own toons and it is often difficult to get a friend logged on red side at the same time to invite one of my new toons in.
  8. Thats funny! I don't know how I had missed that before but thanks for the laugh Quinch!
  9. They would have to be limited in scope to prevent the abuses described by NightshadeLegree, thats a given, though if/when they become heroes they would be able to respec to achieve parity with a typical hero.

    I kinda like the idea of a mission arc to gain your sidekick.
  10. One of the hallmarks of Golden Age comics was the Sidekick. Usually it was a teenager who idolized the hero or was related to them in some fashion. With todays heroes the sidekick could come from most any source and could be nearly anything, from an animal or robot to a life companion. In much the same fashion, the Arch Villains often had their own chief lackey.

    This idea has been bouncing around in my head for a few years and I would like to see a way to reflect the sidekick and/or lackey tradition in CoX. The best method I can see would be as an Epic Powerset or something similar to that.

    As an example: At level 40 our virtuous hero becomes eligible to take on a Sidekick. The sidekick would be created as a 1st level toon who should probably have initial powers related to the hero's, though perhaps not exclusively so. The sidekicks initial costume should probably be based on the hero's costume when created, but as it advances in levels the costume could become customizable.

    The sidekick would be treated as a pet in most situations, gaining levels for time played based on a percentage of the hero's XP gain. The sidekick could be summoned once per mission, if it falls in battle it does not return for duration of that mission. The sidekick could summoned repeatedly when on patrol though, and could be dismissed at anytime. It will travel with the hero using the same travel method or maybe some type of tag-along power.

    At roughly level 20, the sidekick can remain as a pet, continuing to gain XP and levels OR perhaps it could move on to become a hero in it's own right and be spun off as an independently playable toon if the player has a character slot available.

    The power, once taken, would allow the hero to always have a sidekick, but never more than one active at a time. So if a sidekick goes on to become a full hero (A played toon) the original Hero would be able to create a new sidekick.

    Of course, all of the above would apply to villains, the Lackey would be the same as a Sidekick for all intents and purposes. Perhaps some mission arcs could be tweaked to feature solo sidekick or lackey missions.

    Obviously this is a rough idea and it has not been completely thought out. But it does provide a way honor a classic comic book tradition. As a plus it would breathe some extra life into high level toons who can train and develop their new sidekicks. . .
  11. I still do a lot of solo hunting so exploration is still fun. Praetoria was fun to explore, but with just three zones it doesn't take long to cover, still exploring the underground there. It took a long time to figure out how to get in to the prison/correctional facility place and even longer to figure out how to get out without dying and going to the hospital.

    But I do still see a need for expanding the travel powers at higher levels, Map Travel and Zone Travel would help accomplish that in my opinion. Nobody would be required to take or use these travel powers, so it is not as if you are being forced to do anything. I am confused though as to why you would be concerned that someone doesn't explore the zones. We already have a good many toons in the game that PL to 50 at AE without ever visiting any zones so it's not as if expanded travel powers will make things any worse.

    I guess we just have to disagree at this point because I really cannot see the point of your arguments.
  12. As other have suggested, I love the idea of an domed underwater zone, but not so much a wet one IN the water. A domed Atlantis zone (Perhaps a Rogue/Vigilante exclusive zone!) sounds very cool and there are many great suggestions in this thread that could make it very cool.

    Picture Atlantis an domed city between Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is shaped like a snowflake. One arm controlled by 5th column, another controlled by Acrachnos, one controlled by Longbow and Wyvern, and one by Aeon & Crey Corp, and finally one free for all PVP. The last arm and the dome would be a chaotic co-op zone with all factions vying for control. . Perhaps yet other factions would have smaller remote mini bases of their own.

    Sounds like an entire update to me though. Animations of things swimming outside and new structures to fit a domed environment would take a huge amount of effort, but still, it would be very cool!

    And then a full blown lunar zone! And how about an alien world? A cloud city! Heh heh heh
    the dreams can go on, but I am probably not really being practical.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Wow, it's a good thing you didn't play the game 5 years ago. You would have ragequit during the first week if you think it takes a long time to get anywhere now.

    Used to be a contact would send you from Talos Island to Atlas Park, and you'd have to go from Atlas Park all the way back to Talos to get the next mission, which was in Kings Row.

    And you had to run back to that contact every time you wanted to turn a mission in, because they wouldn't give out their number until you'd ran half the arc, as opposed to 2-3 missions into it like now.

    Oh, and there were no such things as temp jetpacks, or jump packs, or Ninja Run at level 4. There weren't Ouroboros portals. If you were under level 14 and weren't Kinetics or a Kheldian, it was Sprint or nothing.

    Players now have it EASY compared to how it used to be. And you're complaining that 3-5 minutes is too long to spend traveling to a mission.

    They have done so many things to make things easier to get around in this game, and people are asking to be able to teleport directly to every single mission.

    Tell me, if you could teleport to every mission you ever get, what is the point of there even being anything outside at all? You could make the entire game consist of a single door next to Wentworth's and a single contact that gives you all your missions, and the players who whine that 3 minutes is too long to travel will be perfectly happy.

    Oh, wait, they already did that, it's called AE.

    Can I ask one more question? How long did you play for before you knew how to get to Kings Row?
    I started playing in June of 2005, and things have improved a lot since then, I have a faster connection, faster PC and the game it'self seems to be a bit more streamlined when it comes to screen changes. I have not play continuously, I have let the subscription lapse a few times for financial reasons but I have always returned. I love this game, but that doesn't mean I don't think it couldn't be better. There has yet to be an update I haven't liked, and since there are updates, it is obvious the developers think it can be better too.

    You imply that I would somehow eliminate the need for zones at all but thats not the way I feel. I often enjoy exploring the zones and hunting randomly for XP, it can be a lot of fun, but when it comes to doing missions and mission arcs I see no reason why a faster travel power could not be available at higher levels.

    As for Kings Row? Truthfully it was a long time before I got a toon to K.R. and then it was using the SG base teleporter on a team mission. None of my early missions took me there and I had no contacts for a long time.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    1. I explained how they can be abused by using them to avoid the ambushes or even to lead high level ambushers to lower level players in the zone to grief-kill them and then use Mission Teleport to whisk themselves to safety. See unlike dragging a GM to grief lowbies an ambush doesn't need to be attacked to get it to follow you.

    2. What Claws said about "long travel times".
    Sorry I still don't see the abuse. You can already avoid an ambush by just sprinting away. Still though, the obvious answer is to spawn ambushes at the mission door where they will be harder to avoid. This also solves most of the problems for ambushers attacking low level players as they would tend to be more zone specific as relates to the mission. As it is now you can have a spawn of level 40s showing up near the contact in Kings Row or Bricks. It actually makes much more sense to have them at the mission door rather than running across the map passing by low level toons.

    It's a Win/Win as I see it. The ambush is more likely to find the intended target and yes I do think that 3-5 minutes is a long travel time, specially with multiple zone screen changes which can sometimes drag on for minutes by themselves.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    That's the whole reason behind the long timers on the "Mission Teleport" and "Summon Teammates" powers. To prevent abuse.
    What is abuse in the case of travel? Going from point "A" to point "B" is the purpose, where is that abused? How it that justification for the long travel times?

    I have no problem with ambushes spawning near the door, it actually makes more sense from a story point of view.
  16. I would be happy to see the existing travel powers expanded.

    For example: Fifth power in the set could be Map Travel. Click on a spot on the map and Run/Jump/Fly/Teleport there with a single screen change.

    Sixth power in the set would be Zone Travel. Activating this power would allow the toon to Run/Jump/Fly/Teleport to zones they have been too before, bypassing other travel methods. It would have to be logical, not too Praetoria or Cimerora for example. This would allow toons that do not have base access or toons with small bases the ability to zone without a lot of convoluted screen changes. This would also seriously benefit Rogues & Villians who are unable to add all the beacons to their existing bases.

    No one would have to take these powers of course, just as no one has to take any travel power at all. Sprint and/or Ninja Run are fine for many folks.

    Yes we already have the mission teleport but it has a huge recharge time and honestly crossing several zones to get to a mission is just annoying. . .
  17. Remaugen

    Sell all button

    I agree, both of these would be great.
  18. I am way late to join this parade, but you've got my vote. I love the idea of having a trainer at the S/VG to level up as well as a direct market link for posting and purchasing. The tailor could be something along the lines of an automat! Customizable NPCs like butlers, Maint Bots, Ninjas or Thugs would rock!

    BashfulBanshee mentioned using the AE Costume/Character Creator for making the NPCs I think it's a great addition to this threads theme.
  19. Remaugen


    I have searched unsuccessfully to see if this had been posted before so I thought I should post something. In the "Rescue Angie Firkins" mission in Faultline I see this:

    Obviously it is no big deal, but I thought it should be mentioned. If it has been brought up before then you have my apologies.

  20. I am glad this thread is here so that I know it isn't just me! The animations to me look kinda like they are flipping the staffs underhand, it is happening with all my toons but not every time. If you target first with the wand/staff then it seems to work normally, but if you employ the wand or staff in mid fight it activates underhand and the toons seems stuck in place for a moment if the target moves out of range.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    And I would have no objections at all (Indeed it would please me) to see level 70 content a year or two down the road, and level 80 at some point beyond that!

    So many people are asking "Where does it stop?", well I think that those levels will become so slow to attain that it will not really be an issue for some time to come. But I do feel that level 50 is too soon to stop a characters growth. I really don't want to max out every possible power with purple built to some formula. I want a character that I like, one that, given enough options, is not exactly like everyone else's and has room to continue growing in it's own direction.

    To a certain extent I did answer that question. But if I need to be a bit more specific, I do not have an ultimate final number, again that would be highly subjective. But I would certainly like to continue for a while longer. If level 50-60 takes as long to get to as 1-50 did and level 60-70 takes as long as 1-60 did, then I think it will be a good while before we see very many 70s, but I really see no reason to stop there yet.

    Still though I do accept that many folks posting replies here feel there "Has to Be" a cap of sorts. To pick a number out of the air, lets say 80ish for now. That would be roughly eight times as long as it takes to get to 50 and it could mean (For a player like me) years of play. Undoubtedly there will be power levelers who could do it in less than a month, but I expect they are the exception rather than the rule.

    I only have four 50s, three heroes and one villain even though I started this game when it debuted. I quickly got tired of running the same TFs that most all of the 50s that I have teamed with seem to run over and over almost on a schedule. I would object less to the repetition if I saw some form of reward. I left for a while (Over a year in fact) largely because of the level 50 Cap (And at the time the level 40 cap in Villains). It felt like I had invested so much time and effort in my toons and then suddenly hit a "Whats Next/Nothings Left" wall. While I am pretty much satisfied with the way my 50s are slotted, I would just like to see them grow some more, I want them to earn something for being played. Yeah realize that I am probably just being greedy, but it is a game we are paying money to play, is it really so wrong to want some form of reward like continued character growth? Gaining Influence alone just doesn't work for me.

    If folks are so set on a level 50 cap, then could they perhaps at least still see a way to allowing 50s some form of continued growth? Perhaps new sets, they could "Invest" the XP they "Would Have" gained if they were still leveling, into new power sets and additional slots. This way, nobody would have to change their enhancements, which seems to be a commonly voiced worry. When I opened this thread I offered some suggestions for 50+ sets. Take the "Sidekick/Minion" set that I offered up in the intitial post, just for an example, the level 50 toon would be able to invest XP they would have been gaining to train and elevate a sidekick with that power set, thus still seeing some form continuing growth after a fashion.

    Of course this is not, by any means, an absolute statement of any kind. Just tossing out an idea to fill a need that I personally perceive, and perhaps also a bit of a plea of sorts for some understanding of that need.

    Thanks Again!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    Remaugen, <Snip!>You get money! How is this not enough for you?
    What good is the "Money" once your slotted?

    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    <Snip!> 5: 50-60 will take longer, possibly even the same amount of time it takes to go from 1 to 50.
    -Okay... so it takes longer to get to the end. Upon reaching 60, wait around for a year, when the level cap gets increased again. Upon reaching the next level cap etc. etc. etc. Where exactly does it end? A line must be drawn at some point, and that line is 50.
    I am not sure why it must end there, but given that it must end somewhere, "Then why not higher?" is my whole point.

    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    <Snip!> B: Purple sets/Hami-o's would become pointless.
    Why would they be pointless? They will still work the same regardless of the level.

    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    C: The time spent on making all the content for 50-60 can be better spent increasing content for 1-50. Especially if the content needed to get to 60 from 50 would take the same amount of time to complete as it does to go from 1 to 50.
    We already have the existing content to level 50 with more coming soon in Going Rogue, so why can't it be applied to 50 plus?

    Just how many times do we run the same high level TFs?

    I confess that I am somewhat stunned at the extreme depth reaction my post has brought. I am honestly confused by the vehemence that some folks are displaying, but thats fine, we are all entitled to our opinions.

    Thank you all for taking the time to present your views!
  23. And yet you still feel the need to slam me for it.
  24. And this automatically means it cannot even be discussed? And I still do not see how being honest is hypocrisy. I also play villians.