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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Note to self... Listen to J when he tells you never NEVER split your party...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rules are always meant to be broken.

    Though the fact that you tend to be verbose and had to deal with multiple characters, and Stef tends to be verbose, and Z had more alts than fingers...

    Should have listened to J.
  2. That's why I asked on the real-time timescale in the GG thread. I want to know how long I need to keep Jason out of the country. That said, I think Stef's going to stay off the PC tonight and if she does, I probably will too.

    Oh, and FFM... the bit in italics in my post kind of implies you didn't finish. I believe the actual resolution is scheduled for Wednesday.

    PS. Wordy, based on the descriptions I've heard of the BESM sessions, I knew it was going to take a few weeks to finish.
  3. Ravenswing

    RP Guide link

    Khaine_star just reposted this over in Player Guides.

    I don't agree with all of it... probably because I have a habit of not agreeing with Brighteyes ( ), but fundamentally it nicely covers the basics of roleplaying in an environment like this, so it's worth putting in as a link from here.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, but the exact details of any dimension are always up to the GM/writer.

    Anyway, sometimes it's more fun to anti-metagame and do something that would ordinarily be not so smart to do. Like, for example, jumping into another dimension without any idea what's waiting for you.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, no way was I arguing about fun, that's why Jason is currently in Europe transfering several million in gold from Zuric to London.

    And having vaguely watched what was going on last night, all I can say is... good job Jason wasn't there, it would have been short. I'd love to know what you could have come up with to torment him with, actually.

    And, um, how can I put this... four hours!

    And it's still not finished!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Doc's plan would work...
    It's just out of genre, hence Doc isn't going.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm with Doc... stuff the genre, do what works... or, more correctly, the genre is super-hero, do it the way super-heroes would. I'm not a fan of twisting the story to fit what I want to do with it when logic says it's the wrong way to do it.

    If you don't want Doc's plan to work, make it unworkable, preferably in a way that makes sense.

    So I guess I won't be going either.
  6. Stef stuck her head over the parapit and said that she'd like Liz to go, but it'll depend on operational details. As I said, we may not be home in time if you want a cast list by 5pm.

    If she is going, Jason's out of the country on business in Europe. He might be anyway, depending on how bothered I can be to go to GG.
  7. Aside from the obvious fetishistique aspects, which I can't complain about really , I got twitchy when all that manga costumery appeared in I4 and everyone and his wife started running around looking like a Japanese schoolgirl.

    There are whole areas of manga/anime that simply don't appeal... and let's face it, if J isn't keen, his time-twin isn't going to be either.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Players will be sent to liaisons that will be outside the PvP zones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know I'm amazed.

    First, I'm amazed that an idea that hit my totally out of the blue today as a perfect solution has actually been thought of by Cryptic and will be implemented.

    Second, I'm amazed that they didn't think of this before implementing the current system. Presumably because they keep forgetting that a large number of their players don't like PvP and never wanted it.

    Thanks WarEngine for finding that. It gives me a tiny ray of hope that Cryptic do sometimes think.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Or as he put it "I know you want to run a shouju-esque return to the crystal kingdom, not the shadowrun-esque assuult by ninja spybots if I take Doc."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I think that's another really good reason why I don't want to go either... and Jason's a magician!
  10. My only comment about that 5pm limit is that Stef may want to take Liz (which gives me a headache because Jason will be steamed if she goes alone), and we may not get home in time for her to let you know.
  11. I've only ever seen the Siren's Call and Warburg missions. IIRC, neither of them actually says that you are safe or unsafe at all.

    They tell you that taking missions in the zone is dangerous. They don't tell you that you don't have to take any, though you can infer such. Of course, you can also infer that about the Hollows and a lot of people don't.

    To my knowledge, none of the 'safe zones' are actually marked as such, they just have police drones or whatever around them.
  12. First off, Tainted... no, wasn't referring to you.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I think you hit the spot there. Why do you think they have introductory missions?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All the zones except Croatoa have an 'introductory mission'. By this I mean that one of your contacts tells you about another contact in another zone. Quite why the Hollows and Striga have them, and Croatoa doesn't is beyond me.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And when Hollows is "introductory" zone for PvE why shouldnt we have same with PvP. Makes sense really does it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because they are fundamentally different. I don't actually mind being told about a contact in Warburg, or Bloody Bay, or anywhere else. I do mind being put in a position where I can be ganked for the pleasure of some moron griefer when it isn't required.

    Look, it's trivial. You put an NPC outside the PvP zone, call him, say, the Bloody Bay Hero Liaison. He will tell you about Bloody Bay (or Warburg, or Siren's Call, or the next one) and he'll tell you what the situation is in there. He can then offer you a contact inside the zone if you want to mission there.

    This way, the PvPers get to hear about the PvP zone. The non-PvPers hear about and reject it, and don't end up with another wasted contact clogging up the contacts list.

    [ QUOTE ]
    We are talking about two different things here. Having to go to some areas and some people abusing design flaws. I think the original post was of the first issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If people didn't have to go there because they can't get any other mission until they do, there wouldn't be a design fault to exploit, would there?
  13. This isn't difficult.

    Yes, the Hollows has an introductory, waste of time mission.

    If Croatoa has an introductory mission, I've never seen it.

    However, both these areas have one feature in common, they are PvE, like the majority of other areas.

    The PvP zones are different, and people either like or dislike PvP. The PvP zones are, and I quote, "higher risk for higher reward". The PvP zones have introductory missions, forcing you to go to them. Yes, you can turn around and leave, but you have to enter the zone. Once in the zone, you can be attacked and, as Q pointed out, you can be attacked without retribution in some cases.

    Since Croatoa has no introductory mission (of which I am aware), and seems to have no trouble attracting players, why are non-PvPers being forced to go to the PvP zones?

    Oh, and quite frankly, if you two can't be bothered to read what I write, don't post in reply. Thanks.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    you can be attacked in the bloodybay pvp zone, as soon as you arrive which means for some on slow loading comps that they arrive dead or damaged.

    Or you arrive and find yourself tped off the base surrounded by a load of ninja wannabes stroking their knives while dribbling.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes you can be attacked in the safe zone but the attacker would die instantly (with debt) after the first hit because of the police drones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. We found a spot right near the helipad that was out of Police drones range. If we wanted to grief people, a few Blasters with Snipe would decimate new players.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, I asked about this and was told you couldn't be attacked in the safe zones. I'm kind of glad you can, it confirms what I thought, and I always like being right.

    I've said this before: none of my contacts in the 'mainland' have ever directed me to a contact in Croatoa. Why have I been sent to the PvP zones when I have no wish to go there? There's no need for it, obviously, since Croatoa is hardly unpopulated, so why is there a need to force-feed the PvP zones to everyone?
  15. If it's going to be over IRC, probably not. I'm in a distinctly non-RP mood and having to set up yet another comms client to do this is likely to make me want to kill something.
  16. What's the point in a good attack chain?

    You'll probably be dead before you get to the last one.
  17. I can't say you definately don't need Stamina, I can say the need for Stamina has been heavily reduced by I6. You're slotting endurance reduction. I'd say suck it and see. You definately don't need endurance reduction AND Stamina unless Cryptic raise the endurance costs again.

    (That's my opinion anyway. Others may have different views.)
  18. You probably need both the toggle and auto powers.

    The toggle powers are far more effective than the auto powers, but the defense level on all of them got badly nerfed, so having everything is a good plan nowadays.
  19. Okay, basic principle of reputation is: it goes up for defeating equal or higher toons, it goes down for defeating lower level toons.

    Now, I don't do PvP, but I am going to be messing about in Warburg because it's the only place I can get instanced missions anymore.

    Add to this that the mez nerf has made me even more vulnerable to Controllers than before, and I now have two choices:

    1. If a Controller attacks me, I leg it, dropping a BF if required.
    2. If a Controller attacks me, I attempt to turn him into mince meat, ASAP, dropping a BF if required.

    I don't really care much about PvP Reputation, but I do believe it has some affect on play.

    So, the question:

    If I'm attacked by a lower level toon and then I defeat that toon, does that reduce my reputation? He started it, he wanted it, I didn't want to attack him, do I get penalised for putting him out of my misery?
  20. Probably. I begin to think Cryptic got all their programmers from the local inland revenue service.

    Luckily, I really don't have the issue. I really have given up bothering collecting Prestige. I'll likely have a binge on it once in a while.
  21. So... earning Prestige is actually a bad thing? i.e. Even if you don't spend it, you'll get it taken off you because you have more of it?

    That has to be the lamest concept I've ever heard of, and this game has some lame concepts.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Going to try and get a picture of Fusebox done.
    Hell, if I can find a blue wig and the right t-shirt...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think FFM is referring to the fact that there will be comic artists on the stand doing drawings of your heroes from the in-game version for charity.

    I'd like to get one of my heroes done, just really not sure which one.
  23. Well, I booked for both days, but I have to admit that RPG conventions never used to hold my attention for more than a few hours. Doing both days mostly because we have the following week off, have nothing else to do, and might have a good time, you never know.

    Hope the NCSoft stand has a lot of good stuff to keep us entertained... (Hint, hint, Bridger... )
  24. I'd point out that there won't be many fully developed Stalkers out there yet.

    In beta, Low HP toons were getting one-shotted by Stalkers. You hit Build-up, and maybe a damage insp or so, and you use AS. Good Stalkers can AS people who pause briefly while in SS.

    Thing is, the Stalker is now visible, so he either needs friends, or had to be attacking a lone target, because a Stalker with more than a couple of targets after Hide is gone is a Stalker waiting to taste dirt.
  25. I was going to argue, Tainted, since you're having a 'discussion' in another thread about your beach sitting habits. However, that's a stunningly good idea!

    If we can point out that people helping guard the RP site will have our unrestricted and happy praise for attacking anyone and anything that comes near us, that's gotta count for something, right? Plus, they're likely to get a great Reputation out of it.