9 -
Sounds like a pretty good set, at least once its been tweaked a little for balance. It would have to be a completely new set though, as the mace animations just wouldn't fit or do justice to the set. Plus, Staff is more likely to be aimed at scrappers than any other AT (although, now I come to think of it, how about adapting it as a different type of troller set, for variety)
Great idea, definately one for the Devs to think about.
/signed -
Rad/Rad/Power (my main and first 50)
Planned for future:-
anything with Kin -
Great ideas. I used to street-hunt quite a bit, but it's just not worth the long-term effort these days if you want your character to get anywhere, especially at higher levels.
Definately /signed -
Entered, but judging by the number of posts so far this is gonna be more difficult to win than the lottery
Good luck everyone (especially me!) -
Excellent guide there Scarlet, should be required reading with some of the toon-names I've seen running around Paragon and the Isles. But if you have a character concept in mind it's also worth checking the power names for ideas and inspiration.
I still think my best are Radi-Ant (ant-sized Rad/Rad Defender, fave power Radiant Aura) and his evil clone Irradi-Ant (again ant-sized Rad/Rad Corruptor, fave power Irradiate). Same powersets but with VERY different ways of playing. -
Each and every defender is unique in his/her abilities and build, and each powerset can be used in many different ways. It is not solely up to a defender to 'fit' their powers in to a team. The team also has to learn what powers the defender has/uses and fit their strategy around it (this same principle applies to all ATs btw). The most important thing any character can do is sort out some appropriate binds for their most-used powers and then everyone should know what part they will be playing in any team, and the whole team should benefit from much better and successful gameplay.
What about the 'Dark' Brutes/Stalkers out there? Dont forget about them just cos they dont have access to Howling Twilight or Tar Patch.
Guess I'm one of the unfortunate 1% then, cos I still can't get connected properly. Got Tech Support looking into it but my record for log-on time is currently standing at 8 hours. Any advice you can give so I can get this sorted, please (please, please, please)