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  1. RCU


    I maybe wrong but I thinks it's 10 Shards = 1 Thread or is it 10 Shards = 5 threads. That may make your equation different.
  2. How about they have the dog attack the legs of the baddies like they do the postal workers. The attacks gives the baddies a 5% hit debuff. Woof !! Woof !!
  3. RCU

    Recipe Catalogue

    I would love to have a Recipe Cookbook that could store our recipes. They could make it something like the Vault (personal storage) in the SG Base. All they would have to do is make it limited to say 20-30 recipes.
    To say it would create hoarding is silly. I have 5 SG Bases of my own, with only my toons in the sg. Yes I do mostly solo due to the time of day I play at. I have a base on Triumph that now serves as a enhancement storage base now that all but 1/18 50's are now on Freedom.
  4. I'd hate to see Ms.Liberty die. I would love for it to be Statesman who deserves it by going & making a horrible MMO to compete with my beloved COH. I don't care that he helped make COH. Death to Statesman. Besides for him to be that powerful & to keep getting captured by Tyrant just proves he's useless. He just runs off on his own in other mission when you have to team with him. Not enough aspirin for the headache he creates.
  5. I'm happy that I'm not alone in this wish. Of course not all of the emblems will work but a few like all of the star patterns, spiderwebs, snakes, eagle/hawk, skulls etc etc etc. Ty for your support.
  6. I know about The Eye of Magus accolade. It buffs for 30% dam resist/ 50% def but only for 1 min with a 25 minute cool down. What I meant was a permenant buff like the Atlas Medallion gives a permenant health bonus.
    A 5% def bonus really isn't much considering stealth just single slotted gives my tank a 6% def bonus. A 5% dam resist isn't much either considering tough gives atleast 10-11% for most toon AT.
  7. I was just curoius if anyone else thinks it would be nice to have a few new accolade powers. I was thinking on the lines of a 3 different accolades.
    1. accolade that gives a permanent +5% def to all
    2. accolade that gives a permanent +10% damage resistance to all
    3. accolade that gives a permanent +5% damage resistance/ defense to all.

    I'm not sure what badges that would be required but maybe something on the lines for one of them defeat all GM's (Kraken, Scrapyard etc) in CoH/CoV from both red side & blue side.
  8. I have been playing COH since Jan 2006 & one thing I have always wanted was to be able to put my Chest Emblem on the back of my toons capes. Just curious or am I the only one who would like to see this happen. Think how nice your cape would look if you could do this. Imagine Supes red cape with out his yellow Chest Emblem on the back. Again just curious why after 7 years it's not been added to the costumes options.
  9. The entire Storm Summoning set. There's always that stupid hurricane that doesn't let you see anything. Then again Storm from the Xmen bugs me.
  10. Go to CoHtitan website. Type in defense effectiveness. It will explain everything on the defense softcap.
  11. The Rule of 5 means that you can have 5 set bonuses of 1 kind. Example 5 1.5% health, but you can still also have 5 1.88% health bonuses also on the same build. Not a total of 5 healthbonused