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  1. Quatermain

    Thanks Mermoine!

    People put stuff besides semi/totally out of context remarks in motds?
  2. Quatermain

    Thanks Mermoine!

    In the words of Hery and Kaese: Choo choo.
  3. Solo and Cai reported getting the rare window pretty consistently when keeping everyone on all the teams covered in cold buffs, while throwing debuffs.
  4. Some of those hands can get a little too friendly. Keep a fork on you.
  5. I open cats with the hand

    edit: oh come on, it stripped my all caps.
  6. You can convert shards into threads, they added it midway so you would not have to only do the trials.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Fixed that for you.
    No. Mac may be driven to near insanity, or have a good time over the next few years. But either way, when he's an old man, he'll look back be glad of it, I think.
  8. *invests in rad suit manufacturers

    Again, good luck. Love or hate it now, it'll be memories and experiences you will be glad to have down the line.
  9. Other brutes/tanks on the team doesn't make near the difference it used to.
  10. Hamidon raids are Monday/Wednesday at 9pm eastern and Friday at 12 eastern, usually.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    I /like/ when a lot of things agress me; if it were up to me, the agress cap would be a lot higher, and I'd still want as much as possible to agress me.
    I wonder where my i1/2 screenshots are.
  12. To me, there is the basic respect I'm going to extend to another human being, and then the respect someone earns from me.

    The first covers people I have not met before. I'm not going to let a door slam in your face, etc. I'll use the basic manners I was taught to have and treat you like a human being that is no better or worse than I am.

    If you want respect as a leader, or something beyond the first, that is something which has to be earned.

    As it relates to the original post, After joining the team, I'd go to the mission and whatnot no problem. "Lets wait for everyone?", OK. Spouting silly things like "SPAM YOUR BEST ATTACKS" and generally micromanaging how you want me to play would not earn my respect, and I'd probably poke back with sarcasm as "Jerk #1" (I like him) did, to see how you react. If you take it poorly, it probably means you were serious and I'm going to file you in the tool catagory pretty quick. The only reason I'm going to stick around then is for the laughs.

    Basically, if you think forming a PUG team in an MMO makes you a winner and people should follow your every micromanagement whim, you should take a step back and think about what you are really doing. How important it is in the grand scheme of things? There are people on the other side, just out to have some fun and leave their problems behind. And they could well know the game as well as, or better than you. If you treat them like an NPC or idiots, or think you are better than them because you have the star, I don't think you even deserve to lead a team, as little of a responsibility as that is.
  13. The stuff labeled "Me: " in that link is pretty heavy duty tool.
    Jerk #1 sounds like me on a bad day.
  14. Ah, good. They have sort of become my go-to brand. I appreciate quality and all the stuff I have gotten from them has been very good.

    The 9-series is really tempting, but more than I want to spend I think.
  15. It was accepting, at least on tanks, taunt IO sets long after it was "fixed". Its been at least a year and a half since I tried to slot a set in it though.
  16. !@#
    And I was planning on getting a samsung laptop soonish.
  17. Quatermain


    The addition of taunt to scrapper blazing aura would make me very happy.
  18. I've seen 14:30ish.
    I'd be surprised if 13 didn't require a little team building and some extras, though it is still a good time
  19. 1. Fix all the bugs related to settings not sticking, large market fee, delete salvage pop up.
    2. Repeal i13 pvp changes, keeping second build and ability to have differential power affects between zones.
    3. And my selfish one is to change the energy transfer animation back.
  20. Rad/psi has been sufficient to take down everything in the game, including lusca, minus ukon grai. People don't like it when you run off with ukon for some reason.

    Been tempted to roll a sonic/rad corr, or rad/sonic def for the same purpose.

    Ill/rad is probably the most hands off/easiest, due to the invincible pets.

    Most colds/rads should have no problem with any of them, rad is usually easier, or perhaps more straightforward, due to the heal. Traps/poison/dark on MM's should do well.

    I know of people who have done GMs on stormies (ill/storm usually), dark defs/corrs. I'd expect a TA (atleast on an MM) to be able to, but haven't seen anyone report doing it on one.
  21. There are a few grains among the chaff in the ultra-mode shopping thread, enough to make it worth checking out? I really don't know.