540 -
3 days ago I stood in the middle of 4-6 members of the freedom phalanx on the last mission of the RSF, holding aggro with footstomp alone. When someone would sleet them, they would all run away, I'd go after the main target, hit them, and all the others would generally come back after me when they turned around, with the occasional encouragement of using mu lightning on a hero that deceided a corruptor looked like a better target (given that they are +4 Hero's and the AV/Hero targetting change, mu lightning should not distract them without taunt, right?).
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This one I can explain: Brutes have taunt in their attacks. They don't have gauntlet.
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I am under the impression that inheirent taunt of any sort is ignored by AV's/Hero's/GM's/Hamidon. It should not matter if its actually "gauntlet", 'auravoke' or just punchvoke that a brute has. If brute punchvoke works where tank punchvoke doesnt, then something is horribly broken. I do not think this is the case, however. -
Gauntlet power effects (including taunt auras) have no effect on ArchVillains, Giant Monsters, Mitos, and Hamidon. This is by design.
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I think there is more at work than it just not working. Either the base taunt duration is what does not work, or AT modifiers are coming into play.
I have successfully held AV aggro with just punch and auravoke.
I have not been able to pull a giant monster off of a tank with 3 taunt duration enhancers in their invincibility with my hastened taunt(two taunt).
I have pulled aggro of GM's off with taunt(two taunt)+epic ranged attack, and I have pulled aggro off a heavily +recharge buffed tank who was taunting hamidon using: my invincibility (one taunt), taunt (two taunt) and attacks (no taunt).
Ive stood on a rock and held full aggro on 3 giant monsters 2 days ago, one with taunt, under full attack by what would be come the hami-raid umbrella, a second with intermitant ice blast, with one or two stragglers attacking him, and the third with block of ice, with one or two stragglers on him.
3 days ago I stood in the middle of 4-6 members of the freedom phalanx on the last mission of the RSF, holding aggro with footstomp alone. When someone would sleet them, they would all run away, I'd go after the main target, hit them, and all the others would generally come back after me when they turned around, with the occasional encouragement of using mu lightning on a hero that deceided a corruptor looked like a better target (given that they are +4 Hero's and the AV/Hero targetting change, mu lightning should not distract them without taunt, right?).
Either the resistance things like AVs/GMs/Hami have to taunt isnt 100% working, (see split second immobilizes when a death mage hits you with tentacles, even though you have a far greater immob resist than the power they just used on you), they still hate tanks by AT modifier (which we were told was eliminated for most of the foes mentioned), they only resist "base" duration slotting or you just get "lucky" and keep the attention of the AV because you are attacking fast enough (I doubt it).
Regardless, either the full story isnt out, or something is bugged. If gauntlet is not supposed to work on foes like hamidon/mitos/av's/giant monsters, finding out now is kind of a nice surprise when three weeks ago we were told about gauntlet:
It's the minimum necessary. Taking Taunt adds flexibility.
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This may have been covered already, but any idea when the Hero side version of the LR TF will be implemented instead of the Hami hunt? I8 maybe?
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This is a feature of I9
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0zymandus used "instead", Positrons reply kind of makes it look like Hamidon will be going away in his current form. This is obviously speculation based on grammar on my part. I would be very interested in hearing how the hero side "LRSF" (Statesman SF?) and Hamidon will interact. To me, raiding Hamidon is as much a community event/gathering of a lot players, something CoX generally doesnt have much of, as it is a way to get better enhancers. I'd be pretty disapointed if the "event" went away. -
Adr boost and Fort help a fair amount in speeding up foe defeat. Throwing them on something like a broadsword scrapper makes bosses go down much quicker. Throwing them on a fire blaster or spines scrapper makes the minions go down much faster.
If that penalty gets removed we WILL see a nerf somewhere else to conpensate. I doubt the devs want tankers running arrond with 42 def (full invince plus tough hide and single sloted combat jump)
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But 37% is ok? And you can currently take weave to hit over 42%. -
It needs to spend time on test to make sure that, oh, they didn't make it a 35 percent debuff. Or a 35 percent buff, for that matter. I mean, they've tested double XP twice now. Any change can go wrong.
Nothing should ever go live without testing, really, you don't want that. At least I sure don't.
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or a 375% debuff. -
Something else came to mind other than Tough Hide,
If 1 def = 1 dr:
3.75 -def x 2 = -7.5 -dr
5.00 x 2 = 10 -dr
Base values for dr in unyielding:
scrap/brute: 3.75 s/l, 7.5 other, no psi
tank: 5 s/l, 10 other, no psi
The base +DR vs en/el/tox/nen is countered by -Def now for all AT's. -
Poking through other server forums, it looks like some of them did get their 50 thread stickied.
I do not know for sure. Ive always heard the "one for every person and pet..." line, but I dont know if that has actually been tested or not.
I can tell you that hami wont aggro if you are phased, from trying to tell if his damage was buffed in i7. Oddly, returning from my SG base with quills on and phased would slip one damage tic in and make him aggro, but w/o quills, he'd just sit there. -
Yes, they spawn just like the buds for the most part.
Anything BA plays is an epic AT.
How do these changes increase the risk getting a HO requires, for all those people who pop into the hive when their friends tell them he is held? The number of people who do this is not insubstanial.
Seems to me, the people who do the actual work and want to contribute are the ones getting shafted because of the mito targetting changes. Why dont the dev's figure out how to give the super leeches their share of the risk and time commitment before they start punishing those willing to play the game and put themselves at risk for a Hami-O. -
We were told that Hamidon would not be recieving the AV changes, I guess thats not the same as saying he wont be changing, though apparently the mitos soaked up the AV changes. Im not happy at all that these changes to Hamidon and the mito's were just thrown in with no word. These are not little detail changes. 100/120+ people for the last 4 months on the Justice server have spent their evening raiding Hamidon. Its not the same 100 every night, its not just Justice. I can not tell you what percentage of your over level 45 crowd is, but Im willing to bet its not insignificant.
I can see how Hamidons difficulty could stand to be increased, it took roughly an hour to defeat him. I dont see the point in making him more difficult by allowing him to attack while held. The current strategy is to hold Hamidon, and use his attacks to determine when he his held. This change means we have to watch for hold animations to appear, no big deal. The tank still holds aggro on Hamidon to contain the AoE.
The only way allowing him to attack while held increases the difficulty, is the fact that in an open raid, its almost impossible to keep visual on Hamidon. The only difficulty resulting from this change is due to the fact that the game engine deciedes to quit rendering him and hold animations on him. I hardly see that as fair play on the part of the Dev team. Dont use the limitations of the engine to try and break or increase the difficulty on strategy that is disliked. -
Yay! This is a start!
BTW, no one seems to like Mace for tankers, you should look into that. SayNoMore, hint, hint, nudge nudge, KnowWhatIMean?
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I dont know how to present a good case for "Could you please look at mace, it seems to be below par", but it seems to take some punishment damage wise for its weak stun/control abilities. -
I put this over in this thread:
but it looks like this thread is more active, so I am also putting it here.
I noticed the tanker/war mace numbers werent there for all attacks, so I thought I would try and help out.
I took my level 41 war mace tanker onto the test server, and removed all enhancements from my attacks. I hit only level 6 skulls with my attacks, and here are the numbers I got. (it strikes me as odd that some of them arent two digit after the decimal, does it not report them if they are zeros?)
Brawl: 68.5
Bash: 190.3 BI = 190.3/68.5 = 2.778
Shatter: 433.9 BI = 433.9/68.5 = 6.334
Jawbreaker: 373 BI = 373/68.5 = 5.445
Whirling M: 213.4 BI = 213.4/68.5 = 3.115
Crowd Cont: 306.39 BI = 306.39/68.5=4.473
Just the Crowd Control and Shatter numbers were missing, I did the rest to double check that I was doing it right, and curiosity.
Hope you can use this, and let me know if you have any questions.