Quantum Evil

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  1. Four whole tunas? You should be careful -- that's a lot of mercury intake.

    In all seriousness, what Bringer said.
  2. What.. I love... about people.. like this... is how they... can say such blunt... and pigheaded things... but use so many elipses... that it reads like... an emo boy... moments from ... getting out the razor... to make little scratches... where their parents can't ... see them...

    Seriously, Fyre. One period is enough. You've used up your quota and I am afraid I have to take away your keyboard now.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Gravity is 'elemental' in nature.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean of the "Earth, Air, Fire, Water and a Curvature In Spacetime Created By As Yet To Be Detected Particles" fame?
  4. Quantum Evil

    Dual Pistols

    [ QUOTE ]
    The Tier 9 should be a massive single target attack - 60 second recharge extreme dot damage + an equal sized unresistable critical and a chance for another equal sized unresistable critical. You should be able to one shot an even con boss. The sound effect should be an entire clip being emptied in rapid succession into the target. It should involve one gun only aimed carefully at eye level.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sign me up!
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Also, I saw somewhere (maybe in this thread?) someone suggesting a Follow Up-esque power for Dual Pistols, rather than Aim. I think this would be a nice change of pace for a Blast set and it appeals to me more in general. I was never a big fan of Aim nor Build Up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really /vote for this idea. Twice. Plus once for my dead Chicago relative.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    OK, then, my next arc will be all about the ninja zombie pirate lesbian catgirls. From Mars.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, Broadsword/Ninjitsu with zombie costume pieces and ears/tail?

    Stop making me want to waste my AE slots on something this temptingly goofy
  7. Any word on when/if the old pages listing such things as Inherent powers, MM pet stats, etc will be coming back?
  8. I got 48 month on the 16th.

    I remember making my first character and exploring Atlas Park so totally jazzed I could jump as high as a fence! My excitement grew as I got to level 6 and could enter Perez Park -- there to see a high level hero run by me at like MACH 5. I was so floored and envious. I *had* to get that speed!

    I still miss the old Whirlwind and zooming around with Whirlwind and Superspeed toggled, zapping things. Ah, the good ol' days of being a robotic tornado of doom.
  9. With all the dings going on in sewer teams, those are going to be some crazyfun first 6 levels!

    *ding* STOMPS VAHZ INTO DIRT, causing a teammate to..
    *ding* TAKE HIS TURN AT STOMPING VAHZ. Hey look:
    Rinse and repeat.

    Dang that'll be a hoot!
  10. Here was my issue with the forced crossteaming, and it's not a complaint with the devs at all:

    I am mainly a villain player, but I loved the idea of grouping with heroes from a gameplay perspective. A tank that can hold aggro from my mercs as needed? Great! A couple blasters to stay back and use my soldiers as meatshields while THEY lay waste and I keep them healed/not hit? Fun! Some scrappers mixing it up with my little army as we wade in, fear and heals a-spamming? Charge!!!

    Here's what happened though, more than half the time, on all of my villains that I tried this with (when I was not grouping with RL friends).

    "Level 30 group looking for villain for Valentine mish!"
    /tell HeroType, I'll join you. Lvl 30 MM
    ::enter door::
    ::take a minute-plus to set up and buff pets::
    "I... can't help but notice that you've killed everything and I'll get no exp or reward for this at all."
    "Yeah. Now hurry up and blow up the item for us."
    ::quit team::

    The problem for me wasn't the forced cross-over. It was duplicious hero players trying to get me to waste my time helping them, without telling me up front this was what I was doing. I didn't mind helping, if asked, but rude Hero teams just wanted me to blow my evenings being their missionending monkey. Feh!