15 -
Quote:I is an EU player and if there is no freespec with i19 I claim my prize!If no freespec is granted within a reasonable timeframe* of Issue 19 going live, I will do the following:
Respec all of my characters using earned respecs and vetspecs, to free up my purple IO's (not many, but a few).
Pool all of my influence across both of my accounts (maybe a billion, certainly at least 750 million).
Email all of the above to the EU player who first posts their global name beneath mine in this thread.
@Pix (and no, I didn't know about this before he posted it) -
Have just sorted new T-shirt for Shadowe (the old one was looking sadly unrecognisable), checked Pix T-shirt fits over the bump and packed the laptop.
Should be there by 10.30 - 11 ish, depending on traffic and parking etc. -
Hi there,
I'm having trouble connecting at the moment, but if I can get in I'd love to come along, as would my husband Shadowe.
Pix -
Wonder if this name is safe..... It looks like it from my log int, but having not posted anything for years I wanted to check before I decide whether I have time to be an active forum reader / poster...
Awww, what a shame. I can't come either and I wanted to bring another toon along this time too.
Hmmm, when you say next months. Is it planned to be a regular thing? -
Awww, Jester, you're really going? But I only just got to know you.
Now I'm left with the image of a hunky guy sat at his computer in his gaming wear (not sure that the full description is suitable for an open forum like this) and I don't even know if it is true.
*sobs more* And now he's all loved up and I'll never get to know.
Sorry you're going mate. How am I ever going to learn to play a tank now you're gone. Please don't be a stranger. I might stil tap you up for advice through 3rd parties (muhaha, you'll never escape)
You'll be greatly missed. Feel free to come back some time. -
I realise this is a bit of a late response. Sorry, busy weekend.
I'll be in Pocket D at half past seven - upper bar, hero side, if you want to run with it. Or just want to plan another time frame. Wedensdays are bad for me, but can do Thursday or Friday if Tuesday is too short notice... -
Okay, I'm thinking Monday or Tuesday evening. Meet at half past seven for introductions and tactics disussions before setting off at 8?
How does that sound for those who might be interested?
Pix -
Okay, with the recent multiple successful Hami raids, this thread seems to have been forgotten so I'm going to try and revive it, coz I don't have a toon high enough to participate in Hami...yet.
How about next Saturday (that's 13th Jan, I think), meeting up in IP, near where ever Lusca happens to be that night. Say 7pm?
If we get enough people turning up to take out Lusca then we'll carry on with the others. What do you think?
Pix -
Freedom Corps Building, Galaxy City - 8:30 am, 2 Jan 2007
Keeping her eyes down and her pace swift to avoid interruptions, Natalie walked throguh the sterile corridors of the Freedom Corps building to her office, closing the door quietly but firmly once she was inside. A sense of relief washed through her as she saw the office was empty. Just her then, that would be good, no need to participate in the meaningless office banter and whittering about what the heroes had achieved today.
She looked at her in-tray and started working throguh the updates from yesterday on what had been achieved and what, if nay, artefacts or trinkets had been obtained and handed in to Freedom Corps. The heroes had brought in all sorts of sun stuff for her to examine. A hungry smile crossed her lips as her eyes alighted on one report and she put it to one side whilst she finished going through the others. Various pieces of clockwork and Freakshow had been left with them to examine to see if anything useful could be obtained from the information. Some of the Freakshow items had alredy provided huge amounts of information on regeneration capabilities and some of the heroes were trialing her prototype designs to make use of this. A bitter smile crept onto her face 'at ;esat some people were benefiting fromthe discoveries, even if it was only heores. Still, it was expensive to use and only functioned on recent wounds'. One say though, she would improve it, make it cheaper so it was available to everyone and could mend even old wounds. Determined, she continued to work through the reports, today might bring the breakthrough she had been looking for.
As lunch time approached she picked up the report she had set aside earlier and reread it, a secretive smile forming as she considered it thoughtfully. 'If what it said was right there were all sorts of possibilities'. She just had time for a quick look before lunch. She picked up the keys and made her way down to the lab. Unlocking the outer door she went in, careful to lock it again behind her. She waited for the pressure to readjust around her then waslked sprightly over to the retinal scanner, pressing her thumb against the key pad as it scanned her eye. It blinked a recognition code and the sel on the inner door hissed before the door swung open. She walked purposefully across the floor, her heals clicking on the tiles. Opening a locker she brought out a small package and took it across to the sealed unit in the corner. She opened it, placed the package inside and resealed it. She needed to examine it carefully, but wanted to keep it safe and undamanged and this seemed the best way. Lowering the covers the moved to the viewing controls and began the examination.
Three hours later she sat up and stretched, her eyes glittering at the possibilities offered. She smiled wryly as she thought how this informaiton might be used in the wrong hands. 'Lucky it had come here, Freedom Corps would never let something like this go once they had it in their possession'. Carefully she approached the examination unit, cautious, now she understood more about what was inside. Removing the cover she looked carefully at the unit, wondering whether it was going to be safe to open. The package still looked intact on the viewer, but that could mean anyting. She shrugged, there was only her in the lap today and if anything untoward was detected the whole place would shut down and seal up. No one else would be affected. Carefully she released the seal on the unit and opened it up. The package was exactly where she had put it, sat innocently in the middle of the unit. She reached out to touch it tentatively, then, realising nothing had changed she picked it up, caressing its surface with her fingers, learning all the wrinkles, grooves and pits in its surface.
She blinked and smiled, then moving swiftly across the floor she replaced the package in its original locked and closed the door, security it with the combination lock and truned to scan her eyes across the lab. The only evidence of her being there were the images cached in the viewing machine. She worked quickly, erasing the images and over-writing them several times with old images or views of the empty unit. She then swept out of the lab, pasuing only between the doors while the air pressure equalised and she could unlock the outer door.
Briskly she returned to her office and sat down ast her desk, trying to focus on the other details she had to address today. Her mind wouldn't focus so she leant back on the chair to consider the package downstairs. Closing her eyes she visualised it in her mind's eye. It was beautiful, elegant even, with its smooth lines and the way it seemed to absorb the light, and it had something inside. -
Oooo, pick me, pick me. I want to come too. Monster bashing sounds fun.
Like he said *points up*, just let me know the time as the place and I'll do my best to get there (RL & IC events allowing)
Pix - lvl 36/37 Earth/Kin 'troller -
((Oooh, Pix want, Pix want))
Can I bag a slot in your grou pto help with the mission please Alfred? Let me know when it's planned.
Pix -
Paragon City - Dec 17, evening
After Jack left the chalet Pix sat there for a while, just looking into her drink, thinking. She could feel her thoughts changing. The time she was spending in this other dimension, and the talking, the verbal communication with all these other people. It was dragging her back. It was putting the structure back into her head and she didnt like it.
She left abruptly and went to play on the ski slopes, throwing herself down the steep slopes with wild abandon, running into the blue jets and flying through the air. She could feel her blood racing through her body, her heart pumping furiously as she ran round and round the winter wonderland. It felt good, it felt free, but still lonely. She stopped near a cluster of trees and wandered between them to see if they would be any comfort. She could sense them, sense their thoughts, but they were alien, so far removed from her forest back home, she struggled with the concepts they grew with. The environment here was very strange, the sky, the sun, were all different and the trees had grown with it, but it left them with a different flavour as a result.
Cara! Cara had been there tonight, when she arrived. She had come home with Pix the night before, but had disappeared in the night. Damn thought Pix I should have spoken to her. I should have checked she was okay. She chuckled, Jack had distracted her, then she frowned. She didnt know what was going on between her and Jack. She had never quite lost her human inhibitions even after all this time with the fey and other creatures of the woodland. Had one of her dryad sisters caught him it would have been a different story. She shook her head vigorously to get the thought out. She hadnt caught him. It didnt work like that in the human world. Even if Jack wasnt entirely human, it was still wrong, and she didnt know what the magic would do. It was nice, it sent shivers down her spine, but she was fearful of it. Magic had caused Wynd to die. She had summoned a demon with magic and been killed to prevent the demon killing more. What would the magic do to Pix? She still remembered the pain she felt when Shadow had turned up at the chalet last night. The anger and hatred in the room spilled out into the air around her, it had been stifling. When feelings were so tense she found it difficult to cope.
Suddenly she felt as though she needed to go home. Not to the apartment she had taken Cara to the other night but her real home. She ran out of the winter wonderland dimension and fled through the Pocket D night club, blocking out the music and the people. Where would be best? Perez? Croatoa? They both had forests, but both were also infected. She settled on Perez. It was closer, and a little calmer in places. When she arrived she ran deep into the forest and clambered up into the trees. Nestled in the bough of a large tree she relaxed and let her awareness of the wood expand. The trees here were closer to those at home. They shared the same sky, the same earth. Pix felt her mind returning to them, leaving behind the human structure and going back to being free. She stayed there all night and for most of the morning, in reverie with the forest and the earth, learning it, sensing it, understanding the Paragon not built of concrete.
Leaving at about midday she felt more at peace with herself and ready to manage the Christmas party that had been planned. Right after she had purged some of the Devoured Earth infection and found a new dress to wear to the party. -
Did Posi task force this afternoon. We had a team of 8 because that's how many people turned up. Started at 3pm and didn't finish until just gone 8pm. We suffered lots of DCs throughout the afternoon / evening.
I count 11 just for me, looking through my chat logs, but others, I think, had more. Still, we completed it in the end.
Good luck with getting through it.
On a more positive note. It took us almost 3 hours to get through the first 3 or 4 missions, but after that it moved a lot quicker.
Have fun... -
Ooh, yay, party.
I think a Christmas party is a great idea, but Plasmarch is right - Christmas day and close to it might be difficult as people do family stuff.
How about the 22nd? (also by birthday - double yay)
Or maybe the Thursday if people are likely to be traveling on the Friday night before Christmas?