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  1. PureAmerican

    Hello again

    Originally Posted by Jason_The_X View Post
    Nice to see alot of the old guard are still kicking. See you guys in the city.

    seeing you post actually brought back all the funny memories of a certain friend of mine who always had a melt down when you jumped him. You have no idea the epic lol'z you created, I mean I can't even keep a straight face thinking about it. This guy used to SCREEAAAM your name. AHHHHHHHHH I can hear him now it was so funny.

    "ARRRRRGH *blanking* Jason the *blanking* X that little *blank* nugget on my *blanking* heavy get in here and kill that little *blank* with me" then 2 hours and a huge bloodbath later..I was exahausted I had so much fun.

    lol we went and helped him just to keep him quiet. Jason I can't tell you how much fun you caused..and I KNOW you know who I am talking about.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xeaon View Post
    So how you pulled your CoP run, and how fun was it ?

    As for I, did a run with vg mates + coal +friends, last friday, was not expecting to complete to be honnest. Just wanted to taste the water, but i guess those guys were that good, we pulled a 25min run.
    wow they must have changed that quite a bit, back in the day when it first went live we did it in under 4 minutes with my SG on Pinnacle, all with level 40 characters, no sets, no hamis. We managed to grab 14 IOP's (3 of which were unique), did anyone who did the V1.0 COP trial notice anything different ? what is the new reward ? just curious.
  3. and what are you doing with my wife ?


    the sitcom took a sudden turn into a soap opera
  4. PureAmerican

    Hello again

    Jason ! hey how's the baby ? you are probably a over half way through the not-so-terrible two's aren't you ?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    *walks carefully back into the kitchen, no longer followed by gardener*

    I tell ya, indoor plumbing or no, we're gonna have awful purty rosebushes this year.

    *audience "eeeewwww" is cut off by laugh track played over it*

    Lucy you've got some splainin to do !!
    *roaring laughs*
  6. Gratz, my Ice/Kin Corr cleared his good name and did the hero turn last night, it's kinda wierd exiting the hero base in RV, some guy called me a traitor last night, I got a good lol out of it.

  7. oh hi, we were just playing a game.
  8. *this show was taped in front of a live audience*

    now stay tuned for diff'rent strokes...

    whatchu talkin 'bout Fedor!?
  9. funny you say sugar coma, I was in one for 5 years, I quit eating all sugars (less than 20G of carbs a day) and I dropped 200 pounds in about a year. Anyways thats why the "all sugar is evil" comment, as long as I stay off the sugar I feel great ! I don't know how I got so many 50's when all I did was pass out at the keyboard.
  10. Pure American is a homage to Jack Kirby's American themed characters Fighting American, Captain America, Bucky.

    I have Characters on other servers that are tributes to golden age public domain heroes


  11. Back on Pinnacle we had a race of Aliens all named "Look-Alike" they were a strangely famliar looking group of green skinned aliens all dressed in purple that all looked identical. They plagued the pvp zones and caused a great deal of confusion to the hero players, some of them might be crawling around still, maybe even here on virtue !
  12. *rolls in the french toast panting like a dog*
  13. PureAmerican

    Toons with PTSD

    At the core of what makes a hero is conflict, I have always found heroes in self conflict very cool, self hating, even more interesting. I guess that's why I love Howard Chaykin so much. Why would anyone object to Role Play, if anything it raises awareness of the issue, I dont think anyone was meaning to poke fun of it. Isn't it the point of roleplay to put yourself into someone elses place and try to think like them ? I think it would be a huge challenge to RP that sort of character.
  14. PureAmerican

    We're popular!

    yeah thats my new policy, I don't give people a second chance, as soon as something dumb comes out of their mouth, it's straight to /ignore. I have had run-ins allready, I am not going to ride that train, a Leaders job is to put the interest of his SG first, and that interest should be: do fun stuff. Dwelling on drama is not fun so I shut it out.

    People on this server are quirky ,yes, but they know how to have fun, and that's why we are all here right ?
  15. PureAmerican

    We're popular!

    I think this server has become popular out of all the positive experiences that visitors have had here. Every server has it's cliques and people are burned out on the same old server drama, this one hates that one because they cheat/ exploit/ trashtalk/ stalk their famliy, the turn around is from burnt out players who just want people to shut up and play. I know every server has their drama princess, you just have to be real fast with that /ignore @ and you'll be off to a good start I guess.
  16. PureAmerican

    I'm in Rehab

    I started a Hero SG today for Villains who have seen the light and wish to walk the straight and narrow path of the hero. I am a newly returned import from another server, the recently out of retirement leader of the formerly top ranked SG of another otherwise less remarkable place. I am looking to form up with other imports who find themselves in a new place and are finding it tough to break into an SG because of established "cliques".

    What I want:
    to have fun
    raids: Hamidon , Rikti Ship, end game TF's
    help new players and share builds/ ideas
    This is not a RP SG, if you want to....that's fine

    what I don't want:
    Prestige, I have been #1 on a server befor, all prestige buys you is an endless supply of drama. We will build up a base, get what we need to get around, that's it. I am not some self aggrandizing incompetent looking fill his pockets at the expense of SG members to stroke my ego. Prestige does not equal fun, teaming and success does.
    Elitism, I do not want people who think that a SG tag defines what a person is about, "oh that player is in "SG X" they are a bad player/ rude person".
    Racist / hateful behavior, get over it..

    Villain players are players not affraid of a new challenge, we did so much for so long with almost nothing, you bring us to the Big City and we can do just about anything. So if you are a recovering Villain, or just looking for a fresh start somewhere, check yourself into Rehab.
  17. Well it doesn't stop folks from picking out a name.

    I was kicking around the name:

    United Freedom Front, Kind of sounds like Freedom Phalanx whilst stinking of communism, and yes I reserved it so don't go trying to take it.
  18. good because you scared me there, yes please folks watch your kids so they are not out robbing me or something unpleasant like that.
  19. I have been making serious consideration of forming a loyalist SG myself, keep in mind I am not an RP'er but I believe RP'ers and non RP'ers can coexist and make a very productive SG if handled correctly. If a strictly loyalist RP only channel was created and SG chat was used for OOC chat only, I think it would draw more people towards RP and promote the two "cultures" working together. I really adore playing with RP'ers, I appreciate their perspective on things. I've lead quite a few task forces with RP'ers on Pinnacle, I actually lead the first successful LRSF task force on Pinnacle server all done with RP'ers, it was a blast. I'll be honest I used to think RP'ers were not very good players, this server has made a liar out of people who say "RP'ers have no skills". So lets form up something when GR goes live, any ideas for names ? I was thinking something with "United" in it for the communist feel of the Praetoria.

    BTW I have a ventrilo
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    I'm a male and I'm 40 and I plan my gaming to avoid the kids. Check the calenders for planned events. The events are higher quality there. I'm on Freedom. My next event is over labor day. I don't trash talk. I just want to enjoy the game play.
    avoid the kids ?

    why would anyone want to avoid their kids ?
  21. Glad to see you back safe and sound


    thank you !
  22. PureAmerican

    All XXX ITF

    we once did an all dom RSF quite fun, we also did an all corr RSF dropping 16 shivans and 4 nukes on the Phalanx they didnt last 30 seconds.
  23. PureAmerican

    Lord Recluse SF

    I got tied up with the daughter not wanting to go to bed , home now