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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

    Psygon: Go for eet! Hydra is right up there with a KinQuito on the list of ugly things I'd like to see cutified. lol
    I've saved him

    I've hurt my arm at the moment tho so no new arts will have to wait till it's had a bit more rest.. but it will be cute :P
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
    Man...I'm terrible. Almost ashamed to post anymore after this

    heh, that's great! Could totally get a city of cute from that sketch!
  3. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Thyristor View Post
    darn didn't make the calender! Ah well always next year.

    Months can be changed :P

    also... this is one of our cats - Yoshimitsu. She's, um, bigger than the box (but clearly doesn't care!)

    An this is our other one - Spoon. She's cute but she also has OCD

    (pictures of cats and kittens are distracting me from making pics and shirts now!!)
  4. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    I just "lost" more than half an hour. (kittens) I have no idea where it went. (kittens) Best half an hour I've ever lost! (KITTENS)
    hahah can't believe no one had seen this before!

    now imagine the kittens replaced by cutes!
  5. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
    Oh i just had a great idea! It would be so sweet if we could decide who would be in the calender! Like you have a list of the cute ones and you click 12 of them that would be sweet.

    It's funny you should say that as I actually had an idea a few weeks ago that involved picking cutes for a calendar or a poster or something. Sorta Cuties Next Top Model...

    I dunno if anyone has seen the website but I was thinking that something like that where people have to vote for one cute vs another would have been great (I suppose it's also a bit like Champions Rate my champion on their website).

    However, I soon came to the conclusion that I'm a designer not a developer and gave up on that idea as I struggled to even vaguly work out how I could make something like that

  6. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Generalissimo View Post
    Heh, I love December After seeing that I had to get my own copy of the calendar
    hahah awesome
  7. um, Jan Mayen and er Norfolk Island
  8. my picks: kingman reef & Kiribati
  9. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Last few before it's back to work and busyness...

    StormVyxen's character Raelith



    Equation's Arbiter Fabulous

    Twilight Snow

    May get a chance to do some more in the week if I'm not too tired / stressed from work...
  10. sounds fun... would join if I wasn't in EU
  11. these are super cute - love them!
  12. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    And... getting straight in here are the latest two cutes :O

    First up is Basilisk's controller Dark Basilisk:

    and then... Coolio Wolfus. Coolio wanted a split character showing his heroes wolf side. So I, er, made this:

    I liked it so much I had to make a wallpaper from it too: Coolio wallpaper
  13. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    The queue for cutes is:

    01. Basilisk - done
    02. Coolio - done
    03. StormVyxen - done
    04. Pyro_Nympho - done
    05. Djeannie - done
    06. Equation - done
    07. Twilight_Snow - done
    08. Komrade Kommunism
    09. Niviene
    10. Katfood
    There were two other replies.. Arbiter Morrison and Amerikatt and since that only makes 12 I'm just gonna include you two as well And we'll see how that goes...
  14. mine was just kicking me and telling me I had a broken security token. It still seemed to think I was me tho..
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
    The female toons have a nice wiggle if you build em right been building alot of female toons lately
    yes... they have a great wiggle!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KidLazarus View Post
    I deleted a character with the intention of re-creating him, and now the slot is unavailable. Fingers crossed no one takes my name before the store comes back up!
    :O This is my position as well... gonna be sad if I lose the name because I'm not about when the store comes back online...
  17. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Kinda like this --->except neater (it's hard for me to get the lines right
    since I have no tablet or mouse just a trackball)?

    Edit: Thank you for this.

    OK... have tried to create soemthing like your version but I wasn't happy with the black outline all the way around the eyes so I hope that this is ok!

  18. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Did the PM's go out for this yet? I haven't seen anything in my inbox to respond to, and would really like to get in on this if I can.
    I haven't sent them out yet... I've made my list of people to send them out to but I was too tired to send them last night.... will be sometime today!
  19. <--- girl

    I've never played a male character in this game... they run funny.
  20. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Has been a while since I posted but have finally got to what was officially the end of the queue

    I'll be sending a PM shortly to everyone who has requested a cute since I said that I was unable to take any new requests a few weeks back - not sure how many there are in that list but the first 10 to reply back become the new queue... hopefully makes things simple-ish and also helps me check that peeps still want them.

    Anyways... on with the cutes!

    Naga Obscura





    also I made myself a little calendar :P can't wait for it to arrive!

    oh and scooter... I love your avatar :P
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
    Everyone should keep fighting. Mel loves flame wars.

    love that pic (and your avatar) so cute... flames look fab!
  22. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
    That last one is pretty cool. I dig the horns.
    yeah I liked making them - not sure the halo came out as well as I hoped so I may go back and rejig that!!
  23. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Again thanks for the comments...

    And now for a mini bumper crop of new cutes

    First up Landrig's character Lykofos:

    Next is Cinaed_EU with Kenvygz

    Then EU_Greg with Chain Breaker

    The Fish with The Cute Fish

    Mordranis with Mordranis

    And last but not least Scootertoo with a Little Lyl!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
    Blaster:Assault Rifle/Mental Menipulation
    Controller: Gravity Control/Trick Arrow
    Defender: Sonic/Archery
    Scrapper: Martial Arts/Dark Armor
    Tankers: Ice Armor/Stone Melee
    Brutes: War Mace/ Energy Aura... Strong and Pretty but not popular
    Stalkers: Martial Arts/ Electric Armor
    Masterminds: Mercenaries/ Poison
    Dominators: Ice Control/Thorny Assault
    Corruptors: Electric Blast/ Traps

    never ever ever seen these combinations... ever
    I just made a AR/Mental blaster - only level 12 or so so will have to see how that goes

    As for other rare toons mentioned in this thread I have an Elec/Devices blaster who is quite cool... a Claws/DA scrapper and a TA/Dark Defender (the defender is quite painful tho so she may not survive forever)

    Someone mentioned Plant/Electric dominators - my hubby has one of them!