995 -
Yeah... am having the same problem with the updater. Just seems to sit there trying to connect and doesn't get anywhere
I've looked around for someone else suggesting this as I'm sure someone must have but my search fu must be weak since I can't find it. So, just incase no one has suggested this before I offer up, ahem:
81 Month: Icon Forever
For the 81 month veteran reward, players receive the Icon Forever badge and a temporary power that lets them access Icon/Facemaker wherever they are in the City. This power
can be used once every hour.
My idea is that using it would be online shopping at an exclusive Icon website either on a laptop or iPad!
A City of Cute christmas card for the Art Jam
Just thought I would stop by these boards to say Merry Christmas everyone
http://www.icon-forever.co.uk/xmas.html -
Well... we had a go at this last night. We weren;t succesful despite a valiant effort... so I am already thinking about trying again!
Who's with me? -
Easier to get 3 teams if we were mixed? Or the CoP will be easier?
if the former I think we have 26 people!It was easy!
thanks for the best wishes
I think we are up to about 23 people on the list now and I have sent some global tells trying to get confirmation for this Thursday (the 26th) will keep people posted with the planned date! -
happy to make the start a little later than 7.30pm, plus given the experience I had on Saturday it takes a little while to get everything co-ordinated so 8pm or just after isn't too unreasonable!
Also, getting some shivans and nukes before the trial is probably going to be a good idea... we may need to arrange some runs on that too! -
So... I am planning a full defender Cathedral of Pain attempt on Defiant. It already has a fair amount of interest and I have 19 people provisionally signed up - but as I'd not set a date when I started the discussion I figure we could have a few people drop out. So this is your chance to join a fantastic all defender Cathedral of Pain attempt! We need 24 people and this is who we have so far... shout quick if you want your name down on the list.
WarEngine One
False Fiction
Sapphic Neko
New Dawn
Gully RX
Cat Astrophy
The Volt
Mister Bison
Maxine Noir
Lady Moonlight
Now to the when this is being planned for... thought I would try and keep the momentum from the initial conversation in Defiant Events this evening so at the moment thinking of THURSDAY 26th AUGUST or WEDNESDAY 1st SEPTEMBER with a start time of 7.30pm UK time for both.
As a note I believe the minimum level requirements for this are level 35
If you are in the list above, or if you want to be added to the list could you reply and say which evening would suit you best. Hopefully we can get enough people to make this happen!
I should stress at this stage I dont have any specific tactics - I just thought an all defender CoP would be awesome sauce...
(hope it was OK to post this in the Euro lounge... didn't seem that Defiant was looked at much...) -
Been playing an old toon who turned out to be much better than I remembered - so good I had to make her some art!
Epsylon (Plants / Rad)
Quote:Yeah, it has been a very long time since I posted anything :O (Or created anything!) but that kinda changed... I even popped on the forums for the first time in ages last week, though I was kinda lurking!WOW! 5 months without any posts from Miss Psygon?! I hope she's okay!
So, um yes I am ok and still here somewhere. I've been working on a redesign of my website and a redesign of the city of cute on my website (though that's a work in progress as there are some people missing from the new gallery...)
new website is: http://www.icon-forever.co.uk/
new city of cute page is: http://www.icon-forever.co.uk/cute.html (takes ages to load, lots of pictures...)
And yes, cutes finally made it on to my kitchen wall! http://www.facebook.com/iconforever
Now where did I leave the list of people wanting cute avatars... -
It's late so not sure if I am being totally blind, but what time is the raid starting at??
Quote:I posted a comment on DA but.. wow :O Not been on these forums in ages and I come back and find two pieces of fab psygon artToday's DAD and also an overdue commission.
Kaemgen's Daybreaker Alpha has seen better days!
Psygon's broken Day
just sooooo cool. Happy Saturdays!!!!
thank you if you were in the 42% that did vote
Been so busy, not played any games for almost 2 weeks... hardly done any artwork either! Been having house renovations, working flat out and had some bad news with my husbands dad in hospital with a broken hip! First time I've logged in here like forever... if only days had 52 hours in them!
Fortunatly after this weekend where we have to put on our overalls and pick up some paintbrushes the renovations will be done... and since I've worked so much extra the last few weeks I'm getting some days off so (whoop) I may actually finish some cutes
also, our new renovated kitchen will hopefully feature some framed cutes so... once they are done I may take some pictures to show em off :P -
oh and psygon totally has blue-green eyes so that is imo perfect for her
Also, though Psygon has a grey stripe across her eyes I really like the fact that the mask goes up and under her hairline... :O -
omg :O
That looks so like the Psygon in my head now that it's being coloured it's quite scary
Am totally loving it -
I dunno if it's ok to put this here or not...
I've entered a contest: http://www.infectious.com/voting/psy...d-animals/5670 and am looking for some votes to stand a chance of winning $2000... so if you fancy helping me out please gimme a vote -
Quote:Pleased you like itOh ..... My .......
*Faints from Cuteness*
Thank you SOOOOO much for the Cute Fish Psy
Also... just a small apology to those on the queue that are still on the queue... work has kinda got on top of me and what free time I've had has mostly been spent doing some different art work for tshirts on my red bubble store... but will hopefully have two new members of staff in 1-2 weeks time so hopefully I can relax some more and get back to cute-i-fying the universe. -
Quote:omg :OOk it's been a while since I posted up something here and unfortunately this has been sitting on the back
burner for the last several weeks (been distracted with the posting stuff in "The Hot Pencil" thread
and working on the CannonBrawl Run's grand prize to be awarded to Starwind)
but now I finally made the time to complete it.
As a way to say thank you to Psygon for all the wonderful "City of Cutes" she has done for so many
people (including me) for free (she was long overdue for some nice gift artz in return)
I present her namesake hero Psygon. Enjoy, you've definitely earned it.
Have been so busy lately have kept away from the forums but when I saw the email about a private message this morning I just had to come and look... that is amazing - I love itIs sooooo very cool!!
yes, sounds like a fun contest.
I pick Daybreaker Alpha
Daybreaker Alpha is lying on the floor wounded (his helmet is probably a little smashed), and he's almost dead :O Psygon is kneeling beside him clearly wracked by grief and saying/screaming "If only I hadn't made that last costume change, damn you Icon and your fantastic outfits"
and this is psygon
I don't have a scanner, going to try and take photos on me mobile of what I sketched!