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  1. Psydock

    SR vs. Ninjitsu

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    Nin's advantages over SR:

    - Two taunts available, one of them pbaoe

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    Ninj has 2 taunts?

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    has an extra placate?
  2. hover with 3 slots and perma powerboost works for blapping too.
  3. Psydock

    Arena tonight?

    Anyone up for some random arena fights today at 7?
  4. Psydock


    fire/fire or spines/fire is the way to go with a scrapper. Thought scrappers are pretty much useless in pvp.
  5. So powerbost wont effect buffs anymore? Someone explain. No more powerboosted defense etc?
  6. Psydock


    I didnt know i was founding this project.
  7. Psydock

    PvP Night 2008.

    I survived the war in lebanon just so i can kick your [censored] t onight. I'll be there!!!
  8. meh wont hurt my empath changing to psi epic :P.
  9. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    What I mean practise in the zone with empaths before you attempt to step into the arena with one.
  10. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

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    what happens when a new empath fights and experienced blaster that wont be fun. It's easier learning when you have good support that you can trust.

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    You say this, but if I recall you were the one who helped me be a decent emp that I am today by telling me what to do in WB.

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    zonal empathing is very diffrent people cant see u as much. Huge diffrence.
  11. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    Thing is people are too lazy to form teams and too lazy to make team build toons. And making experience players team with new players might seem good. But what happens when a new empath fights and experienced blaster that wont be fun. It's easier learning when you have good support that you can trust.
  12. i got a elec/Fire works great with a fier7Kin
  13. Eles has to aoe's thats probebly why
  14. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    Could have two mixed teams with vidicators on. Im guessing the phil brothers will go together nicley, and globey and spag are practicly married.
  15. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    There are some good players out there sg less. Like falcon ice cold kill exo gamete and more etc. But they're to lazy to form up. Basicly when we formed up we all knew each other and had been teaming with each other. I just nagged globey enough to form it :P.
  16. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    ice kin g is gatling

    ks kin is hmm cant remember the name but he never uses it.
  17. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    Pentad if possible so you dont get the very high scores:P. or if not we could try 5vs5 with a limit of two of each archetypes
  18. Psydock

    5vs5 league?

    Would there be any intrest to have a 5vs5 league and fight each sunday like the french do? Or is everyoen still to lazy to form teams :P.
  19. Psydock


    20 damage is a lot of diffrence to me
  20. Psydock

    Fatality Pentad

    just post a day and time and we will see if we can make it, hopefully its before next thursday because im going away for two weeks then.