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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    and they work on a New X men

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    "X-Men:First Class" (working title) is currently under development. It is supposed to focus on the characters that were students in the previous episodes (Rogue, Iceman, Colossus, Shadow Kat, etc...)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And yet, somehow, Wolverine will be in it.
  2. And Hotel California was playing from the jukebox also.
  3. Thats on my list of complaints too!!! The movie sucked from beginning to end..and after the credits too!!
  4. The action Was enjoyable for actions sake, but plotwise, storywise..EPIC FAILURE!! Not only does it not blend in with the continuity of the comics, it doesnt even blend in with the continuity of the movies.
    I understand they have to alter things from comic book franchise to movie franchise, but stay true to one or the other. This movie stayed true to neither.
  5. OK, in this movie the lab was NOT at the dam...also...

    (Spoiler ahead)

    In X2 Stryker says to Wolverine.. 'its been..15 years since weve seen each other...' Cyclops in the Wolverine movie is in high school..they kind of imply the x-men from the first few movies are, in there early 20's at the most..so how old is Cyclops? It doesnt fit with him being in the Wolvering movie..and no real reason fro him being there.
  6. Where Wolverine had the procedure done..and timeframe of when it happened for starters.
  7. Was making dinner and X-Men 2 was on FX..The olverine fiasco even contradicts THAT movie!!! So now the writers cant read the comic books AND don't watch the previous movies in the franchise!!
  8. I really thought they were going to..at least try to..redeem themselves after 'X-Men 3: Look kids its another X-Men movie!!'
  9. I didnt mean her hyping it I meant the usual media hype..The 'they' were the months of hearing how much awesomeness this movie was suppossed to be...*sighs*
  10. Um...ok..just got back from taking my nephew...wow...um...seriously?.....thats what they were hyping?....and I can't get work in the comic book industry as a writer?...I'm numb...Id be nauseous but didnt eat anything to vomit...I think I'd rather have the swine flu then have sat through that...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    I was going to take my 11, soon to be 12-yr old nephew, for his Birthday, this weekend...yay or nay puppeh? (ya know my likes, and hes an 11 yr old )

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    hell love it
    theres enough action for a 12 yr old

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    well..good enough for him..i didnt read your spoilers yet Ill wait til I get back from seeing it whenever I see it this weekend to compare notes with you.
  12. I was going to take my 11, soon to be 12-yr old nephew, for his Birthday, this weekend...yay or nay puppeh? (ya know my likes, and hes an 11 yr old )
  13. Fine!! I'm off to my jacuzzi for an hour!! I don't need this sitting around at my pc doing nothing! I can go sit in my jacuzzi and relax and do nothing for an hour!

    And all are welcomte to join me too!
    *storms off*
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    It's pogothulu's fault with all the physical therapy.

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    NUH-UH!!!! If anything, all that pt while hooked up to the generator battery shouldve kept the forums going!!

    Either that or my physical therapist is mentally deranged....
  15. Why with 100 infl I can...buy 2 insps for one fight!
    but, every bit helps!!
  16. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Pogoman
    Global Contact: @Pogoman
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Science
    Super Rank & Super Group: Co-Leader, Recruting Officer; Virtue Honor Guard
  17. Hey I just made an alt! Wait..how'd you know....

    Well, the person below me is wearing a pink thong!
  18. wait, there was an afterparty? i went to the wedding but missed the afterparty!!
  19. ya gotta be in it to win it! ill take:

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I am pleased to announce the completion of my Legion of Valor SuperGroup Base Tour page!

    Legion of Valor SG Base on Victory

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wow thats friggin sweet!
  21. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOF'ers!!! Dont forget your buds in coaltion chat- the Virtue Honor Guard!! We'll get the Guiness out and celebrate proper!! (well VHG-style anyway!! )

    (shows ya how long ive been away from the boards! )
  22. was wondering- what would be the best hammi-o, if any, to put into SR passive defenses?
  23. Great guide. two questions regarding the cytoskelton enhances..what would be the efeect of using it in elude and/or focused accuracy? 2nd- based on the numbers, how much better is the hammi-o in each of these powers compared to 50++ SO's?