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  1. I tried to use Buddists once, but they were too forgiving.

    (Hmmm. That could have worked for the Christians also.)
  2. forgotten?!? No. I was directing you to dessert, or breakfast. (and I'm the lurker these days. too busy for anything else.)
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Great, now I need another private eye to help me

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's private. And it's an eye.
    *pops out eye and hands it to Fey*
    And I want it back in good condition when you're finished.
  4. Grey poop on! I don't understand.

    (Hi K. Not a regular, just a lurker. Visit the Rookery. They have water balloons and donuts.)
  5. I really like pie and ice cream, just not on the same plate.

    I also like brussel sprouts, but that may be because I cover them in butter.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    As stated, /regen or /willpower are good ones. Having said that, my MA/Shield is a lot of fun, but was an end hog early on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Playing a MA/Shield right now. Once I got Stamina, nearly all my end problems went away. Shield does seem to have some holes but the mezz protection clicky is very nice and shield is great for team.
  7. This thread reminds me of the joke back in the DOS days about naming your kid "delete *.*"
  8. Strudel! I love strudel almost as much as pie.

    Hi all.

    Hi Emmi, Fedor, Beckers, Pogo, Neko, "moo", D, Mod8 (how did that get in there) and everyone else I didn't mention by name.
  9. Don't know what times you're thinking of, but if you want them after 9 PST, I would be glad to help. I've done the ITF many times, but Lady Grey only once so no pointers from me there. My brute or emp are at your calling.


    (And yes, I finish TFs.
  10. When I evaluate a game I don't count the walks against the team since the team had no control over that. Not much lets the air out of a team like walking in a run (or 2 or 3)
  11. Thanks Coach Net. You're right, I should have mentioned something once I saw he was having a problem but at the time, I thought he was still having lessons and thought his coach would say something. Didn't realize he had stopped the lessons. I'll give a full explanation to the parents tomorrow. (Diplomacy, another reason why I'll never be President.)

    And GP, his hitting was effected by his pitching because when he didn't pitch well, he tried to make up for it by trying to hit home runs every at bat instead of just hitting the ball hard. So, instead of hitting a home run, he didn't hit anything and got even more frustrated.

    Oh, and it is about having fun. It was terrible watching him after not pitching well. I don't know how he felt but I was ready to cry for him he was so down.
  12. That first MM EB spawned as the second group down the hall, before freeing the escort. And I agree that with a tank, the escort damage is essential, or at least on my ice/fire tank.
  13. Ok Coach. A teaching moment ... for me. Let me know how I could have handled this better.

    Boy started the season as one of my main starters. He had never pitched before but he threw hard and was fairly accurate. His parents were taking him to lessons and I could see some real potential with him. He pitched several games in practice games and in the early season. First 1 then 2 innings and was one of our better pitchers.

    One game he goes through two innings in about 20 pitches so I ask, how he's feeling. Fine. So I send him for a third. Gets the first out and he runs out of gas, walks a few so I pull him.

    Then problems start. He stops with the pitching lessons. He stops throwing hard. Starts aiming. Stops throwing strikes. We work with him and in practice he is great. Gets into a game and there are only 35% strikes. So I stop using him. I don't want his poor pitching to effect his hitting.

    Now the problem. Last practice the boys asks why he hasn't been pitching. I dance around the matter and he seems fine. He talks with his mom and the mom comes back 4 minutes later and asks the same question. I again dance around the matter, the starter completes 3, another boys goes one, closer finishes the last two, we just haven't been able to work him in but we'll try. She asks me why the other boy has gotten the one inning in the middle and not her boy.

    Warning flags go off but I felt it was better to be honest. I told her the other boy throws a lot of strikes. What about her boy she asks. Well, he isn't throwing strikes. I then add that he isn't throwing hard anymore like he was earlier and without those two things it is hard for me to put him in a game. "Oh" she said and turns, gathers up her son and leaves.

    So, did I do ok? Should I have said something else? Should I have not answered her at all? What would Net do?
  14. Happy belated. May you celebrate many more.
  15. Yes Coach.

    I have no trouble with any of the boys on the team, except my son. But he is much better. It is so much fun to see how much everyone has improved. 8-10 year olds. Played the #1 team and after making 12 errrors, we came back and scored 11 runs in the last two innings to almost win that game. 3 more games left and then the playoffs start.

    (Now if I can only keep the squirels off the field. Right fielder comes in the other game and says the squirels were distracting him. All I could do was laugh.)
  16. Went to practice pitching with the youngest and another dad asked if it was OK to give a tip or two. We both said yes and then he proceeded to tell my son all the stuff I've been telling him for the past 2 years. *sigh* Sometimes the same lesson is better learned from someone other than family.
  17. Peterbilt

    Thread Murderer?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is that a good set? I heard is was kinda screwed up.
  18. Peterbilt

    Thread Murderer?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Sounds like a bad Keanu Reeves movie..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Even good Keanu Reeves movies sound like Bad Keanu Reeves Movies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are a few good movies that had Keanu Reeves in them, but there are no good Keanu Reeves movies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Name three.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

    c'mon. you know that's a good movie.

    (edit: You can tell by how many other people say so. I'm sure he's so proud of that movie too.)
  19. Peterbilt

    Thread Murderer?

    [ QUOTE ]
    But yes, it's a bit slow, everyone's busy getting banned for dirty pl'ing in MA. ;]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dirty PLer will be my next character.
  20. What famous paintings would look like if they included cartoon characters
  21. Peterbilt

    Thread Murderer?

    [ QUOTE ]

    But, StarkFist was having the affair with Col. Mustard, not me!
    Besides, my weapon of choice is sarcasm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  22. Peterbilt

    Thread Murderer?

    I'll help you out.

    *lays down chalk outline*

    Now, all we need to find is the murder weapon.
  23. That is the ugliest outfit ever. Get ye to a tailor.

    No, actually, mucho gratz mi Amigo.