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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    attic person??????!!!?? i created a TARDIS aand Iron Rook for starters!!! ya know my Attic Lab?....attic person!! hmph! durn puppeh!! bad puppeh! bad!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was your choice - attic or basement.
    Back to your attic or I'll have to get out the broom!
  2. Thank you Mids for all your help in planing my characters. You have helped fix many, many mistakes I have made in the past. And all the best to Steiner. Those are big shoes to fill. Fill them well.
  3. The Count - Bent on world domination/destruction, but never sticks around long enough to actually accomplish anything.
    Detra - She has an interesting perspective on ... food.
    DemVyznBoyz - He's three posters in one.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey it was fun.....some ppl really tried to take me serious and RP...but i think i have way too ...spoiled and sadistic mind to keep the convo peacefull..<_<
    I told some angle like chick that i ate her master she is looking for and pulled out huge bone (mace ftw)....
    the fact that my CAT LAZORZ EYEZ can see her underwear made her feel pretty much uncomfotable i guess....
    RPers are fun ppl we should totally invade their server and cause mayhem.. >8)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ha! That's why catgirls on Freedom don't wear underwear.

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    They made fun of me for posting in the wrong rookery!!!!

    *wails and runs away*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We just wanted you to post in the freshest Rookery. That old thread had bad, left over coffee and left over donuts. Visitors always deserve the best (to begin with. Then we riducule them. )
  6. Happy Belated. Enjoy the next trip around the sun more than the last one.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Well know Stryker move to a different server ..Liberty and started there.. which i heard fail as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    His "play style" doesn't fit well with the Liberty people. I know, I've played there off and on. He should have moved to Justice. It seems very much like Champion, to me at least, over there. (Except that I didn't know anyone and have a lot more friendly faces here.)
  8. Is that a real #2 or are the SF bases still showing up? Either way, gratz on that side also.
  9. But it does remind me about the tragic story of Professor Backwards. You all know Professor Backwards, the amazing linguist who could give entire lectures talking backwards. Well he drowned last weekend at a local lake while hundreds of people ignored his tragic cries of PLEH!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    !rotinom ruoy edisni kcuts m'I ,pleH

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Statement, that is not!
  11. But having said that,

    Congratulations to all your hard work.

  12. [ QUOTE ]
    to Thank the members for the grinding without being force to really earn prestige.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh Really? Then why was it when I was a member, if you didn't log in and earn prestige you would be kicked after 3 days?

    (Well I did get a nice note that when I could play regular to look Elf up and he would rejoin me [which he did, and then dropped me again right away] but he needed to make room for new prestige grinders, errrrr, new recruits.)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    and here i was just going to doodle on him

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What are you, a Jigglypuff?
  14. Friends of mine are up for a trophy, or something like that, in a local poll. Please vote here for #11 - Being Alive and #32 - Fido & Co.

    Fido & Co is owned by two great ladies who have the most amazing place for dogs.

    Being Alive started out delivering food to AIDS sufferers and has grown into a community support group par excellence.

    Thank you in advance for your vote.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    viv has natural airbags thou

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Detra too.

    *looks as self*

    Wish I did.

  16. Not a lot of love for the puppy. (And not the only "hello" thread full of hostility.) Do Korean chefs know something I don't? Or the Chineese?

    (Sorry puppy, couldn't help myself.)
  17. And Viv, don't forget to replace the seat belts too. The belt fabric is designed to stretch in an accident so they are not as "hard" against you. They will be all stretched out and, God forbid, if you get in another crash, you will REALLY be bruised by the belt.

    Sorry again to hear about your car and glad again no one was seriously hurt.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Cheaper then waxing?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And less painful than an epilady
  19. My cat is cute.

    But I never understood how anyone finds buttons cute.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Who wants a kitten?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For lunch?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For kissing and hugging and loving forever and ever and ever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Already have one and she's almost 8. (Need to post a picture sometime. calico and cute as a button.)
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I wanna twitter you, PB

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *puts on fedora, white, button down shirt, open more than half way, dark jacket, short skirt ... and a wink*

    Just say the word, doll-face.

    *smothers emmi with kisses and hugs*

    back to work, slacker
  22. too early for me by about 3 hours or I would offer my emp. gl, I know you guys will get the badge.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    they never stop waking you up.. saturday mornings, sunday if you played late, and on there b-day they will get up for the night 30 mins after you go to bed and ask if it's ok to start up City.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    And welcome Giggle, to the most amazing time of your life.
  24. started to twitter. 2 boring comments and then I thought ...

    Oh, Hello all

    ... Rookery. is just like twitter, only more interactive.

    Oh, and got my first follower. Must think I'm somone else.
    and no, don't ask about following. We want you all to think we're fun and exotic

    but, oh nvmd.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    btw shes notorious for being a 'straight shooter' meaning if its the nastiest most insulting thing you can say to somebody shell say it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I usually don't do well with those types of people. I don't know when to not say what I'm thinking, sometimes, by accident. Especially "agenda" people. They can be rediculously easy to shut up.

    is it too late to spell check?
