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  1. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Curious to hear about Cancer, honestly.

    ...I'ma crab. Pinchy-pinchy! :3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wishes granted...

    CANCER- The Protector (June 21 - July 22 ) Moody, emotional. May be shy..Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life..Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic. Runs a tight, undersea hamburger join.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Oh, and mine is also very accurate as is the one for Virgos (or at least every single Virgo I ever met.)

    Hmm. Aquarius. That's much like my sister, except for the beautiful inside and out.
  2. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

    [ QUOTE ]
    Our very own Tekka has landed a new job! Congrats to Tekka! Everyone SNOOPY DANCE!

    *Snoopy dances in honor of Tekka's success!*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How about the "not so moppy dance, since I'm really not up for partying.

    And if I don't see you again before your account closes, have a great time Fedor and hurry back. I think your tank must be part pirate with that beard. (Gotta get a razor to that face.)
  3. Don't you love it when you level right before the boss spawn and destroy everything.

    Don't you hate it when the next mission is the Countess Crey EB mission, and you needed the level up to beat her.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    The long twilit struggle of my Grav/Energy Dominator, Dark Witty, is over. He dinged 50 this morning running a time management mish for Pither.

    Dark Witty is still quite mad, however, as he still does not have his revenge against both Countess Crey and his clone progenitor WittyLibrarian...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Gratz Witty
  5. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY


    Gemini - a dual handed, axe wielder who is relentless ...
  6. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY


    Gemini - Twins. With this sign you get two for one. Easily distracted, they are dedicated and hard working when given a set goal to accomplish. The difficulty is keeping then on track to meet that goal. Passonate and loyal they are attracted to all the things that are bad for them, like Virgos (sorry).

    (But really, what's mine?)
  7. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

    Hugh #1. Brad is smelly. *yuck*

    And email is how we've been communicating. At least he was nice enough to try and call about dumping me, but then was "busy" when I tried to call back.

    And Bad, what do you play here, villains only?
  8. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

    [ QUOTE ]

    Sorry to hear about the account Petey, come watch the movie it will make you feel better.

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    Think I'm going to watch some UFC instead.

    Are we having some anger issues?

    We can only hope.
  9. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

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    That stinks Peterbilt....they open to you calling and asking why?

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    Said they were giving the other guy a chance to show what they can do. But all he's done so far is take all my work, move it over to his office, and claim it as his own. I meditated for a few minutes before replying to anything and I think I've been helpful. Still have yet to talk with him because he has kookie hours. (And then writes in his email that he hasn't heard back from me. *calm* *relax* *calm* Ok, better now.)

    The problem is there isn't much that goes wrong with this account so all he has to do is not screw things up, which shouldn't be hard. If nothing big happens then there won't be a reason to move back to me. In the meantime it's a couple thousand out of my pocket. *ouch!*
  10. Peterbilt

    Thursday ROOKERY

    Lost a big account yesterday. Still not sure why.
  11. Peterbilt

    Airship Rookery

    [ QUOTE ]
    much better!!

    but, hes NO relation to the Chi-KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    or to Chaka KHAAAAAAAAAN.
  12. Peterbilt

    Airship Rookery

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    I will be most likely getting a time card or something. I have not even logged into the game in several days, and when I do I rarely play more than 20 minutes or so at a time.

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    Except when I'm on. I distract him enough to keep him up WAY past his bedtime.
  13. Dang. this gets harder each week. So many good ones. I love Jugg and Foo and toxic and Apros especially.

    But my vote has to go to Lousy. Just something about paint (real or simulated) that makes a difference.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    YAY I'm pink!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm pink too. *squeezes and squeals with Madisen*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    A friend of mine talked her morbidly obese friend to subscribe so that her special needs son could play. Finally she did, but she ended up playing all the time and her son never did. She played for hours daily with one toon, and dinged 50 in a few weeks. Then she said "All my round thingies are red." Yes, turns out she dinged 50 with a bunch of low-level TOs. In her latter levels, she started getting kicked from teams because she was so clueless.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All she needed to do was get to lvl 46 and the PL invites would start coming fast and furious.
  16. Thank you all again. And doom is next year when I ding 50.
  17. Had our first playoff game last night. Went into it with some trepidation since all the other teams had full complements for their practices over the last few days and, even after my griping, my last two practices have 6 and 2 players show up. (Out of a total of 12.) So I thought we would have a hard time about it, especially since we were playing the third place team and they whalluped us the last time we faced them.

    Well the boys played fantastic and we won 13 to 4. We made one bad error but the boy who made it got a chance at redemption a couple innings later, stepped in front of a hard liner, made the play at first and followed with a perfect throw to home to keep the runner at third from scoring. He earned a game ball for that.

    (That was a nice birthday present.)
  18. That was incredible. Way to go.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Happy Birthday PB!!!!

    *Hands out Guinness to all of legal age!*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *while pogo isn't looking, exchanges for a Harp.

    *and an Emit and Bushmills*

    *and an Irish Mist*

  20. Sorry to hear that Viv. Sounds like your paper was graded by politics instead of scholorship.

    And ty all for the b'day greetings.
  21. Thank you, thank you. I've a catgirl. *cuts cake VERY carefully*

    *peeks inside*

    She's fine.

    *Catgirl Commando pops out of cake and blasts everyone with fire.*

    She's a villain you know.
  22. Thank you, thank you. The cake was good, the pie was better.
  23. TY puppy for the Numina yesterday. That was fun.
  24. So Long, Fare Well. Don't get rid of your stuff, you'll be back. (They always do.)