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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NATOR View Post
    Metal, acoustic, rock???

    Classical myself. But haven't played at all in a year, and not seriously in 15.

    And I'm impressed with everyone else. (And yes, Ms. Pavlov, I wants cuppy cakes RIGHT NOW!!!!!!)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    I'd be interested in joining, let me check my scrapper to see if she has this badge if she does either my emp or blaster (archery/mental)

    You've done this before and want to do it again?
    I actually need this on all my characters, but kid's baseball unfortunately takes priority. Good luck all.
  3. Peterbilt

    Moderator 08


    (Is this thread funny by intent, or just accident?)
  4. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid

    Glad to hear the raid went well. We had to be at the band concert early so we were leaving the house at 4:20 PST. Didn't want to take a spot for something I knew I wouldn't be around at the end. (And I wouldn't even think about door sitting. So much about that is just wrong.)
  5. Congratz to both. Ok slacker, when will you solo the STF?
  6. Peterbilt

    PW's war journal

    If I remember correctly I think Protector has it in the play bylaws that you cannot be sober to play over there. I could be wrong. It was during a black-out so ...
  7. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid

    Ok. I just got the time for my son's band concert. We have to be at the school at 5:10 which means we have to leave the house around 4:40. Anyone up for a 30 minute raid from start to finish? (Oh I do so hope so.)
  8. Peterbilt

    Loss of a Hero

    I'll say a little prayer for him and his family. And G, you didn't say anything different than many of us also feel. I can't remember who said it but "Freedom isn't free." If brave men, and women, like Sgt. Vogeler aren't willing to fight for freedom, then tyrants will happily take it away from us.

    John Stuart Mill - "War is an ugly thing, but not hte ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse."

    May Sgt. Vogeler and his family find peace.
  9. Peterbilt

    *** Mental ***

    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    All we need now is an update on changes to respecs, because we're all about to do hundreds of them. >:[

    This makes me sad. I detest the respec system the way it is now.
  10. Peterbilt

    Hami Raid

    The time doesn't look promising to me but I'll be there if I can. Tank (not for hami taunt, but yellow taunt ok) or blaster, whichever is needed more.
  11. I think the zone looks great but agree that being excluded from early blue or red side lower level content is a bit of a drawback. I haven't played as much gold side as I thought I would but I am about to bring a Dom blue side.

    And as for some ATs just going away, such as tanks, last week I was no a mid level team where we picked up 3 low level tanks that were all less than a week old. It appears that some ATs will always find a place to play.
  12. Sorry to hear. I never played with her but my condolences goes out to those who did, and her friends and family.

  13. Gratz Cherry.

    (And shame on you Force. You sneek.)
  14. Peterbilt

    The Ultimatum

    Originally Posted by NIGHT_RUNNER View Post
    And some people (my wife included) even find me intelligent and witty on occasion.

    Proof, or it didn't happen.
  15. Hippo Bird day to you. Hope it was one that all your friends remember, and bonus points for however much you remember also.
  16. Peterbilt

    The Ultimatum

    Sounds like she was mad because you wouldn't PL her.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
    If he stopped sending all the blind supergroup invitations, it might help.
    Daredevil started a supergroup?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Sorry, but I think I'm done with the entire idea. Good luck with it.
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Thanks for your time.


    I feel so ... used.
  19. Great story and congratulations.

    V&V? Really? Might have just as well played Tunnels and Trolls.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    I talked to her a little while ago, and guess what? She wants to play COH tonight. Now that's a tough broad who really loves this game. She's the original Steel Magnolia.

    <3 Mom.

    Get that woman a laptop and a mobile network card. ASAP!
  21. Give that man a chandelier.
  22. Good to hear things went well for your Mom. We'll pray for her speedy recovery.
  23. Melee! pffff. Melee'rs are only good for keeping aggro off blasters.

    Actually, my favorite quote about scrappers is from BA. "Scrappers don't aggro mobs, mobs aggro scrappers."
  24. Fantastic. Wasn't sure a mind could overcome the healing nictus on the first Romy wave.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SaintJohnNB View Post
    Awesome and congrats all... 16 mins... I can't even decide which toon I want to play in less than 20...

    WOW... I am in awwwwww....

    LOL. It sometimes takes me 16 minutes just to log in.

    Gratz Hazy. Nice to see Liberty going from no raids to utter success.