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  1. Peterbilt

    Fun Tanks?

    Funny tank story, son was on an AE mission last night when he says for me to look at something. The other tank on the team, all around lvl 33, had only two attacks, punch and brawl.

    A couple minutes later he pointed out the lvl 34 scrapper without a travel power. Guess you see those things when you live in the AE building.
  2. Keep it private since we're all a bunch of exclusive malcontents anyway.

    And did I say I finally found the smilies?

    No one told me which makes me but after a little and then some I went and . So now I'm and .

    Wait, I'm not , that looks more like a happy which they have as .
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emmi_Blaze View Post
    *looks at PB*

    And how did you know where the super sekrit hiding place under the sofa was?
    Well, is there more than one sofa with a hiding place under it? You'll have to show me that one. But there is no way you're getting the secret hiding place under the Lay-z-boy out of me.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rookery. View Post
    Oh no Xero. No one needs putting down. Everyone is welcome here even that giant yellow ball of Haet.

    Here have a bowl of icecream.
    *sits down with xero's ice cream*

    Thank you very much. Hmmm, potatoe ice cream. wasn't expecting that.

    *hides under couch with Emmi*
    /e whisper, who are we hiding from and why hasn't someone sicked the Rookery. robot on them yet?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by its_Si View Post
    It is,well as far as my not eating bacon goes.

    Most guys just say..really I'll take her share.

    I'm not going to get into my dislike of icecream tho

    I guess you wouldn't like bacon ice cream then? But seriously, I know lots of people who don't eat meat and I myself have cut back, but if I didn't have ice cream I would just have to jump off a very tall building.
  6. Peterbilt

    Fun Tanks?

    I got a ice/fire tank to 50 and had a blast the whole time. I can see the drawback for ice on signiture TFs like Statesman because if the reliance on defense, but overall, great fun and lots of AoE.

    My son started a dark tank for 2x weekend and it is already lvl 32. I played it and the fear cloak is awesome. Don't have a good handle on it's tanking abilities yet but for one mission it was real fun.

    (I also tried fire, stone and shield tanks but couldn't get them past lvl 10 when I found the Ice tank fun. Might remake the shield with a mace. Can't remember his secondary right now.)
  7. Peterbilt

    Chat bug fixed!

    *puts on a tin foil body suit*
  8. Hello all. Welcome to flufferyville.

    Welcome to all the haters also. I find it so funny to get negative rep telling me I'm awful. (You have no idea. I sell insurance and steal money from widows and orphans. Nancy Pelosi thinks I'm a terrible person and all that before I even have my morning cup of coffee.)

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. A good friendship is so hard to make and so hard when it breaks apart.

    Well, I'm off to unfairly enrich myself through my evil capitalistic ways and take advantage of the lavish gifts given to me by the insurance companies. (I'm off to an afternoon baseball game.)

    Take care everyone!
  9. Oh dear Lord, what was I thinking not posting earlier. Must have been too distracted with the rollback.

    Hope you had a great B-day CK and many, many more to come.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cy_Jade View Post
    Hey guys, i noticed that the player guides section of the boards are down ( i assume since all the links are to the guides which were on the older boards an are now not avaliable) but i really need to look at a guide for my Sonic/EM blaster. Anyone know when the links to the guides will be back up, or if im just silly an missed something? thx in advance..
    I just noticed the same thing, all the links under the guide section are broken.
  11. Rookery is the best. Everyone who posts here regularly gets +rep from me.

    (to offset the haters. (grrrr. insert angry face here.)
    I so have to figure out those faces.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
    Holy crap! THIS is awesome. The guy only uses ballpoint pens. SRSLY!?

    Agreed. way cool. Wish I could draw better. Even my stick figures look crappy.
  13. What's wrong with all of you? I've have work to avoid and no one is posting. (insert angry emote which I can't find out how to make)

    Uhoh. Maybe you all started the super secret Rookery boards and didn't tell me about them and you are all mosting like crazy people over there? (insert teary eyed emote here which I can't figure out how to make that one either.)

    Oh well. Guess it's back to work for me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
    Isn't Elf_Stalker was the designate Troll for this topic? I guess it is nice that all the English speaking servers have been merged onto the same page and it's also easier to switch between the EU and NA servers. I expect it will cause a lot of culture shock for people though.

    I'm really gonna miss that auto spell checker feature cause I make more errors and typos than seems humanly possible.

    That assumes there IS any culture on the NA servers. From the look of this thread ... well, I guess this isn't a good example.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Hi, I'm having issues, too. Someone is spamming cross-posted messages across all the forums.

    That's so funny Dumple, I'm getting the same interferrence with my boards too. I think NCSoft should fix their boards RIGHT NOW! I did a search and it leads back to a firewall called "Tabrok". Can I avoid this by using a West Coast server?
  16. CO is not my cup of tea. While City is button mashing, there is at least a bit of logic in the order that you mash them. I was unable to put any logic to an attach chain in CO. I did like the character creation but there is a significant loss of detail, at least that I noticed, which surprised me with a new game.

    On another note, watched, but didn't get a chance to play, DC Online. It looks fantastic but I think, in the end, anything that is being made compatible with any game council will not be as sophisticated as one made solely for a PC.

    I love this game and love it more the more i play it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BreakneckBecky View Post
    Or do some poking online.


    this is a family board isn't is? (or are we going back to the "adult" board again?)
  18. I added a search tag - coffee and donuts.

    I'll also hang out the "open" sign.
  19. Viti D? My spouse has been tired and achy for YEARS!! And no one has been able to find out why. Was this a normal primary doctor or did you go to someone else? Seems a little far to drive out to your doc for bloodwork.

    Also, has anyone figured out how to make the letters bigger. I read this thread and got so bleary-eyed.

    And I can only figure out how to make basic emots
    What are some others?
  20. Social Groups function?

    Sounds like someone will be wasting some time today on this. (And I have work to do also.)
  21. Peterbilt

    The Tally

    Played Friday, Saturday and Sunday but didn't get much done. Wonder how that happened.

    Mann Eater +3 lvls
    scrapper 32 to 34
    NOTW blaster 6M infl

    but my son did real well, made a dark tanker 1 to 33 in two days.
  22. Poo problems happen and kids at school can always be solved with the business end of a .38 snub-nose.

    but seriously, you should think about taping the lid up so he doesn't have to worry about the time issue. It won't take too long before he learns to give himself more time.
  23. Peterbilt

    And we're BACK!

    Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
    +1 Rep for discovering this!
    I would if I hadn't maxed out rep points already.

    Also another dismaying tidbit, no automatic quote pyramids.
    I'm starting to get grouchy. Guess I better start taking advantage of 2xp weekend. Katie anyone? I need the inf.
  24. And Soul's got an old, but lovely, avi back.

    Has anyone else noticed the "reputation" scales? Grrrr. another popularity contest. (Would have given you a + soul but I maxed out for today.)
  25. Peterbilt

    And we're BACK!

    Something else for the popularity contest -- reputation! Just click on the scales under everyone's name and give them + or - reputation.

    Do I see abuse coming with this?