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  1. Man oh man, thank you so much for all the hard work and for delivering the greatest game on the internet with a happy smile. Won't say goodbye, just see ya around. I'm quite certain we haven't seen the last of a man with your talent & devotion. Take care, Andy, and enjoy the time off with the family
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestriel View Post
    ...so please, either post on here or simply email me anything. also if you have questions please let me know. Thanks for your time and hope to see you on the BIG PHOTO SHOOT DAY!!!!

    PS , email is celestriel69@yahoo.com
    Any time is good except Tuesday & Thursday afternoons for me.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Dispari</span> View Post
    I'm not playing any other MMOs. I didn't enjoy WoW, Aion, GW, RO, GE, or CO. I have no idea where I'm going to go now.

    Mostly I don't know what to do with my modern-day themed characters, or Arachnos-inspired characters. I just can't take characters like these to some medieval fantasy setting game.

    Where is everyone going? I'd like some ideas and some discussions on what games offer what.
    CoH is a perfect fit for me. I certainly don't want to go back to playing yet another elf/dwarf/hobbit vs dragons & orcs game. Looked at Champions, GW, LinII, etc, they don't do it for me at all, the character creation is so limited as to be stagnant and the graphics are a poor cousin. There's just nothing like Paragon.

    (later) Well, Secret World looks interesting. Downloading it now but will probably not play till tomorrow as it has a few hours to go (and SuddenLink is notoriously drop-happy) but we shall see. If it's a keeper I'll let you know.
  4. I've played video games for decades (since Pong) but CoX has been my favorite by far. My sweetie had never played before we met, but I introduced her to video gaming via CoH and she quickly became a prime player, she knows more about it than me! It has been a major part of our relationship, though not the most important part, and it will be difficult to replace.
  5. Everybody seems to hate #2 ... so I vote for #2 so it won't feel so bad.
  6. Sounds like Cardio is the way to go. Thanks for the input
  7. I just now opened my alpha slot for my Invulnerable / Super Strength tank and am curious to hear your thoughts on what would be the best path to follow ... muscular? agility? vigor? Or something completely different?
  8. Ouroboris


    I would like the options to 1) fight from the board and 2) to give the board different colors. A big smokey dark wizardly controller flitting about on a perky red flying surfboard is just out of character somehow. Let us make it black & purple (or whatever), and allow us to fire back at those toadies who think it's cool to snipe at a hero who's just minding their own business and not hurtin' nobody nohow as we glide across the sky.
  9. Ouroboris

    Stolen artwork?

    Notice that the thief thoughtfully removed "Drew Gardner `06" from the lower left corner.
    I've reported three, and am so hoping he gets busted!
  10. Have to agree on this, it was the first thing that made me sit back with a puzzled look on my face. Smooth the jump so it's more like an animal jumping, the way it is now looks like he'd throw his back out and spend the next few weeks in traction trying to jump like that.


    Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
    Subjective Feedback: The Beast Run jump animation doesn't feel right, going from a horizontal run, straight into a 2 feet vertical pose while jumping seems ... off ... The body should probably be a 45 degree angle forwards with arms out in front, not to the side, then on the down of the jump, rotate the body so it would land hands first.

    Also ... I feel that after attacking while using beast run, the player should do a standard run animation while the travel suppression is in effect, then after the suppression finishes (if still moving forwards), goes back in to the all 4s beast run.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mammalian View Post
    Try starting CoH in safe mode....
    Tried that, didn't work with my desktop PC.
  12. Sending Influence or items via email isn't a good idea, but I would definitely like to see a Bank Of Paragon City. It's not always convenient (especially if you like to play at 2:00am) to find a friend to help you transfer influence, and if you want to transfer influence between servers it's impossible. Your only option is to use Wentworth's; have Mr Poor find a cheap item nobody is offering, buy one & put it up for sale, log off, log on Mr Rich, move Mr Rich from wherever he's hanging out to the nearest Wentworth's, have him buy the item for the amount of influence you want to transfer, log off, trot back to Mr Poor's server, log in, have Mr Poor collect the influence ... only to find that Wentworth's appropriated about 10% of your influence for the "convenience".

    This. Blows. Chunks.

    Come on, Devs. You're giving us the ability to change our power colors in I-16. YAY. We can change a toon from a tiny bookworm of a guy to a giant insect at the click of a button. WHOOT. You created Wentworth's, which is a pretty good thing even though some people love to buy low and sell so freaking high you can't even think about getting a decent set of purples for your 50s unless you have at least a billion Influence on hand. Um ... yay. Certainly you can create a bank system that will allow us to deposit Influence (and perhaps even earn interest just like a real bank?) and allow one of our alts to collect that influence from any server, either hero or villain side, and not have to lose 10% in the process. This should be a walk in the park, and it would actually be USEFUL for a change. Certainly more useful than pink ice or blue fire. What is the harm?